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Everything posted by colossus86

  1. The only player phase units that really out perform him now are 5 star locked. Being an elite budget option is as good a niche as any
  2. Unless they like give her 3 alts between now and then i fully expect her to run away with the female division. The race for 2nd will be very intetrsting through.
  3. This should clear up the Lon'qu thing. Guess we really can't imply anything without knowing the exact Japanese
  4. Overall i like these refines. Lon'qu gets a damage boost to help him keep up with the rest of his class. Tana gets something to do outside of flyer comps and it has synergy with her native Guidance. Innes gets an interesting niche. He can run something like windsweep with a poison strike seal to be a chip damage specialist. Kindoff akward he has an enemy phase leaning base effect and a player phase refine but what can you do. They haven't been willing to throw out a weapon's base effect unless its totaly outdated (i.e. Alphonse and Celica) and while Owl may be akward at times on him the effect its self isn't obsolete.
  5. Let's say its a similar deal to last time: you get 7 votes for 7 characters, previous winners are ineligible, and lets say they fix the vote splitting issue by putting everyone with multiple appearances as a single character, and there would be a supplementary vote afterwards to decide which version the alt would be based on So my list goes like this: ALM: gotta put one up for my fellow left hander. If IS won't give us Conqueror bow Alm, we'll have to take it from them CAMUS/ZEKE/SIRIUS: My favorite horse boi, really loved watching his arc over 3 games. Would love to have a summonable version SHEENA: One of my favorite armor units and an opportunity to right the wrong of not making her a bow armor in the first place ELINCIA: I really didn't like her art when she came out and I'd be a nice opportunity to give her more fitting mature art and a permanent pool flying healer ARVIS: Favorite villain in the entire series and the summonable tome armor we all deserve MIST: I wish Ike's only living family wasn't so bad. Could be sword or staff PALLA:Best Whitewing got so shafted. They could branch into her draco/falco promotions to give her swords lances or axes
  6. Not necessarily, i wouldn't pull for Soleil because i have heard of her and actively dispise her. Some rando from fe5 I've never heard of i might get a chance if their design is nice or they fill a role i need
  7. Part of it is just expectations. Most People tend to see the series through the lens of their first or favourite game and on both counts for me that's PoR, which is comparatively light on comedy and restrained with its character designs. Alot of the silliness of the 3ds games was kindof offputting for me (though certainly not all of it, i dug Azama and Orochi amoung other things). That being said, part of the beauty of the series is that FE reinvents itself every 2-3 games so while alot about the 3ds titles didn't work for me, it did for other people and the series will always move on to some new fascination. I'm sure some will lament certain aspects of the 3ds titles being left behind or heavily modified in Three Houses but it's also exciting to know no matter where the series is, it won't stay there forever
  8. Tits are extremely divisive in this community. @Xenomata for me the fact that Kagero is more understated is exactly the reason i like her. Characters like Arthur came off so hammy i could never really get into them. I'd take understated bordering on bland over a character so quirky you can't by a person ever behaving like this. (Not saying that's what Arthur is btw)
  9. My guess is it's about cashflow. Seasonals demand you pull now since they're so limited in timeframe. Also there's the weapon problem. Currently swords, lances, and axes all have strong budget and luxury options in the permanent pool: (Draug/Zephiel, Effie/Hector, Sheena/Grima) but these new armor units all have weapon types previously unused so even people already invested in armor teams will be tempted to pull. It really doesn't help that armors are melee locked outside of Marth's games and Jugdral which have their popular units certainly, but none who are armored
  10. It will be interesting to see how they bring beasts in. Will they all be colorless or semi randomly distributed throughout the colors like dragons. Maybe they'll sort them by species but who knows
  11. There's a segment of the playerbase that simply won't pull for things that don't score well in arena. Additionally there are only 21 armors that are summonable in some capacity, half the number of flyers btw, so its not like the game is over flowing with them. I do wish IS would add more armors to the perminant pool instead of flooding seasonals, but alot of canonically armored units aren't very popular so what can you do.
