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Posts posted by Ninjato

  1. 29 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    My idea for a fire emblem game is basically "roman empire vs chinese empire" so i am working on that right now. I am already sure that Kirin Knights would be the flyer class, and that there is going to be a dedicated crossbow class, but other than that i am still deciding the speciphics. 

    That sounds severely cool, if this thread gets some traction maybe it'll help you brainstorm a bit

  2. I haven't found many discussions on this particular topic, if we get a Chinese Kingdom in Fire Emblem like how we got the Japanese inspired Hoshido what new classes can you imagine for this faction? Are there any already existing ones that could fit a Chinese aesthetic (like the Scythian/Mongolic Sacaen Nomads from Elibe)? One class that comes to mind right of the bat is Monk/Shaolin but that's to easy so let's get that outta the way now. C'mon lets see what you guys can come up with.

  3. So it seems very likely the Avatar/My Unit is here to stay. That said what would you like a future Avatar Starting Class to be? Would you like to go back down the Kris route and make it optional during the customization process or make it unique like Robin and Corrin? I honestly can't decide, I like the idea of the MU having a unique class to help them stand out a bit, but at the same time they feel more like an avatar if you have the ability to choose their profession, making them a Soldier, Mercenary, Myrmidon, Cavalier etc. How would you guys handle the Avatar Starting Class?

  4. 13 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Valm and Plegia are also 1000 years or so into the future, so it is a bit far fetched to assume they had navies. They probably only had fishing + trade ships. No nation was mentioned to have a grand naval force, so none of them probably had one. Not that it was really needed, since all of the nations were connected by land. The only exception was Macedon, which had wyverns to fly over the channel separating it from the rest of the continent.

    Yeah I can see that, I figure for the most part that the nations separate from the mainland would want at least a small naval force to defend from Pirates for one thing if nothing else. And to perhaps at least have some way to intercept a possible invading force, given that Marth seemed to have the ability to just waltz into Macedon, Gra, and Grust with virtually no resistance on the sea itself, you'd figure someone would be like "Hey, wouldn't it be a good idea to, ya know, arm some of our ships and try to sink the army of heavy plate armor wearing invaders?"

    Edit: On that note I just thought of how funny Marth's reaction would be to having Grust or Gra coming at him with Ballistae attached to large imposing ships. Perhaps have a chapter similar to the Winter Solstice episode in ATLA where Marth has to break through a heavily armed blockade to reach his next destination.

    13 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Although they are both Medieval, Awakening does seem to be in more of a Renaissance era judging by some things. Their attire is much more modern than Marth's timeline, there are less countries (there are far more medieval countries than there are modern countries because areas tend to get unified over time- Germany and China are examples of this), there is mention of navies, and there is more attention to the arts. By Chrom's time, there seems to have been many advancements.

    I noticed this as well, that was very interesting imo. I just assumed the lesser countries was due to the whole two continents thing going on, may be the out of universe explanation but looking back on it in universe it's an explanation I had overlooked it seems.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    I don't remember the game ever implying any of the nations have proper navies.  They have ships, sure, but it seems to me like most combatants are trained only in land combat

    Oh I was just making an assumption really, given that we know Valm and Plegia have proper navies in the future I don't think it's to far fetched of an idea. But you are correct however that the nations of Archanea (and just about every FE title really) seem to have armies trained only or primarily for land combat. Outside of Awakening I can only think of Hoshido and Nohr as two other exceptions but I'm on the fence about that as well, in Birthright it seems implied the Hoshidans are simply using a transport while in Conquest a fleet seems to be implied but it could've been apart of Nestra's Navy rather than Nohr.

  6. Ah that makes sense.

    16 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Marth's group traveled via waters from the very beginning of their journey, which is shown in the prologue of SD.  This means they will not go through any enemy territory.  At worst, they'll have to stop into ports along the way, but they aren't going through land to get to their destination.

    To this point, I originally thought that this very reason was how Marth escaped so easily, but as I stated in the post Marth would've had to sail past Gra, I imagine these nations have fleets, especially the islands who need them the most. I assumed Gra ships would've intercepted Marth at some point which is why I was a bit skeptical, but it's possible Gra either hadn't deployed enough ships or Marth likely went the long way past Grust who wouldn't really care about Marth given your other point about how Gra and Altea were technically only at war with each other at this point.

