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Everything posted by anniec8711

  1. Happy Birthday to the Ice Tribe Twins: Flora and Felicia!
  2. Welcome Cas! Have fun and do enjoy yourself! Would love to see some of you're drawings too! :)
  3. Chapter 25 Capturables: Ninjas . . . On Lunatic Mode, these a**holes come with the skill Inevitable End which removes debuff stacking limits, but lose this skill once they are captured. This is where Shurikenbreaker comes in as it will undoubtedly save your life against all this Lunatic Ninja Bulls**t. On Hard Mode these guys are much more manageable to deal with. As allies they are decent if you need a last some last minute ranged reinforcements, or if your Kaze got killed off. Statwise, they stack up nicely to the Ninja Bros falling somewhere in the middle. Here's the numbers breakdown (HP/STR/MAG/SKL/SPD/LCK/DEF/RES): Ch 25 Ninja - Level 15 - 43/24/0/31/31/11/17/29 Kaze - Level 15 - 38/22/0/30/38/12/15/32 Saizo - Level 15 - 36/28/15/37/28/25/24/19 Skills are kinda meh and I was kind of expecting more, especially with Inevitable End being enemy exclusive. I ended up catching this guy: Chapter 25 - Hard - Master Ninja w/ Poison Strike, Grisly Wound - On Kagero's side of the Map. The ones next to the MOA w/ Axebreaker and MOA w/ Lancebreaker come with Max rank in swords and A-rank in Shurikens - Having Poison Strike at Level 15 enables these these guys to learn both Shurikenfaire and Replicate without using an Eternal Seal, so that's good. GW + PS is a dirty combo that helps take out high HP/DEF enemies (at least 40% damage on PP and 20% on EP). I do prefer these ninjas over the ones with Savage Blow on Saizo's side. Those dudes do not come with PS, so having to learn it instead means having to burn an Eternal Seal to get both Replicate and Shurikenfaire. And I do like GW better than Savage Blow since it activates on both phases, which IMO is more valuable than 20% AOE on the PP only. Chapter 25 - Hard - Master of Arms w/ Pavise, Aegis Chapter 25 - Hard - Master of Arms w/ Death Blow, Certain Blow - Also on Kagero's side and comes in Guard Stance with the above Master of Arms - One's offensive and one's defensive. At level 16 they won't be able to learn their entire skillset (unless they ES), but then again I don't think that the MOA class skills mesh well with these unique skills anyways. Reclassing one or both as Swordmasters might be not be a bad idea as they do get a bump in Skill and Speed, and the offensive MOA will definitely love the SM's innate critical bonus that stacks with Death Blow. Keeping him as an MOA for Great Club access is also a viable route, being boosted by Certain Blow. Other MOA's you might consider capturing (though I did not) come with various unique skills: Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Axebreaker, Countermagic, Lancefaire (only come with one skill each). I didn't bother catching any of the swordmasters in this level as none of the skills excited me. Statwise they're okay though.
  4. Ditto. Plus you can capture awesome enemies to join your team: such as a ninja with Move +1/Grisly Wound/Poison Strike, Haitaka who's arguably a better Spear Fighter than Oboro, an MOA with 4 rallies, and Spear Masters with 3 rallies + Amaterasu! (Gotta play on Lunatic though, lol)
  5. Happy Birthday Grandma Nyx! Dang, I really wished I aged as well as she did!
  6. Hi Sylvi! Welcome aboard! I've enjoyed my time here so far and I hope you have similar experiences!
  7. I got you! Wary Fighter is up on my MC. Castle Address is 06902-89667-08522-85918
  8. DANG! No love for the one-eyed outlaw? It's all good though. I get it. The purpose of this thread is to identify unique capturable enemies you can use on your teams. Whether or not to use these enemy units, and Niles to capture them is completely up the player. To each his own (or her). Should have Chapters 25 and 26 up soon. Quite underwhelmed by these capturables overall, but the ones on 26 come with massive skill upgrades on Lunatic (credit to @NSSKG151 for first pointing them out).
  9. That's a good point actually. If you're gonna be a villain, why not go all out? You might as well . . . EMBRACE THE DARK.
