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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Depends on the emotion and the situation. Some emotions I express very freely, others are concealed (and rightly so).
  2. Beruka is needed to carry Nyx to the paired-up General without Nyx dying on the way. If she is taken by Effie there, she needs to not be OHKO'd by foes (namely the Elbow Room silver lance paladin) on turn 1 enemy phase, which requires either a +2 def meal or a Seraph Robe in addition to HP/Defence Tonic (in either case). Effie is also needed more badly by MU with magic and doubling problems in another part of the map (she has to eat an Enfeeble and still solo the enemies there). I could either just feed the robe to Nyx (still no idea if a character like Camilla or MU will require it for survival later on), or I could give Nyx my last (iirc) Spirit Dust to have the right damage displayed on the General in the screenshot via attack stance. Forging is yet another option, as I could either buy a 2nd Fimbulvetr or two Thunders to create a Thunder+2 (+4 mt) forge, the cost completely identical. However, throwing 2K gold away isn't something I want right now (too much stuff needs to be bought in the lategame), so I'm going to try to pull it off without the forge. I just found a Speed Thunder tome I must've obtained from talking to units in My Castle - it seems like this gives Nyx the desired 10 dmg in attack stance when she fails to proc +mag in her first levelup. If she does grow +mag, she reaches 10 atk with Fimbulvetr. All that's left is recording the strategy I guess. I still want the kind of meal that would give my MU +2 str/mag along with Nyx/Camilla, as that would assist with reliably one-rounding Zola with his stupid Nosferatu. Meanwhile, here's chapter 16 2-turned:
  3. I guess it's not entirely wrong to say S-rank weapon users have more to lose when facing WTD, since said S-rank bonus is often the reason to use them.
  4. No, Elise can't feasibly get there in a 2-turn strategy. I also can't strategise anything that would involve waiting for the enemy phase for the action to finish - the Silver Dagger Maid violently destroys Azura. Don't think doing something on EP would help anyway, and the Wary Fighter generals do happen to have Warding Blow for -20 res, so they're basically immune to magic when they initiate the attack.
  5. Yeah, basically the situation is that with her strongest tome Nyx should have 10 attack stance damage on the axe general factoring in both Malefic Aura and Camilla's personal. It must therefore mean that one of these two fails to work when contributing a second strike to a dual attack. Of course, both Nyx and Camilla have +2 str/mag from meals and the appropriate bonuses from tonics - it's still not enough to KO the last straggler.
  6. I only just noticed Ryoma lacks his Sky Knight class set skills. If anyone can find any more inaccuracies, I'd gladly correct those and update it.
  7. Get a load of these: Sorted by skill type, with all-around improved readability. Any more advice to make this a good resource?
  8. Oh lmao, talk about a brain fart. That explains my troubles. I got this close to 2-turning chapter 18... According to my calculations though, Nyx should have sufficient Might to grab the kill on the attack stance casting - it's either Nyx's Malefic Aura or Camilla's aura that fails to activate. Any idea which one it is? It couldn't hurt if we had a skill FAQ of some sort. There's a ton of fairly multi-faceted skills in the game.
  9. Even in the Tellius games? Does Savior!Oscar carrying Ike get the full Earth support for example?
  10. Chris and Corrin don't get Galeforce.
  11. Yeah, that's the one. Also, I just realised I'm no longer able to reclass MU into Dark Knight. I was able to go Cav -> Dark Mage -> Dark Knight before chapter 15 while just playing around, but now that MU is promoted, she only has Nohr Noble and Great Knight as options. I probably want to go Nohr Noble sometime to at least 2RKO Ryoma, but DK is now no longer an option. I guess getting Nyx to lv. 21 as a Dark Falcon might make the class reappear in Heart Seal menu again? There really needs to be some sort of FAQ on supports/reclassing/skill passing, because none of this stuff is intuitive at all.
  12. Partner Seals introduce a somewhat limited range of new skills and classes for non-MU characters and can be considered in the meta before or instead of Marriage Seals, which are basically a Pandora's box, but maybe not.
