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Posts posted by edgelordweeaboo

  1. On 5/16/2018 at 10:45 AM, Armagon said:

     If these leaks are real, i'm skipping this game. Game Freak has been sucking Gen 1's dick too much recently.

    I wouldn't be as upset if these games came much later but the fact that Gen 8 is opening up with what is basically a remake of Pokemon Yellow pisses me off. I would've much rather had a new region, or, if we really had to revisit an old one, why not Sinnoh?


    they've been sucking gen 1's dick because they're probably preparing for another set of kanto remakes since FR/LG are the most outdated games without a remake currently even if they themselves are remakes.

  2. No. There's not many games similar to Fire Emblem and not many developers have actually made games like Fire Emblem before. I don't think any other company has the right experience with making that kind of game and other companies I'm sure would do Fire Emblem in a different way than IS to an extent. I'd rather stick with IS, I wouldn't trust another developer to actually make a good Fire Emblem game.

  3. PoR is the better of the two but they're both decent. I used to like RD better but upon replaying both I think PoR is the better game. PoR's plot isn't as good as Genealogy of the Holy War or Thracia 776 but it's pretty good. The gameplay is pretty enjoyable, although would be more enjoyable if you could fully turn off animations because even the map animations take way too long. RD's story is convoluted and relies too much on shit like blood contracts for plot convenience and really just is kind of a mess. The gameplay is pretty good and with how many units there are the game has decent replay value but some of the game just feels like a complete slog to get through, especially since you have to beat the game once before you unlock the ability to turn off animations entirely. I used to like it a lot better than I do now but after replaying it I felt the games issues a little bit more than I did the first time around. It's still a fun game and it's worth playing if you like Fire Emblem. Overall the gameplay is pretty solid. I'd recommend playing both of them if you enjoy Fire Emblem.

  4. reptilian people, mark zuckerberg seems to be the main villain but at the end of the game zuckerberg is defeated and it's revealed that george soros was the true leader of the reptilians and you have to defeat the reptilians to protect the world from the evils of science and technology. takes place some time between shadow dragon and awakening, explaining why technology didn't progress for 3000 years between the two games, because the reptilians controlling the world and creating alien technology were defeated

  5. absolutely, there haven't been any details about it yet and it's around the time that new pokemon games are usually announced right now so there probably won't be any details soon. it might get announced at E3 but if they announce it that late i highly doubt it'll be released later this year. plus with said pokemon game and smash competing with it, like others have said, nintendo probably won't want it competing with smash and pokemon especially since those games are almost for sure going to come out late this year and if the fire emblem game is released this year it will also probably be released towards the end of the year pretty close to the release of smash and pokemon. i'm betting on a spring 2019 release if anything.

  6. some of them were okay but for the most part i'm not a fan of it. i think the problem was most prominent in fates though. why can't someone just be evil? the game would have been so much better that way instead of what they did with garon. i don't like lyon either and i think he would have been better if he had just lost it instead of being possessed by a demon king and that being his only reason. i might be missing something with lyon though since i've never actually finished a run where i went ephraim's route since i dropped the run where i went ephraim's route after beating the ephraim exclusive maps. on the other hand i think it was done a little bit better with julius because he was still just an evil piece of shit and they didn't just try to make it like the villain is possessed and isn't actually evil just for the sole purpose of having the villain not actually be evil. i liked hardin too because of how he ended up becoming possessed and because he was a more interesting character before and afterwards than garon or lyon. i think a lot of the time having a villain be possessed just takes away from the character when they could instead have the villain have real reasons to do what they're doing if they really want to make a villain who isn't truly evil.


