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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I've proven that even Archer Avatar can get through Lunatic. Git gud basically.
  2. Thats pretty much the best way to go about this chapter yeah. I'm actually kinda worried about Chapter 18 to be honest. Katarina can take a hit from the Ch18 Generals at base but she can't really double them. In fact, she's almost doubled (Starsphere) by them if she's at base spd (they have a whopping 20 spd). I doubt I can get her 7 levels of spd in just 1 chapter to double them lol. Linde can double them, but she would need the C17 Seraph Robe in order to even be able to take a hit...I don't really want to have to spend so many turns carrying Marth over there and waste a Rescue though...guess I'll have to improvise a strat to get through Chapter 18 again. Those weird no nostank strats were always fun...
  3. Oh god yeah. Ch20x will be annoying. I always forget Michalis exists in normal playthroughs lol. I think that's what I'll go with.
  4. I've been waiting forever for a 0% growths patch to come out for this game. Now that we finally have it (thanks to Vennobennu), I have to do a playthrough of 0% growths. It'll be my first time doing a 0% growths run and in a game that is very new to 0% growths, so I expect it to be very challenging. I've already got a ton of planning done of it and think it is possible in Maniac. Of course, now I just have to prove it. I won't start right now, but I will as soon as I finish my current playthrough of FE12, which is in Chapter 16x atm. Something that worries me about 0% growths H2 is the extreme forging needed. Hardin and Gharnef can both be beaten by Katarina or Etzel stuffed with boosters. But Medeus still stands in the way. I wonder if there is any way to have another unit that can weaken Medeus enough so that Katarina doesnt have to die after critting Medeus? Or maybe I can give her enough support points with Bond Drop to rig a crit+miss from Medeus...hmm. Any ideas on that? I'd rather not let anyone die.
  5. I haven't had time to see any of the vids, sadly, or play FE12 at all lately. But my initial estimate of 140 turns in that one thread was kinda spot-on lol. So much for no one touching 145 turns. Lol. Congrats btw.
  6. Honestly, if you're gonna take the time to burn so many RNs to get perfect levels, why do you even care about reliability of a strat? lol
  7. If anything should be removed/nerfed, it's freaking Veteran.
  8. http://youtu.be/OJFAZBr-1ww I was hoping to be able to 2 turn this map but even that is too much to ask for this team. I would've needed even more crits than this to be able to 2 turn with Astram recruited and I would've needed to use an Again staff. Killing the Geosphere Thief is very reliable this way which is nice. Usually in a 2 turn you want to crit him with a Javelin or use Feena to hit him in Turn 1 and 2 (which makes it harder to get rid of enemies in the throne room). Not having a Paladin or Horseman that can double the boss sucks. The last Thief staff is used on the Rescue staff chest. It's nice to have that staff back :) Chapter 16 is completed in 2 turns Man, I just realized that if Linde couldn't nosferatutank Chapter 15 I don't think she will be able to do it either in Chapter 18. I don't think I can get her enough levels to be able to make her take a single hit. I can get her enough levels to double but the OHKO problem will be there. :/ I guess I'll have to find another way to 2 turn it. Linde in charge of being a disappointment. Thanks :) Those Killer Lance Generals in the chapter are the scariest enemy in the chapter. Having 14% crit on Cain isnt fun. Caused some resets to happen. So the chapter owned me first :P Holy crap, it's Vennobennu! How's it going? is the best
  9. http://youtu.be/5AaKqKmIUoA Leaving this here. No time right now to quote and reply to posts :(
  10. H5 is only tough in the first 3 chapters. Then it becomes stupidly easy :/
  11. If there's something I've learned, it's that it's actually pretty easy to improve an old run. I myself have been theorizing a lot of turn shaves but am kinda tired of full LTC'ing FE12 so I haven't redone my playthrough. It'll come eventually. First I'll play (and record) Fire Emblem 5 blind though. Yeah, I suspected back in my old run that P4 could be 3 turned but the details escaped me. Good stuff for figuring it out :). I haven't been able to watch the vids yet but you make it sound like you're going for Rody over Luke?
