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Modern Major General

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Posts posted by Modern Major General

  1. I called mine today and the guy said that they keeps getting these calls and that they were never told that they could remove the street date, but that they will have copies for pre-orderers on the 4th so at least I can get it a day earlier than some unlucky souls.

    I'm on Long Island if you wanted to know.

  2. Paris looks more like a blue longer haired version of solid snake to me, than he look like Ike.

    Also the neck armor piece looks weird.

    What's really funny is that that neck piece looks like a gear.

    Another thing though, I am the only one thinks that Paris is a lot like Galzus from FE5?

    Both are Level 20 Heroes who join at the end of the game, have great bases, high weapon ranks, awesome weapons,and the luna skill.

  3. Sol/Soiree


    Sol: That was some great training today. Shall we take a break now?

    Soiree: What are you talking about. I plan on continuing where I left off.

    Sol: Eh...

    Soiree: Sol. Are you satisfied with your current strength? Don't you ever think about becoming like the two knights that served the ancient Hero King?

    Sol: You mean...the legend of the "Reckless Ox" and the "Black Panther"?

    Soiree: That's right. I believe the strength we are striving for should be something like their strength.

    Sol: B-but, legends are legends. I'm not really that ambitious...

    Soiree: What else are you going to do if you just give up from the start? You should be aiming for great heights all the time. You must have the spirit to pursue...no, to surpass legends.

    Sol: ...You probably wouldn't understand. Fine, I got it. I'll do my best.

    Soiree: I'll also work hard in order to possess the amount of bravery as the one called "Reckless Ox" has.

    Sol: Yeah...Wait, Soiree's the Ox?

    Soiree: Hm...The higher the goal, the more merit it has in the end.

    Sol: Well...if Soiree's fine with it then I have no objections...I guess I'll have to motivate myself to aim for the "Black Panther."


    Sol: ...I lost.

    Soiree: To be bested by me...I don't think that is the limit of your strength. ...Don't tell me, you went easy on me?

    Sol: I told you, I'm not that great. You beat me with your spirit.

    Soiree: Hm...even if it's like that, so what? It is your fault to be easily pressured.

    Sol: Haha...Maybe I'm just a bit timid.

    Soiree: You never see your own strength, so you don't have confidence in yourself, and somehow become fainthearted. Hold out your hand. Let us shake hands, Sol.

    Sol: Huh? S..sure.

    Soiree: What do you think of after shaking my hand?

    Sol: ...I-it's smaller than I thought. It's soft and feels smooth...

    Soiree: ...Though later impressions count, the first impressions are important. You physique is better than mine. You're strong, and can manage a horse well. Isn't it essentially impossible for me to best a person like you?

    Sol: ...Maybe so. I was really just overwhelmed by Soiree's energy...

    Soiree: If you change your thinking, you will definitely become even stronger than you are now.

    Sol: R-really? Wait, this can also mean I'm being swayed by your words.

    Soiree: Haha, it'll be nice if I can try to make you believe in me after you become stronger. How about it, would you like to go another round?

    Sol: Yes. I won't lost to you this time!


    Soiree: ...That was a great attack.

    Sol: Thank you. I'm slowly beginning to realize what you were saying. I can't believe there was such a difference for just my thinking...

    Soiree: That's right. If you keep this up, you'll surpass me in no time.

    Sol: Haha, of course not. Soiree is still stronger than me for now.

    Soiree: For now...huh. So that means you will surpass me one day?

    Sol: Ah, erm...

    Soiree: ...It's alright. Don't worry about it.

    Sol: Soiree? Somehow, I feel like you're a little different from usual.

    Soiree: ...Sol. I...hate that I'm discriminated against as a woman.

    Sol: Yeah...I know that.

    Soiree: That's right. Because you understand, I would never say anything about it. But, when I'm sparring with you, I would realize the painful differences I have from a man. When you surpass me one day...I'll never be able to catch up. It might be because I myself am a woman...That makes me uneasy.

    Sol: ...If Soiree ever becomes fainthearted, I'll scold you back to your senses.

    Soiree: You would...scold me?

    Sol: Yeah. Since we're both becoming the legendary knight duo. If one of us quits, it wouldn't look good now would it?

