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Everything posted by scorri

  1. No, actually, I said I thought you were slightly scummy, you asked why, I said wasn't sure, then went back reread and voted with my reasoning. So...
  2. That wasn't my exact intent no. My intent was to get discussion started. Which it did. Albeit in a way that I would have not preferred, but it has stuff happening that is useful for the game so I'll take it. I'd rather us have useful discussion even if I'm needing to defend myself than just sitting around while people not playing the game post silly pictures.
  3. Shinori: I didn't really know what to start it on. But if you insist... yeah, actually I don't really know what to put here. I could ask questions, but then people will jump on me for asking questions when there's not really info to give except role stuff. I could ask people what they thought the numbers would be like, but then I'd get jumped on for being scummy and trying to contribute without really being useful. I could rolehint and start discussion that way, but that'd be stupid. Or I could make a post saying we should start discussion, have a couple people jump at me for that and then talk with them about it, thus causing people interactions which are helpful later on. Oh wait! That is what I did. So there we go.
  4. Paper: Me wanting to move past one of the hosts and one of the IO's posting pictures at each other is questionable? Would you rather we just sit back and let that happen and waste time? Well... if you want to do that, sure fine go ahead. I can't stop you.
  5. Wheeee~ Hi cam. Yeah, I haven't been super active so far. I admit that. It's unfortunate really, but I was busy trying to defend myself from getting killed in another game (failed, but ah well what can you do), and then it was FAMILY TIME!!!! and I can't skip family time. So whatever posts I've made have been made with only about 50% of my attention, except for my vote on Shinori. Oh, and also all those posts about how people shouldn't rolehint/roledrop early on unless their role is hurtful to town. Those ones were serious too.
  6. Well as useful as this is... anyone want to actually have discussion, or should we just all follow through with psych's desire to get lynched?
  7. Straw: Nope wasn't taking it seriously. I just figured I should also make a semi-serious post since I was posting stuff. Since, you know, if we all just make joke votes all the time we'll never get anywhere. :-p
  8. Also Psych if you're going to change your vote, you should consider unvoting first. Just sayin.
  9. ##Vote:Shinori Ok yeah. Your posts seem off to me, like you're trying to fit in and seem like you're doing stuff without committing to anything. Also, I don't like the bit where you told people to not interact with you at night, especially since we have a granny claim.
  10. Shinori: Shenanigans? In actual seriousness, I don't really have reads right now, I'm kinda focused on other stuff. Plus there are two pages. So there's that too.
  11. Prims: Yup you got me. I'm defending Psych because we are both on the scum team. Cause you know, I'd totally defend Psych if we were scum buddies. Heck I'd probably vote him so I didn't have to worry about shenanigans like this. :P
  12. (She here being... I don't know. Not me. I'm not a witch)
  13. She's a witch! She turned me into a newt!
  14. Vote is a verb. Silly.
  15. Am I the only one that thinks Psych is just being Psych and there's no reason for us to vote him?
  16. Rein did vote Cam. It's right down there at the end of his post.
  17. Bananas: I rescued our player slot in Jester. It was great. I'm still not sure how I did that. Shinori: <3
  18. ##Vote: Shinori calling scumnori right off the bat
  19. Shinori: That's just the feeling I'm getting? I just like... ugh. I don't know. I'm currently in a critical stage of another game (aka I'm quite possibly going to be lynched in 4 hours and would like to prevent that) and so I haven't been paying as much attention to this game as I should be. However, in four hours I'll be able to go back and reread this thread and figure out better reads. So yeah. I guess a better way of answering that question Elie would have been "Don't know, get back to me in a couple hours"
  20. Sorry, I've been a little distracted by another game. Currently, I don't have a ton of reads as most people are landing solidly in neutral. Uh eclipse is leaning more town right now, Cam and Shinori are slightly more scum. I dunno about Core. Besides that... I don't really know. Sorry.
  21. Manix: you have me listed as both voting and voteless. I am no longer voting for Cam.
  22. That time is fine for me. I'm assuming you're still having it end the 15th though.
  23. scorri

    dont post here

    That sounds like a good idea to me. And hopefully Theater Mafia will be a good swan song. :)
  24. scorri

    dont post here

    Yeah, no like... it's probably a good idea to at least take a semester to judge how much free time you'll have and such. I mostly just don't want BBM to leave us ;_:
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