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Posts posted by kaidoi

  1. 3 hours ago, The DanMan said:

    I can only assume at this point that Sega is unfamiliar with the concept of "challenging but fair" difficulty and thinks bullshit sells. 

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    4-1 took me a dozen attempts because you need to employ a very specific strategy and the first two turns have to go perfectly, 4-2's a bit of a breather level, 4-3 throws a boss tank at you, 5 is a fun breather chapter, only for 6 to be a mass of trial-and-error BS having an objective switch mid-chapter as soon as you capture all the camps (instead of, you know, having two different chapters-- as would've been reasonable) as well as said boss spawning and enemies that will actually move multiple times a turn, 7-1 is fairly inoffensive if a bit too long, and I'm currently getting walled by 7-2 and it's horrendous design choices (why yes, have armored trains that will shred anything including tank generators with machine gun fire spawn after you get into their range; why yes, only tell you how to divert them after they've spawned; why yes, make that still keep one of them around).

    Also, a major complaint: all the maps have been very linear, either in design or railroading you towards a specific strategy. 2 and 3 were in general very non-linear with their designs, with there always being two different starting points and often multiple ways to get the main objective done. Other things like having someone obnoxiously comment every single time you upgrade an item (and also having to scroll down a bloated weapon tree instead of just seeing the newest options in a menu), orders taking longer to execute, having to wait a turn for reinforcements to spawn, CP tied to all the main characters forcing a large chunk of your deployment, and so on make the game feel like a step backwards and far clunkier.

    In addition, Grenadiers are fundamentally unfair as enemies; multiple times I’ve had characters killed by them when I had no idea they were even there (the game decides to let them move after the first 5 chapters—because violating the basic gameplay rules you’ve drilled into the player is good design, right?). They should’ve had it where enemies have some radio chatter telling them to fire, putting them on the map screen before they have a chance to act—instead of way too late. Also, anti-vehicle mortars are kinda useless; despite having massively inflated anti-vehicle values they still only deal damage when they hit the radiator, and splash damage conveniently becomes non-existent when in use (you can hit inches behind the radiator and do nothing).

    On top of that, the AI always goes for generator snipes whenever it can—multiple times they’ve gotten lucky and the Hafen has been blown up from halfway across the map. Great design choice, Sega!

    This game is set to outdo 3 in the bullshit department and I'm only 1/3 of the way through.


    Except it's been pointed out grenadiers can target enemies as long as they or ANY other of their allies has a LOS on your troops just like your own

  2. The potentials are still like VC1 where some take up the entire screen and freezes the game while others are just a small pop-up. 


    For a plus, they actually took something from 2: there, every promoted class had a weaker ragnaid that healed them for about 1/3 of their HP. 4 carries over 3's change to enemy interception fire/they do full damage now. So here, every single character has it.

    Actually, both VC1 and 3  (and 4 of course, probably 2 as well) have an interception fire multiplier of 0.9 so they deal slightly less damage than direct attacks/counterattacks.  Only difference is that VC3 enemies deal much more damage so it's a lot more noticeable.  And on that note, the VC1 rebalance mod removes this multiplier so weapons deal their full damage when intercepting.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:



    Trying to understand how the AI works is interesting indeed, since you never know what they may or may not do.  Obviously it might vary between map to map (how much CP is spent for each of them, movement, etc.).  For those gifs you posted (and Lynn), the only thing I can speculate is that while enemy tanks and lancers will prioritize your tank as long as they're within range and have a clear LOS on it, sometimes even though those conditions are satisfied they'll target another unit that's weak and they feel like they can down in one hit.  Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    I just found that game over sequence you were talking about that can happen this chapter via the VC subreddit.

    Posted by yours truly :P

  4. 18 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    So if she were to be KO'd but I had Welkin rescue her, I wouldn't get a game over even though she was downed?  That sounds like something I maybe could've abused; just take her down, then I could send an extra unit to the base camp to assist.