  12. Sorry for the delay, Chapter 14 ain't easy :P. You get 2 chapters today :) http://youtu.be/S2mqS_-h6rc A pretty simple chapter. Marth makes his way to the Iote Shield chest with help from Feena, a bulky Sniper lures the Hand Axe Barbarian and Kleine while the rest of the units reveal and deal with the enemies hidden in the fog. I turned on animations so hitrates, damage and critrates are visible on Ryan, he barely hangs on with 1 HP, normally he would've had more Def but my Marth fails so he needed one of the Def shards to get the Iote Shield. The way fog of war works in this game is pretty cool. When a character moves, the path they traversed gets lit up too. This allows you to get rid of the enemies pretty easily if you move the right way. Chapter 13x is completed in 2 turns http://youtu.be/j2wKEaf1Urw The hardest chapter in the run to tackle. There are lots of crit happy dragons, mages and thieves that are super hard to ORKO. I needed to obtain the Fortify quickly or I would've gotten overwhelmed pretty easily by the onslaught of enemies. There was only 1 unit that could get it in Turn 1 without a dance from Feena: Paladin Cain. He needed the Devil Sword to OHKO the Thief and send the Fortify staff to the convoy. Chance to backfire is 19% I think. Ryan needed a Killer Bow crit on the Ice Dragon he battled and Barst needed to hit with hand axe 4 times on the Enemy Phase. Turn 2 was really complicated because at first I didn't think my units would have enough offense to KO all those enemies in the following turn, but Linde and Barst's Dark Mage and Ice Dragon luring in Turn 1 made it possible. A lot of my units can't actually double Ice Dragons without the Scorpio Shard, so that was a bit annoying. Luckily, Ryan got blessed with 1 spd over his average last chapter. The strat with a Ryan and Ogma that have to share Scorpio for the first few turns would've differed a ton and they probably wouldn't have split. I probably would've needed Barst on the other side and I was very likely to need Killer Axe crits on Ice Dragons with Barst. I actually could've had Marth visit Gotoh in Turn 3 but that was way too overwhelming for the team to handle, believe me when I say I tried but it resulted in death no matter what. That extra turn gives me an opportunity to get rid of the Ice Dragons/Dark Mages in the east and west halls before the reinforcements appear and makes the chapter possible to this team. I decided to skip the Swordslayer. It's a valuable weapon for sure, but I was already 10 turning, which is pretty slow so I didn't wanna make it even slower. I didn't use the Again Staff I just obtained because I need the charges for other, more difficult chapters (Chapter 14 is the hardest but by the time I can use Again there were no enemies so it was kinda unneeded in a sense). I always find it so trollish that Tiki is given to you after the dragon chapters are pretty much over until endgame. She would be sooooo much more useful if she was given to you in Chapter 14's beginning. At least you get Xane, I guess, who basically gives you a copy of your best unit. Someone asked me why I didn't allow Xane to stay with the team when technically he's copying mid tiers and he's only as good as the units he copies. The answer to that is: having a copy of your best unit is still a super ridiculously good ability. He's only allowed in this chapter due to the deployment rule. Anyway, now that this ridiculously tough chapter is done, I expect the game to be much kinder to Mid Tiers. Chapter 14 is OVER and done, adios, goodbye, completed in 10 turns Yeah, 30 str/spd growths is so good lol I did, for like a month, then I came back. :) I knooow ;_;. Ogma and Marth are doing very poorly in general I think. At least my Marth is spd blessed in exchange for that str screwage...and yep haha Cain is too good. -Yeah, high level weapons make it easier to drill ground though the drawback is obviously losing uses of the weapon in question. Then there's Lady Sword... -? -At this point they don't intimidate me as much as Fire/Ice Dragons do tbh. It's way easier to KO them with my teams usually because I always have Ryan and an Excalibur user lol. -He sure did! :) Thanks :). You were partially right. While Chapter 14 did took long to complete, it was very intense to me except for the final turns lol. Arran is the best. I'm very confident, by then the growths have probably kicked in for everyone. I don't think I'll have a shortage of Again or Rescue though. Yeah, the money might be more of an issue, we'll see. Hopefully I can still afford at least the Brave Lance/Ridersbane forges.
  13. My tastes have changed I think. 11: Prep Screen so good, Footsteps of Fate 12: Hardon, Insurrection
  14. Yeah. Probably because the stats with her best growths are already capped :P Now that you say that, I took a look at Barst's average spd and he's average in Spd. Level 13 Barst averages 17.8 as Pirate, which can be rounded up to 18. Pretty good. I think he has +2 Str though, Yeah, about time Barst got back on track lol. The only unit that worries me atm is Linde. I don't think I can get her to 22 Spd for C15 Nosferatanking. :/
  15. I needed a healer on both sides in this chapter in order to beat it but I also needed Linde as a Swordmaster, so I decided to promote Merric. Excalibur Merric can actually win the Drill Grounds pretty well and even get chains if you get some lucky Peg spawns or a crit in a round. Aside from that, not much planning went into this map. I managed to get Barst a ton of experience and he got some pretty good levels too, so I believe he'll be just fine now. I didn't get anything from the Secret Shop because I don't need Physics anymore with a Fortify coming soon. There's really not much to say about this chapter that the annotations don't cover. The chapter is kinda sloppy because it was a highly experimental run that I made work just because of the Barst levels lol. Chapter 13 is completed in 8 turns Yeah he's such a badass right now :) It always happens to the clerics in my video runs it seems ;/ Thanks :). That chapter was kinda tough because at first I was trying to get through with brute force. After a few tries, it was obvious that I couldn't really handle so many enemies at the same time with this team so I came up with the retreat and fort block strat :). Thanks :). Yeah, I'd say Chapter 12 is among the most difficult maps of the game. Chapter 20x is probably the most difficult.
  16. Omg if Jagen died i'd be devastated. Especially if he died to Lang, of all people.
  17. Chapter 22 was great. Lategame FE6 is hilariously cool, if broken with all buyable boots haha.
  18. Weight will probably never return anyway. And pro-weight supporters still arguing as if weight ever did any good to the games. From my perspective, it did waaaay more harm than good, usually serving to gimp some units, hurt some already struggling units and failing to stop OP units like Florina or Cavaliers anyway.
