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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Chapter 5 https://youtu.be/u22gD3fMB5k Chapter 6 https://youtu.be/baptWiTuQIY
  2. All of those are banned in drafts so i guess i need to wait til chapter 13 for percy. Sucks cuz that means i lose like 1 or 2 turns in c12. My only question left is: when arthur corrin reach A after c10 in my castle, do they start as 0 for S in chapter 11 or are those leftover points still factored in? Like say, i am at 36 out of 40 points to a. Kick it to a in ch10 turn 1 and get 32 more points to s or does it cap when i reach A til next chapter? If it doesnt cap at 0 A i can actually get to S before c12 no? Youve all been very helpful btw! I always had doubts on this fates support system, so thanks a lot.
  3. So im doing a draft and am pairing up my corrin with arthur. After c8 and paralogue 1, they were at B support. After c9, they didnt reach A support even though they were glued together. Does anyone know if its still possible to get them married by the beginning of c12? Theres 11 turns in c10 and like 5 turns in c11 of them being glued together. Pretty sure after c9 theyre extremely close to hitting A too.
  4. So corrin and arthur didnt reach A support at the beginning of c10...does anyone know how this works exactly? Is it still possible to reach s if theyre glued together in c10 and c11?
  5. Chapter 2 https://youtu.be/vvzviErJJ2w Chapter 3 https://youtu.be/0_M4ALDyV4U Chapter 4 https://youtu.be/LYT3bG-ZBMI I had to redo the video for this chapter because first video didnt record properly. I tried my best to recreate the original strat and i think i succeded. Levelups and combat are probably different in the actual run. Kaze is not free to use in conquest drafts btw. This is done to give him more value as a pick so its a little more balanced for all 4 players of the draft. Chapter 4 is completed in 8 turns
  6. I see. So it turns out i can 5 turn with no villages and need a dragon fang vs the boss, 6 turn with 5k and i need a str spd levelup on arthur and i need to freeze a soldier or i could 7 turn with 10k...i cant decide. Leaning towards 5k 6 turn.
  7. Branch of fate is banned in drafts. I forget the reason why but yeah its banned. So, since i only have corrin jakob arthur in c8 and paralogue 1 it seems i lose turns on these 2 maps. So lame. I also have an issue: i can either get the 10k in c8 in 7 turns or gun for a 5 turn without em. I wonder if i would survive without the 10k? Hmmmm....
  8. Lets begin conquest hard mode! Prologue https://youtu.be/Fn3-8NKThbs Now its time for the conquest part of the draft! Its in conquest hard mode and the drafted units this time around are: Corrin, Jakob, Azura, Arthur+Percy, Selena, Leo+Forrest, Nyx, Felicia, Benny+Ignatius, Shigure I expect great things from arthur and percy. Being able to learn shelter and fly is going to be huge. Selena can fly, learn rally speed among other things so i expect good things from her too. Leo is a bit more suspect as a pick but if theres any map with a lot of combat to be done, his bulk and good 1-2 range combat will come in handy for sure. Forrest can inspire units, learn some rallies and be another staffbot. Nyx will probably help out a bit in earlygame and then just kinda be there i guess. Felicia will staffbot things and marry leo. Benny can go gk right away for good pairup bonuses and shigure...idk be another rally speedbot? Prologue is completed in 2 turns Chapter 1 https://youtu.be/9n4QfCvtlXs Having +mag instead of a defensive asset costs a turn here but the much better offense is probably worth it throughout. Chapter 1 is completed in 5 turns
  9. This is gonna be a very interesting run. Having done birthright lunatic just now i can say draft ltcing it is really fun. 0% growths must be a blast too. Looking forward to see it all. Btw i have a bit of trouble choosing asset and flaw for a conquest draft. If you can hop on to my thread and help me out thatd be great.
