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Posts posted by Prims

  1. Day 1.6 - Votals

    Arcanite (3) - Sunwoo, Rex Glacies, Bartozio
    Bartozio (2) - SB., Greencapps
    Greencapps (1) - DefaultBeep
    Mackc2 (1) - Michelaar
    Magnificence Incarnate (1) - Rapier
    Michelaar (1) - Anime27arts
    Rex Glacies (1) - Magnificence Incarnate
    Shinori (1) - Arcanite
    Sunwoo (1) - Shinori

    Not Voting (1): Mackc2

    You have 13 hours left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).


  2. Day 1.5 - Votals

    Arcanite (3) - Sunwoo, Rex Glacies, Bartozio
    Bartozio (2) - SB., Greencapps
    Mackc2 (2) - Anime27arts, Michelaar
    Magnificence Incarnate (2) - Mackc2, Rapier
    Greencapps (1) - DefaultBeep
    Rex Glacies (1) - Magnificence Incarnate
    Shinori (1) - Arcanite
    Sunwoo (1) - Shinori

    Not Voting (0): None!

    You have 25 hours left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

  3. Day 1.4 - Votals

    Greencapps (3) - Bartozio, Rapier, DefaultBeep
    Arcanite (1) - Sunwoo
    Bartozio (1) - SB.
    Magnificence Incarnate (1) - Mackc2
    Michelaar (1) - Rex Glacies
    Rapier (1) - Arcanite
    Rex Glacies (1) - Michelaar
    SB. (1) - Greencapps
    Sunwoo (1) - Shinori

    Not Voting (2): Anime27arts, Magnificence Incarnate

    You have 46 hours left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

  4. Day 1.3 - Votals

    Greencapps (2) - Bartozio, Rapier
    Michelaar (2) - Rex Glacies, Sunwoo
    Rapier (2) - Arcanite, Greencapps
    Bartozio (1) - SB.
    DefaultBeep (1) - Mackc2
    Mackc2 (1) - DefaultBeep
    Rex Glacies (1) - Michelaar
    Sunwoo (1) - Shinori

    Not Voting (2): Anime27arts, Magnificence Incarnate

    You have 50 hours and 13 minutes left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

  5. Day 1.2 - Votals

    Greencapps (2) - Bartozio, Anime27arts
    Mackc2 (2) - DefaultBeep, Sunwoo
    Rapier (2) - Arcanite, SB.
    DefaultBeep (1) - Mackc2
    Michelaar (1) - Rex Glacies
    Rex Glacies (1) - Michelaar
    SB. (1) - Greencapps

    Not Voting (3): Magnificence Incarnate, Rapier, Shinori

    You have 60 hours and 24 minutes left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

  6. Day 1.1 - Votals

    DefaultBeep (2) - Sunwoo, Mackc2
    Rapier (2) - Arcanite, SB.
    Michelaar (1) - Rex Glacies

    Not Voting (8): Anime27arts, Bartozio, DefaultBeep, Greencapps, Magnificence Incarnate, Michelaar, Rapier, Shinori

    You have 69 hours and 5 minutes left in the day. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

    Also, yeah, to the newer players, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but try not to spam up the thread too much, out of consideration for your fellow players. Posting too much makes the game harder to re-read later on (you'll be doing yourself a favor too).

  7. Day 1

    Feeling a little bored, all the Friends in Japari Park decided the best cure was to start up some mafia! As in, the game mafia. They weren't going to actually kill each other or anything.

    Which Friends had rolled scum? Could the town figure them out and successfully catch them??? Only time would tell!

    It is now Day 1. You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch. With 13 alive, it takes 7 to hammer. For Day 1 only, the player with the most votes will be lynched (no hammer required).

  8. Rules:
    - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes.
    - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise.
    - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP.
    Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM.
    - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill.
    - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread.
    - Don't edit your posts.
    - Don't post after hammer.
    - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in.
    - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick.
    - Play to win. 

    - Day 1 start.
    - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.
    - On Day 1, the player with the most votes will be lynched. A tie will result in No Majority.
    - Past Day 2, Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to lynch.
    - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted.
    - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected.
    - Killing roles get infinite no-kills.
    - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be.

    Set-up Info:
    - All players are on the player list.
    - There is a non-zero amount of Vanilla Townies in the game.
    - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc).
    - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail.
    - Players can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise.
    - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't.
    - There are no Jesters in this game.
    - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment.

    Alive: (8)
    - Arcanite
    - DefaultBeep
    - Greencapps
    - Mackc2
    - Magnificence Incarnate (Marth)
    - Rapier
    - SB.
    - Shinori

    Out of the Game: (5)
    - Bartozio - Ezo Red Fox, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 1
    - Sunwoo (Boron) - Fennec, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 1
    - Rex Glacies - Axis Deer, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 2
    - Michelaar - Serval, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 3
    - Anime27arts - Kaban, Mafia 1-Shot Day Rolecop, lynched Day 4

    Sample VT PM:


    You are a Lucky Beast! You are a small robot serving as a tour guide for Japari Park. You usually only speak to humans and not Friends, since it's in your programming not to interfere with the ecosystem. In any case, you have no abilities other than your word and vote.

    You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

    Handy Links:
    - Day 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, Night 1
    - Day 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, Night 2
    - Day 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, Night 3

  9. It means you can't talk to people about what's happening in the game outside the thread unless your role allows it. (so no going "hey what's your role in the mafia game" over PM / chat, etc) ( @Greencapps this should answer your question as well.)

    I recommend new people skim a bit of the last two games (FEH mafia or Revival of Mafia) so they know what they're getting themselves into.

  10. I was disappointed Pika wasn't actually scum like SB told me because if he had been then the wagon I started intentionally because I wanted two Day 1 wagons to analyze would have resulted in scum/scum wagons which would have been funny as hell.

    I don't think ascetic combined with roleblocks everywhere made GP town since she easily could have been "mafia insomniac / ascetic / JoAT", but ascetic combined with a flipped godfather and the shittiest cop ever did make her look townie. still not confirmed though.

    go join my game people

  11. Rules:
    - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes.
    - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise.
    - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP.
    Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM.
    - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill.
    - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread.
    - Don't edit your posts.
    - Don't post after hammer.
    - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in.
    - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick.
    - Play to win. 

    - Day 1 start.
    - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.
    - On Day 1, the player with the most votes will be lynched. A tie will result in No Majority.
    - Past Day 2, Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to lynch.
    - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted.
    - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected.
    - Killing roles get infinite no-kills.
    - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be.

    Set-up Info:
    - All players are on the player list.
    - There is a non-zero amount of Vanilla Townies in the game.
    - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc).
    - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail.
    - Players can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise.
    - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't.
    - There are no Jesters in this game.
    - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment.

    1. Rapier
    2. Marth
    3. Mackc2
    4. Bartozio
    5. Anime27arts
    6. Arcanite
    7. Greencapps
    8. Shinori
    9. DefaultBeep
    10. Michelaar
    11. Rex Glacies
    12. SB
    13. Boron

    Sign-ups are first come, first serve. A new thread will be posted when the game starts.

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