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Posts posted by FatesIsaGudGame

  1. "So...this is how it ends..."  

    — Lon'qu's death quote in Classic Mode. FE 13. *Cries to sleep at night* It's a damn shame. Lon'qu is easily one of the most loveable characters from Awakening, but when he dies, he acts with not an ounce of surprise. He knew what he was getting into when he joined Chrom, and here he is, getting himself killed all for you and Chrom. Talk about commitment.  (T-T)

  2. 4 hours ago, MoonRose said:

    he feels like someone trapped in a fatally abusive relationship. Brainwashed into believing that whatever King Garon says, does, eats or drinks is right, no matter what the cost.

    He's pretty good, even though he obviously, as MoonRose said, sports some high grade mental brainwashing. Heck, that thing was probably scrubbed so hard, it puts any ol' clear glass to shame. He obviously though is breaking through it, especially in his revelation appearance, where he literally throws everything Garon tells him out the window just to jump off a cliff with Corrin and kill a dragon. Plus, he is easily the best looking out of many of the Fates characters, hence the "I never thought I could find another prince more handsome than Chrom" memes.

  3. 15 minutes ago, MoonRose said:

    But honestly, I think Conquest Corrin's the only real bad part of the saga. Haven't played Revelations yet, but C Corrin is just no. I wish more time and emotional depth had been invested into Takumi's illness and the Rainbow Sage event in Conquest, and Flora's Birthright event could have used more emotional depth (I was more worried about Takumi than Flora). I feel Azura's just the pre-requisite 'beautiful, mysterious girl with a very tragic past'. But seriously, Conquest Corrin is a Gary Stu in all the worst ways, making him the worst part of the Fates experience

    You probably should play revelation. It is interesting, but I feel it's only real purpose is to serve as A: the story that ties all the loose ends, and B: the story that allows characters like Ryoma and Xander to get to know each other, or for Takumi and Leo's love hate relationship (I ship it).

  4. 18 hours ago, JimmyBeans said:

    GTStory wise the idea behind it is that Nohr is poor, which it is. The land that they live in is the opposite of the bountiful and prosperous Hoshido, and is one of the "reasons" Nohr invades Hoshido.

    As for the the difficulty it was made with the longtime fans in mind and for most it's the saving grace of fates, and many of them replay the game a lot because of all the freedom it allows. (even know the story is questionable.... to put nicely).

    As for me, I think of all the hard fire emblem games, it is the most fair. A few exmaples can be found when comparing it to Awakening's lunatic mode, where everything 1-2 shots you through the early game, and requires a lot of rng being on your side to survive it, even with frederick doing everything, where as in lunatic Conquest, a dragonstone corrin next to an elise, can take like only 2-4 damage from a fighter with a steel axe, letting you make more plays with correct strategies. Pretty much 90% of the time I died in conquest my reaction was "Oh, I shouldn't of put my guy there, I forgot about that" where as in awakening it was more like "Wow! That was BS!". Does that make sense?

    Pretty much I like conquest so much because it is a puzzle of positioning and feels very strategic, and I have played it many times even though I generally play more of the older titles.

    While the kingdom of Nohr is supposed to be poor, the king and royal family shouldn't be. they literally own the country, and if it is based on medieval European countries, then it would have the royal family and especially knight, who basically had their own little countries with any rules they wanted, then the Nohr campaign would have much more money than it does. Also, in Birhtright's defense (How Ironic as how I was just trashing it) it actually is historically accurate. If you watched game theory's video on who would win, a Viking, knight, or samurai, MatPat found that the Samurai would win based solely on how much money medieval Japanese Samurai's were making, and how much more skillful their warriors were. No matter how well you fought (or how drunk you were) if the enemy had way better equipment, and had the ability to shoot someone as accurately on a horse as you were on the ground, like the Japanese, then you've basically lost the fight, explaining as well why Hoshido is way easier than Nohr (or maybe Nintendo wanted to give some props to Japan?). So, in short, Conquest is historically inaccurate in gameplay, and Birthright is surprisingly accurate compared to it. I won't even mention Revelation (Oops I did it anyway) as there is no such thing as magic floating cities and invisible warriors unless you've been smoking some bad dragon herbs, so, you can't make an accuracy estimate based on it. The link to said mentioned GT video earlier is Here.

