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Posts posted by TanTanTantrum

  1. I know it's been a few months since this thread last updated but I wanted to let UG11 know how much I've been enjoying this let's play! Although I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to get into the world of hard-ass mods, I absolutely loved the commentary, the fascinating array of characters, the great tactics, and the awesome community chatter in this thread. Thanks for all you've done, UG11!

  2. Quote

    No, it's never possible to screw up that badly, though I was suggesting maybe it should be. Although I actually more meant just losing Leif, Finn and Nanna as screwing up. As regards to ever failing, the only requirement for winning is Seliph or Sigurd living and siezing the final castle. I suppose you could make a save where one of them is surrounded by enemies and will definitely die, or if an enemy is in range of your home castle and there's nothing you do to stop them, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim (and the player would kind of deserve it).

    Oooh, thanks for clarifying. It's nice to see that the game isn't as unforgiving as it could be... although some sadistic part of me wants to see what this game would be like on Lunatic+ difficulty. Then again, I suppose trying to Max-Rank this game is a sort of self-imposed Lunatic+ difficulty mode, isn't it? After all, it's clear that a player needs to know this game inside-out to be able to achieve that goal! (And it's entertaining as hell to see someone do it, of course!)


    Also, I meant to ask... does this chapter make the Thracia spin-off non-canon? After all, in this chapter, Leif is supposed to have had his army slaughtered... but in Thracia's epilogue, most of the survivors had happy endings. Are we supposed to believe his army really died... or that they're just hiding out somewhere... or what?

  3. Awesome to see an update of this LP. Thanks for your hard work!

    Oy, the stuff Leen has to go through is rather harrowing, even if they're only lightly alluding to the... particulars. Geeze, though, Intelligent Systems was not afraid to get into the much with this game, were they? First it was incest babies who turn into the anti-Christ and now a 14 (?) year old girl being molested by an evil grown-ass man... I can imagine how these plot elements would get cleaned up if this game ever did get remade!

    (Seriously though... how they're going to keep the incest thing alone makes me scratch my head. It's so integral to the part... yet so gross. Anyone got a hypothetical work-around).


    I guess ideally, Bloom should start a more serious attack towards the end of the chapter, but then you also risk losing Leif and being forced to restart the entire chapter to do over (which is much worse a thing in this game than any other in the series).

    Interesting... is it possible to actually play this chapter (or really, any other chapter in this game) so that at a certain point, the chapter becomes unbeatable from the last in-chapter save and you MUST reset the whole chapter? If so, that's a very unforgiving system... but then, this is a very unforgiving game in many ways!

    Then again, I suppose that suits the story-line of this game, which revolves so much around the impact of poorly-thought out decisions, which range from trying to save one's friends by accidentally conquering much of the world to trying to woo a woman who has an eerie resemblance to your long-lost mother. There's no coming back from certain mistakes, apparently.

  4. I know it’s been a while since you updated this LP but I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying it! I’ve been reading it over the last few days and was excited about each update! Out of all the LPs I’ve ever read, I think you’ve done one of the best jobs I’ve seen of merging together technical details with story-telling facility and a keen critique of both the pathos and craziness within this game. Even though I’ve never played this FE game (so far, anyway), you’ve made me deeply appreciate it… and made me wish more FEs would have stories that approach this game’s level of epic tragedy and heroism!


    Honestly, you’ve made me really wish I could find a remake of this game (one with a better trading/money system, since that’s the one major thing turning me off from playing the original). Do you think we’ll ever get that? Or is this a game just consigned to the dust-bin of FE history?


    Also, this game has made me wish that newer FE games would be more willing to get knee-deep intro tragedy, instead of hand-waving away the reality of death and loss during war. FE Awakening had some good nods to tragedy with its depictions of the shattered/alternate future… but that said, it missed out on a feeling of tragedy due to the actual controllable cast making out just fine by the end. It definitely doesn’t punch the player in the gut as much as watching the people they *actually* controlled get slaughtered mercilessly in an ambush. And let’s not even go into the silliness of FE Fates’ “pocket dimension” nonsense… blech....

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