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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. I don't why the guy/girl ratio not being balanced is so weird to some people. Like literally every single FE game to date doesn't have a balanced gender ratio, and FE16 would most likely follow that trend.
  2. Yeah I thought of this as well! Like it would be so easy to set up the church as the bad guys, while hiding the TRUE evil in this game for the players to figure out once they play it for themselves.
  3. I doubt the church will be the only "evil group" in this game, becasue it would be too easy tbh. I know I said this before, but something HAS to go down looking at how the academy and the church are at the same place. I just don't see how we will stay in the same spot with them the whole game if they were the only bad people in FE16, so something more will go down, I'm like sure of this.
  4. lol I was just kidding, don't worry I wasn't upset or anything ^_^ And...I'm mixed on Camilla. Like there are moments when I like her, and other moments where I wish she would just stop.
  5. I also enjoyed Fates myself, I was simply comparing how different the world building has been between it and FE16. Like don't worry I'm not one of those people who hate Fates and everything it stands for lol.
  6. She looks way too angelic to be anything like Camilla, don't insult her like that.
  7. Her hair is so pretty, I'm jealous. She's also cute <3 I would want to be her best friend if I was in the FE16 world.
  8. She already is though!!!!!! : P And really for me...I would replace Roy and make Lilina the lord, I just find her a much better character than him, or at least she would had made a more fun lord.
  9. I believe they each might have a canon class of their own, but I will give this a try anyway ^_^ Edelgard: Hmmm....I think it would be funny to make her mage, just because she sorta looks like Micaiah. And I do love mage lords. Also looking at what Edelgard's canon weapons might be, making her a mage would be a total 180 turn, which would sorta be funny. Now WHAT type of mage to make her would be the question, I'm still not really sure how mage classes are split up in FE16 though :/ Dimitri: I would want him to keep using lances, I think they fit him well. Maybe a Griffon Rider? Although I think those use axes, I guess I'm not sure, but I would like for him to be a flier. Claude: I think he would make a cool looking swordmaster tbh, I'm not sure why....but like think about it, he would totally be a fun swordmaster.
  10. Ferdinand <3 If S supports are back, I will pair him up with Edelgard for the lolz
  11. I'm not sure if this will help much or not, but maybe you can use a clean FE8 rom and check what kind of events they used in the prologue? Because I'm pretty sure they had units moving in a castle, and then getting out of it. So maybe you can just copy what they did, or at least learn from them, that's how I made myself better in using FEbuilder. Also by "cutscene that plays after the boss is defeated" do you mean the end event after you finished the chapter's objective? Because It should automatically play after you've done the said objective, of course however if you tried to change the objective's rules, something wrong could have happened.
  12. Okay, but why would Thani throw a lie now? Like I get leakers throwing some false news here and there (Well, in this case not really, looking at how much in the open everything is) but it's a different story for them to wait all that time, only to NOW say how Rhea might be a LGBT option, and I refuse to believe they forgot about it looking at how they remembered her name. Also speaking of names, knowing a character's name is NOTHING in comparison to getting information about some of the other stuff Thani talked about. I know some people feel like Thani knowing Rhea's name is a proof of something big, but to me it's not.
  13. P3P is the only Persona game that I played, and I liked it a lot ^_^ I would say I recommend it, but it is missing few things that you might find value in. Also this might be an unpopular opinion, but losing the free roam isn't...a big lost, if anything not having to run from place to place can make things a bit faster funny enough. Edit: Also the female protagonist is the BETTER protagonist in Persona 3, there, I said it.
  14. While I don't think the gender imbalance means much, I still hope this will be true, although I'm not getting my hopes up about IS giving us a lord which being gay is apart of their story.
  15. I really hate this becasue I know when those "leaks" turn out to be false, people would be disappointed over it, and I really don't think this game needs any more negative energy thrown at it, it already has enough.
  16. You see....while I agree with you, and I can totally see people favor units with "Holy Blood" or whatever it's called in this game, but at the same time...I see this game being a lot more balanced than how things were in FE4, which makes me happy really. And also it for sure would add some story elements to the FE16 plot, which I can see myself liking.
  17. I really like the idea of each month being a chapter, although I do hope this game won't just be 12 chapters...I want more.
  18. Hmmmm, Is it inherently bad? No. I believe there is a time and place for everything, same goes for fanservice, but it could get annoying if it became too much.
  19. I really like all these little back stories we're getting about the characters, Dorothea's backstory sounds interesting for sure and I hope the game does her justice and write her well.
  20. I do think it's a bit "fanservicey" but no where near as fanservicey as some other designs that I saw before, but I still do like her design anyway to be honest, I feel like it has the right amount of fanservice without becoming too much.
  21. Hmmmm, I took it as more just her having high standers, and just never finding someone good enough for her, but I could be wrong I guess.
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