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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. 3. Phanu "Call me Phanu" "Why did you go with that name?" Gam asked you. "I'm not sure why, it just came to my head" You responded to his question. "Anyway, what should we do now?" Game asked you as he took a look to his right. You took a moment to think about it. 1. Ask him where he found his gun. 2. Ask him if he met anyone else in this place. 3. Suggest looking for a safe place to take shelter in. 4. Ask him to take you to the room he woke up in. 5. Ask him if he has any type of power like you do. 6. Ask him why he pointed a gun at you, and why should you trust him after that.
  2. Light magic for sure. Although I would prefer staves over it.
  3. I think you might be generalizing FE13/FE14 supports a little too much here. While it might be harder to find them, but those games do have what most people would consider to be good supports in them. And I disagree with the stories being more light toned, I would use a lot of words and terms to describe the stories of those two games, but "light hearted" won't be in the mix. I really can't see how FE13/FE14 had "radically" more light hearted stories than games like FE9/FE10/FE15 Well, both the monastery and the avatar are apart of the gameplay, so.... And I don't think people are begging for this series to be like Persona, but it's more like FE16 itself is giving them Persona vibes, which most people are fine/happy with looking at how the Persona games are considered to be good. Also while I love "traditional" FE games, IS had to change things up to save this series from dying basically. I don't think avatars, marriages, and child units are inherently bad, and I fully believe that IS could do it right, I honestly think they already had in FE13, but I know you might argue otherwise. But in all honestly it's not on IS that some of it's old fan-base can't handle the IDEA of having any of those things in their games anymore. FE16 has barley been advertised, but from what HAS been shown, it wasn't just the avatar and the monastery. I'm pretty sure they showed some mechanics in the second trailer. And as far as story goes, I'm pretty sure that most people that would want to buy FE16 would first look into the mechanics, not the story. So it can be a bit pointless to go into too many details about it, and even if they did that, they would risk spoiling it, which is also not good. So them not focusing on it here makes a lot of sense to me.
  4. The one with the headline "If you're reading this, you need to escape. You go to the page with the most eye catching, yet confusing headline. On the page, you only see the word "Run" written over and over and over, it's a bit creepy. 1. Ignore the warning and read the rest of the notes. 2. Put the notes down and run towards the door. 3. Leave the room, but take the notes with you.
  5. Try and turn on the computer. You walk carefully until you reach the computer, you press the power button. The computer itself is working, however it needs a password. What do you do? 1. Smack it and hope it works. 2. Read the notes. 3. Give up and head to the door.
  6. Yay this should be fun, I think I like almost everyone tbh. S Tier: -Edelgard: I really do find her interesting, maybe mostly becasue of the main theme lyrics (which I believe to be from her point of view), but I also think she's going to be the serious, butstill has a kind heart type of gal, which I like. I also like that she doesn't seem like she's going to be....edgy? I know that's a bit of a weird point to bring up, and maybe it just has something to do with the game I've been playing lately, but I'm sorta OVER edgy female leads. -Ashe: I would take a bullet and die for Ashe. And no, I'm not being dramatic. -Hilda: As a huge Serra fan, I can't be any happier when I think about this character. I already know that I would be making her a healer, even if she's not good at that class, I won't care. -Mercedes: What an angel....I loved the little bits we got from her backstory, made me very interested in knowing more about her. Also I love her design, and yeah something about her just WORKS for me? A Tier: -Dimitri: At first he was my least favorite of the lord trio, but he grew on me a lot? Maybe some of the leaks have something to do with it, but I have a feeling I'm really going to like him. -Caspar: Mr. Justice over here, he seem fun, honestly I've been keeping an eye out for him ever since like...the second trailer? Him also being like Aki from Persona 3 only makes me love that much more tbh. -Ferdinand: I can't wait for the rivalry between him and Edelgard lol, even if it was only one sided on his part. I really hope we go more into the reasons behind that though, can see it leading to something really good story wise for his character. -Dorothea: I like her as well. Her backstory could lead to some fun events in this game for sure. -Hubert: I know some people think he's going to be evil, but I disagree. Maybe he's evil to everyone that stands in Edelgard's way, but other than that....he's a sweetie on the inside, calling it now : P B Tier: -Bernadetta: I'm not a fan of the overly shy character trope, but I hope they do something more with Bernadetta, becasue I do like her design. -Claude: Maybe a bit too low? IDK, maybe the reason I'm putting him this low is becasue unlike with Dimitri and Edelgard, I can already see how some of his story would go. At first he's going to warn us about how we shouldn't trust him, then betray us for whatever reason, and after that he would do something and become the good guy again. I hope it ends up being different...but I can already see this happening lol '/ which makes me less excited for him. -Raphael: He's a sweetheart, nothing more to say really. Although the story about how his parents die could be sad, but we still don't know much about that. Lysithea: She reminds me of Lute, which is a good thing. Also the leaker really hyped her up...so we shall see how she turns out I guess. C Tier: -Dedue: Not much to say about him....but I can see him having an interesting story for some reason, but sadly we know very little about him from his bio. -Felix: Nothing really about him stands out to me lol V_V But I can see myself liking him more once the game is out. D Tier: -Lorenz: Yeah...lol '/ I don't really like him, but who knows, maybe that would change once the game is out. I hope I didn't forget anyone.
