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Everything posted by tatf987

  1. who should i promote with my hero crest, be aware that im only in chapter 16x. Should i promote Guy str:9 move:5 skill:17 con:5 spd:20 aid:4 luck:12 def:9 res:7 or Bartre str:17 move:5 skill:10 con:13 spd:9 aid:12 luck:12 def:8 res:4 last but not least Raven str:15 move:5 skill:19 con:8 spd:18 aid:7 luck:7 def:6 res:2
  2. I will try to or crash and burn
  3. im new here so now i will care to ask which way is the bathroom who you are and see if we will become acquaintences:lol: . (wow i cant believe i just said that)
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