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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Probably a Bow forge of some sort will be useful. Wyrmslayers, Dragonpikes and Brave Lance as usual. There might be more random +whatever MT forges to make some strats possible too. There's Silver Card in H2 for lowering the C11 Secret Shop costs and lategame statboosters so that's nice. I don't expect to be too tight on cash though. Not having to drill grounds for stat benchmarks for once is awesome. I actually havent planned this extensively yet. Probably gonna wait until just before Rescue to plan warp, rescue and hammerne usages. As for boosters, I only really know what will happen with Katarina and what boosters she needs for lategame/endgame. And that Palla will appreciate Wings/Robes. I also have to keep in mind that Michalis needs some boosters for endgame. Idk where the rest of the boosters will go yet. Yeah, I patched Athena to 0% Growths. Glad you're enjoying the run :) https://youtu.be/Ye6hfQ5-t1s The bad thing about Fighter Avatar is how bad he is in some chapters like these. Luckily, I get enough units that can carry me through these chapters like Cain, Caeda, Ogma and Athena. I had to get really creative to beat this chapter as fast as possible. Athena falls short of ORKO'ing the Silver Axe Barbarian and due to how dangerous he is, he can't be alive the next turn. I came up with the merric strategy when I noticed only Merric can finish him off and still be out of range of the next Silver Axe Barbarian. This does put him in range of a mage and a Thief as well as the other Silver Axe Barbarian's Hand Axe. Wrys lures the Hand Axe Barbarian to him though and he always moves first, so Merric is free to chip and tank the Mage and the Thief. I considered having Cain at full health lure Katarina and the Thieves a turn early, but sadly, he's 2HKO'd by them so he can't really lure them on his own without having to retreat. I gave the Katarina kill to Cain so he's already at Level 10 when he rejoins in Chapter 8. Being able to promote him could come in handy. Prologue 8 is completed in 7 turns Making the total turncount for the Prologue: 28 turns
  2. Basically he plays the chapters beforehand and memorizes the RNG and rearranges actions in his turn to get the most favorable outcomes. That's what I imagine it is since there's clearly no RN burning. I did something like this in my old FE7 EHM run.
  3. Uh....halp? I was testing Prologue 8 and.. Athena breaking the game. Haha thanks. Glad you're enjoying it :)
  4. Went Cain Route because I need more bulk in Prologue 8. Getting to Cain with 3 units by Turn 3 was not easy to figure out. Merric got an unexpected crit again vs the Archer near the end. Normally Jeigan would've finished the job and gotten his axe rank up by a bit. I want C Axes by C1 at least to make strats more reliable. Also, I fed the kill to Ogma so it's easier to reach Level 10 with him in case I need to promote him for a strategy in the future. I doubt I need a promoted Ogma but you can never be too sure. Prologue 7 Cain is completed in 3 turns
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_1AJaBGH6Q This one was also rather tricky to figure out as I kept getting short of offense with every strat I tried. I needed Merric Athena and Caeda to be healthy enough to take on the boss in Turn 3 and I also needed enough manpower to take on the Thief and Bandits. In the end, I discovered this strat that let me use Caeda, Merric and Athena's offense in Turn 2 EP while still being healthy enough for Turn 3. Prologue 5 is completed in 3 turns I went Ogma route because he's much more useful in the Prologue than Draug. It's a bit harder to LTC and I probably lose a turn here but I make up for it later. Prologue 6 Ogma is completed in 3 turns Probably Prologue 8 as usual. :D Indeed I am haha. It's very fun so far~ Hey there :D Yeah Wendell is gonna be awesome in this run. Im not sure on how good Midia will be :P
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajfMcOc_-f4 Kind of a tricky chapter to get through as Jeigan has a weapon triangle disadvantage vs most enemy units here. Athena can even ORKO him with little effort. I managed to find a strat that maximizes Caeda exposure on EP without putting her in danger to the Archer. In order for Caeda to survive, at least 1 of the 3 enemies she faces must not get Str. Prologue 4 Athena is completed in 4 turns
  7. Prologue 2 to Prologue 4 Athena are up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbZN2kXfC2I Not worrying about levels for once is awesome. Luke consistently goes for Jeigan thanks to his Lck and Def being at base. Prologue 2 is completed in 3 turns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUWeKLXW3Kc Jeigan having such low Def makes it so the Fighter prefers him over everyone else. Quite convenient really because Jeigan has the best offense in EP by far. Luring Caeda early with Rody saves a turn. Prologue 3 is completed in 3 turns
  8. I doubt Merric is gonna see much use when Etzel exists :P Yeah Leiden and Darros are probably gonna be mad good too. http://youtu.be/DUHYH4i8HlQ Prologue 1 is completed in 2 turns Jeigan has to dodge one of 2 66% hits from Jagen in order to 2 turn.
