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Posts posted by dcx2

  1. That would be quite difficult. Right now I'm trying to creat custom mugshots, but I guess I have to wait until there is a .tpl packer who pack 14 or more .tga files at once to one .tpl file.

    Hi. I recently got into texture hacking for Tales of Symphonia on the Wii. I needed a TPL converter that handled CI4 and CI8 correctly. While looking for one, I found this forum.

    However, I decided that the existing TPL conversion utilities weren't up to snuff, so I downloaded LibWiiSharp and modified the TPL Converter Example to do the things I wanted it to do.

    I figured I would share the creation with you, seeing as how you appear to want a TPL packer that can handle many images. I don't think the modified TPL converter can take tga as an input, but you should be able to save the tga as tif and use that instead. I recommend against lossy formats like jpeg because CI4 and CI8 have a restricted color palette, and the lossy compression destroys the palette.

    To add multiple images to a TPL, on the Image to TPL tab, for the Input Image, you can select multiple files. Make sure you select the LAST file first, and then shift-click to select the FIRST file. Otherwise, they will be in the wrong order.

    I can add additional features to the converter if you tell me what you want. However, since I don't regularly check this forum, your best bet to get a hold of me is to go to the wiird forums, where I spend most of my time.

    Here's the link to my modified TPL converter. Included is the source (because LibWiiSharp was licensed under the GPL, I must distribute the source with any binary).


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