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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Chapter 21 is up (3 turns; fewer is not reasonably possible without suicides). I have a bunch more videos to share of this run so I hope I get another upload in a couple days or so.
  2. ...aaaand I just recorded my 1-turn of chapter 25, OHKOing Ryoma. It took only 28 resets lol! Now it's time for what many people agree to be the most complex map in Conquest. I wonder how I will make the bosskill reliable, but that's like the last of my worries I think!
  3. He'd also have to solo a bunch of enemies with Asvel to get to promotion too, iirc.
  4. Nevermind, just checked my video and MU got +str on both of her level-ups in Hinoka's map. Just need to cash out some money for an Energy Drop and possibly also an Arms Scroll.
  5. It does, but B rank gives +1 mt on WTA; C rank doesn't give anything besides hit. Olwen seems to have achieved a OHKO (14x4 dmg with Dragon Fang) with a 34 str Wyvern Lord. My stats were more modest (I could still go re-do Hinoka's map and get an extra strength level-up, as I failed to do so on my recorded attempt) in comparison so I tried to compensate by getting Trample instead. Killing Edge SHOULD outdamage Killer Lance at A-rank swords since that's +3 dmg right there, but apparently Trample's damage increase isn't exactly as good as expected. I dunno, nobody really knows how the Dragon Vein field's effect works exactly. Maybe we'll get closer to the truth on this run! Wait actually... It's got to be the low strength stat. Dragon Fang adds displayed mt, which Trample doesn't affect (only changing the original damage). Yeah, I imagine Wyvern Lord taking an Energy Drop could be the way to go. I might still need an Arms Scroll however? Basically, LTCing with growths is all about rigging perfect offensive level-ups ffs... Can't wait to finish this satisfactorily so that I can move on to 0% growths runs and some more casual wacky challenge run ideas, which will bring some much-needed comfort to my tormented soul... This run's level-up rigging necessity + the sheer unpredictability I suffer from when I play Awakening 0% growths demand a playthrough that will maintain my sanity. You never know though, I didn't quite expect the hell I'd see when I started LTCing Awakening 0% growths on Hard, either.
  6. So I LTC'd Hinoka's map with the level-ups I wanted and... ...a Dragon Fang crit with a Killing Edge+1 deals 52/55 dmg to C25 Ryoma! :erk: Where's my +5 damage, Trample? fffff That said, unequipping either Trample OR Elbow Room (surprisingly, as you'd expect the Dragon Vein field to nullify the effect) does reduce the displayed dmg so I really have no clue what's going on here. My options? Get an Arms Scroll to B lances and try the same with a Killer Lance forge (more weapon Mt, WTA) instead. I could also go Wyvern Lord instead of Paladin for a higher damage cap and buy an Energy Drop for some extra strength... idk. I could well be missing a point or two of strength right now.
  7. I guess there's still time to think if I'm buying a PS3/PS4 this year. P5 and KH3 are all solid reasons for that, and I guess trying out FF15 can't hurt even if I've never touched FF13-14.
  8. What is Chrom doing exactly, giving mounted Boots!MU movement as a GK?
  9. He voiced all three and yet he doesn't know their names?
  10. Recorded a lucky 2-turn of Takumi's map today. MU just needs one more strength proc in order to meet the stat benchmark for the Ryoma OHKO, it seems, and that should be doable in Hinoka's map. Hopefully my calculations are accurate, but I'll see soon enough. Camilla is currently a -/14 Wyvern Lord and I'm wondering if I should stay there to learn Swordbreaker (there were some sword users at the very beginning of chapter 26 for instance) and just stay there, reclass to Malig Knight immediately to learn Trample in two level-ups (never levelled up as MK before) or reclass to MK after learning Swordbreaker. So many options here, huh.
  11. How high are the odds when attempting this on cartridge?
  12. Not in any way I can think of. I might like Awakening more than Revelation I guess?
  13. Just checked in-game and confirming that swords and shuriken share the same S-rank bonuses (+4 mt as opposed to +3 mt). Since nobody has pointed this out in this topic, another reason to get reach the S-rank in a weapon type is for a bigger advantage when having weapon triangle advantage. At S-rank, the WTA gives +2 dmg/+20 hit, which turns into +4 dmg/+40 hit when you are equipped with an effective dual weapon. This is pretty big.
  14. Classes with a cap of S-rank in a weapon get their bonuses automatically. You don't need to S-rank to receive them. Going from A to S rank gives you +1 atk/+5 hit regardless of weapon type. Maids/Butlers get +1 to healing/+5 hit with status staves apparently. Since the Serenes calculations page remains incomplete, I advise going for your calcs needs to Fe WoD for now: http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe14/formulas.htm edit: wait, it's not just incomplete, there IS no calculations page!
  15. Fuga's Wild Ride done in 2 turns. MU starts reclassing like mad.
  16. You know one thing I regret right now? Not getting Lottery very early. So many weapons I could've gotten up to now in the long period time it would've been available. After all the reclassing MU has been doing for skills in the last couple of chapters, I'm dangerously close to running myself out of money. If I want Trample on Camilla for example, I need to spend 4K more just to have her go Malig Knight and back (or she could stay there, but she's getting pretty fragile and I fear chapter 26 will really accentuate that). At least MU needs "only" 3 more strength level-ups until Ryoma, but Sakura/Takumi/Hinoka all have pretty short maps. I'm not sure if I can get these levels without cashing out on another Arms Scroll for killer weaponry access.
  17. Whoops, I meant Mozu. Haven't reclassed Flora yet (and not positive that I will reclass her into anything at all just yet).
  18. Uploaded my 5-turn of the fox chapter: Doesn't seem like any fewer is possible. 2-turned chapter 20 as well (the bosskill is pretty meek in comparison to, say, Kotaro and I guess the enemies we are yet to face), though MU missed a +str level-up, which could well be a problem later on (but I've missed far too many of them to worry about that now... idk). According to Olwen, the Ryoma OHKO requires 51 mt, which could be 51/52 effective mt after factoring possible WTA (his numbers didn't add up even after he realised you get +1 atk from C lances). Problem is, Olwen needed a capped str (34 str) Wyvern Lord with Strength+2 to get the last point of damage necessary, whereas my Paladin MU is still at 24 str as of chapter 21 as a lv. 11 promoted unit. I could either try to get both Strength+2 and Trample, which sounds super hard to pull off considering Malig Knight is nigh unusable due to E axes/tomes, though the first 2 level-ups could technically come from a Wyvern Lord, as which MU can use C lances like Beast Killer and Killer Lance. An alternative is reclassing to Dread Fighter (I still have 1 scroll after reclassing Flora) for Aggressor in 4 levels, which could actually help me get the needed damage on Ryoma, and I would keep my A swords rank for Yato, Levin Sword and other goodies, but I'm left with 6 mov and no movement bonus to allies on pair-up. I only have to get to lv. 15 though, but 4 levels is a lot in the incredibly fast endgame. Hmm, what do? I do have plenty of time to think.
  19. Everyone but Jakob or Felicia learns it way too late for it to break the game in any meaningful way.
  20. But do you get zero support points when talking to the units without hearts? Simply fewer points?
  21. What's the difference between choosing a unit with a heart (top 3) in Private Castle (or whatever) and choosing anybody else not in the top 3? A smaller effect on support growth? No effect whatsoever? I'd like to know if I'm not wasting time completely there.
  22. Another flier. Another mounted unit. Another unit that gives +1 mov on pair-up (post-promo). A very bulky unit. A unit that isn't weak to Beastbane for chapter 19. Has Lunge and could learn Rally Defence somewhere along the line. She's very useful.
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