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  • Birthday May 6

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    Blazing Sword

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  1. Did you get Spiral for Matthew?

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    2. Junkhead


      He can do a oneround Aether with it, assuming he has at least one of Brass shuriken or Flashinh Blade. Ignis is also massive when it comes to killing. 

      I wouldn't pass up on my favourite unit just because others use it better.

    3. Zeo


      To be fair, Lyn is my favorite character, Matthew just wound up being my favorite unit in this game, guess I have a thing for the underdog.

      It's not so much that I'm passing on my favorite unit because others use it better, but that I'm trying to get the most out of said unit, not particularly because I just want to give him the best toys. Close Counter was something I new I wanted to give him from the beginning. It complements him perfectly and suits his statline and playstyle. It was the best choice I ever made in this game and I have never, repeat, never swapped it out.

      Without that sort of assurance in my decision, the window is open for regret. If he were to get Special Spiral, it would mean there was quite a bit of it to go around. On the other hand, Wrath is a skill that many users in my barracks would love (Ayra, Ephraim, Hector) but if I get fodder, the first unit who's getting it is Lyn, 100%. Because she's a favorite and it's perfect for her. It's the equivalent of CC for Matthew even if the others are technically better units. You can't have one of those two factors without the other.

    4. Junkhead


      Didn't you snipe for it? I put my all into getting it, and ended up with 3. Foddered all of them. First being Henry, second Marisa, and lastly Sanaki (whom I share an S-support with). I really wanted to give that last one to somone, and I really wasn't sure. Libra and Charlotte (my two favourites) both have Wrath, and I don't know if I could wait for someone else to show up. Sanaki was the least expected and best idea.

      SS is amazing if you can get through the first special. I made a topic, and the people seem to prefer Wrath because you don't have to go through that...but a -2 cooldown can turn into a oneround Aether or Ignis:


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