  12. Why? They just released a colorless bow unit and they probably changed the colors on this one just to avoid sharing
  13. @Ice Dragon @Kaden I meant to say "in the permanent pool" i just feel like theres so little point in using Laslow when Chrom and Ogma are sitting right there in 3-4 star
  14. Yeah due to pair up not existing and supports being fundamentally different alot of them really don't work out. Hopefully they'll do something for poor laslow since he might literally be the worst sword infantry in the game
  15. One thing I've noticed is they tend to "tank" the color of the new legendary with at least one unit lacking in good fodder (see azura and myrrh) so i suspect they'll steer the red picks that way
  16. Guess I'll hop in this In order of obtained: Rhajat B!Ike+5 (1 free to sniped 3 pity breakers) Marth*+3 Soren* B!Lyn+1 Sigurd Fjorm(free) Sothe Ursula* Ryoma+1 (both pity breakers fuck this guy) Black Knight F!Corrin* L!Ike (free) Gunnthra+1 Arvis* Katerina Felicia* Lloyd* Gerome Olivia* Xander* Legion* Clairesse* Berkut* Saias* Camus* Finn* Dorcus Azama* PA!Shigure Ishtar Minerva Lukas* F!Morgan Sheena* Hardin+2 Amelia Karla+2 Merric* Julia Linus Nanna Flying Nino B!Roy+1 (both pity breakers) Azura Clair*+3 Myrrh Genny Jaffar+2 Y!Tiki Flying Hinoka Shigure Ike F!Celica M!Marth M!Morgan Walhart* L!Ryoma F!Takumi Titania*+3 WT!Olwen Libra* Cherche*+1 B!Veronica+1 WT!Reinhardt L!Marth Zelgius Oboro* Lene B!Lucina+1 Ethlyn Gray Eldigan Laegjarn Michiah L!Hector+1
  17. Well in Takumi's case maybe you could argue that he was considered a good to decent unit back in the day so they didn't want to go crazy with his weapon, maybe? As for Anna while i do like her weapon from a thematic/character standpoint, i do think it's absolutely awful what they did with her especially in the context that the only reason most players will ever use Anna is as an emergency arena bonus unit.
  18. You also have to remember that you can't separate a weapon from who's actually allowed to use it. Clair and Caeda have awful attack stats and in circumstances where they have no effective damage or special activation they really struggle to kill even squishy units. Weapon refines are meant to bring some semblance of balance to unbalanced statlines so naturally they're not all going to be perfectly in line with one another.
  19. Speaking of baffling weapons, can we talk about Gae Bolg? So it's pretty clear that the weapon only has one effect and not an absurd one at that. +5 Atk/Def in combat is an effect given by a bond skill on a unit we all got for free. The difference is that of "coverage". By coverage i mean the vague% of situations where you can actually benefit from an effect. Take Atk +3 for example, it has perfect coverage in the sense that in any circumstance where your atk stat is used, you benefit from it's effect. This is in contrast with Death Blow 3, which provides double the effect but only in combat, and only on player phase. Fierce stance is the same thing but enemy phase. Fire boost works duel phase but requires an hp check at the start of combat. So for a stronger effect requires less coverage to remain balanced, that's why spurs give more stats than drives. So the question with Gae Bolg is does it's immense coverage justify the lack of 2nd effect on the weapon. Keep in mind: It works on every non flier which I'm guessing is like 75% of the cast It works duel phase unlike blows/stances It doesn't have an hp check or threshold like boosts or Guard It doesn't require specific positioning like bonds or solo skills It doesn't compare his stats to his opponents like heavy blade It doesn't depend on his opponents statline like light brand It doesn't depend on his opponents weapon type like close/distant def So the question presented is: does all of that coverage for what's ultimately a solid but unspectacular effect worth the absence of any 2nd effect? I have no idea since i don't have a Quan nor have a fought many but im curious what people think.
  20. Thani is one of the most baffling weapons in the entire game. No matter how you look at it, it seems to have an extra effect. My only theory, and this is me reaching, is that Thani was released before wing sword, and after seeing Thani in live action they made the decision to only give one efdective damage for free. And this just goes to show as much fun as speculating can be, ultimately IS can and will do whatever they want and they clearly don't feel the need to justify it to us.
  21. The Bolt Axe in PoR was eff dragons only because everything that had anything to do with lightning in Tellius was eff against dragon laguz. It's Extremely unlikely that would carry over into heroes especially given the absence of laguz from the game. If anything, I'd just be the axe version of light brand
  22. Both adaptaive damage on breaths and single instance eff damage are considered "free effects" by IS so as far as they're concerned, Tikis weapon is on par with Expiration. Its the same reason Jaffar's deathly dagger isn't considered to have 3 effects. The def/res debuff is free for refined daggers. There's no way that Ninian weapon would fly until we hit gen 3 weapons. And i would imagine they'd introduce that with new heroes to sell a banner rather than refines. I know the whole free effect thing can be a bit tough to justify but consider this: if the other team doesn't have dragons, Divine Mist is identical to Expiration. If god forbid, the other team doesn't have dragons or ranged units, tiki is litetally using an unrefined flametongue.
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