  10. I cant decide which asset and flaw to go with. +HP saves a turn in c1 and is really good due to the bulk. But +mag saves a turn or 2 in ryomas chapter thanks to mjolnir...or i could go +str for garon and endgame takumi...out of all of them +mag also gets me the worst possible percy. Keep in mind that branch of fate is banned in drafts. Also im having trouble naming corrin so if u all can give me ideas on that itd be a great.
  11. Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 and Endgame Chapter 27 is completed in 3 turns Man this was definetely the worst chapter to plan for and to execute properly. Saizo is one badass unit but hes only one...or two i guess because of replicate. Most enemies in this map have some form of 1-2 range and a tooon of HP, Atk and Def, so anyone not named saizo or corrin fall easily to them or cant do enough on enemy phase. I initially thought up a way to 2 turn the map, but the chances of that happening were too low for my taste. I settled with finding a way to 3 turn at least semi consistently instead. Theres still some key things that can go super wrong and ruin the run though. For example: the first 2 great knights that attack saizo go after him because of dual shuriken. If saizo lethalities the first gk, all 4 gks attack him afterwards and probably kill him with help from a berserker. If he gets the dual guard vs the 2nd gk however, then his survival chances are pretty decent. He survived a ton in the test runs. Corrin is paired with jakob for the spd and def bonuses that help her with the heroes. Spy yumi Takumi and unequipped asugi are perfect bait to get those generals as far away as possible so that they cant hurt hinoka azura etc in the 2nd enemy phase. At least 1 great knight needs to die in enemy phase 1 in order for this strat to work. I mightve been able to work out a contingency plan with something like kodachi corrin though. In turn 2, saizo gets rally defensed and the saizo clone is given yukimura for the str def bonuses. His death chances in ep 2 are almost nonexistant thanks to rally def but if he gets too low on hp he needs to dodge garons counterattack in turn 3 or have a dual guard setup. Unfortunately, corrin needs to get a dragon fang vs garon in order to end the chapter. While this strat is still kinda suspect, it was waaaaay easier and waaaay more consistent than trying to 2 turn. Endgame is completed in 1 turn I was super nervous here as i did not want to record c27 again. I did mess up in the prep screen because i deployed saizo on the right and i forgot the maid blocks the way. Fortunately i wasnt stupid enough to not notice i could still dance with azura to the left of corrin lol. I was so nervous and thought i had messed up that i didnt notice at first. Its funny that corrin got a dragon fang in and didnt even need to get danced to finish the chapter since spy yumi takumi is the best. And thus the game was beaten and i got 117 turns. Not bad at all for first time drafting fates and LTCing fates in general. I couldve saved 3 turns from what i could see: 1 in chapter 9 if i blocked the stairs with undrafted units (no penalty for just moving deployed undrafted units), 1 in floras chapter if i had gotten mov plus 1 on scarlet in asugis paralogue and another in c27 if i was willing to rig that much. But without the c17 money village i probably couldnt have done some of the chapters due to money shortage for saizos boosters. LTCing birthright has been a very enjoyable experience. Finding new strategies with a limited amount of chars is always a lot of fun. Turns: Prologue 2/2 C1 4/6 C2 3/9 C3 5/14 C4 7/21 C5 6/27 C6 1/28 C7 10/38 P1 6/44 C8 6/50 C9 9/59 C10 7/66 C11 6/72 C12 2/74 C13 5/79 C14 3/82 C15 2/84 C16 6/90 C17 3/93 C18 1/94 C19 5/99 C20 2/101 C21 1/102 C22 3/105 C23 4/109 C24 1/110 C25 2/112 C26 1/113 C27 3/116 End 1/117 Unit breakdown: Hinoka: what a great pick. Not as proficient at combat as saizo, but flight utility is great. Bolt naginata was great in some of the chapters but it fell off eventually. Still, definetely one of the best units of the run. Saizo: its no surprise he got like 250 kills i suppose. Solid bases, solid growths in str spd and def...and amazing 1-2 range combat. Just an all around amazing unit. Definetely the mvp. Scarlet: saved me quite a few turns with 9 move, lunge and rally defense. Just all around a really solid pick even if she joins late. I wish i had known she could get mov+1 before chapter 17 though. Takumi: holy crap this guy was so good in some chapters. Saved me a ton of turns in the boat chapter and in quite a few others. Its great that he can go flier. His sons paralogue is also kinda insane for experience. Orochi: spd pairup bonus is nice and another chipper is nice for some early chapters. But definetely on the lower end of usefulness in this run. Mozu: so...bad. Provides archer bonuses in guard stance and gets married. Couldve promoted her if i put more effort into her. But not worth it. Yukimura: definetely underrated in drafts. He can be recruited in time for c23 which is one of the hardest maps in the game and is a rout. His solid bases , 1 2 range and tonic boosting ability are very useful there. Kiragi and asugi: mov pairup fodder/10 So thats birthright lunatic draft done in 117 turns. Hope you enjoyed it! Up next is conquest hard mode!