    Soiree: Hm...Look like you can say some good things after all. As expected of the man I approve of. I wish to have another spar with you.

    Sol: Likewise.


    Soiree: ...It was my complete loss today.

    Sol: Thank you...It's thanks to you that I became this strong.

    Soiree: I wasn't the one that helped you. You were always this strong.

    Sol: Hey, Soiree...Do you think you will never catch up to me now?

    Soiree: No. I'm swelling up with thoughts of 'I'll definitely beat you next time!'

    Sol: I knew it. You aren't the type to give into weakness. Always striving for the top... and cooler than another else.

    Soiree: I didn't complain because I'm together with you. Because we are comrades following the same path, I can think about moving forward without running away. You are a irreplaceable partner. I'm counting on you from now on.

    Sol: About that...I want you to take this.

    Soiree: ...A ring?

    Sol: Yes...I want you to marry me. I...am a coward. I'm fainthearted and always nervous. But, with you by my side...I think I can become another me. A man who can support with encouragement when you want to complain.

    Soiree: Hm...you seem awfully confident today.

    Sol: E-even I can be like this when I need to...I even prepared the ring to be custom-made...This is also the result of your guidance Soiree.

    Soiree: I'm glad you said that to me. If you spoke no lies, then I have nothing to say. When you become fainthearted, I will support you as well. Let us live and support each other together...Sol.

    Sol: T...Thank you Soiree! From now, we'll be together.

    I really like how even the supports compare Sol and Soiree to Cain and Abel, but I don't remember Cain ever being called the"Reckless Ox" before this support.

  4. As much as I love Mr. Matthews, I can't really see him as Krom. He plays wiseguys i.e. Terry from Batman and Ron Stoppable.

    I can't help but imagine Fred and Wood played by the guy who did Mustang in FMA. The latter because I imagine him talking like an excited Colonel Mustang during supports.

    I think Travis Willingham(Mustang) would be a good fit for Fred. On to other characters, think Chris Patton(Greed from FMA and Tatsuhiro Sato from Welcome to the NHK) would make a good Gangrel and Laura Bailey doing Inverse like she did Lust from FMA would be awesome. (Big FMA fan here)

  5. To continue the parent/child support trend, this time it's Azure and his mother!

    [spoiler=Azure x Olivia C]Olivia: Azure... Where are you going at this time of night...?

    Azure: Wha..! Mom...!! Umm... I'm about to go flirting... and stuff.~

    Olivia: That's a lie... The only ones strolling around at the dead of night are the Fallen...Where are you really going...?

    Azure: ... Actually...

    Olivia: Are you... going to practice your dancing?

    Azure: Eh!? How did you...

    olivia: Somebody saw you dancing deep in the forest... That's why... I thought maybe...

    Azure: Eh!? Somebody saw me!? Even though I thought nobody would ever find out!! ... I, I'm so embarrassed!! They must have thought that I sucked...!

    Olivia: No, not at all. They said that it was wonderful. So much so that they couldn't take their eyes off you...

    Azure: That's even more embarrassing!! I haven't even gotten used to be being praised! And besides, they couldn't take their eyes off me, right? That means they kept watching for a while, doesn't it? Oh... I can't do it anymore... I can't practice in peace anymore...

    Olivia: Umm... In that case, why don't we practice together? I'm very good at finding spots where other people won't see me. Besides... going out all alone in the dead of night is dangerous, so....

    Azure: W... with you, Mom!? But won't you be embarrassed if someone saw you practicing?

    Olivia: I'll be fine if it's you, Azure. W, We're... mother and son, after all, right? So, let's...

    Azure: Uh... I'm sorry... Even though you...

    Olivia: Um... What's wrong? It's too embarrassing for you, after all?

    Azure: Umm... It's not just that...

    Olivia: Not just that...? What do you mean...?

    Azure: A, Anyway, I can't do it! That's the end of this conversation!! Well, I'll go back to the tent now, Mom!

    Olivia: Ah...!

    [spoiler=Azure x Olivia B]Azure: ....... Hm. So today it's over here, huh... Heave-ho...!

    Olivia: Eeek! A, Azure!? W... What a coincidence...!

