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Everything posted by samthedigital

  1. Most of the units you mentioned can get a Knight Ward to boost their speed growth, and they have better bases. Not that I disagree with the general sentiment; there are a lot of tools available to fix Boyd's speed if it becomes a problem, and the Speedwing is not a very valuable resource in FE9 given that most of the good units have no problems doubling. I don't remember if there actually is a penalty for mounted units indoors. If there is mounted units still have more move than Boyd does, so they will be setting the pace more often than not. You don't mention that Steel Swords have -3 Mt compared to Steel Axes. It's more of an issue than WTD. Not having 1-2 range is also quite a big deal; it's more important than WTA is in this game anyway.
  2. I wasn't aware of Wallace being closer to the player, but the statement about Lloyd has nothing to do with clearing the chapter on turn one or two. It just has to do with clearing the chapter in a turn from luring or getting to the boss. It's a much shorter chapter than Linus's chapter; there aren't as many turns to make a mistake to clear the chapter.
  3. If you don't care about Wallace you can lure the boss and finish him off in one turn, and that's much easier than Linus's chapter. Otherwise bring torches and use typical fog of war tactics. It's not that bad of a chapter especially on normal mode where Wallace doesn't randomly die causing resets.
  4. You have to be careful about that too. I don't see any difference in Marcus being an axe user compared to Bartre. If we move the discussion to axe locked users then we can compare them to sword and lance locked users, and those don't always do that well either; it's pretty obvious that being locked to one weapon type isn't good. I don't really think of balance issues when I think of small nitpicks anyway. Things like low FoV, general game speed, and menuing/control issues annoy me a whole lot more as those are things that are impossible to ignore when playing.
  5. The best characters in FE6 are fliers, staff utility, horseback units, and Rutger because he deals with bosses effectively. FE6 is no different from any other Fire Emblem game in that regard. Rutger and Shin arguably add more in class diversity than most too given that bow and 6 move 1 range locked units don't tend to be very good. If you really want to criticize a Fire Emblem game besides Genealogy go with Path of Radiance given that only two unit types are good in that game. Did you mean to say bows? It's accurate to say that bows are bad most of the time, but axes were the best weapon type for at least 3 Fire Emblem games (7, 9, 10) and are competitive for several more. I'm also not exactly sure why you brought up Three Houses either when Axes are going to be one of the primary weapons used by one of the two best physical class types.
  6. I'll pm you so that we don't need to further clog this topic.
  7. If you're playing reasonably quickly you will not notice the difference. Their movement and transformation problems (demi band will only exacerbate their problems with damage output) are enough to render them useless when they are actually available. It's also possible to beat the BK without Aether; Wrath works, but there are several ways to deal with the Black Knight. It's hard to find good resources on skill mechanics, and it's not really the right topic to talk about it, so I will refrain from going into any further details.
  8. Three Houses reuses maps quite a lot, so after the final playthrough I was sick of just about every map. People have mentioned just about everything else I could think of, so I won't bother mentioning the maps I don't like in other games.
  9. This is probably the best piece of advice anyone can give you. You don't have to plan your team meticulously. The first two cavaliers, Rutger, Shanna, and Miledy are some of the best growths units you can use, but regardless just use who you like and have your prepromotes help you build up growths units that can't clear things on their own.
  10. It's really a matter of opinion, but most trainers are optional content and take extra time to do. It does not directly translate to Fire Emblem because generally speaking it doesn't take a whole lot of time to kill an enemy in Fire Emblem. It depends on the chapter though; sometimes it's more efficient to just turtle in a defend map for as few actions as possible. Err what? Most speedruns do complete the game, and getting to the end is beating the game by definition. Pokemon speedruns also have glitchless categories, and speedruns are often good resources for how a game can be beaten efficiently. In Fire Emblem's case it's a little different because there are no hard mode speedruns unfortunately.
  11. This is wrong on both counts. Venusaur has the slowest solo out of the three starters, and on a full team he's still worst because he has a hard time killing things quickly with the plethora of grass resistant Pokemon and his lack of strong attacks. Even if there were better water Pokemon it doesn't matter either; having two water Pokemon is still better than having Venusaur and a water Pokemon. Slowbro isn't even very good unless you're playing PVP because he's really slow.