  12. FE6: Wendy. Knight movement is always a bad thing but make her bases awful and make her join right before axeland and uve got the perfect recipe for disaster. FE7: Renault doesnt even exist. So bad. FE8: Ewan for sure. Joins even later than amelia. I guess he has the more accurate chip of the 2 but amelia has more time to catchup if u want to use her for whatever reason and she can become a cavalier at least. FE9: Rolf is a level 1 bowlocked unit that joins late and is in a game that is harsher on bows than your usual FE. Shoutouts to Ena. FE10: i gotta go with fiona. Way too underleveled, super mean maps for cavaliers, little time to catch up and no reason to go through the trouble of training her. FE11: there are a lot of crappy units. Theres the obvious prepromotes that join late and have awful bases like lorenz. Theres macellan tomas etc. Hard to chose. FE12: Same as fe11. Shoutouts to radd and samto for joining next to navarre and get massively outclassed. Shoutouts to yubello for the 6 damage "chips". FE13: Donnel. Awful bases, hard to train and the reward doesnt justify losing your sanity and pulling your hair out. FE14 BR: Hayato and mozu are very damn awful. Mozu probably is worse by a bit though. At least hayato can chip without eating a heart seal and his innate skills helps him with chipping. CQ: ive been able to use most people jn the game succesfully so its hard yo choose. odin is damn awful though. Dem donnel tier bases. Rev: odin duh. Shoutouts to gunter and like 90% of the cast though. Such balance
  13. Updating on ch27. Turns out the 2 turn clear is next to impossible. The odds of it happening are approximately 1%. The hexing rod needs to hit on garon at 20% then a general needs to move the right way when attacking saizo or he needs to die so he doesnt block another general from attacking saizo. Its either a 10% lethality or 15%ish crit if he moved the wrong way. Then the great knights, who are kinda random with their ai, need to target someone that wont die and need to not block their way too. I then have to attack a serker with scarlet and lunge them. Takumi has to spy yumi the general out of the way. Saizo has to have enough hp to attack garon and not die to the counter and i need to have yukimura unpaired so azura can pair with him. Hinoka rescues yukimura so he can ferry azura to dance saizo and kill garon. Its so dumb. Its never happening. I can never get the gks to attack the right way. Theyre too unpredictable and random. It is technically possible if everything happens but its too annoying. I think ive figured out a somewhat safe 3 turn though.
  14. At this point im still trying to figure out how to 2 turn chapter 27 reliably so i can record. I get so close to figure out and then another thing happens that impedes the 2 turn. It is incredibly frustrating. But i will get that 2 turn eventually. Anyway... Chapter 23 Using rescue here saves me a turn because it allows me to trigger reinforcements by turn 3 instead of turn 4. It was an incredibly difficult chapter to figure out and i needed to spend a lot of money on defensive statboosters so saizo could survive. Im very satisfied with this clear. Chapter 24
  15. C27 is so painful. Its basically impossible for my team. I can 2 turn with hexing rod at 20%, then saizo needs to dodge a 60% entrap and then saizo needs to lethality or crit any enemy that blocks the path to garon. Its basically impossible to get. If i take longer i dont have enough manpower to get rid of enemies and everyone dies. This chapter is dumb. Any ideas?