    Azure: What kind of coincidence is that when you're hiding in this really suspicious box! Umm, Mom. Stop trying to sneak around just to get a glimpse of my dancing! I saw you hiding on top of that tree, under that bridge, trying to look like a rock by covering yourself with that really weird cloth...! And you really freaked me out when you just popped out of that waterfall all of sudden!?

    Olivia: B, But... I want to see it too. Even though I'm your mother, I never once got to see your dance... That somebody else got to see it by accident while I haven't is really frustrating...

    Azure: Sorry, Mom. But it'd be really embarrassing for someone to see me during practice... You're also a really shy person so you can understand where I'm coming from, right?

    Olivia: Yes... B, But... A truly shy person wouldn't keep flirting with girls every day...!

    Azure: Heh... That's a good point. But isn't it because of you that I'm able to talk with girls like that, Mom?

    Olivia: Huh? I... Is that so?

    Azure: Yes, it is. When I was a kid, I was just as shy as Mom. To try and fix that, I asked Mom about it and she said "The best way for boys to be brave is to talk to girls...!"

    Olivia: The, The future me said that...!?

    Azure: Yeah. You said that a friend of yours had told you that a long time ago.... Anyway, I went ahead and tried it out. It went surprisingly well so...

    Olivia: It's become a habit now...?

    Azure: That's right. That's why my fondness for girls is thanks to you, Mom ~.

    Olivia: I, I'm sorry...

    Azure: You don't have to apologize for that. If I want to impress people with my dancing, they also have to think I'm charming or it'd be no good. That I keep failing at flirting just proves that I've still got a ways to go. It's all become a kind of training for my dancing, so don't you think it's like hitting two birds with one stone, Mom?

    Olivia: Huh... I get it... In that case, good for you...

    Azure: You're not worried anymore? Alright then, it's time for lunch so I'll go back now.

    Olivia: Heh heh... So my future self is the reason behind Azure's flirting... Oh, in the end, I didn't get to see his dance today...! That I failed again even after going to the trouble of preparing this box... It's really embarrassing ~ ...!

    [spoiler=Azure x Olivia A]Azure: ...Alright. This dance turned out really well, if I do say so myself.

    Olivia: It was a marvelous dance, Azure.

    Azure: Eh...!?

    Olivia: But your rotation needs a little work... Also, if you pay more attention to your fingertips around the second half, I think the dance will be even better...

    Azure: Mom... ... Were you hiding somewhere again?

    Olivia: No. Today, it really was just a coincidence that I saw you. But... thanks to that, I finally got to see your dance... You changed the choreography in the second half a bit but I thought that change was the best part of the dance... Did the future me teach you that...?

    Azure: .......

    Olivia: Azure?

    Azure: ... That's right. This is the last dance my future mother taught me. The reason that the second half's choreography is different is because... She died before she could teach me that part...

    Olivia: ...Oh...

    Azure: Jeez... Just when I thought up this really great choreography to surprise you with, you had to see it before it was finished...

    Olivia: I... I'm really sorry...! Without knowing any of that... I, I just selfishly...!

    Azure: ...No, it's fine. Actually... I've always wanted to hear what you thought about it. You see, I would always practice in front of Mom's grave and just wonder, if she could see me now, what would she think? Would she say that this movement is a little slow, or would she praise me for that part... I would imagine the voice of my lost mother... That's why... I'm so glad... right now...

    Olivia: Ah...! P, please don't cry...! M, my future self is dead but... the present me... will always be with you. I'll be close by, I'll see your dances and we can go out together all the time. Until you're alright again, I, I'll do anything so... So... please smile...

    Azure: ....... .... Yup. ..... Thanks, Mom.

    Olivia: N, no , it's fine...!

    Azure: I'm sorry about not showing you my dance until now... Once I've completely finished this dance, then... I'd really like you to teach me the dance's actual choreography that my future mother was unable to teach me.

    Olivia: Yes...!

    [spoiler='Azure x Olivia]


  6. Better save it for 2013. If they didn't plan on announcing it if Reggie hadn't dropped the accidental announcement and they didn't include it in the list of games with the logos of "games coming out in 2012" for the 3DS software showcase... then that means it's pretty much far off.

    Good point, so if its NA release is in 2013 I'll just replace birthday money with Christmas money.

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