  7. i hate Kotaro, i never go out of my way to keep Saizo alive and he's such a pain in the ass to kill, at that point in the game he's always able to one round anyone on my team since he has a flame shuriken and i never really have reliable hit rates against him. the only unit for me that consistently works against kotaro is shura and even that can be risky. i also turtle that chapter pretty hard so it's a total pain in the ass if i have to reset

  8. Canas - That shaman from FE7 who was a cool dude and also did more against the final boss than any of the lords

    Gonzales - Just give him 4 secret books and he one shots everybody

    Shin - forever stat blessed

    Lewyn - Forseti

    Ulster - Destroys everyone with Ayra/Lex pairing until he falls off a little bit because he can't be a swordmaster

    Homer - just wants pussy

    Miledy - Best wyvern knight

    Mareeta - Shreds armies, never gets hit

    Makalov - Nice haircut

    Aran - Carries every dawn brigade chapter after he gets like 5 levels

    Ray - I remember that one time he got speed blessed, good times, still always solid 

    Heath - the other best wyvern knight, carried with farina

    Dieck - cool guy

    Thany (Shanna) - best pegasus knight, name will always be Thany to me

    Farina - the other best pegasus knight, carried with heath

    I decided on no villains or lords because if I did villains I might have too many villains. Ishtar would be there otherwise




  9. Studio Trigger, Studio Khara, and Production I.G. Studio Trigger may be a stretch but Production I.G. is actually feasible. They did work on PoR and RD and have worked on some other Nintendo franchises before. They were involved with Pokemon Origins and produced one of the Pokemon movies. They also did some promo videos(?) or something of the sort for Kid Icarus Uprising. I'm a big fan of their work on Psycho Pass. They also worked on some other recognizable anime such as AoT, End of Evangelion, and Guilty Crown. They even worked on Xenoblade Chronicles as well. It might be something pretty different but it would be welcome. I would also love the return of Studio Khara, I really liked their work on Echoes SoV

  10. I really like Hannibal, he was just a good person honestly. That's pretty much why I like him. The little dialogue he had made me like him so much. I love Haar just for how little he cares about anything and because he has some great quotes in PoR and RD. Tauroneo is pretty interesting too.

  11. I think Genealogy of the Holy War is easily the best written game. Sigurd is a great main lord and he's clearly a flawed character and it makes him much more human than some of the other lords. The first time you see the ending of gen 1 it's a pretty damn shocking ending and really throws a curveball at the player in a way no other FE game before it or after it has ever done. In my opinion the ending of Gen 1 is the best ending in FE history and possibly the most powerful moment in Fire Emblem history. It isn't often that you get those real tragic and powerful moments in Fire Emblem games. Other games have tried to have powerful scenes like that but none really measure up to the ending of gen 1. The game also has a darker and more mature plot than other FE games which no other FE games except for of course Thracia 776 have done. It also has some great villains. Arvis is the best written villain in the franchise. Travant and Ishtar are also great villains. I also like that the game throws some villains at you that are just super shitty too which makes it more satisfying when you get to kill them like Hilda, Blume, and Julian.

    I think Thracia 776 probably has the second best story. I like that it kept the darker elements of Genealogy and it also had some pretty good villains like Genealogy. I like the premise of the story a lot too with Leif who lost his parents raising up an army from the ground up to try to take back his homeland and liberate Thracia. I think Leaf is also a very well written lord. He's another lord who is somewhat flawed and he shows development throughout the story as well.

    Path of Radiance would probably be third for me, I think the world building was very well done and the politics of the game were pretty interesting as well. The story and world feels a lot more fleshed out than most other games. It has quite a few good characters and a relatively diverse cast of characters too. Too bad Radiant Dawn couldn't live up to it. While the world building was still there the plot was a complete mess and it was just all over the place and tons of things were super forced or relied too much on just straight up plot convenience or forced plot elements put in to try to make some sense of and justify what was happening.

  12. the fucking ninja chapter from conquest is the worst shit ever. 

    also about half of revelation. the ship chapter has caused me to just quit a couple runs because i don't want to play through that boring ass map and it's not like there's even much to look forward to either, it's just more gimmicky tedious maps for most the game. 

    I also really hate chapter 20Ax of FE6, it's like chapter 16x all over again except with walls you have to break through as well all while being in range of two berserk staves for like half the map. it's tedious and sometimes frustrating as hell if you fuck up or just don't have multiple restore staves

    FE9 chapter 25 is also a huge slog to go through

    On 2/13/2018 at 11:39 AM, Formersfuser said:

    FE5: 4x because of FoW + powerful enemies in a large number very close to you + NPC you have to keep alive to have the ticket to take out future bosses easily

    i don't think 4x is even that bad, the bullshit part is on like turns 1-2 so it's not that bad if you have to reset, from there i don't think that chapter is too difficult. i hate 14x way more





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