  16. Yeah thats me :). Silas is an undrafted unit so hes not usable in this run. Shelter would indeed help in a few chapters but i didnt get silas and jakob and corrin cant be reclassed so yeah. Yeah, paralogues are kinda dumb but at the same time i cant imagine how annoying drafting without them would be. And it does give more units to draft that otherwise wouldnt exist. Also, turns out im just 1 sorcerer reinforcement away from 4 turning camilla. So close...but i dont think its possible sadly because that reinforcement is so dumb. He starts all the way in the back near camilla. I dont even know.
  17. Chapter 22 This chapter was a bit difficult to figure out at first. Im so glad i got replicate for it as a 3 turn wouldve been impossible otherwise. Dual shuriken is amazing in this map that is filled with axes and bows. I find it hilarious that takumi got hit by a 3%. Normally he is a bit healthier than that and doesnt run as much risk of dying as to mages like in the video. Hes also supposed to have a dual guard when he hits that one silver bow adventurer but since he got crits he didnt have it anyway. Basically everything that couldve gone wrong for takumi, went wrong. Corrins side can be a bit shaky because enemies can hit 20%s all the time. Despite how so many things can go wrong in this chapter i only had to record once though. The next chapter is a pain. It looks like a 5 turn might be possible thanks to replicate and yukimura but its tough.
  18. Chapter 18 Got mozu a level because i can? Chapter 19 A very precise chapter. I needed to plan a lot and setup dual guard perfectly with Saizo so he can lure that one berserker at the end, while also avoiding any -Str debuffs on the way there so he can ORKO the boss with Sting Shuriken. I had to buy Takumi a Dual Yumi so I can get rid of the Swordmasters. I could have gotten the Hexing Rod with Jakob but it isn't very important tbh. I find it funny how even Mozu helped with this chapter. Chapter 20 Scarlet saved a few turns by lunging here. Got the spys shuriken for later use. Kiragi Chapter 21
  19. I see. Well, regardless, I'll keep doing the draft. I enjoy recording these anyway. And lol, at first I thought Asugi could get killed by enemies so I though I'd fail by Turn 6. Turns out he's invisible to them. You still have to finish before Turn 10 though unless you use Rescue but why waste that? Chapter 16 Chapter 16 is completed in 6 turns A veeeery tough chapter to figure out. Takumi is not available to use this chapter which is a shame. The stationary enemies are a pain to deal with and I have to get to them ASAP but that leaves the others to deal with like a million enemies. Thankfully, Scarlet is very competent and so is Corrin. They split up in order to split the enemies so they can be dealt with easier and not get overwhelmed by too many at once. I don't think this strategy would be possible if Saizo weren't able to ORKO that General. Thankfully, he's a badass. Chapter 17 Chapter 17 is completed in 3 turns I could have actually 2 turned this map had I known to reclass Scarlet in Asugi's Paralogue so she could learn Mov+1. Since I overlooked that until very recently, I had to 3 turn. At least that gets me a ton of money and exp so I can't complain. Bolt Naginata Hinoka is MVP here, being able to ORKO Maids thanks to Orochi's pairup bonus.
  20. Chapter 15 Chapter 15 is completed in 2 turns I gave the Spirit Dust to Hinoka for Bolt Naginata and the Talisman to Saizo so he can survive mixed hordes of enemies better. This is a very straightforward chapter with fliers moving in and killing everything in their path. Saizo and Orochi were actually really close to S support it seems as this amount of combat is enough to let them marry after the chapter. Will Hinoka be a better magic user than Orochi? Asugi's Paralogue Paralogue 9 is completed in 9 turns and is free up to 20 turns In this paralogue, I focused on getting Takumi some lance rank and build his support with Mozu. I also got Corrin to Level 20 so she can finally promote.The videos seem to be a bit...unpopular. Are the recordings that bad?
