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  1. Is that the desert map one located in the top right of the history map? Using Camilla's flight and then hitting X is fast and effective. She will do a barrel roll then slam the ground, just avoid the captains and go after the little guys worked for me, you can do enough damage to them stronger units that coming back around and hitting the warrior special (A) attack cleans them all up relatively quickly. So far this tactic is working out for any timed onslaught.
  2. Nevermind done it... finally. Turns out using Camilla's flight (B) and then X to slam repeatedly does the job really well.
  3. As which hero? Im using Lissa and her 3 attack then strong rather alot (the one where she spins forward four times with her axe) covers a fair amount of ground and anyone in the way. Only got Lissa and Camilla to use, and Camilla's attacks seem to take a little longer than Lissa. And yus turns out you can, thanks for that tip.
  4. 2000!? well shit... Im on the 3DS version and cant even break 1700 D:
  5. With the timed onslaught mission (with a cavalier as the unit on the map) on the bottom right, how many kills do I have to get to achieve S rank? I just managed to get 1616 kills but still getting A rank T_T
  6. I did one battle and the flames went away... -_-
  7. This game has been acting weird for me a little since the last update :/ turns out its human error now apparently. Previously it wouldnt let me play anything else but its fine now :/ thanks anyways peoples :3
  8. ...I have done all the missions on the Invisible ties except the one that I cant do D: the only other missions are blocked by a wall of flame D: I'll give getting an S rank a try though and hope for the best :3
  9. Non distortion missions in story mode or history mode? Cause this one distortion mission is the only thing I can do in the Invisible Ties.
  10. Hallo once again forum people, Im having a little problem with history mode and removing one wall of flames. There is a space-time distortion (portal?) thing and when I move over it I get a message saying "Clear all battles without space-time distortions" and another saying " Clear story mode chapter 14" I have completed chapter 14 twice on normal and hard, so what does the first message refer to? Do I just have to clear every mission that has the space-time distortions by first removing the distortions first and then finish?
  11. Thanks for all the help everyone, turns out I either didnt get, or didnt see, the prompt telling me how to change characters, but I figured it was simply changing heroes on the map deployment screen -_- Welp, time to have some dragon fun :D
  12. Any idea which chapter she is unlockable in? I finished all 20 main story chapters so Im missing something?
  13. Can someone tell me if it is possible to play as Tiki in Fire Emblem Warriors 3DS? Have I missed something when it comes to unlocking her or is she not playable but maybe going to be a DLC character soon enough? I love dragons so yeah, fighting as her would be the best!
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