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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 5B. vs. Horace's Ryoma activates Amaterasu! Hinata 50 -> 55 / Corn 46 -> 60 Horace's Ryoma (Practice Katana) attacks Nin's Charlotte (Hammer)! 27 dmg 94% hit 7% crit (35) (95 2 39) Charlotte receives 27/70 damage! 55 -> 28 Charlotte counterattacks! 29 dmg 48% hit 18% crit (30) Sol (38 73 96) Charlotte misses! Ryoma attacks again! (60) (28 53 54) Charlotte receives 27/70 damage! 28 -> 1 Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 Oboro 0/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 60/70 [-3str/skl] Kaze 14/55 [-3spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 1/70 Hinata 55/55 [-2str/skl] Light 0/55 Azama 0/65 Nin's turn.
  2. Doesn't it just double your weapon's might? Seems underwhelming.
  3. What happens to Hammer's hit rate since it's not targeting an armour anymore? I know it's -4 mt, but there's supposedly a hit rate penalty as well.
  4. You don't have to fight him at all, but a strong enough Corrin (+str or mag) can probably destroy him. There's also his 11 resistance, but your tome users needs to be able to survive the counter. Garon does look a lot more problematic.
  5. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 5A. vs. Nin's Charlotte (Hammer) attacks Horace's Corn (Silver Naginata)! 49 dmg 100% hit 23% crit (79) (81 6 56) (30) Pavise Corn receives 24 damage! 70 -> 46 Corn counterattacks! 25 dmg 58% hit 6% crit (58) (71) (36 27 59) Charlotte receives 25/70 damage! 70 -> 55 Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 Oboro 0/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 46/70 [-3str/skl] Kaze 14/55 [-1 str/skl,4spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 55/70 Hinata 50/55 [-2str/skl] Light 0/55 Azama 0/65 Horace's turn.
  6. Did you take into account effective weaponry's ineffective penalty? iirc FeWoD says it's -4 mt or smth.
  7. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 4B. vs. Horace's Ryoma activates Amaterasu! Hinata 39 -> 50 Horace's Corn (Silver Naginata) attacks Nin's Kaze (Silver Sword)! 31 dmg 88% hit 0% crit (11) Luna (12 97 55) Kaze receives 41/55 damage! 55 -> 14 Kaze counterattacks! 0 dmg 99% hit 10% crit (87) yeah p glad we don't have to generate RNs for each Astra blick (79 22 24) (26) much-needed Pavise Corn receives 0 damage! 70 -> 70 Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 Oboro 0/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 [-2str/skl] Kaze 14/55 [-1 str/skl,4spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 50/55 [-3str/skl;-1mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 0/55 Azama 0/65 Nin's turn.
  8. Darting Blow variants of Ryoma double everything as fast as or slower than Ryoma, anyway...
  9. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 4A. vs. Nintales' Niles (Ragnarok) attacks Horace's Oboro (Dual Naginata)! 35 dmg 100% hit 0% crit (8) Vengeance Oboro receives 35/60 damage! 26 -> 0 Oboro is KO'd! Niles activates Lifetaker! 50 -> 50 Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 Oboro 0/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 [-1str/skl;-5spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 39/55 [-3str/skl;-1mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 0/55 Azama 0/65 Horace's turn.
  10. Sorry for not responding to this earlier, but no, it doesn't. It only includes Yato, S-rank weaponry because we deemed these overpowered (whether that's true and final remains to be seen) and weapons with silly names like Ryoma's Shitty-Ass Club. Pretty curious how shapeshifters will perform in this meta. Existing outside of the weapon triangle (without a -breaker skill designed for them) and having good speed with the B-rank beaststone gives them an interesting niche.
  11. The class max stats sheet in the resource topic now contains hit/avo/crt/cev prior to personal modifiers as well as weapon rank caps. Ranks control how effective the weapon triangle goes against a target (+4 / -4 difference in atk/def when a dual weapon is involved) as well as the bonus a unit gets when not at WTA. The weapon triangle is generally a crucial thing in this metagame, it seems. So go check it out.
