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Everything posted by scorri

  1. Boron: Yeah, you kinda got the short end of the stick in that game. Next time just trust your instincts and reads! :)
  2. ##unvote Bah. a) I agree with Elie that RVS sucks, and b) if you're making a truly serious vote, please make it very obvious that it's a real vote because we're still at least sorta in RVS, so it's confusing. And if you're not making a serious vote, try not to make it such that people have >2 votes on them? That leads to wagons, and wagons based on RVS are stupid.
  3. Cam: Serious claim or are you just screwing with us? (I just want to make sure is all)
  4. O.o Wow seriously? Three votes on Cam in RVS? ##Vote:Elie Try not to get modkilled here, k? (Too soon? I hope not)
  5. Snike is a troll. That's what just happened. Scum victory.
  6. Prims: Eh, ok. Valid. ##Vote:Bluedoom
  7. Oh ok. Well, theoretically right now, if Marth is telling the truth about his role, four votes are needed to lynch someone. However, if he's lying then three people will lynch him. So, if we get three votes on him then we will see if he's telling the truth or not.
  8. Boron: Are you willing to do this mayor test or not? I'm willing to do so, but if you aren't then there's not much point. I don't trust you, so I'd prefer if you voted before me. However, if others want me to vote before you, I will.
  9. I would also prefer it if Boron voted since I have been finding that player slot scummy. However, with respect to Marth, I don't find him the most scummy. Honestly, my bet is that BBM is the godfather, and that Boron is fakeclaiming vanilla since it's a relatively safe claim.
  10. I'm a plain old vanilla townie and would like BBM to claim next please.
  11. I'd be ok with a Rapier lynch, I guess? I see people's points that him being under suspicion, managing to push that off, and then disappearing looks pretty bad. I'm not going to hammer him right now though. He's at L-1 and hasn't had a chance to defend himself. If he doesn't appear for a while then I'd be willing to hammer, but I really don't like lynching people without at least giving them a chance to defend themselves. It sucks.
  12. [i am still fine with a BBM or Rapier lynch. Wen, not as much simply because I have a null read. Today is going to be busy, first day of class. Should be on before phase end if I did my math correctly. ] "I'm fine with these wagons. Except the one who I have no opinion on. I won't be around today." Basically, he tells us nothing in this that is helpful at all. So he's fine with 2/3 of the main wagons of the day, and the other one he doesn't have a read. That changes nothing at all in how the rest of the day went. This was basically an empty post that made it seem like he was contributing. This post basically say nothing. It's a bunch of random musing on how maybe he thinks BBM is scum, but maybe not. I don't really see the point in posting this especially because it didn't change his vote. To me this reads as something that he could use to help cover his back depending on the BBM flip. [Anyways, Rapier's long post was just eh. A lot of the opinions he gave in the long quote section weren't anything new. Still pondering whether I find this suspicious or expected since he came in late today and it can be hard to put out new opinions on things that have already been discussed. I do like that he shared his reads though, and though I don't recall agreeing on all of them, I didn't find anything scummy about them.] Once again, he's putting out an opinion that's basically "Oh I could see this guy flipping either way but I don't really know."
  13. 1) I am unsure why my "attack" on Weapons was stupid. I saw something that I thought was scummy, and since there was little that I had to base reads off of I went with it. It was early D2 after a short D1 so I wasn't working with a lot. But, I went with what I saw and what I felt and continued to pursue that until a) Weapons had actually addressed the point and given us a post with some content and b) I realized I was probably tunneling and so decided to back off for a bit. After I backed off and let things progress for a little I started to feel a bit better about Weapons. 2) My post was on the two major wagons that were happening at that point in time. Previously in the phase I had been talking about my reads and such, but my post about Manix and SB was simply on those two due to those two being the main wagons. Am I supposed to state every post who I think is scum? 3) I had two reads. I looked at the Manix wagon and saw something that had built quickly which always makes me a little nervous and was also very close to causing a lynch. So, since my two scum reads were basically the same strength I went with the person who had less votes to prevent Manix from quick hammering. 4) I still have no idea why this is an issue. A) I had clearly gotten over at least some of my feelings about Weapons. Second, I'm not sure why it matters who I was "offering" the hammer to when there was still plenty of time left in phase. It's not like there were 5 minutes left and I was telling someone I suspected to hammer. The lynch was going to happen one way or the other. If Weapons had had the ability to hammer and had refused to do so then that would have given us info. Either way, "offering" the hammer to Weapons in no way shape or form put the lynch in any danger, and I still don't get your point here. As for why I switched wagons, all that was happening at that point was Manix was sowing confusion and causing people to doubt about the lynch bomb thing. As you saw, it was causing discussion well into the next phase. I figured that since nothing useful was happening, my reasoning for not voting Manix before that was not really as applicable. 5) It wasn't that you voted specifically for SB, it was the way you did it. You hopped on a wagon and didn't explain anything. Just because it may seem obvious to you why you're voting someone doesn't mean you shouldn't still explain for the rest of us. I'm neutral on you right now to be honest. I'm not really sure what to make of you. I don't think you're scummy any more, but I'm not sure I think you're town either. I dunno. And once again. Am I not allowed to change my mind? I had one read of SB at first, and then thought about it more and took into consideration other people's actions and changed it. Whoopdeedo. It happens. I'm not perfect. I can't pick out the scum team every time. I change my mind. 6) Uhm... so I'm not supposed to vote who I think is scummy? Wagons build because people think someone is scum. I voted who I thought was scum. That's what I'm supposed to do, right? So what if people agree with me. That's generally considered a good thing actually because then we might be on to something.
  14. Marth: Would you mind explaining what exactly "everything else you think is scummy" is? It's kinda hard for me to explain my actions when all you do is give me a hint. Am I not allowed to change my opinions on people? Because that's all I see myself doing with SB. And as for waffling, I'm always at least a little waffly. I don't have enough experience on scum hunting to be good at it. So a lot of what I rely on is gut, and while I try to figure out why my gut is telling me something, that changes really easily. So yeah. If you could please explain what exactly you find scummy about me I'd be much obliged. S
  15. Wrt SB, I dunno, the read of his games feel different to me. I think that might be because I was scum with SB in SSBU so I understand a little better why he did what he did, but to me the way he's playing right now seems different to me than the way he acted in that game. And wrt to diverting things, it's more of the way you're doing it. It feels less like you're trying to find people who are scum and more like you're trying to find people who might seem more scummy than you so that people will stop paying attention to you. With Straw, eh. I dunno. To me, his posts especially later in D3 seem kinda empty.
  16. Hey, you're pointing sharp objects at me. I don't wanna be near you.
  17. Tiria fell in beside Raemond as she waited for Beau to lead them. "I did try to stop him" she whispered softly to him. "However, as I am sure you know, he is not easily swayed. I would not have let him near the enemies had we not run in to you though. Have no fear in that area."
  18. "Yes sir." Tiria fell in behind Beau and drew her sword as they went. Here we go.
  19. To me, his posts just still feel wrong. I feel like there's too many posts without really contributing anything. I dunno.
  20. Oh. Well, oops. I meant to say not feeling BBM as town. That'd be one confusion. Sorry about that. What else?
  21. Yes? Seriously. Go look at Straw's last day phase. His reads are waffeling all over the place and he doesn't actually contribute anything that is very helpful. I mean... I might be insane here, but to me that strikes me in a really off way.
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