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Everything posted by PKL

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X2GD69BAYk Using 3 warps here allows me to 1 turn the map. Very simple strat though.
  2. A chapter that was sadly impossible to 1 turn due to needing Hammerne on the Warp staff mid-chapter. There's not enough staff users for that. Should've trained WRYS when i had the chance...which was never. Kinda shaky hitrates all around, but this Midia strat saves me an Again/Warp. Chapter 21 is completed in 2 turns
  3. The long-awaited, nightmarish chapter is finally here! Took a while to figure out a strat for this. Sadly, I could never find a way to stop relying on the Sniper moving the right way. He has to move like that or else it all falls apart. Its kinda 50/50 too :/. At least the rest of the chapter is made a lot more reliable thanks to all those Goddess Icons, RP and Supports. Chapter 20x is completed in 4 turns
  4. Sorry for another sudden absence. I do those a lot. But I was playing a bit from time to time and planning the rest of the chapters :) After some experimentation in Chapter 20x, I came to the conclusion that getting the Brave Lance saves me 1 turn so I decided to redo this chapter so I could get the Brave Lance instead of the Bullion. I have enough money anyway. Chapter 20 is completed in 1 turn
  5. In order to OHKO in Lunatic I think Kat needs a Thoron forge? But you could just get some chip from, like, Mercurius Palla or something and then Aura bomb, I suppose.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKrkCiQP0Xw I guess it's the final battle of the war with Archanea/Hardin. Still a dumb name for a not-final chapter of the game. Thanks! I'm definetely not looking forward to 20x lol. That one might be the hardest chapter of the run. So, Marth and Minerva cant get to A with Michalis and Maria already has A when she joins with him in endgame so Bond Drop is useless on him. And Marth cant get to A with Katarina either so it's kinda useless on her unless I deploy Cecil/MU somehow. What should I do with this item? :/ I wonder which chapters wouldve been easier had I used it earlier in the game on Palla?
  7. Was a bit busy again, sorry about that. This chapter took like no time to do today since it was already figured out aside from some positioning things I had to figure out (avoiding ballista as much as possible, not being in 2 range of Wolf ever again after Turn 1 so he goes the right way). Credit to Gradivus for the staff use tips in this chapter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eARSXUv3QOU
  8. There's another one in a chest in ch20, right when you need it the most! 1250G is always cool :P
  9. Thanks once again to Gradivus for the tip on Chapter 17. Saved me so many RP due to one oversight. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv_O-8M_nmw At the beginning of the playthrough, I looked at this map and was worried because I saw that H2 has 4 Paladins. I was prepared to forge a Ridersbane with +5 MT so some of my units could OHKO at least 2 of them so Marth could go to the village safely. Once I actually got to the map though, I very quickly noticed at least one of the Paladins would remain alive anyway and thus, this strat was born. Marth and Feena stay barely out of range, protected by Darros the mighty meatshield. Katarina proceeds to being a badass on the east side and Palla ORKOs the throne General with Killer Lance crits. I even managed to find a way to get the Recover staff for selling later on. Very satisfied with how this chapter went. Chapter 18 is completed in 2 turns Funds: same as previous chapter Rainbow Potions: 28/77 You better Z M all! Thanks btw <3
  10. Just dropping by quickly before a smash tournament to say that I might actually redo Chapter 17. Opening the door in the last turn has a few benefits: it saves 3 RP uses (Jeorge, Palla and potentially Minerva don't need it anymore). saves a Lck and Def Bond (Astram/Darros wont need it, in fact, Astram/Darros isnt needed, period), saves 2 or more Levin Sword uses and it makes the last turn have 100% reliability since Palla doesn't need to tank anything anymore. I can also probably deploy Yumina and train all my staffbots during the chapter. EDIT: Forgot that it saves 2 Parthia uses too.
  11. Hmm yeah, I see what you mean Gradivus. Would've been more reliable too lmao. Oh well, not like im gonna re-record just for that. But If i make a v2 of this run then I know how to trivialize Chapter 17 now. And the reason why no warping in this map is because I have to wait til I open the door anyway to warp Marth and there's worse maps out there that I will need Warp in. EDIT: Gotta think positive! The way I did it gets me trivial amounts of Lance wexp on Minerva and Sword wexp on Katarina...
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNivRWruPY0 A very complicated chapter. Mostly because of the Longbow Sniper on the left of the map. It's a good thing Katarina joined me last chapter and is ready to Levin Sword stuff up. She's very useful in this map with her ability to ORKO Snipers in Enemy Phase. Had to use Paladin Minerva in very clever ways to get the Longbow Sniper to behave. I wish I could've found a way to make the last EP more reliable by moving Minerva closer to Palla, but it just wasn't possible. Chapter 17 is completed in 5 turns Funds: 15489G Sold: +10592G Iron Sword 39/40 (+195G), Iron Sword 38/40 (+190G) Steel Sword 34/35 (+425G), Steel Sword 35/35 (+437G) Silver Sword 20/20 (+1000G) Rapier 23/28 (+460G) Silver Lance 20/20 (+1100G) Wing Spear 28/28 (+560G), Wing Spear 15/28 (+300G) Hand Axe 30/30 (+270G) Silver Bow 20/20 (+1050G) Killer Bow 20/20 (+800G) Elfire 16/18 (+560G), Elfire 17/18 (+595G) Divinestone 30/30 (+2250G) Heal 20/20 (+400G) Bought: -10000G 3 Spirit Dusts from the Prep Armory (-7500G) 1 Angelic Robe from the Prep Armory (-2500G) Rainbow Potions: 28/77 Good news is, I'm not in danger of running out of Rainbow Potions by the end of the game anymore.