  21. Confirmed it myself: izana appears after approximately 4-6 hours after building the hot spring in chapter 19, no other battles done.
  22. Is it possible to get yukimura in ch23 itself without doing any other battling? Maybe by waiting a day or something idk. Do i have to do a paralogue or whatever to recruit him in c23 or do i have to get him in c24 if i dont have any of those available?
  23. Glad you're both enjoying the playthrough! :) Chapter 13 Before the chapter, I promoted Saizo into a Mechanist for the 7 move and better physical stats. I also gave an Arms Scroll to Takumi so he can use better lances. This chapter was kinda difficult to figure out mostly because saizo is my best answer to Generals and all the 2 range enemies in the map and he's just 1 unit that needs to be in several places at once. Btw that one crit that Takumi got on a General later on is completely unnecesary as normally Corrin finishes the General off and then she uses Kodachi to kill the Thief Saizo leaves alive and I can still visit the village for the 10000G with Azuras dancing. I couldn't get the Heart Seal village sadly. Chapter 14 This chapter looked super intimidating to LTC at first, then I figured out this strat. Saizo ORKO'ing these Paladins can only be achieved with Scarlet or Corrin pairup, so no Saizo and Orochi support built this chapter.
  24. Hello everyone! I'm back on SF and am currently doing a video playthrough for a Fire Emblem fates Draft. It's a type of challenge in which I have to get turns as low as possible with a team I picked during a drafting process. I am currently playing Birthright Lunatic with: [spoiler=Team] Female Corrin: Obviously a free unit. I went with +HP -Lck to save a turn on Chapter 1 (can tank Xander hits without healing). She's been leveling extremely well but has dropped in usefulness lately. She's restricted to her initial class in drafts because there's no point to drafting some other units if she can be reclassed to anything. Jakob: The reason you can't...or shouldn't go Male Corrin in LTC/Drafts. He's a beast. 1-2 range is extremely useful in Birthright Drafting and he's got that and healing all in one package. Also restricted from reclassing for the same reason as Corrin. Azura: She's obviously free because she'd be too dumb as a draftable unit (whoever gets her wins). She's amazing at what she does and even did combat a few times with Attack Stance haha. Hinoka: My first pick of the draft. I chose her because of her early availability and flight. She's very useful but I wish she had a bit more defense. Saizo: 1-2 range is extremely useful in drafts and Saizo didn't disappoint. He's been carrying me hard through some chapters. A lot of strategies wouldn't be possible with his awesome combination of bulk, offense and speed. Takumi: The star of some chapters. Fujin Yumi is no joke. He's very useful and I expect great things from him. He unfortunately leaves in Chapter 16 but I should be able to replace him with Kiragi in that chapter If I play it right, it wouldnt be quite Takumi, but its a still a unit! Scarlet: Drafted her for Lunge and to get another Flier basically. Hopefully she doesn't disappoint. Orochi: Drafted her for Spd pairup and to be Saizo's wife. Surprisingly useful here and there but not really a unit that I'm using much. Mozu: Drafted solely for her Archer pairup bonuses and because she was the earliest option left. Those pairup bonuses have been very helpful I must say so it wasnt a waste. She's not really a lead combat unit and never will be though. But she will get me Kiragi so that's something. Yukimura: I was kinda forced to pick him haha. Hey he's a free Hit+5! So good! Asugi: I don't know what to expect. Have never used him. He might be useful for his +mov on pairup! Kiragi: I want him by Chapter 16 so I can have a worse Takumi by then to replace him in that chapter. After that I don't care, maybe he'll be useful for his +mov pairup as Kinshi? [/spoiler] After I'm done with Birthright Lunatic, I'll have to play through Conquest Hard with: [spoiler=Team] Arthur: Drafted him first to get an early unit and for Percy. Picking Xander was what first came to my mind but I didnt know If I could bear all those chapters without a drafted unit. It was too risky so I went safe with Arthur. He