  7. Altea and Talys are literally on complete opposite sides of the freaking map, after leaving Altea he'd have to sail through Gra-Dolhr controlled waters and either sail around Archanea or travel through; doesn't seem like the best idea given that, if I recall correctly, it was being invaded at the time given the continental war Medeus started. I mean Jesus Marth's perilous journey TO Talys could be a game all on it's own, it's a miracle be made it with a just a handful of knights.

    Edit: I just looked at the map again and Altea is completely surrounded by belligerent countries! I never noticed this before somehow but you've got Grust to the Southwest, Khadein to the North, Gra to the East and Dolhr/Macedon to the south, wow...

  8. 6 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    Concerning the other female protagonists, I don't have strong feelings for Eirika but I will stand by her making the mistake of giving Lyon the sacred stone. Even if L'arachel cautioned against it, Eirika believed there was still a sliver of hope, and it's not unreasonable that she would take it.

    Let's not forget she's also rather naïve. At least she doesn't appear to have as much world experience as her brother seems to, so I don't think it's very surprising Lyon/DK pulled a fast one on her.


    6 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    It's much better written than Celica who, even if you take her selfless personality and religious faith into account, was a complete idiot for trusting Jedah when he did everything he could to come across as a madman.

    It's times like this that I wish they'd do something more innovative with the Gharnef Archetype. If they had made Jedah more like Lehran or Lyon I think that whole thing could've been remedied somewhat, given that Celica and Eirika are somewhat similar in their trusting/naïve personalities.

  9. 8 hours ago, Slumber said:

    Plus, though this is a matter of opinion, I find Chrom's development quite, uh, bad. Really quite bad. And the fact that he's willing to doom the world 1000 years down the line for Robin right at endgame... to me, showcases that his growth really isn't THAT significant.

    I can't argue with this honestly, I definitely feel Chrom's Arc could've been handled better.


    8 hours ago, Slumber said:

    If you want to say Lucina is a tritagonist with Robin and Chrom, go ahead. But as somebody who'd put Robin above Chrom(Which is where we'll have to agree to disagree) in terms of who is the main character of Awakening, you're gonna have a really tough time convincing me that Lucina is more of a main character and deserving of a deuteragonist spot, but I suppose we're splitting hairs at that point

    That's fair, I guess at the end of the day our personal view plays a big role in how we experience a story. Though it is nice to get different perspective every so often even if we don't always fully agree.

  10. 59 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Why do people think this? I just had this discussion in another thread, and have yet to get an answer there. 

    Awakening straight up couldn't be more about Robin. Literally everything that happens in that game is because of Robin, and there isn't a single major plot point that isn't tied to him/her somehow. They're not aware of it until the last chunk of game, but that doesn't change the fact that both the Plegia and Valm arcs couldn't have happened without them somehow, and the Grimleal Arc is about Robin and only Robin. 

    And to top that off, Lucina over Robin? Really? Lucina might as well not exist in the plot after we learn that she's Chrom's daughter. Once that plot point is revealed, her relevance to the plot drops to a flat 0. She says things every now and then, but her agency in the story is basically gone... Really pretty early in the game. Robin never really loses relevance, and his/her input to Chrom is more important throughout a longer portion of the game until Robin hijacks the main character seat and the story is entirely focused on them. 

    Having importance to the Plot doesn't mean it's about you. You could argue Guinevere had more importance than Roy despite him being the main character, likewise for Elincia and Ike. Forgive me, I have trouble putting my thoughts into words so bear with me.

    You are correct in Lucina's lack of overall plot relevancy, I'd argue that's one (of many) of Awakening's flaws in its story. Lucina's whole involvement is to stop Grima in order to avoid a ruinous future that she had to live through (let's ignore the whole alternate timeline thing for now). I think she's very deserving of at least being the deuteragonist, it's just her poor handling as the story progresses that I think undermines that.

    I'm not arguing against Robin's importance, he's definitely a major character, what I really mean is the story isn't about him. From beginning to end it's about Chrom's journey from a Prince to an Exalt and that's intertwined with Lucina and her desire to defeat Grima and create a better future. Robin for like 90% of the game is just treated like a (slightly above normal) person until the discount Darth Vader moment and the Grima reveal near the tail end where he hijacks the spotlight.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Florete said:

    Why "he" though?

    Because I'm a guy and I play male Robin so I instinctively refer to them as "he" just as I've seen female players refer to Robin as "she".