  13. 2-turned the Ninja Rape Cave today. Aside from the bosskill at the end, I managed to make the strategy free of luck reliance. No Rescue staffing or even Shelter needed, surprisingly. Right now trying to figure out if it's even possible to 2-turn chapter 18 without the stupid 5% Hammer crit on one of the Wary Fighter General bosses. I think I know how to at least quadruple my chances there...
  14. So, pre-extra seals and the support skills integrated, who are the top tier characters in this meta? I've had a lot going on recently so I never thought about it. MU obviously (even without getting friends' skills), Ryoma too I suppose, but who else? I think we've been playing suboptimally to infer that with the games we've done, what with nobody being present to snipe Camilla and what have you.
  15. Up'd chapter 16, cleared in 4 turns. Being able to use Gunter would've saved one turn, which I think is the first time in this challenge (though without the DLC scrolls, more turns would've been lost along the way as I wouldn't have my +mov pair-up bots). Yes, this is correct, and I figured I'd use Beruka's 9 mov anyway considering I got the enemies to ignore her since she was thwomping 0 dmg from everyone. If I can keep Niles away from combat, I'll field him. I'm still hoping I can get Anna before I get to, like, chapter 20, but that may not happen since I've just cleared chapter 16 in 2 turns and expect to make more progress while I suddenly have a little more free time because of Easter. I don't know about Effie being worse. Her speed problem has mostly been resolved (can't compare to Cam, MU or Nyx though), she has saved turns due to being mobile and flying, but she is kinda lacking in the durability department with her funny 22 HP. A Great Knight would be a good bit bulkier. It's still not too late to reclass her back to Knight and promote, but that's an expensive investment that won't pay off in terms of efficiency at all. Effie is NOT a central figure in this LTC (even if compared to somebody like Nyx who does occasionally pull off crazy stunts like soloing portions of the map on EP and one-rounding Takumi). I don't think using the non-scroll rewards is weird knowing how potent their effect is, the Boots especially. You could say I'd be forced to use them too if I were more pedantic, with a more generalised rule like "Route Bonus items allowed", but nothing stops me from determining what exactly should be in and out (there are so many of these arbitrary things in Fates too, even more when compared to Awakening). The DLC classes make it a more wholesome run, while the Boots would make it stupid with being able to reach every corner of the map from a very early stage of the game.
  16. Both Rutger and Ryoma need crits to ORKO bulkier enemies (FE6 just has much stronger opposition than Birthright). Rutger has arguably the higher crit score of the two.
  17. I have an ugly fat red "1" under warnings on another forum. It's such an eye sore.
  18. A12345 B12345 That's it; I don't see a reason to make it any more complicated...
  19. If units always grant the full S-rank bonus, the differences between units become more pronounced.
  20. Uh oh, I'd prefer to keep the fan fictionish stuff out when/if I get around to being able to play a Fates game. How does Nohrian Trust even work normally btw? Does MU need to be paired-up with the unit who grants him the extra skills?
  21. I don't allow pair-up for fighting; I've fielded Niles for lockpicking before (would've been even better if Anna were part of this run, though I dunno how hard her DLC recruitment chapter is) and in this clear he avoids being part of combat because Beruka takes 0 dmg from the samurai / sky knights thanks to defence tonic + bronze naginata. I've thought about going without the early reclass items, but I don't think I've broken anything with them yet? Nyx and Effie have spent a lot of their time functioning as +mov pair-up bots (because of the lack of Niles and Kaze on this run who function as such pre-promo) and Camilla joining outclassed them pretty harshly in terms of combat, and that's before MU promoted to amplify the effect! I mostly thought Dark Falcon and Dread Fighter are fun classes to use, whereas I don't think I would've enjoyed the run much with, say, Knight and Villager, though I've definitely been through worse times when I did female only LTC runs in FE6 and FE8. I'll probably never get to Galeforce with either Nyx or Effie on this run (I imagine that's quite turn-saving in this one too, assuming you have the stats to ORKO without pair-up).
  22. Chapter 14 in 2 turns with all the treasure (the really hard part). Still not sure if I'm going to regret those crappy levels Selena got here. MU's stuff makes it worth it I think? Her combat stats are always of essence while Selena could always be patched up with pair-up / tonics / forges for the rare occasions where she really needs to fight.
  23. Pretty sure he's away for the rest of the game. I wonder if Lottery brings possible stat boosters...
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