can go Cavalier for extra move and Shelter. Unfortunately, I didnt get him Effie but I can just marry him to Female Corrin to get an early Percy anyway. Selena: I've used him in all my casual runs and has yet to disappoint me. She's versatile and will probably go Pegasus Knight for flight. Leo: One of my more questionable picks tbh. He's not bad but in a draft setting I dont know what to expect. Drafted him for the 1-2 range, bulk and move but really Conquest isnt that much about combat, just shelter and high move strats. Hopefully he doesn't do badly. Nyx: The only early joining unit left when it was my turn. Will probably marry Leo and chip stuff in the earlygame. Not expecting much from her but she will be useful here and there probably. Felicia: The remaining units were all bad. Felicia was the least bad of the bunch imo. Mainly because she can flame shuriken stuff and heal things, maybe turn into a strategist idk but its better than the latejoiners or Mozu with Arthur and Selena eating Heart Seals. Benny: Could be useful for the +mov and def pairup. Maybe, i don't know. Better than a late joiner. Maybe I can get Azura and Benny married?...Who am i kidding? Shigure: Maybe he will exist? Probably not. Pairing Azura is super difficult in this. Percy: I expect him to carry me through everything. Will probably inherit Shelter and Nobility for LTC badassery on a wyvern. I want to get him as early as possible. His paralogue also gives money which is probably gonna be super helpful. Forrest: Will probably get him super late. Might not do much. Ignatius: Much like Shigure, I might not even get him. And I doubt he's gonna be useful anyway If I do. [/spoiler] The video quality for the first few chapters is bad not gonna lie. I changed what I recorded with after Chapter 7 because it was unbearable to me. (it was uncomfortable to record with and it wasnt giving me good quality anyway). Here's the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyEd86YwZlesksRxPGRcVAxJDwE1qMFD [spoiler=Turncounts and Links] Birthright Prologue 2/2 Chapter 1 4/6 Chapter 2 3/9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDQlO-8R1N4 Chapter 3 5/14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qxtoais48M Chapter 4 7/21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaTzaHA4_dg Chapter 5 6/27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwqyvhJuMY Chapter 6 1/28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_fTuN5JMfA Chapter 7 10/38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJk-TobfEgc Paralogue 1 6/44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVP-YoJ1mUc Chapter 8 6/50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnxOn73iFL8 Chapter 9 9/59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieYIy39X-uI Chapter 10 7/66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYwAm-YH178 Chapter 11 6/72 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_VWFg4FvSc Chapter 12 2/74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFIqJnBs0yU Chapter 13 5/79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7APqpHNPP28 Chapter 14 3/82 https://youtu.be/ZHQEEfARqZI Chapter 15 2/84 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdL3rK7ijFM Chapter 16 6/90 https://youtu.be/YWIFIBg2pjU Chapter 17 3/93 https://youtu.be/m9Ogpw2K2wU Chapter 18 1/94 Chapter 19 5/99 Chapter 20 2/101 Chapter 21 1/102 Chapter 22 3/105 https://youtu.be/OTdatPTN1y8 Chapter 23 4/109 Chapter 24 1/110 Chapter 25 2/112 Chapter 26 1/113 Chapter 27 3/116 Endgame 1/117 Conquest Prologue 2/119 Chapter 1 5/124 Chapter 2 3/127 Chapter 3 5/132 Chapter 4 8/140 Chapter 5 6/146 Chapter 6 2/148 Chapter 7 10/158 Chapter 8 6/164 Paralogue 1 5/169 Chapter 9 5/174 Chapter 10 11/185 Chapter 11 5/190 Chapter 12 6/196 Chapter 13 3/199 Chapter 14 2/201 Chapter 15 5/206 Chapter 16 2/208 Chapter 17 2/210 Chapter 18 3/213 Chapter 19 5/218 Chapter 20 2/220 Chapter 21 3/223 Chapter 22 3/226 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Optional Paralogues] Paralogue 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btAFxa0lDlI Paralogue 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRobRVJ2t7o Paralogue 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFy3s-CKSQ4 [/spoiler] Hope you enjoy!
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