    14 minutes ago, Florete said:

    No route technically has a canon gender for Corrin, they just typically use male for Birthright and female for Conquest.

    Ok that makes sense.


    15 minutes ago, Florete said:

    This is likely true, but also a bad excuse. Writing female leads shouldn't be hard, and if they're really worried, they can hire someone with more confidence for it. They hired a writer for Fates, they can do it again.

    Yeah, can't argue with this.

  12. 5 hours ago, Florete said:

    I do think you should give Lucina more credit. She may not be coded as what we understand to be a "lord," but she even has the class, and for good reason. She's basically the one who sets the entire plot in motion. Without her, a lot of things would have gone down differently.

    I agree. As I mentioned earlier I think Lucina should be considered Awakenings deuteragonist. I've nothing against Robin but I don't like that he's considered the deuteragonist over Lucina as he had no personal investment in the whole thing until that plot twist near the end, just my two cents.

  13. 2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    There does seem to be a desire in the fanbase for more grey stories like that, but I would at least consider that humans innately favor the defense as the good guy, so they'd have to be pretty desperate.

    Ah yes I don't dispute that, I don't mind the "defend/free your kingdom" trope as it's a classic that I greatly enjoy. And you're right that the defenders are typically associated with the good guys, I have a personal bias when it comes to the Roman Empire, so with a Rome vs Barbarians theme with the barbarians as the protagonists I couldn't, in good conscience, make the Empire a discount Begnion or Dolhr with just the obligatory Camus Archetype showing up. Ya know to show the protagonist that not everyone on the opposing side is a generic asshole.

    This whole idea was literally spawned from a simple thought I had while playing Echoes: "Have we had a story where the protagonist is the ancient hero who founded their Nation?". After looking into it I didn't find anything baring the possibility of that being the plot of Three Houses, it was gonna be the topic of this thread but my imagination got the best of me and so here we are lol.

  14. 8 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    The Romans began to hire quite a few German mercenaries as time went on, so...that could be something.

    Yeah, if I recall German mercenaries were quite common in the later years of the Western Empire. Maybe the Lord's class could reflect this, or the green units that make up their army could be predominantly mercenary classes.

    8 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Hey now, I think that idea could actually be made quite interesting- simply throw some thoroughly screwed up philosophies into the pot, season to taste, and you'd have something pretty good. Not for a main villain- but as something which exists in the world, an isolated group which is truly barbaric and thinks cannibalism will allow them to inherit the strength of the dead (as some cultures have believed), it might be a memorable detour.

    That's actually a good idea, I hadn't considered that. Could definitely lead to some rather dark moments like previous FEs have had.

    8 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    As I recall, it was the westward expansion of the Huns which drove the Germans into Roman territory more than usual. It also pushed the Goths far enough to eventually establish their own kingdoms in North Africa.

    Could be an excuse to bring back the Nomad/Nomadic Trooper like I mentioned earlier. Probably don't wanna fight them to often since the lack of class diversity could get tedious. Also I thought that was the Vandals? Or are they an offshoot of the Goths? If I recall the Visigoths under Alaric got their own kingdom in Lusitania/Hispania and Geiseric founded the Vandal Kingdom in North Africa. At least that's what recall, may have to double check.

    9 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Now, while Rome wasn't exactly a good guy most of the time, they various "barbarian" tribes weren't good guys either. I think it'd be hard to sell "conquer and established kingdom to set up your own" as a noble or heroic motive- we aren't talking driving out the Canaanites here, but perhaps that's more the sort of tone / ambiguity you'd like to have.

    Or maybe that's what the dragon is for, I don't know.

    Maybe having the main Lord conquer the Empire is a bit much but having them found their own little kingdom within Empire like the Visigoths/Vandals seems like a noble enough goal to get behind. Could give us some room for moral ambiguity with the main Lord acting out of desperation and the Empire out of self-preservation, both are understandable reasons for both sides to clash.

  15. 9 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    We're not going to say "There's an evil tribe that kills everyone and is also cannibalistic", because that's absurd and not morally interesting.

    Knowing IS they likely would've done exactly this. 


    9 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    I'm also thinking of a fan project but I need character names and weapons that will be used. So can I use some of these ideas as well. I'll give you credit in my game but I was wondering if I could also use this

    On that note you could probably squeeze in a Hun-esque faction to act as a secondary enemy of sorts and bring back the Nomad/Nomadic Trooper. They could also work as another worldmap enemy alongside the rebellions DarthR0xas mentioned.

