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Posts posted by Athicus

  1. 17 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Made a slight edit to stop Mage being able to promote to Arch Sage from two different tier 2 classes. Now Wizards promote to Thamatugys, which means they've also swapped out light magic for dark magic. Looking at the word's origin, it's meant to describe miracles brought about by distinctly non religious means, so dark magic works I think. Although now oddly dark magic is more prevalent than light magic on the tree.

    I also added a poll to see if I should use some of the Echoes Overclass names instead of my current ones. If anyone has any other suggestions for names or anything else then I'm all ears (I've always thought Thamatugy is a bit unwieldly as names go talking of that class).

    As it happens I did think of a few alternative names as I was looking over this. Keep in mind these are all down to personal preference, though.

    Firstly I’d swap Mage Fighter out for Spellblade, since the word Fighter is mostly associated with axes throughout the series and I’d say Spellblade gives a clearer picture of the tools that class can utilise.

    Then there’s Hide Hunter which I think could either be Poacher or Predator, depending on the feel you want for it. Poacher allows it to be more of a bandit style class that can show up often in enemy groups late game, while Predator gives more of a Ranger-y feel.

    As for Thaumaturge, I do agree that it something isn’t quite right with it. “Arcanist” did pop into my mind but I’m not sure if it would be distinctly better, especially since there are other classes it would be more appropriate for.

  2. - Sleazy barkeeper, as flirtatious as Laslow, with none of the actual charm

    - Mildly perverted old swordmaster

    - Socially awkward thief who chose the profession specifically to avoid human interaction

    - Braggadocio mercenary who tells stories of feats he hasn’t actually accomplished, his only real talent is lying

    - By extension, said mercenary’s son, inspired by his father’s tales to do even greater things: but unlike the father, the son actually succeeds at achieving great feats of heroism.

  3. Never tried a 4-tier system myself. I’ll give it a bit of a shot.



    Mage (Anima)

    Promotes to Spellblade and Sage


    Spellblade (Sword, Anima)

    Promotes to Dark Knight and Crusader

    Sage (Anima, Staff)

    Promotes to Sorcerer and Strategist


    Dark Knight (Sword, Anima, Dark, Cavalry)

    Promotes to Nephilim

    Crusader (Sword, Anima, Light, Armoured)

    Promotes to Purifier

    Sorcerer (Anima, Dark, Staff)

    Promotes to Dracomage

    Strategist (Anima, Light, Staff, Cavalry)

    Promotes to Valkyrie


    Nephilim (Sword, Axe, Anima, Dark, Cavalry)

    Purifier (Sword, Lance, Anima, Light, Armoured)

    Dracomage (Anima, Dark, Staff, Flying, Dragon)

    Valkyrie (Anima, Light, Staff, Flying, Cavalry)

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