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senior firehood

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Posts posted by senior firehood

  1. 26 minutes ago, nosef said:

    Randal (Lando ? the green gambler paladin) mention the great chaos in his conversation in echoes , he aske if Celica or Alm know about it wich they don't.


    your right! he mention it lol! i cant remember all of it but what i know he only said" do you know the boundless chaos? no? oh...ok forget it! xD

  2. 36 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I find it hilarious and awesome that Nieve is wielding TWO tomes in that second picture. And you thought Reinhardt was trouble...

    Seriously though, I love Nieve's colour scheme (I love my blue/ black/ whites) and Alice and Valjean would be great to see in FE16, for their banter if nothing else. 



    Now I'm curious as to whether you three have seen the art Mayo drew to celebrate Set 12's release. Actually, I'll post it here so I can see the ensuing chaos first hand. The Boundless Chaos, as it were.


    I agree, @Book Bro, Hidari's style is definitely much more...family friendly so far. For the most part.

    awesooooooooooome picture!!!!!! Cant wait for fe 16 anymore xD

  3. 2 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Mayo has worked A LOT with FE recently, and has some of the most cipher appearances among the artists that work with IS. They also have a few characters in Heroes. I'd say Mayo working a lot on FE recently is verrrrrryyyyy interesting....

    I love Mayos drawings. If he draws all characters in fe 16 then im very happy.

    First i saw Valjean and Nieve i thought Nieve looks like a vampire and behind her is a dark kingdom or the black moon or blackhole.

    Valjean looks like a soldier from the light side^^  so i speculated that somehow vampire emblem or "new moon" thing is maybe true.

    I cant wait for the cipher stream now xD

  4. Uhm..i saw that picturein cipher forums here.....


    That girls name is Nieve and she hast a dark sword on her hand....but she is only under eraly revealed artwork.....i like her style and i hope she is in fe16^^

    there is a another pic from a knigt with food in his hands


    Maybe he is something on the light side xD but he looks okay^^

    do you thing this pictures have something to do with fe16? Maybe this characters were in the fire emblem games but i dont found them.

  5. 27 minutes ago, coldhand25 said:

    I'm surprised we hit 100 pages before even getting any information about the game...

    We are Fire Emblem gamers......we are the most valuable gamer for Nintendo....there is nothing to spurprise about^^

  6. I think the first idea from IS was the pirate game but then they visit this page and like the vampire idea so they change immedietly the project...then they saw eldy of brave ..memories and much more......now they maybe reveal 6 different fire emblem games at e3!

    im joking....

    can we watch the video from e3 somewhere in the nintendo website on june 12th?

  7. 2 hours ago, Corrobin said:

    I want the game noooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    we all feel that way now......

    pls calm down. maybe we hear something around 26th or e3. its just a couple of weeks away.

    if nothing happens......then we must wait more til the end of the year or we all riot!



  8. its interesting to hear that hawaii thing is gone^^ i would buy it.

    i heard about heartstone, its a cardgame from blizzard and they said they will bring heartstone to the switch......it is possible that IS bring cipher on the switch ?

    was there any leaker in the past who leaked always true storys?not fakes ones? i only know mrs.4chan that leaked vampire emblem or other thigns like a date for next direct but not always true^^



  9. 7 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    I really wonder why people even make these fake leaks. Like, I don't understand their mindsets at all.

    these fake leakers want just attention, friends for short time or famous thing....i dont understand it but i dont want to understand them either

  10. 25 minutes ago, Serea-chan said:

    Is it weird that I'm kinda strangely proud that there have been no FE16 leaks? I don't know what we're gonna get but hot damn am I excited to learn! Maybe this is a marketing tactic...

    i dont know what they are doing but if that is a marketing tactic then i hate it......if they want take their time then i have no problem with it....but this silence makes all sad and mad(remeber last mini direct, normal direct, fe birthday) silence...silence evrywhere!

    Fire Emblem is coming......i can feel it!


  11. so the cipher emblem starts 26th this may? on a saturday? why do many think its about fe16 because we have no infos about it, no characters, who is awesome and who is bad^^.

    and if e3 delivers no info about fe16 then  im speechless :0 if thats happend than i really have no clue and pin me31th dec on my calendar and close that book.

  12. there was  so many leaks, bad ones....good ones.....i hope we all not getting upset cause the favoirte leak is not in it^^

    My hopes is that u can do more just like pushing buttons. just like after battle u can training your units, take the controller and swing it like a sword^^defensive and aggriessive and your unit will be better. Or use it like a bow and hit something. perhaps IS have better ideas 

  13. leak wars? ok im in!

    i know a guy from IS and he tells me in horrible english that the fe game is really a vampire emblem:

    story: there is a guy named "leak" and he tell all humans that vampires are coming.....the humans dont beliefe him.

    a couple of month later after e3 the vampires are coming and all ran to  mr. leak for help.

    mr. leak said that we must fight and start the holy war against the vampires.

    some vampire survied the holy war because they hiding.

    We play the vampires and must fight for surivie the day.

    later we met mr. leak and he tells us he is also a vampire, he create vampires to start the holy war because he become famous cause he is the first vampire....

    okay i drunk a little bit to lot coffe and must go sleep...sry for my stopping stupid story but i love u all and i know u are not angry with me^^


  14. i thought the new cipherpack has to do with something fe:blazing blade. 

    maybe im wrong^^. I also hope that a something comes before the direct but im waiting at e3...its only a couple of weeks and thats not hurting :D


  15. I hope we get the real truth :D i saw that "leak" and it gave only a fe16 name..not helping.

    what happens when fe16 not shows up in e3? do you think it will come up with a fire emblem direct?

     I hope that fe 16 trailer blew us away and we see a little gameplay in e3.

  16. so it can be a direct on 7 may? that came from gamefaq? i dont trust them......

    if they make the game with new lifeley conversations between characters than i would be happy. i dont want the copything like fates was......owain-> odin thing or so...

    I like the characters in awakening...lonqu with fear of woman, tharja, noir because all the conversations was pretty funny^^ and that conversation i missed in fates...it was horrible...i hope they do much more in fe16.

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