  10. Little Princess?! Who taught you how to talk like that?!! It was Niles, wasn't it?!
  11. Morality is an illusion . . . JK, Hoshido for sure! :P
  12. Niles never really turns out stellar for me statwise but still decent enough to do what's asked of him. Niles' value is in his versatility and access to some pretty awesome units you couldn't otherwise get (Haitaka, Gazak, Rallyman, etc). Warp serves as a great late game skill that enables him to capture enemies on opposite ends of the map. I don't really use children units extensively in my runs, except Percy and Ophelia. I might on later runs though. Velouria seems pretty fun to use. Enemies in invasion battles are Vallite soldiers unfortunately, and thus can't be captured. That is a shame too. Quick Draw + Elbow Room is pretty good skill combo!
  13. Niles to me is top tier due to his early join and can double right out of the gate, often without retaliation. Having locktouch (and healing later) makes him a vital unit. He can handle most types of enemies: mages with his high RES, ninjas with WTA, obviously fliers, and physical units with Shining Bow. I do agree that he can lag behind in the later chapters especially with his shaky STR, SKL, and DEF growths. So I S-rank him with Mozu to patch his damage and hit, and HP+5 from Arthur helps him out. Niles is such a versatile unit that can fill so many different roles depending on what your team needs, especially in a game lacking in healers and bow users. This is what I usually have him rocking in-game: Skills - Locktouch,Warp, Certain Blow, Quick Draw, Bowfaire (I also swap some skills for Malefic Aura, HP+5, or Shurikenbreaker depending on the map) Equipment - Killer Bow, Shining Bow, Setsuna's Yumi, Bloom/Sun Festal Any unique capturables from Birthright are welcome as well! Compared to CQ, enemies in BR rarely have skills outside their class sets. The only such case that comes to mind is the Strategist Boss Daniela from Chapter 14 who has Savage Blow. But if you come across any more enemies with unique skills on BR, be sure to put them here!
  14. Chapter 20 is the only chapter you can capture Great Masters in Conquest. Make sure to capture the ones with Seal Speed (best debuff in the game) and not Seal Resistance (which only benefits a fraction of your party). Two start out somewhere near the center of the map. You are correct about Great Master reinforcements, and I think they come with Seal Speed. If I am not mistaken they appear from the Southwest, but I forgot which turn. These Great Masters are awesome units to have: staff users that can use Bolt Naginata out of the gate, and eventually get Renewal which greatly complements Seal Speed for some very effective frontline utility. If you prefer offense over utility, there are Spear Masters with Renewal you can capture instead. I definitely encourage you to incorporate generics into your team and see what backstories you can come up with for them. I modeled Kenshi's backstory after Saul from FE6. Keep in mind, names for generics are randomized, so you're Great Master will most likely have a different name. To answer your question, generic growths are for the most part mediocre. But as you get farther into the game, base stats for promoted generics (Heroes, Spear Masters, etc) are pretty decent and usually offset their below-average growth rates. Promoted generics turned out pretty good for me, whereas my base class generics were okay offensively but ended up rather flimsy on defense. Generally I would hold off capturing base class generics (samurais, archers, diviners, etc.) unless they come with really good unique skills. This is especially true with regards to Paralogue capturables, whose stats correspond to your progress in the game. You'd want to wait until they are promoted since their base stats rise at a rate higher than their generic growths. Plus you get free weapon ranks, which is very valuable since you don't have to E-grind their secondary weapons. Off the top of my head, some really good base class generics you can capture: Chapter 11 - Lunatic Only - Samurai w/ Armored Blow, Lunge, in the Center Room Chapter 11 - Lunatic Only - Ninja w/ Seal Speed, Rinkah's Room Chapter 13 - Hard and Up - Wyvern Rider w/ Quick Draw, next to Scarlett and western reinforcements Chapter 14 - Hard and Up - Archer w/ Poison Strike, a couple spread out throughout the map Chapter 16 - Hard and Up - Dark Mage w/ Seal Defense, western end of the ship Chapter 16 - Hard and Up - Mercenary w/ Armored Blow, eastern end of the ship. I would rather catch the hero due to high axe rank. Chapter 17 - Hard and Up - Shrine Maiden w/ Locktouch, near the lower center of the map
  15. There are threads where you can post your skill requests. If you own the NA version, post here. If you own the EU/AUS version, post here. You might have better luck on those threads.
  16. I agree with the general opinion here. FE6 is not the ideal game to initiate yourself into the FE franchise. FE7 and FE8 are better options for your first game, with much more generous learning curves. I would suggest FE8 (Sacred Stones) because it offers grinding opportunities for experience and supports outside the main game.
  17. There are threads where you can post your skill requests. If you own the NA version, post here. If you own the EU/AUS version, post here.