  13. I'm pretty sure no warpskip H2 Chapter 15 and onwards is impossible btw. If it isn't, then it would be hellish and not fun at all to play. There's just no reasonable way to be constantly facing enemies that wreck each of your units. There's not enough money for that. And yeah, the plan is to double crit Medeus with Michalis and Katarina. Btw, Gradivus, you made a mistake on the staff usage sheet you made. I only have 6 Rescues at this point, not 7. Im gonna have to conserve a Rescue use somewhere if I want to do it like that. Otherwise they look good. :) EDIT: I guess I could give it a try if you guys really want no warp lategame. But eww.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdxd4DGj7hA Glad you're enjoying the playthrough! :) And well, I tend to have an idea of how to do each chapter from previous playthroughs. I test my idea with a test run of the chapter and see what prevented me from achieving a low turncount (if anything) and also see things I could improve on. I then start thinking about how to solve each problem, once I have a solid strategy, I go to the prep screen and do it again with everything i'll need for the chapter. Then I practice the prep screen until it looks faster and all that, then I start recording.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpnqfAvSfp8 This chapter went pretty well. Much better than I expected all this time. One less chapter to worry about :) So you're bad too? :P Joking haha. I see, I thought this was an uncommon thing. True. Not having growths sometimes feels like a blessing. Not having to worry about a character's growth is nice.
  16. Am I silly for thinking that redoing a chapter means I failed the run? I always feel that way when I have to redo a chapter. Thanks Espinosa and Gradivus for noticing that the boss could be killed without the Hammer.
  17. That moment when I realize I derped on the calcs and didnt bother double checking just to warpskip chapter 15 asap and upload it the same day as chapter 14 lol. I wasn't taking into account lightsphere with Killer Lance. Calc'd it as needing 2 crits instead of 1 12x3 +12 = 48 out of 53 HP. When Lightsphere negates throne bonus and makes her do 56 total. Facepalm. I'll read the rest of the posts later. Kinda busy atm. I'll redo chapter 15 later too. EDIT: Welp, having to rush chapters due to limited time kinda sucks. Hope the vids are still enjoyable. Normally i wouldnt let mistakes like chapter 14 in which i derp marth's movement for a bit in the vid. Or the one in chapter 13 with the convoy mistake but I dont have a whole lot of time to record lately.
  18. Two chapters in one day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq2Hin_b8Y0 Definetely easiest and shortest map so far lol. Chapter 16 might be a pain though.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE_2GJlj8lQ These strats of mine aren't very conservative lately :P. All those staves to get through chapter 14 haha. Seems kinda YOLO but im pretty sure every staff saves a turn (Ch14 otherwise is the first chapter I would need to stall a bit with Generals). And im confident I still have enough staves for the rest of the game. It also saves me RP uses as well as dragon-slaying weapon uses (which means more money later)
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgYdm4cLZkI Haha yeah. I think that's the longest I've spent on a prep screen in this run. Sadly, Silver Card doesn't work in the base shop :( Yeah, Warp is going to be a godsend, but idk if things will get easier from here on out. Chapter 16, 17 and 19 look extremely threatening. Chapter 19 full recruitment in particular I'm not sure if it's actually possible in 0% growths yet. Hopefully all the way to endgame. Most warpskip chapters will only need 1 or 2 Rainbow Potions for the bosskiller(s) but there's still some heavy-combat chapters left like Chapter 16, 16x, 17 and 19... It was for me at the time I did it. Mostly because I was so used to having more opportunities to get exp even later on. To warpskip H2, you have to train a few bosskiller and warpers by Chapter 15 or the run dies basically. No, Pure Water and RP don't stack. So her max res would've been 11. Not enough for to make the Dark Mages ignore her :/
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usYrpFsYvwY It gets tougher and tougher. This chapter was extremely hard to figure out. It took me a whole week to come up with ways to overcome the first few turns of the map. It's a very interesting chapter with loads of creative solutions. Hope you enjoy! :) Chapter 13 is completed in 6 turns Funds: 15647G Bought: 1 Talisman from the Prep Screen Armory (-2500G) 3 Physics from the C13 Secret Shop (-2250G) 1 Shaver from the C13 Secret Shop (-750G) Sold: 4 Iron Swords (40/40) +800G 6 Steel Swords (35/35) +2622G 1 Steel Sword (34/35) +425G 3 Steel Lances (35/35) +1470G 2 Steel Axes (35/35) +700G 1 Steel Axe (34/35) +340G 1 Hand Axe (30/30) +270G 3 Steel Bows (35/35) +1155G 1 Blizzard (23/23) +345G 1 Elysian Whip +1250G Rainbow Potions: 42/77
  22. It's almost a whole year I have to avoid spoilers...it feels like it will be impossible and I will eventually spoil myself. Welp.
  23. Sirius needs either RP or Scorpio to double that Fire Dragon anyway and the Scorpio was also needed by Minerva right away.
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