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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. By hit and run I meant similar skills but I haven't checked if they are inheritable by Ranged. Well that's a shame. I meant for vantage and enemy phase quading through QR but still he could be one of the better users for this skills and he could make it more available for other units that could use it better. I think I made my point clear, two seasonals and a year one unit make this skill one of the rarest ones and it is quite useful for vantage sweeping.
  2. Yeah you have a point here, you could also use movement oriented B slots like Hit and Run and similar ones or wing of mercy and Escape route, if Berkut is on the team, in AR with bolt traps/towers or when Lif releases, Leif's Hp can below 50% with all these methods. Also Time's pulse will be really good on him to help him activate his special (when at 3 it becomes 2 and when not 3 it will activate anyway). I just wonder why he doesn't have Close Counter, he is one it's best users and when considering it's only on a seasonal that will appear again next year and on a year one unit that appears once in the weekly banners he could have it to make it more accessible. My Kronya and my blade mages could use it (the free CC went to Picnic Flora to make her mixed phase).
  3. So, colorless is a must then is Blue and that's it for me. I need Alm and Tiki merges, also the new Leif is interesting but I am not so sure. Blue is pretty good with Lucina and Azura and Marisa is bad but flier formation could help Camila activate book of dreams easily. Now Leif, his bow is very good, but I am not sure about his special, what's the point of having another action if you can't move to kill someone else, or escape a tricky situation? What's the point of this limited Galeforce effect if you can just dance him and be more efficient?
  4. Free pull was a +Hp -Def Linde, and then I made another pull and got a +Atk -Spd Linde. I merged them keeping the +Atk. Hope I get an Ike next week
  5. Really happy now I can get Juila, B.Ike, B.Lucina, Azura, B.Lyn and Linde merges. I will try to get Roy and Takumi and Hector. I am really excited.
  6. When is the new trailer coming tomorrow or the day after? Exactly, also as Legendaries they would all get a personal skill and more optimized statlines and we wouldn't have another no demote banner. And if characters like ryoma can become legendaries instead of his game's lord then the three of them are certainly going to become.
  7. From the null banner I ended up getting a male Morgan. Now in the Zofia's call banner after finishing some chain challenges and after getting all tickets I got a +res - Def Adrift Camilla which is fine I guess (as a red blade mage).
  8. Got a +Hp -spd Silque. I like her as a character so I would like to use her but I don't see the point of having healers with so good defensive stats in exchange for their offenses. What are some builds she can run that utilize her statline? Just some ideas for builds or the reason many people were pleasantly surprised.
  9. Had 100 orbs the highest amount of orbs I ever had gathered without spending, I got only one +Hp - spd Silque, which I don't like that much as defensive staves are kind of useless (in my opinion) especially since she has bad Atk (33 here which isn't enough to deal have an offensive presence without follow ups). I am now at 3.50 and I will stop for the legendary banner as soon as I get a second 5*, as this banner turned not so good after the stats (only Catria and Forsyth impress me).
  10. So when the TTs began I made quite some pulls that I forgot to post. With only 5 orbs a Hector from the TT banner, and from the weekly revival a Lucina as the second summon and and after 1 session a dorcas (I don't k nm ow what to do with him). Really happy with lucina as with double drives and a link (as a cheaper option) she can help B.Ike my new supertank in light seasons to destroy everything othe than Ophelias (gave him DC from the new Hector and Lul Atk Def from Dimitri).
  11. Is it a possibility that Lif will appear this Month as a Legendary and Hel in November if Book 3 is done (In an attempt to save the Green pool from the disaster being Lyn)? Also Lif is technically the alt of a lord so he is a better Legendary than Mythic candidate in my opinion and we would be done with the OCs sooner allowing the newer banners from December and onwards to have other characters from the mainline games.
  12. So I didn't get something, didn't Lif die on the last chapter. Why is he here and why is he introducing himself in the trailer, or is it something like I am Lif and I won't be defeated so easily? I mean Book 3 needs only 2 more chapters to finish (if it has 13), the last one will be the battle against Hel and I thought that this one as the one before the end would sum up other stuff.
  13. Not interested in Forsyth and python. Silque is interesting but I won't won't miss anything if I don't get her (I mostly want her for Rokkr sieges). Catria is nice, my flier team now consists of of Naga, brave Camilla and Micaiah so it's not even complete (I wouldn't mind changing Michy for a flylivia or an Azura). So a physical melee is what I lack, and If Hel doesn't come or I don't get her then she will be perfect. Conrad is boring especially since he doesn't have a unique weapon. Valbar is nice but only if I manage over the time to get more than 6 copies of him. Will pull for one or two 5*s and then I will stop to pull for the Legendary banner or maybe for a good side banner.