  18. Rutger: awesome class, hard mode bases, doubles out of the gate, is a crit machine once promoted, supports with 2 other top tier characters who have great affinities
  19. Yea I get that. Using generics feels as if you're using "empty" units with no back story or personality. But the portraits for the generic units are pretty well done in my opinion. And I find it fun to create backstories for them, and it gives me some level of attachment to them. I usually base them on the circumstance of their chapter they were captured in and/or who managed to convince them in join while they were in prison. Have fun with it and see what stories you can come up with. Here are a couple of mine to give you ideas on your next run: Reinhard, Wyvern Rider (Chapter 14): A young, patriotic, and impressionable wyvern rider from Cheve. A devout student of Scarlett and member the resistance who readily takes up arms against the Nohrian invaders. Very bitter about being captured and not being there to defend Cheve as the Nohrians brutally massacre his countrymen and comrades. His hatred for Nohr only intensifies from the site of Hans brutally executing his beloved mentor Scarlett, whom he looked up to as an elder sister. Eventually convinced by fellow wyvern rider Beruka, when he learns of Corrin's true intentions and is promised a chance for vengeance against Hans. Strikes up a friendship with the former that stems from their common profession. They exchange anything wyvern related ranging from riding technique, saddle types, to which foods are best to feed their steeds. Kenshi, Great Master (Chapter 20): Infamously known as "Krazy Kenshi" among the Hoshidan Holy Order. Even Azama once remarked that Kenshi "really needs to get his shit together." Spends more time hitting on Shrine Maidens than his training. He also passes time by putting on his mask to scare little kids. The head of priests sent him to work under Fuga thinking that would straighten him out. This proved fruitless as all he would do was hit on the Falcon Knights and go on drinking binges with Hayato. Fuga has had enough of this twit and his prayers to get rid of him are answered when the winds blow him conveniently into the path of Niles who swiftly captures him. Strangely enough, it is Laslow who convinces him to join. Sensing a kindred Spirit, the retainer entices Kenshi with the prospect of waves upon waves of "exotic" Nohrian women. It is a prospect that the Great Master readily accepts.
  20. Lot of great information contributed so I will try my best not to regurgitate old information. That is a great thing to do. In Hard Mode supports are very important and could be the difference between life and death, especially if you get RNG screwed. You might want to consider to start forming 2 strong support triangles (as mentioned earlier), and you can start working on them right away. This will be the nucleus of your team. - Roy, Allen, Lance: Allen/Lance at A and B's with Roy - Since Roy is obligatory, might as well support him arguably the two best units in the game. I usually save Roy's last support for Marcus. -Clarine, Rutger, Dieck: Clarine/Rutger at A and B's with Dieck - Turns Clarine into a dodge tank, Rutger into a crit machine, and Dieck as a solid frontliner with decent defense and crit. If you plan it out right, you can have the RAL triangle fully formed at the end of Chapter 4 and the CRD triangle formed after Chapter 7. There is a limited amount of support points per chapter (120? someone confirm or correct), so character placing is important since you don't want characters you don't plan on using taking up precious support points (I'm looking at you Wolt!). These 6 units can carry you pretty far in the game. Other supports to consider: - Miledy, Zeiss: These wyverns are awesome, especially with insane hard mode bonuses! You could merge Ellen into a support triangle with them if you want, since she can support them both. It's risky but Ellen's wind affinity helps the wyverns immensely on offense. - Sue, Shin: Nomads > Archers due to greater mobility and access to swords once they promote. I go Sacae route, so merging Dayan for a triangle is a viable option. - Percival, Klein: Two awesome pre-promotes that benefit greatly benefit from Hard Mode boosts. Percival comes with LOL bases and could end up being better than Allen and Lance. Klein can link up with Dieck to form a formidable 5-man support team. You're probably pretty deep into a current Hard Mode file, but just something to think about on your next run :) Also in terms of "managing level-ups," I am not sure what you mean by this. You are pretty much at the mercy of the RNG gods. But as a user on here stated earlier, growths shouldn't kill your run. From my experiences units tend to stay true to their growths. I did make a stat-projection spreadsheet to make sure that my units weren't falling too far behind in certain stats, and I always save my stat boosters for those units who need them.
  21. Looking for Quick Draw for Kana (M). Thank you for your help!
  22. Another way to give her Fighter is to S with Keaton. He gives her a ridiculous +7/4/2 boost to STR/SPD/DEF on pair-up. And Velouria turns out quite vicious. Plus the purple streak in her hair is very cute :)
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