  16. 15 minutes ago, ChefGuevara said:

    There is the issue of the laguz kind of serving as the "barbarians" in the tellius games

    i mean the beast country is literally called Gallia, can't get any more blunt

    i would appreciate a more politically driven story tho, but I am uh...very much in the minority there 

    Yeah that's unfortunate, I mean I like killing evil Dragons/Gods as much as the next guy but having a more human conflict so to speak would be pretty interesting as well in my opinion.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Alike said:

    I've come up with a few.

    Land's Bounty

    Home of a Hero

    Together We Ride

    Power to Bind

    Arm of the People

    Praesidium (If you want it to be more Roman inspired. Translates to "Protection")

    What system is this on? Also, for bringing people together, I suggest using some gaiden chapters as a way to make choices if you want to do alliances. 

    Interesting ideas, also I figure it could just be on the 3DS, I was mainly focused on rough story ideas I hadn't considered the system thanks for mentioning it.

  18. I don't have a full intricate lay out of what I think this game could be like just a general premise of the story if you will and I'd like your opinion on it. I also welcome any new ideas. I'm a pretty big fan of the history surrounding the Roman Empire so the idea is pretty basic in itself.

    Basically I thought it would be interesting if we had a story reminiscent of the Germanic invasions of Rome, if memory serves I don't think we've had an FE title that chronicled the actual founding of a Nation. Sure the general back story of every FE has one or more great heroes who defeat and evil dragon and found a nation or two.

    I think an interesting story would be if the main Lord became the leader of a coalition of tribes that were forced to migrate into this "Great Empire" let's call it after being forced out of their former homelands, of course their goal being to find a permanent new home for their people or risk their culture and way of life going extinct.

    It goes without saying the final boss could be the "Emperor" and we could pull a Black Knight and give him some divine armor to fill the "Main Character needs a divine weapon" quota.

    So what do you guys think? To boring? To complex? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

    Edit: Changed the topic's title from "Title" to "Instalment" as I feared someone might've taken it to literally lol. I don't mind ideas for what the hypothetical game could be called, I'm also looking for rough story and/or gameplay ideas, if you guys have anything you'd like to add that may make things more interesting and all.

  19. On 2/27/2018 at 7:44 AM, SavageVolug said:

    where are the rulers of Nestra? Why aren't they showing up to enforce their neutral stance?

    I was wondering this as well, in the case of Crimea in RD Queen Elincia at the very least was there to tell Valtome to literally fuck off and when Begnion waltzed into Crimea like they owned the place the knights stepped in. I mean seriously doesn't Nestra have a Duke or something? A security force of some kind? You'd think living right nextdoor to a superpower would warrant some kind of military force just in case. And of course when fighting does break out no Duke or Duchess or King is there to stop the Nohrian Empire and Hoshidan Kingdom from fighting or even just defend their people...

  20. 1 hour ago, Reality said:

    The first thing i thought about when reading the title is that even though every conflict in Fire emblem is presented as being a formal war, wouldn't seom of them be more along the lines of undeclared "police actions"? I mean presumably the euphenaism never aplies because that would assume that the stronger nation got away with it with and continued its politics, but still...

    Hmm fair point, maybe I should've used a more broad term like "conflict" or something...

  21. 42 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Personally, I still to hope to see one day in FE something inspired by Latin America's independence wars.

    Well, from what I remember, usually FE games take place on the span of a year, or around there. I know the oldest games do take place in just one year considering their calendars. Genealogy's Gen 1 lasts three years, but there's at least a year and a half in time skips, so the time of actual warfare doesn't last that longer than the average. And Awakening has its two-year time skip, so that doesn't count either.

    Ooh that sounds interesting. I've aways wanted to play through a conflict reminiscent of the Napoleonic Wars or at least a Fire Emblem equivalent of WWI since it's the least represented of the two world wars. Like having the game take place on two continents like in Awakening and have a coalition of nations clash with each other, similar to PoR and RD's conflicts.

  22. I think it's safe to say Fire Emblem is the closest we'll get to Star Wars in the Fantasy Videogame community lol. In it's expansive history the Fire Emblem world has had a large array of conflicts known and unknown. I'd like to know your thoughts and/or ideas on what kind of conflict we'll face in the Fire Emblem Switch. On that note I'm also curious as to how long the wars in the games last if anyone knows.

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