  12. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 3B. vs. Horace's Ryoma activates Amaterasu! Hinata 28 -> 39 / Oboro 14 -> 26 Horace's Oboro (Dual Naginata) attacks Nin's Light (Crescent Bow)! 23 dmg 100% hit 16% crit (88) (41 86 91) Light receives 23 damage! 15 -> 0 Light is KO'd! Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 Oboro 26/60 [-3all] Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 [-1str/skl;-5spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 39/55 [-4str/skl;-2mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 0/55 Azama 0/65 Nin's turn.
  13. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 3A. vs. Nin's Light activates Amaterasu! Camilla 47 -> 59 Nin's Kaze (Silver Sword) attacks Horace's Oboro (Dual Naginata)! 17 dmg 100% hit 0% crit (88) Oboro receives 17/60 damage! 60 -> 43 Oboro counterattacks! 16 dmg 27% hit 17% crit (30) Rend Heaven (40 66 79) Oboro misses! Kaze attacks again! (52) Oboro receives 17/60 damage! 43 -> 26 Kaze activates Poison Touch! Oboro 26 -> 14 Oboro activates Seal Speed & Seal Defence! [Kaze -2 str/skl] [Kaze -6 spd/def] Nintales Horace Camilla 59/60 [-1str/skl] Oboro 14/60 [-3 all] Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 [-2 str/skl,-6spd/def] Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 28/55 [-4 str/skl, -2 mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 15/55 [str/2,-5 spd/def] Azama 0/65 Horace's turn.
  14. Yeah, but it's not happening until it's your turn. And it's your turn now. And I misunderstood what Triple Threat actually does, thanks Horace.
  15. Sorta like Resolve you mean? Just say it activates and leave it at that? Since Camilla does not strike again on that same attack for Hinata to attempt to Pavise a blow.
  16. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 2B. vs. Horace's Ryoma activates Amaterasu! Hinata 17 -> 28 Horace's Oboro (Dual Naginata) attacks Nin's Light (Crescent Bow)! 23 dmg 100% hit 16% crit (76) (63 36 21) Light receives 23 damage! 38 -> 15 Oboro activates Seal Speed & Seal Defence! Light activates Draconic Hex! [Light -6 spd/def] [Oboro -4 all] Nintales Horace Camilla 47/60 [-1str/skl] Oboro 60/60 [-4 all] Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 28/55 [-5 str/skl, -3 mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 15/55 [str/2,-5 spd/def] Azama 0/65 Nin's turn
  17. Right now Savage Blow affects only the person you chose to target at 1-2 range, Inspiration and Camilla's personal affect everyone in their team. Whether this is the best and most balanced way to go about these skills remains to be discussed.
  18. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 2A. vs. Nin's Camilla (Silver Lance) attacks Horace's Hinata (Silver Katana)! 27 dmg 91% hit 6% crit (0) Vengeance (95 68 6) Hinata receives 27/55 damage! 55 -> 28 Hinata activates Triple Threat! Camilla receives 13 dmg! 60 -> 47 Hinata counterattacks! 7 dmg 77% hit 15% crit (76) (75 83 75) damn this game must be using a different RN system Hinata misses! Camilla activates Savage Blow! Hinata receives 11/55 damage! 28 -> 17 [Camilla-2 str/-2 skl] [Hinata -2 str/-2 skl] Everyone lives and whatnot. Nintales Horace Camilla 47/60 [-2str/skl] Oboro 60/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 17/55 [-5 str/skl, -3 mag/spd/lck/def/res] Light 38/55 [str/2] Azama 0/65 Horace's turn.
  19. Yeah, forgot that swords are effective against bows now lmao. Processing the next round with Nin's first query tho.
  20. In Awakening, we never used supports, and I feel this is going to be the case here. Same with attack/guard stance.
  21. [spoiler=see teams here] Nin's team vs. Horace's team! Turn 1B. vs. Horace's Hinata (Silver Katana) attacks Nintales' Light (Crescent Bow)! 19 dmg 100% hit 29% crit (21) (60 13 80) Light receives 19/55 damage! 55 -> 36 Light activates Draconic Hex! [Hinata -2 str/-2 skl] [Hinata -4 all] <- I have no idea which is triggered first because the self-debuffs from silvers are cumulative. Test anyone? Nintales Horace Camilla 60/60 Oboro 60/60 Niles 50/50 Corn 70/70 Kaze 55/55 Ryoma 65/65 Charlotte 70/70 Hinata 55/55 [-4 all?] Light 36/55 [str/2] Azama 0/65 Nin's turn.