  7. Caspar <3 <3 <3 <3 I've been waiting for his bio for SO long ;; it's finally here.
  8. Well, I love a lengthy FE game ^_^ Hopefully FE16 would break FE10's record and have over 43 chapters in it's main story lol.
  9. I'm pretty sure the game will give the players at least some time to get to know the characters before making them pick a house, which might not be enough, but better than nothing.
  10. I think it's going to be quite dark really, or at least that's the feeling I'm getting from reading all these leaks and theories that some people are posting lol.
  11. I would prefer her be like Kaze where you can save her than be like Scarlet...but yeah, the game isn't even out and I'm already annoyed by the fact we might not be able to save her lol V_V Like I almost don't want to make myself get attached to her character already just to avoid feeling worst if she ended up being another Scarlet.
  12. Why would a girl like her even come to the academy? Her bio said how she feels safe at home, I wonder if there is a story behind that.
  13. I never understood why people thought Rhea would be the next Emmeryn/Mikoto tbh, like other than her being an older female figure, there would had been nothing about her that told me she would be just like them. Although I wouldn't mind if Rhea still ended up being a tragic character in her own way. Also on that topic, I sorta dislike when people compare Emmeryn with Mikoto. Mostly becasue I think one is a much better character than the other '/
  14. Nice post, I'm a bit impressed honestly. I always found this "arc" (Or whatever you want to call it) to be my least favorite story wise when it comes to FE13. But that post of yours might make me look at it in a different light. Also I always liked Walhart btw, I always found him interesting for some reason. Also...I love how passionate you are about this lol, it reminds me of myself but for FE10 instead. If I was a better writer, I might have made a thread similar to this myself. But anyway, keep it up ^_^
  15. I've been playing a game called Tales of Symphonia. It's a fun RPG, with a good cast of characters.
  16. Ottservia continuing to spread the good word about FE13's story <3 Which makes me happy as someone who got very into it.
  17. In all honestly, FE13 characters (Player characters to be clear) are a lot more complex then people give them credit for '/
  18. Yeah it makes you wonder what the accident was tbh. I can totally see it being something which get brought up in some of his supports, which to me gives me the feeling he won't be a one-note type of character. Like I can totally see him being one of those characters who are very happy on the outside, but hold a lot of sadness in the inside, but I might be thinking too much into it lol.
  19. Raphael looks like a sweetheart <3 I like him I think. I also like that his parents death isn't....stopping him fro enjoying life (I'm not sure if I worded that right or not)
  20. This is the most I've been excited for a FE game in a while.
  21. Don't lose hope, there still could be more than one option :( I believe I read somewhere that there might be at least one gay option in each house? I'm not sure if I just made that up in my mind or if I really did read that somewhere, but the chances are if they truly will add all those LGBT characters that they won't just give us one gay option. Also it seem like....I'm starting to believe these leaks might be true lol V_V I checked this leaker out, and he seem's like a nice person, not the type who would post fake leaks to get attention. He's also a Micaiah fan, so I refuse to believe he could be a bad person....so I'm very conflicted on what to believe right now lol.
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