  9. Hey everyone! Welcome to another awesome FE12 playthrough by me, PKL! This time, I will be tackling Maniac Mode again but with no growths. In my quest to be like dondon...be a LTC master improve at this game there will be no growths this time! So, the rules: 1. Maniac Mode (H2) Difficulty. Classic Mode. 2. Rainbow Potion and Bond Drop are allowed. Growth Drop is banned. 3. Lunatic is assumed to have been played, so Lunatic statboosters will be available. 4. Mixed Class Sets for Male Units are allowed. 5. I will be playing through the game as fast as possible but if a chapter is deemed too difficult to LTC for the challenge, stalling is fair game. 6. Full Recruitment. 7. No permanent unit deaths allowed. 8. How's everyone is super banned. 9. Strategies must be a little bit reliable at least. Went with Orphan for Max Str. Makes it easier to hit important kill benchmarks throughout the Prologue. Went with Skl/Spd for the next best thing. I wish I could have both +2 str and +2 Spd. +2 Spd lets MU not get doubled by some P8 Thieves but that's not as important as hitting 1 point harder. It makes a ton of difference. Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyEd86YwZleBp734zsUeZXpSe8Vxu7jd Turncounts so far: Chapter Turns Rescue Hammerne Thief Warp Again Rescue Again P1 2 P2 3 P3 3 P4A 4 P5 3 P6O 3 P7C 3 P8 7 C1 6 C2 6 C3 17 C3x 6 C4 5 4/5 C5 9 3/5 3/3 C6 5 2/5 3/3 C6x 2 2/5 3/3 C7 5 2/5 3/3 C8 3 1/5 3/3 C9 5 4/5 2/3 5/5 C10 2 4/5 2/3 5/5 C10x 1 4/5 2/3 5/5 C11 6 3/5 2/3 5/5 C12 6 3/5 2/3 5/5 C13 6 3/5 2/3 5/5 C13x 2 3/5 2/3 5/5 C14 2 1/5 2/3 4/5 4/7 3/3 C15 1 1/5 2/3 4/5 3/7 3/3 C16 3 1/5 2/3 2/5 3/7 3/3 5/5 C16x 2 1/5 2/3 2/5 3/7 2/3 5/5 C17 5 1/5 2/3 2/5 3/7 1/3 5/5 C18 2 1/5 2/3 2/5 3/7 1/3 4/5 C19 4 0/5 1/3 2/5 6/7 1/3 3/5 C20 1 C20x 4 C21 2 C22 1 C23 1 Endgame 1 Total Turns so far 149
  10. I think my interest in FE is slowly coming back. Feeling the urge to play some FE. Sadly, I still don't feel like continuing this one run. I am SO motivated to start 0% growths though...should I do it and put this one on hold or whatever?
  11. Are Hugh's growths that amazing or is he just ridiculously blessed? Growth page doesnt load for me atm.
  12. While Luigi's recovery distance is nice, he's considered to have a bad or mediocre recovery anyway because of the lag of side b and the linearity with which he recovers.