  22. Just for the hell of it, here are all 22 class sets tiered by utility taking into account the present rules. Top Archer (Skill+2, Quick Draw, Certain Blow, Bowfaire, Air Superiority, Amaterasu) Nohr Prince (Dragon Fang, Hoshidan Unity, Draconic Hex) Samurai (Duelist’s Blow, Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, Seal Strength) Sky Knight (Darting Blow, Camaraderie, Warding Blow, Air Superiority, Amaterasu) High Dark Mage (Heartseeker, Malefic Aura, Vengeance, Bowbreaker, Seal Magic, Lifetaker) Knight (Defence+2, Luna, Armored Blow, Wary Fighter, Pavise) Mercenary (Good Fortune, Strong Riposte, Sol, Axebreaker, Shurikenbreaker) Spear Fighter (Seal Defence, Seal Speed, Lancefaire, Rend Heaven, Quixotic) Troubadour (Resistance+2, Gentilhomme/Demoiselle, Inspiration, Tomebreaker) Wyvern Rider (Strength+2, Swordbreaker, Savage Blow, Trample) Mid Cavalier (Elbow Room, Aegis, Luna, Armored Blow) Diviner (Magic+2, Tomefaire, Rend Heaven, Quixotic) Fighter (HP+5, Gamble, Axefaire, Sol, Axebreaker) Kitsune (Evenhanded, Beastbane, Even Better, Grisly Wound) Monk/Shrine Maiden (Miracle, Renewal, Countermagic, Tomefaire) Oni Savage (Seal Resistance, Death Blow, Lancebreaker) Outlaw (Lucky Seven, Shurikenbreaker) Wolfskin (Odd Shaped, Beastbane, Better Ods, Grisly Wound) Low Ninja (Poison Strike, Shurikenfaire, Golembane) Songstress (Luck+4, Voice of Peace, Foreign Princess) Bottom Villager (Profiteer, Spendthrift, Seal Strength) Apothecary (if Profiteer, Spendthrift do nothing, only lolGolembane) Basically, most of the skillsets are good? If Lethality is unbanned and Profiteer/Spendthrift do something, then basically only Azura remains in a sorta useless class, and I can see her skills being useful when buddy/marriage reclassing becomes a thing. Lethality could be limited by not letting the player combo it with Quixotic and Hoshidan Unity. M/B reclassing will give the metagame a lot more freedom since the extra skills and classes basically turn this into a children meta of sorts... before we even consider checking out children.
  23. It looks like my party just might have the resources necessary to get a pretty low-turn clear of chapter 13's rout. I believe I can even ORKO Takumi without using Camilla at all, but the question is whether anybody is going to die on the subsequent enemy phase. I actually regret my Camilla is as a sturdy as she happens to be, because the Beastkiller cav just ignores her and heads east for my more vulnerable units, who are coincidentally all vulnerable to the Beastkiller (even Avatar with her absurd bulk gets OHKO'd). I'm either slowing down so that nobody dies (because routing is hard without a durable user of magic when some enemies have a lot of physical Mt while others have Javelins), which might let me visit more villages, or going faster and sacrificing everything again. Apparently, the weapon I missed in the previous map was an Armorslayer. Ironically, it could be pretty useful in the hands of MU in the current map I'm trying to figure out. The Arms Scroll is probably the one item I care about the most in the present map - it's either Camilla or Selena who wants one badly ASAP.
  24. You can obtain your bonus items again on different files. Anyone with existing kunai rank (other than Felicia) makes a good Dread Fighter, as does anybody who isn't otherwise very good.
  25. Have you been training them at all? A promotion couldn't hurt at this point.
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