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Posts posted by AzNK890

  1. Watching a heck lot of shows this season.

    Shows from Spring '11:

    Hanasaku Iroha


    Denpa Onna


    Ao no Exorcist

    Deadman Wonderland





    Hidan no Aria

    Hen Zemi




    World Only God Knows II

    Other shows I'm watching:

    KimiKiss Pure Rouge

    Ore no Imouto Animated Commentary Specials

  2. Looked some up to jog my memory, and these are the ones that I liked the most:

    [spoiler=FE7]"I am Glass! The gods fear my name!" - Glass

    Lucius: Lady Priscilla? Are you all right?

    Priscilla: ...Yes. It's nothing. Please forget about it. But...Lucius?

    Lucius: Yes?

    Priscilla: You are--how can I say this?--beautiful. Your face is like a woman's... No... Your face is even more beautiful than that of a woman... ...I'm sure even a few lords must have fallen for you...

    Lucius: You...must understand. I am...a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it

    "You kicked me... in the stomach." - Wil

    "Tell me...are you afraid to die?" - Ursula

    [spoiler=FE8]"I see. So you're 'Son-of-the-warrior-garcia-ross.'" - Lute

    "You mean Prince Innes? He's probably 100 percent stress. But I'm sure he's quite the ladies' man. I bet you have a crush on him, too. You're blushing, so I must have hit a nerve! A romance between a prince and his knight? What scandal! What intrigue!" - Forde [to Vanessa]

    [spoiler=FE9]"You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One... two... four..." - Volke

    Makalov: What!? You're not!? Phew! Hah...you had me there. I mean...just one nasty look from that face of yours could scare a man to death!

    Haar: So you're saying I'm ugly, is that it? I look like some kind of thug to you?

    Makalov: No, no, no! Not at all. You're very...handsome. Ruggedly handsome...yeah...

    Haar: Hmmm. That was weird. Oh well...back to sleep.

    "You can be a general, or you can be dinner. I don't really care which... But do try to show a little initiative, would you?" - King Ashnard (to General Petrine)

    [spoiler=FE10]"Right. Ike, hero of Crimea, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children." - Micaiah

  3. Nice, I'm working on this too.

    I had an old file that I beat like 2 years ago, so one random day a few days ago I decided to max everyone.

    Sadly, 3 of my characters died (L'rachel, moulder, Innes), but other than them, I have 23 characters 20/20 and my Eirika has maxed everything except con and move

  4. -If one of my characters dies (whether I use him/her or not), I punch something nearby and restart.

    -I'm really OCD about odd things.

    -When I disagree with someone IRL, I sometimes mumble Objection, and they look at me like I'm retarted. (A very very sad habit, but it happens >.>)

  5. lol, last thing i bought from a book fair was a captain underpants book :D

    WORD man

    The only reason I went to the book fair were for those books

  6. Well, I finished all the Ace Attorney games and I'm almost done with FEDS, so I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good RPG/Strategy Game (Excluding Mario&Luigi: SS, Phantom Hourglass, and Final Fantasy Games) while I wait for Ace Attorney 5 and Turnabout Prosecutor

  7. Phoenix Wright as an AT lol (adding on to my PW/AJ obsession)

    Hes sitting in the background (much like PT) behind his desk and says:

    Hold it!: Causes a player to get stunned for about 2-3 seconds

    Take That!: Player takes damage- about 15%

    Objection!: If a player uses shield, the shield brakes and the player goes dizzy.

    As a bonus, different characters can appear behind the chair.

    Phoenix Wright (50%)

    Miles Edgeworth (30%)

    Mia Fey (15%)

    Godot (5%) - As a bonus - he randomly throws his coffee, causing bob-omb damage, but no splash.

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