  12. To me that's grinding. Extra trainers are similar to repeatable maps in Birthright or something to me.
  13. You need to grind to get your starter much past 27 for Surge when it's a better idea just to beat him as soon as it's possible to do so. That's what effort is in this context.
  14. The thing is that neither of seems that knowledgable about the first generation of Pokemon games, so I don't see why you are making comparisons between Pokemon and Fire Emblem. I could get more into it than I already have if you like, but it doesn't really seem appropriate given that it sidetracks the conversation even more.
  15. There are a grand total of two mounted units and one knight that Lyn can reasonably reach near the start of that chapter, and she doesn't one round the Knight. Priscilla has to go recruit Raven, so she doesn't have time to sit around healing Lyn. Lyn doesn't have time to do much else. You could also just not use any of them. Lyn doesn't have to be compared to Eliwood. If you do want to compare them though... Promoting Lyn before Eliwood doesn't actually make any difference. Eliwood is better for Battle Before Dawn because movement is really important for that chapter. Neither is really any better in the other defend map. That leaves a chapter with some wyverns that Lyn can probably? one round with a bow, but it means she isn't useful on enemy phase; it's not a huge selling point for her.
  16. You should avoid comparing Bulbasaur to other grass type Pokemon in this way. We could use multiple Pokemon of one type assuming they were good. I would rather use Mew and Mewtwo for example than Mewtwo and Beedrill. Bulbasaur is the worst starter because it doesn't have a good enough movepool or base stats to OHKO other Pokemon without being massively overleveled. It's as simple as that. Wartortle can use Dig for Surge, and it gets Ice Beam to deal with any grass type Pokemon. It really doesn't need help from other Pokemon; and having to rely on them would just be a weakness. I'm also not sure why you mentioned Withdraw. No one should ever use that move. I'm still not sure why Pokemon is having such a huge emphasis on a topic about making subpar units good in a Fire Emblem game. >_>;;
  17. Prf weapons are just another layer of weapon exclusivity; it's no different from Odin being able to use Nosferatu (or tomes in general) as an example. Anyway, to answer the topic Boyd in FE9 comes to mind, but he's already been mentioned several times. I guess that means he's not that overrated? Soren is another character that used to be fairly high on tier lists when he shouldn't have been, but that's not exactly true anymore I think.
  18. Don't go to Sacae and you'll probably be fine; normal mode really isn't that hard. You can't approach the game quite the same way as the other two GBA games given that it's more player phase heavy. If you don't want to go in blind you should look up the requirements for the extra chapters. https://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe6/guiafe6/ENG_capitulo1fe6.htm is a really good resource too besides serenesforest.
  19. If you're really careful you can use both and get a level 7 Nils while still getting S rank Lyn mode.
  20. A lot of tier lists these days don't assume ranked play. I haven't really seen a modern ranked tier list; they're all pretty old and outdated by today's standards.
  21. Crazed Beast is not a chapter you want to clear that quickly because it's such a great boon to the exp rank. Otherwise an LTC playthrough might give you some ideas to handle maps quickly. I personally had 30 turns of leeway going into chapter 24 (I also finished 19xx which takes some time to set up), so maybe that can give you some sort of benchmark. I would suggest Kenneth's map just because it's less annoying. If I remember correctly it's possible to lure the purge bishop and use a longbow to kill it on turn two. I don't remember exactly though.
  22. Efficient play is literally trying to beat the game as quickly as possible consistently. What else would it be?
  23. It depends on how quickly you can get that 20% clear; CoS is not directly correlated with the most efficient strategy. An average playthrough is going to be able to hit higher chances of success with more time to get level ups in any case. Otherwise what's your point? The more time we spend on PP the less individual units actually matter, and I've said this before.
  24. Holy crap that's a huge wall of text dude. Just watch an LTC or something. You'll see a lot of EP action. You can do it more consistently with better units too if you choose to go through a few paralogues.
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