  19. http://youtu.be/8TbwlvW6axA I kick things off by giving Cecille her final Tier 1 level in the Drill Grounds. This gave her even more Spd so that she starts Falcoknight with a massive 24 spd stat. This is actually important during the chapter, as it allows her to double Wyverns after 1 spd proc without the Scorpio and also allows her to double the boss after 2 spd procs mid-chapter with the Scorpio shard. Ogma also gets his final Tier 1 level in the Drill Grounds for a bit more Spd and Str. He'll need every point of Spd I can get him so that he can pull off Horseman later on. I also gave him the C11 Speedwing so that he can double Fire Dragons as a Hero. The Seraph Robe and Dracoshield went to Cain. He was already my bulkiest unit, edging Minerva by a bit, but unlike Minerva, he has a much more promising future as a unit due to his way better growths. Minerva received the other Energy Drop too. This helps her get those OHKOs with the Dragonpike forge and will help her OHKO Dark Mages with Hauteclere in the coming chapters. I needed to rig a Killer Lance crit early on, thankfully, there's a map save nearby that allows me to do so easily. My units cant really survive too much enemy retalitation, so I had to retreat with the main group while using my fliers to distract a few others until they could get healed. I also had to block the forts before Turn 4 or the chapter would've gotten even uglier. Thankfully, all my 3 fliers can get to the forts by Turn 4 to block the fort enemies from spawning, as well as distract a few enemies to them so the others are safe. After that, Cain kills a Wyvern with the Dragonpike forge. This causes the Pisces Shard Fire Dragon to move towards the main group so that I can obtain the shard easier and faster. By the end of the chapter, Cecille needs to have gotten 2 levels, both containing Spd. She has an amazing 90% Spd growth so it is very easy to get 2 spd mid-chapter, as long as she gets 2 levels worth of exp. The reason she needs so much Spd is so that she can double the boss, who has a rather ridiculous 24 AS. Just around the northern forts, there is a trap line. If you step in any part of the bridge or park a flying unit anywhere in the bridge, 2 Fire Dragons will spawn near the boss, 2 Fire Dragons and 1 Barbarian will spawn in the 3 north-center forts and 6 Wyverns will spawn from the bottom forts. This means pretty much instant death unless I block a considerable amount of the forts, which takes longer. To avoid this, I use Cain to lure the 2 Fire Dragons that are blocking the bridge to the boss. Since he's flying just by the bridge and not actually on the bridge, this doesn't trigger the reinforcements. Minerva helps Cain clean up the Fire Dragons blocking the way and Marth moves into the trap, gets a kill and Feena dances him so he can seize before the reinforcements arrive in the next turn. Note that where Marth and Feena are standing is just outside the range of the reinforcement trap and that Marth ends up just barely being able to seize after Feena dances him. I don't know whether IS designed that part of the map like that intentionally but it's very cool how he can only just barely seize if he and Feena are just out of range of the reinforcement trap. Btw, I get a new unit here, Darros. He's got really good defensive bases, Str and Axe rank. Barst beats him in Spd already at a lower level though, so I might just stay with Barst. Wish I had more opportunities to feed exp to Barst though :/. Leiden Belf and Robert also join after the chapter. Robert is pretty bad, awful bases and weapon ranks and he's somehow worse than the other 2 but already promoted. Benched. Belf is alright. He's better with Rainbow Potion access though. His 19 spd as a Swordmaster just doesn't cut it to double Ice Dragons next chapter. He can double them with Scorpio but I'm pretty sure I need Scorpio on other units. Leiden has enough Spd as a Swordmaster to double Ice Dragons without Scorpio shard though, so I may consider using him. With this chapter out of the way, the next big obstacle for this playthrough will be Chapter 14. Chapter 12 is completed in 11 turns. I love Dragons but idk, it depends, if they make sense to the story then yes they should come back. Yeah midgame is the best part :) Cain is alright. Poor Abel. Blame Est ;/ More like unabel in FE12 ;_; Haha, yeah everyone seems to hate desert maps. I love em in almost every FE though because i am weird like that like the challenge. EDIT: Idk why this got moved and whether it should be back or not ;/
  20. Yeah my vid wasn't lagging but the annotations were. It was super weird. Shin S rank bow annotation first showed up for me when Igrene was killing a wyvern.
  21. * Avatar is the main character. No more spotlight stealing from main lords since he/she would be the lord :) * Maniac Mode * Classic Mode = no grinding until postgame. * No buyable Nosferatu or Rescue. * Galeforce is now the Sniper Level 15 skill and only works once or twice per map. Unusable as anything but Sniper. * Skirmishes dont block shops anymore in the map. * Normal+, Hard+, Maniac+ in addition to Lunatic+. And limit Luna+ density early on.
  22. Lmao. That sniper can't double Base Roy with his amazing 7 spd.
  23. Sumia/Cordelia make him (and the chapter too) a joke.
  24. It's ask dondon weird questions day, so: How would this game have changed if this game's enemies all had 0 Lck like in the DS games?
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