  13. Pikachu: 1311 always. Heavy Skull Bash is the only thing I change because its a strict upgrade of regular skull bash and getting a read with that can kill really early. Thunder Jolt is too important for pikachu's neutral game to change it for thunder wave. Thunder wave gives you a free upsmash or whatever if you land it but its not worth it. Marth: 3123 That's Dashing Assault, Dancing Blade, Crescent Slash and Iai Counter. Dashing Assault for a mid range tool that eats rolls, spotdodges and attacks very well. Dancing Blade default because the customs for it are awful. Crescent Slash for making his grab more threatening. Normally you only take 4% from a Marth grab and positional advantage so people dont feel that uncomfortable in shield vs marth but this makes every grab deal around 14-16% damage each and can even kill. Makes his recovery a bit more awkward but it's worth it for the followups. Counters arent used too much in high level play but Iai Counter's power and better defensive knockback (throws them back offstage if youre using it defensively) makes it my preferred choice out of the 3 counters. Luigi: 1211 and 1311. I only change the side bs for the better recovery, 2 (floating missile) charges faster so I tend to go for that. But I've used side b 3 in Smashville to go below the stage and to the other side vs floaty characters that like trying to gimp Luigi like Peach. Toon Link: 2131 and 2113 with the occasional 3131. I use Fire Arrows in most matchups. Their lasting hitbox on the ground serves as a sort of shield vs approaches and that hitbox can lead to combos too. Putting a fire arrow by the ledge also doesnt let the opponent do the best getup option so its pretty nice for pressuring on the ledge and limiting their options. Default boomerang is the best for controlling space and followups. Up3 Flying Spin Attack is a strict upgrade from regular spin attack, having better recovery distance, a better ledgesweetspot and even super armor during the rising slash portion. I use Regular Bombs the most because of the amount of followups they can get me and because theyre amazing in general. In some matchups I switch the upb to Default Spin Attack and use the Short fuse bombs because I need the almost infinite recovery they give me. Default Spin attack is the best upb when using Short fuse as Flying Spin attack has super armor at the end, making it risky if you want to blow yourself up to recover. I use 3131 when faced vs fellow campers like Megaman and Duck Hunt. The Piercing Arrows are very useful vs Duck Hunt's can and Megaman's Pellets.
  14. The next frame by frame (tournament series that happens every 2 or 3 months here) is this Saturday and i'm going. Stream is confirmed to happen. 11 am EST here: http://www.twitch.tv/ETgamingPR. EVO Rules so that means customs.
  15. The next frame by frame (tournament series that happens every 2 or 3 months here) is this Saturday and i'm going. Stream is confirmed to happen. 11 am EST here: http://www.twitch.tv/ETgamingPR. EVO Rules so that means customs.
  16. Wyvern Oswin gonna rek the entire game.
  17. You could have Level 20 dancers in one spare turn if you wanted :o. Then you could put them in some amount of danger later on!
  18. Awesome stuff so far. I like how you show the new chars stats. :)
  19. I'm sorry guys. I can't bring myself to play Fire Emblem anymore. Whenever I have free time and try to continue the run, I get bored immediately. I think I'm all burnt out on FE. I don't plan on continuing this run or playing Fire Emblem for quite a while. :(
  20. Yoooo Espinosa. Nice to see you're back bro! :) Did taking a break for one year off FE renew your interest for the series?
  21. The map you guys have to worry about is Chapter 19 0% growths full recruitment. That has been proving difficult to beat in theory. Everything else is possible because Katarina and Palla are OP and carry the team real hard xD. Of course, I'm talking about H2, where Warp exists..
  22. Metal Blade is the preferred choice by most Megamans. The versatility it gives Megaman is too integral to his gameplan to just abandon. It is among his best out of shield moves and is just really good in general. If someone catches it, he can just pellet the metal blade so its not like it can be used too effectively against him except in some matchups. Shadow Blade true combos into grab in most % and upsmash in higher %s so that's cool but he loses one of, if not his best out of shield option and long range harasser for it. Still worth having a set or 2 with Shadow Blade. General consensus is that Hyper Bomb is trash. Danger Wrap is the best of the 3 by far. It kills, it is a good anti-air and even a potential juggling tool. It's a really good move. Megaman can even duplicate the Danger Wrap by using it in the air and landing in a specific frame. This does like 30% damage if it hits lol. Crash Bomber is second and apparently Ice Slasher is really really bad. Tornado Hold true combos into back air and stuff. It's really neat. Most Megamans use Rush though. But I think, given time, they will prefer Tornado Hold's better offensive capabilities. Beat has the best recovery distance of the upbs, but it's really really slow on startup, making Megaman easier to keep throwing offstage. Generally not recommended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WkODffIh6k You can see Tornado Hold in action in this set, as well as Shadow Blade and Danger Warp. Skull Barrier is obviously preferred in projectile-heavy matchups. If not, they use one of the other 2. Idk enough about his other down bs differences though.
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