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Everything posted by Rose482

  1. lol <3 And true I guess. But still I would imagine it would be hard to feed a whole country through hunting and fishing alone, right? Although I guess it would make sense if some people became hunters in Riryn to avoid hunger after all. But I also can imagine some other group of people who just find stealing to be the easier thing to do than hunting and fishing themselves.
  2. Also here is my idea about what I want the Silver Fox's house leader to be: First name: Silas Surname: Farrell Gender: Male Age: 16 Class: Nobel Weapon Skills: Good at Reason and Faith. Bad at everything else except bows which he is just okay on. Backstory: The youngest son of king Nathaniel Farrell. Considering he has 4 older brothers, the chances are he would never inherit the throne, but he doesn't really mind that as he has other things to worry about. He came to the academy to get stronger. He wants to gain as much power as possible, even if it meant his death. He won't give up before he accomplished his goal. No one truly knows why he pushes himself so hard to obtain so much power however... Country: Kingdom of Riryn. A kingdom known for it's cold and wintry weather. As it snows for the most of the year there, it became a hard place to grow and harvest for the farmers, making it a very hard place to live in. The royal family sees this and always tries it's best to trade and buy food from neighboring countries in order to support their people, sadly however that hasn't stopped the alarming numbers of citizens who turned into thievery in order to survive.
  3. Sure <3 I would love too. Give me time to gather my thoughts and such on what kind of house I want "Silver Fox" to be though. I do have few ideas in mind, and I think I would post one of them once I think it's good enough. And yes setting up a discord chat or PMs group chat through SF would help I think.
  4. Red Wolf is also a good name <3 I believe sticking to having three houses to be the best way to go for this RP. We technicality could put more if we want though. Although I would think the less houses there was, the less complicated things would be. I also sorta have an idea about what I would like one of the house leaders to be, but I also don't want to rush into things before the world setting is clear V_V
  5. Silver Fox <3 I think that makes a great name for a house. And I also have few characters ideas, but of course all of them are vague.
  6. Well, I did Edelgard's route first and got the following endings: Byleth/Caspar. Edelgard/Hubert (They make such a cute couple oh my goodness) Petra/Linhardt Bernadetta/Ferdinand (Their A support was very very cute. I don't want to spoil it, but I liked the little twist it had and it made the ending they got together that much more cute) Lysithea/Felix (While the game didn't say that those two got married, but it did say that Felix gave up his sword and opened up a bakery with Lysithea. If that isn't true love, I don't know what is) And funny enough, Dorothea was the only one from my original students who didn't get an ending with anyone lol. Which is a bit ironic when you think about it.
  7. Hmmm.....While I'm not 100% of this, but there is a chance you were too late to build the A support with him. Just go to the support menu and click on the Byleth/Dimitri support chain. I believe the game would tell you if you're past the time of building it.
  8. Well, that is a stupid argument that I could totally see "the other side" using : )
  9. Um, I know? Which is why I hate when people try to play the "target audience" card to get people to shut up and stay silent. And also let's be real, if there is someone out there who won't buy FE16 becasue it has one mlm option, the chances are they also won't be too happy about 5 FLF options being there as well. So I really don't think this has anything to do with the market side of things.
  10. It's a bit funny seeing people overreact to something so simple really, it's as if it would KILL them if more gay choices were in this game. And don't even let me start on the "You aren't the target audience, so you don't get the right to complain" argument that I see whenever this topic gets brought up.
  11. Just reminder that you don't have to be apart of the LGBT community to want more presentation for them in games : ) A point which I have thought to be clear, but whenever someone brings up statistics of LGBT people, it tells me otherwise.
  12. Yeah I'm all for using the setting, but creating our own lore.
  13. I would be interested ^_^ It sounds like a very fun idea honestly.
  14. Singed <3 While I don't have much hopes for IS to change anything in FE16, but I do hope that there would be enough reaction to make IS try better if FE17 ever came out.
  15. So I just finished her route, and I find there to be some funny irony that the female lord ended up with the shortest route in the game <3
  16. I think both are needed, it just won't feel like a FE game if it didn't have both dragons and politics in it.
  17. I'm not searching for them, but sometimes they get recommend to me through YouTube anyway. Edit: Also I wasn't spoiled anything about FE16. I was just talking in general about what I had and would still do if it happened to me again.
  18. Those people are the WORST. Sometimes I only click on their videos to dislike it : ) If they want to be petty, I can be petty as well.
  19. V_V Just becasue someone is neither the target audience or the majority, it doesn't mean they shouldn't try to make their voices heard here. IS could have easily done mlm options justice, and they failed miserably. And I would think letting them THINK they did a good job is even worst here honestly. I know the chances are IS won't try to fix things or make it better, but who knows...maybe if they got enough backlash they would make things better in FE17(Assuming it had S supports and such of course).....I might a bit too dramatic right now lmao, but yeah I'm also feeling very salty right now.
  20. In my headcanon, Rolf and Mist end up together. I don't care what the game says. And hmmm.....for me, I wish Ike x Mia had a support chain, but sadly that wasn't mean to be V_V Also Ilyana and Zihark 100% should have had an ending together!
  21. I've been wondering, how did you come to love Severa so much : P? Were you a fan of her character right away? Or did she grew on you with time? Most of my group of friends who also play FE don't really like her for some reason V_V I hope one day they will see the light. 

    1. Ottservia


      It was more so a gradual thing I'd say though I never hated her. Like honestly my first impressions of her were of indifference but she was a powerful unit(like all the kids) so I used her. A few support chains later and yeah then it just kind of spiraled from there. I don't remember the specific support that really did it though. I think it might've been her father support but again I can't really remember. Honestly I do not understand how anyone can read through the entirety of any one of her support chains and say she''s a bad character cause honestly those A-supports are very powerful stuff. Eh whatever opinions will be opinions. When people ask why I like Severa so much I just like to point them towards this fun little song

      If that don't describe her character to a tee, I don't know what does.

  22. I guess to some people it can make the game feel less serious :/ And honestly I feel like the people who hate waifu culture aren't fans of the Persona series most of the time anyway, but hey it's them who's missing out.
  23. I mean.....they aren't wrong though : P JK JK. Hmmm...honestly I feel you, I've been trying to get my friends to play into FE as well, and sadly I failed every time, so I sorta just gave up by now.
  24. Male Byleth is the kind of teacher who's always strict 24/7, while female Byleth is the type of teacher you would run into in the club.
  25. Just found this video, and I thought it would be interesting to share here. I remember seeing a post about which version of Byleth is better somewhere around here like few days ago, so I thought it would be fitting to start this topic lol. Although really both of them are the same person, so it seems silly to compare them that much, but I AM happy to see that IS focused on small details to make them feel different (Or at least that's what I got from the video that I posted)
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