  14. In the weekly banner I free pulled a 3* Abel. Then I pulled another blue orb and I got Lucina!! She is +Def -Res which is solid and I already refined her despite being Level 22 so far. Really lucky these days, now I have to stop bored summoning and gather orbs for a good unit to pair Lucina with as now she only has berkut and a B.Ike without DC. If Lif comes he will be perfect especially if he is a Mythic (Hel too). Also Sothis is coming soon enough and I can't have enough orbs for her (aiming for +spd +1 so I need to gather many orbs). Hopefully the new banners don't bring more dragons (duos too I guess) so that I can go easier on them and save orbs.
  15. Will go for Thea's B slot for now and will at times change with Fortress Defense. As for Naga, I think I will go for Dull Ranged a cheap(20000 feathers) and solid option. As for hector the armored team has two armor Marches so I will go for Bold fighter, as it is from a Zelgius that I used only to clear the wind Gardens some months ago and has this as his B slot. Making it the only easily available offensive Fighter skill. What are some ways that his base B slot can be used?
  16. So I have some quick questions. About fallen young Tiki, what are some easily available A skills for her? I am planning on giving her Fortress DefRes, or Distant Def 4, but until either comes what are some 4* or grail A slots for her since Brazen Atk/Spd doesn't often work due to her running Aether. About Naga what B slots can she run other than Chill Spd? It is nice but all of my dragons can reach easily at least 45 spd so I don't think it is needed, so what B slot can help raise her performance (since she can't use Lul Atk/Spd like I wanted her to)? Last one, I got a Halloween Hector (+Hp -Def) today and I was wondering how to build him. Will use him In AR defense probably, AB and in the Armor team, I will give him 4 Flowers and thats all I have thought. Skills he will keep his weapon, DC and I will give him ward armor. Which Fighter skill should I give him, Bold or Vengeful from that Legendary Tiki I hate, wary or his Odd Follow up is fine (I know it's not)? I would like to give him Aether but can he run it? I am so confused.
  17. Gathered 20 orbs today made some pulls and I got a Hector +Hp -Def which is fine, I didn't care as much about him but that's nice. After Nagi's flowers are done I will give him 4. So I am officially done with the banner I will now start gathering orbs for the new heroes banner. I am really happy I got lucky these two days and and got units I wanted.
  18. I think her weapon is fine, it trades range for stats, which is something she needs considering her lowish BST, and thought it doesn't function that well in non dragon/dragon slaying team I don't think that's the problem. If she had a better BST then she would be better with +6 with 3 spaces but for Naga as of now it is more than fine (for me at least since I use her even outside of AR with dragons, and in AR with one dragon and Dragon slayers). Her C skill needs an upgrade in my opinion but I would prefare if it was a more healing like the Herons or something instead of added range to her existing effect.
  19. Finished my pulls in the hone/fortify banner and got a +Atk Berkut merged my old one into him and he is pretty good. Then used the tickets and the remaining orbs and got a Dozla, I am happy since Nagi desperately needed Armor March (she also has Atk/Def rally+ now too) and with his dragon flowers I have 170 green ones (30 only to compete Fallen,Tiki). Will pull again along with the TT to gather some orbs and end my pity rate (3.50), only red and Blue since I don't need anyone else.
  20. I am really wondering why we don't have that much 3H content. Only two banners and a mythic and that was during the hype period. I wonder why they don't give more 3H as people want to see characters from the game.
  21. Who would be the free one (the one with the lowest votes) also if Lif is there and isn't a mythic/legendary (I want the next mythic to be hel to finish with OCs as I need Anankos, Ashera etc.), who will he replace?
  22. Do we have an Idea who will be in the farfetched banner (with or without alts).
  23. Made 7 pulls in the banner for Kliff as his A slot is one of the most needed fodders for F.Tiki. I am at 3.25 and nothing but I will continue pulling (the Halloween banner dissapointed me a bit), even if I don't get Kliff any of the other two could be nice to use or fodder.
  24. Really not such a great banner if I want to be honest. Iliana and Larachel seem uninteresting, dozla is Armor March for Nagi, and heclor as far as his base kit goes is really uninteresting. Will make some light pulls on colorless and red until I get one or two 5* and then I will keep saving for Sothis or another good banner.
  25. So I would want a dragon duo but I don't see what characters could be one so I thought of something close. Some 3Houses spoilers beware. Does anyone have an idea who could be in a dragon Duo?
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