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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. A better question is, do they get laid for doing their jobs?
  2. Children just aren't very good in this game, unless the player really takes their time.
  3. 33-50 exp? I get only 20 exp eventually from golden faceless w/o the +exp skills. I guess buying Fortune for everybody is a good idea if you have the means for it.
  4. It's not Villager that sucks, but Mozu. Villager's bases are only a tiny bit worse than Spear Fighter's.
  5. Ghost/Fairy sounds pretty rad. Three immunities and poison/dark weaknesses are cancelled out.
  6. Don't know for sure yet, there are like 10 different themed runs (a couple non-LTC) that I want to do right now. Will take some time to think (and hack maybe?).
  7. And this sums up the challenge! Thanks to all the silent viewers from Serenes Forest!
  8. Here's the chapter 26 5-turn clear in question!
  9. I'm only in it for the gameplay, but I did find the storylines of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn compelling enough to follow all the way through attentively. I guess the responses to the poll explain why I haven't been able to find any discussion on these forums since Fates came out.
  10. Completed the challenge today. Chapter 26 was ridiculously complex and made me miss emulator save states (because it's hard to figure out all the intricate pair up/separate/transfer logistics without actually moving all the units first... and if you mismanage said logistics, you go back to the first three turns which are tricky and time-consuming). I was surprised no turns were lost due to my lack of combat units (only have two), in chapter 26 specifically because of the lack of anybody who could open doors with Lockpick (where are the door keys IS?). Going to cook up the remaining videos and finalise this challenge series soon.
  11. Ah, it's all negative status and not just sleep? It could be useful then. I misread it as "blahblah and Yawn", and two of the three Terrain moves said "sleep and Yawn" so I efficiently concluded it was sleep for Misty Terrain as well without actually reading what it says exactly.
  12. I wonder if there's a Alomomola in Alola! They could implement anything really. Misty Terrain looks awfully lacklustre in comparison to the other two however - no boost to fairy-type moves? Nerfing dragons and shutting down sleep moves is only so useful...
  13. I wonder if Tapu Koko's the only one with a new weather-type ability in the seventh generation. How about auto-Misty Terrain on some mons? Admittedly it's a bit shoddy in comparison but still...
  14. It's been running much faster since the ddos protection thing popped up. I guess that's what happened, we got ddos'd?
  15. So anyone in the mood to get some Fates LA games done in the nearest future? I could host or play, whatever. Summer's basically the only time of the year where free time is an existing concept in my life, so it's basically now or never (OR this summer or the next one).
  16. The site has been really slow for me until I log in. Is it the same for anyone else?
  17. Tapu Koko is the weirdest Pokemon name I've seen yet. Have we ever had Pokemon names of more than one word? And the rock dog doesn't look anything like a rock... Everything I've ever known was a lie.
  18. TMSxFE ported to the 3DS would be p walloping actually, though the transition would rob it of the console's various advantages no doubt. Just, anything other than Wii U would do tbqh
  19. I can't think of a single reason why I would buy a Wii U, and yet this game would be pretty enjoyable I imagine. If it resembles the Persona / SMT games more than anything else, why make it exclusive to a console that hasn't been the platform for the games in this series up to now?
  20. There's an even bigger difference between that and what you are suggesting - without DLC grinding you wouldn't be able to grow in level in-between storyline chapters (in Conquest at least), and you wouldn't magically grow +2 movement without the Path Bonus Boots. The difference would literally be infinite, as you simply would fail to grow exp. I don't think there's any effort made in presenting the run as something so easily replicable that any player should do the same and try to LTC the game. Tool-assisted speedruns don't exactly prescribe tactics to casual efficiency runs either, last time I checked.
  21. There are too many things in Fates that are arbitrary and may vary depending on the LTCer. In most games, it's things like full recruitment / deaths to a lesser extent, but in the 3DS games there are too many things to make up your mind about. If current LTCs are okay with grinding Avatar supports, it only follows that with access to more focused manipulation you can benefit from grinding non-MU supports as well. ruadath's run rigs supports in My Castle to happen earlier than they would otherwise through convos, and very rarely stat boosts. There's also no official policy wrt items obtained through My Castle. Olwen and I decided against them (due to a lack of tools for reliable manipulation), ruadath allows them. Accept his run for what it is. Idk why he lists me as 'collaborating' with him on this playthrough though; he's the one doing all the playing and exploits, I just give comments and answer questions and the like. It's been a good run thus far; basically Fates LTC done Irysa/ruadath-style.
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