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Posts posted by tatf987

  1. Allow me? of course you will, me has 2 people

    Name:Blake Dewman



    Appearance:(look at profile pic) about 6'1 has a pretty good build and when not in armor wears a buttoned shirt

    Weapons:Steel lance,and a helmet

    Magic (if applicable):none

    Backstory:Came from a raided village in the country, and enlisted in the army though he quit when he found the love of his life

    Other:has big metabolism, likes reading, and will protect his girlfriend like a doughnut from the cops, knows how to make a DAMN good cake


    Name:Alexa Underwood

    Age:16 1/2

    Race:Human(dur dur XP)

    Appearance:5'9 blonde hair down to her shoulders and wears a cloak made by her father and always has a book in her hands whether it be a tome,book, or cookbook

    Weapons:Special tome created by her mother

    Magic (if applicable):Elthunder-you know what it is

    Ray-shoots a ray of light that temporarily blinds the opponent

    Backstory:Was born in the same village as Blake and they never got together until after she met him when he quit the army

    Other:not much, stays around Blake most of the time

  2. 2. Man is "civilian". 10 hp, no res. Not too hard, I think.

    10 hp?, for a normal civilian i'd say but hes a "drunken civilian" id put him more at 8-7hp

    but besides that it's a great story, keep going .

  3. pretty sure you can double post in your own art thread. And wouldn't you have just recolored kyle's blinking frames?

    sorry, its just that im pretty new to this stuff

    news: my computer crashed! D:> with a waste of 22$

  4. When you recolored the first time you used one color for the two darkest shades, thus eliminating the hair's definition. Resplice Kyle's head and recolor again, making sure all three shades are present. The third shade is crucial for definition. Also, don't use BattaRecolor's hair color for that color because the rest of the mug is FE8 colors. Use an FE8 black, like Garcia, Ross, or Gilliam. The outline's darker than the FE8 outline, which you don't need to do, FE8 has a pretty dark outline already. Use that instead of pure black. Also, save as a .PNG instead.
    <BR>Menowwithblinkingframes.png <BR><BR>I think this should do it,and thank you have this as a reward *gives master seal*
  5. I think you're thinking too much into the issue, I doubt anyone (except for those racists who probably hate every other race except for their own) actually has anything against asians in general. As for them losing in some movies/tv shows, well someone's gotta lose right?

    eh i guess your right

  6. ive always wondered why are the asian people bad?,or lose alot for that matter.Take for instance the korean dude from home alone 3,and some asian people from kill bill(dont remember the name),for losing take for instance the yakuza in deadliest warrior,they lost to the mafia,and that dude from the verizon commercial.I just dont get it what do people have against asians?*deep breath*done.

  7. allow me to ask a question if you think this question is stupid you can go somewhere else, however if you would like to help out a newbie please tell me what is trolling?

  8. Don't sweat it. It's always nice to help out a newbie. I assume that this is your first time playing an FE as well?

    its actually not my first time playing ive played other fire emblem games before.

  9. who should i promote first?

    lyn str:11 move:5

    skill:18 con:5

    spd:17 aid:4

    luck:17 def:7


    or hector str:20(capped)









    please be aware that they are both lvl 20(im not a lazy person)

  10. A: Why not put this in the FE7 section?

    B: Raven. He gets axes from it. Also, your Bartre is screwed by about one point pretty much all around. It's probably worth dropping him, unless you want Karla...

    well that was what i was thinking but ill promote him later

  11. Dammit. I guess you can be added to the list of people who can call me by my screen name.

    I don't think you really did. Now, bend over and receive your Waha Punishment™.

    I don't think anyone really reads my rants...

    I READ YOUR RANT how many times do i have to say it!

  12. Hey! Did you notice what you did there? I don't think you read my rant at all, I probably need to write it in your language so that you understand it. I won't Waha Punish™ you yet, I'll give you a chance to explain your mistake.


    im sorry if I dont even understand my own grammer at all and seriously, I did read your rant

  13. Dear Doesn't Matter,

    Wahaha, I am Waha Kife. You may only refer to me as Waha Kife. If you call me anything but Waha Kife, you will be seriously punished. I mean seriously. This is not an empty threat. Also, don't quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kife. Waha Kife. You better not leave or I will haunt you IRL. Seriously, not kidding. Anyway, enjoy your stay. You better...

    With these tough economic times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? Just cuz. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shut up, you ask too many questions.

    There are many dicks on this forum. Not the kinds that would be appealing to females. Many were weeded out by the travel back in time. Oh yeah, the forum is actually 3 months older than it appears. That's cuz of a bug that caused the site to have amnesia. I think. The forums reopened up in early January 2008, although it was open like 2 months before that. Somebody had server payment issues.

    The admins... well... most of them are cool. They can be illogical at times, even our site admin Jyosua. He ignores you a lot so you shouldn't be asking him for help. In fact, all the admins have so many messages that they may overlook a message from you. You should try messaging a well respected user instead, because they have nothing better to do than to help you. Like *cough* me.

    I've been here longer than 2 years (with a bunch of breaks in between), so respect mah senioritay. I never really did much. Oh yeah, I helped kick start a Fire Emblem fangame based on users on this site. I disappeared for 2 months and people assumed I was dead. Then I took many other breaks after that. I wonder when the fangame will be done, those workers like to take their time. If I was there, the game would already be Waha Done.

    Why don't I change my display name to Waha Kife? Why don't you shut up? What? You never asked me? Bullshit, I can read your mind. I know your deepest fears. Like I said, if you go inactive, I will come for you IRL. Only I can do that. How come? Again, you ask too many questions (even though you didn't ask them).

    Now I must end this rant, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me Knife. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will receive Waha Punishment™.

    What is Waha Punishment™? You don't want to find out. The last guy who received Waha Punishment™ didn't post for an entire day. A week later, he got banned. Surely you do not want to suffer the same fate (or do you?)...

    my grammaer is wurze dan yurz no body cna understnd u if yu dun imprv ur gramer.


    Waha Kife


    tank ju for da rant eye red most of it and u seem 2 be a nice person Waha Kife

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