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Posts posted by Wanderer-Of-Fates

  1. 6 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    He probably will. If Nintendo doesn't want Chris in Heroes, then I doubt they'll want him associated with their shiny new release.

    And yeah, it's best to separate art from artist. Even with all the things against Vic, I still enjoy listening to Edward Elric.

    Good point, that makes a lot of sense. I guess it will probably just take a little bit longer to record all the lines compared to FEH.

    Exactly yeah, I try to consider them as different things. Probably a lot harder with live action actors and others though.

  2. I really hope Zach Aguilar gets patched in to Three Houses after all this. He does a really great job in FEH. Its just sad that some of my favourite characters, Therion, Reigan and Dezel- are voiced by Chris. I still like their voices. I guess I'll just try to think of them as characters with a voice separate from the VA. 

  3. You too @side bee!

    @Captain Karnage Ah I've heard about Valbar being really good! Clair as a pegasus knight would be nice as well, and I like Mathilda! I'm going to take note of these because there are only a few forks to use. Repeat playthrough ideas!

    @whase Yeah physic is really good, an extra warp is always good though I guess! Good to hear thats she is good as a pegasus, Clair too! 

  4. 6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh, I didn't mean I wanted it to be like MM. Tbh, I don't. I hated MM's three day system and I wasn't big on Termina or the small number of dungeons in it. Gimme more dungeons than a measly four and don't pressure me with stuff like the three day system.

    Ah I see, I can totally understand that viewpoint! I like the game myself but the limited time does sort of stress me sometimes. More dungeons and less time pressure sound good to me! I think the thing that I liked the most in MM is the meaningful side quests and the dark story- so those would be cool in the next game!

  5. 9 hours ago, ShinkaiNoAki said:

    Thank you very much!! >w<

    I was shy about it too before but now I don't care anymore and since I listen better while I'm drawing than while doing nothing, teachers let me draw (and my classmates are too occuped with class to watch me draw). And it's not like I draw on a big canvas in the middle of a literature class X)

    Anyway, good luck about your art!

    Thats good! If it help you focus, then that's even better! Lol I guess not xD, I should remember that when I draw- it might help me be less nervous.

    Thank you, good luck to you as well! 

  6. Wow, these are so awesome! I really love the style you have! Really pretty art :D

    I try to draw during class too! I always get a bit shy if someone was to look at my art though haha ^_^’

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