  5. 43 minutes ago, MoonRose said:

    As someone that values story much more than gameplay, I don't think the Fates saga deserves such brutally poor reviews when it comes to the writing. Sure, there are quite a few cracks in the storytelling and characters (Corrin being the biggest crack), but for me, Birthright and Conquest have been incredibly emotional, nail biting experiences. I've lost quite a bit of sleep being anxious over getting to the next chapter, especially while playing Birthright. I'm deathly afraid of chapter 26 in Birthright.

    Of course there are superior Fire Emblems. You may think Fire Emblem 1 has far better characters/storylines/battle mechanics. Fire Emblem 4 may have a much better villain or a support system. And there are quite a few problems with Fates, Corrin being the biggest one (Conquest Corrin is the WORST protagonist of all time). Some of the support conversations in Birthright are stellar, while others are just silly (Corrin and Tsubaki, anyone?). Birthright Corrin is, by far, superior to Conquest Corrin, as BR Corrin is about a billion times wiser.

    But minus Corrin, Fates does offer incredible adventures and many unforgettable characters.

    I agree. I got to say, you make a pretty good point. Also, I felt Oboro x Silas was pretty good, just to throw that out there. (Ex of Conquest Corrin logic: Nohr general slaughters innocent people, eh, I'll cry about it and leave angrily. 

  6. My first Fire Emblem game I got was Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. I got it from my uncle, who gave me a sweet collection of game boy games, including other titles. I played through the game and almost cried that I had found a game other than uncharted that actually had a good story, and actually cried when I killed the second to last boss (for fear of spoilers I won't say who it is). It is the game I grew up with and will always hold a place in my heart as one of my favorites, along with Awakening and Fates (I have not had that much diversion into the FE games, but they're still good). If I hadn't gotten that cartridge (things of the past now) I wouldn't have even discovered the series, even until now. I have SS and my uncle to thank for my ravaging addiction to the series. *Cries due to longing bouts of Nostalgia for FE SS*

  7. I got to say it's Lucina (If she counts). A girl who came back in time disguised as her great-great-great-great-great-great-great and a few more greats grandfather to save her timeline from invasion by a dragon that can make zombies and killed her dad. Although I don't know if she would technically fit the description of lord, even though she has the class, but is not the main character of the game. However, Lyn would kick her butt just because she was raised by Mongols. After all, the great kingdoms of the years all had lords who were too scared to fight in a dress, except for the MONGOLS. 

  8. Also, in reply to NPR, I feel the difficulty of Conquest is a bit extreme. It took me seven tries to beat the endgame, and lost all but my avatar in the process of killing the final boss. Plus, I feel it's kind of surprising that the conquest campaign gives you almost no money and experience. I mean, if you are literally the prince of what I assume to be one of the richest and most powerful kingdoms in the continent of no name (for lack of a confirmed name), you'd think that the player character would t least get a lousy 5 gold allowance each week. Or maybe Garon's just a penny pinching money loving no good dad. Who knows? What I'm trying to say here is that I personally feel that conquest is not my favorite due to it being ridiculously hard and annoying to beat, it's kind of kill joy. (plus, having a Beruka with 60% chance to crit enemies is something too hilarious not to have)

  9. In reply to Von Ithipathachai, honestly, if the game developers made the choices you make in the game more endgame affecting, like say which units actually choose fight you and the effect of supporting units a bit more contributing to the actual story (and of course, fix Birthright, downright awful story and not worth playing except for renown and speed-running, but I'm bathing in money so I can't complain), then the game would definitely be better. Also, Fates has introduced many hilarious memes, and Leo x Takumi is downright dangerous to read for lack of breathing when laughing at fan fictions, so my meme filled world has gotten bigger. 

  10. So, most of my fire emblem playing friends out there think that Fire Emblem: Fates (Which if you've been living under a rock for almost two years is the 14th installment in the Fire Emblem franchise) is horrible game and should be burned at the stake (I have eccentric friends), however, I disagree with them heavily as it's just a gameplay focused Fire Emblem instead of a more story based one. At it's heart, Fire Emblem is a strategy game, with story coming second. However, I'd like to see what the general consensus is to decide once and for all, if Fates is actually a hidden gem, or proof that I have horrible taste in games and it sucks.

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