    Yep, that's right.  Even then, you'd have to spend the extra CP to rescue her and request backup so idk if that'd help in the long run.  Besides, there's no point worrying about getting allies downed at this point since you can't even get access to royal weapons until you reach a certain point in the story :P


    VC3 stuff

    Yeah, VC3 uses pretty much all the maps from VC2 and uses some new ones.  And yes they still get repetitive.  One of the new maps is probably one of the WORST designed imo.  It almost always pisses me off playing it due to how railroaded it feels.

    20 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Gameplay snip

    Hahaha, it probably doesn't help that the ZM Kar B rifles they use trade the ability to debuff defense in exchange for lolwut range and one additional bullet.  The question is you would rather get your defense lowered or getting chipped away from longer ranges?

    Something to note is that Tank Slayer can also activate from other units the game considers "armored" like bunkers, turrets, etc so you can potentially manipulate things so you can get it to proc.  Also, Anti-Armor Boost will always guarantee a two-shot against those tanks (unless it hits the treads) so you're missing out on the fun :P  (Also this is what makes generic unit runs pretty fun with the mod active since they ONLY have battle potentials.  Some of them have really great combinations)

    All of the status debuff weapons reduce their affected stat (excluding HP Down) by 50%, so Edy getting Panicky and getting hit with Attack Down reduces her attack power to a mere 25% of what it normally is.  Ouch.  Attack Down is also a godsend in this mod due to the increased lethality of enemies in this.

    I imagine that lancer only went for Lynn since due to her angle intercepting him, that hill blocked his shot to the Edelweiss.

    Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!

  5. On a side note, what's pretty interesting about the "Alicia dies" loss condition is that she can be downed, but if three turns pass or an enemy gets her body, she says the same voice lines (but different portrait and background) like in the prologue missions and then you get game over'd.  I think this is the only instance where this happens since in other situations getting downed results in an immediate game over.  If only this applied to Welkin when he's on foot...

  6. 4 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Notice how things fell apart just as soon as Edy got severely hurt.

    Conclusion: Edy is the one who holds everything together, and must be protected at all costs.

    I feel like Edy isn’t exactly the best choice for this mission, given that she can get debuffed by the attack down SMGs, on top of her Panicky potential further reducing her attack power...


    Personally, I had my own strats for this chapter, but I’ll probably tell you how I did it when you finish your write up for this one :P

  7. Oh, this is gonna be good hahahaha.  This mission is definitely one that gets a major difficulty spike due to the changes made in the mod whereas the vanilla version is simple enough.  I know I've seen a couple people who have struggled with this before finally beating it on stream or via YT videos.

    Also, it's stated on the Edelweiss' glossary page that it can be operated by two people (Welkin operates the guns and issues orders, Isara drives and handles the radio) but I assume it can be operated more efficiently with ~4 people.


    11 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:


    Thing is, he can spot you a mile away even if you're hiding in grass, and if you're in his shooting range for more than a second, you're actually dead.  Seriously, Ty's fucking powerful here.  He's a tank that only requires one CP to use; he could probably actually destroy our tank with just one blitz from his MG in the radiator.  He's no joke!


    And that's where I'll end it for now.  So what do you think?  Can I kill my former ally?  Or is he truly immortal, and our best course of action is to run?  Find out in the next part!

    I'd say he's only able to see you because that scout can see you due to them being able to detect enemies in grass further out.

  9. One thing I really enjoy about Gallian Crossfire is that pretty much each weapon has their own purpose now instead of having a clear cut superior option (though it didn't really matter too much with lousy enemy stats and generous headshot multipliers in the vanilla game).  And yeah, the Gallian-A rifles are basically a purely player phase weapon with their zero range.  While their damage does drop off the further away from the target, its penalty isn't as harsh compared to the other scout rifles since you can still kill enemies at a decent distance.  I actually managed to snipe a sniper from about halfway across the map one time :P

  10. It's sure nice to be OP as the Empire in the mod for this eh?  Also I'm pretty sure you mentioned this a while back that you never did the hard/expert skirmishes, but the weapons your units use in BHBF use the same ones enemies use in those skirmishes (the 9X models) which is why they're super lethal.  If you ever do those...all I can say is good luck ;)


    A minor bit of trivia, but the tank designated as "Jackal" is a reference to a boss tank in VC3 (the Schakal)

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