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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Team Hardin. I pulled him on this VG banner, and has helped me get over a lot of bad luck on the summer, DB, and legendary banners. In addition he is going to be a huge underdog against Marth and if he wins will likely still be an underdog regardless of who he faces in future rounds so he is great for feathers.
  2. I thought legendary Miciah was going to be a staff wielder, her promoted classes can use staves. I think it would be a waste to have her as a blue. I think with how conservative they are in their choices, there aren't many real possibilities of who the unit could be. @Johann Great analysis.
  3. I like the units chosen to get upgrades. I have a bunch of 4 star Titanias, maybe if the upgrade is really awesome and one of them is ideal IV I will upgrade. I also got an awesome +spd Katarina as an off focus pity breaker on on the HoT banner, I'm excited to see what her PRF tome will be. I don't have Nephenee but she needed the upgrade as well, she is mostly thought of as wrath fodder even though she has a pretty good statline. All 3 units were very popular characters in their respective games, all 3 units are somewhat forgettable performance wise in Heroes even if they aren't actually "bad". In addition Nephenee and Katarina are 5 star locked even after the pool rework, and they want to justify that rarity.
  4. After the bad luck legendary banner which depleted 205 orbs for 2 five stars, I was left with just over 40 orbs. Then Hardin shows up out of the blue unexpected in a new banner. I just said screw it, I'm going to spend all my remaining orbs trying to get Hardin, I've wanted him for a long time. 40 orbs later, almost broke, the dark emperor arrived. Thank god. +spd/-def, so he keeps his 175BST.
  5. Congrats to everyone on their pulls, looks like a lot of luck...speaking of which Holy crap! That Wrys! No seriously though, that is an insane pull. For me, the legendary banner wasn't nearly as kind. By far the lowest pull rate I've ever experienced on one of these banners, 205 orbs and I got 2 units. It took a 150 to get the first. I was pulling everything but greens too, and even greens when it was 3 orb cost. Anyways at least the 2 units I got were ones that I want. +HP/-spd W! Tharja. The red I wanted the most by far, and most wanted unit on the banner (aside from Hector). After Hero Rises, I thought I would never get her. Great nature too. +res/-def F! Grima. The colorless I wanted the most, and 3rd most wanted unit on the banner (after L! Ephraim, still no fire hero for me).
  6. God what a monster. That omnibreaker ability with that fantastic bulk, and superboon in atk jesus. People have been saying many of the legendary heroes are underwhelming power wise, well that isn't a criticism one can give towards L!Hector. Whales are going to go crazy. +10 175BST legendary hero, with personal skill. The scoring has to be through the roof. I can't even imagine how much money this banner is going to bring.
  7. I'm thinking it will be a sword, but maybe it could be a spear as well. A staff would be pretty hilarious but that may be what CYL Celica gets. Well not literally 'no one' but in general it seems not many people are upset with this. I'm wondering if it is a guy thing too. Like I think more people would be upset about a 5th Lucina than a 5th Chrom.
  8. I use Valentine Eliwood, he is really good and is one of the best free units they've given out. Though I do like armors. Marth finally got a TT free unit. Eliwood has 2 versions also. I wonder cause they are kind of less manly, more sensitive type males that they don't sell as well? Like Chrom is a tough dude. Xander is as well. Hector too.
  9. I've noticed no one is really upset with Hector even though he is the 3rd, and we are getting a 4th. Even though all Hectors are same movement type and weapon type, all have a different version of Armads and all come with distant counter. I think Hector is hard to get upset with it regardless of how many alts or how much variety within those alts, he is just a man's man.
  10. Well don't worry Eliwood has his mediocre 3/4 star cavalry version, and TT reward. Yeah he has been screwed over majorly, especially considering that though Hector and Lyn are also lords, Eliwood is the main protagonist.
  11. I guess this is a running gag, Hector with Armads. Obviously while other heroes are willing to wield all types of other weapons and even non weapons for combat, Hector has Armads. He doesn't like to lose. I must say I really like the art, animation, the armor in particular looks phenomenal. This is the ultimate whale bait. Armor legendary hero. So blessing and armor, I wouldn't be surprised if he has 175BST either. Though I'm just about sure he will have at 170 or more. Anyways this a legendary banner that has the most units I don't own. I have none of the colorless, 1/3 red, 1/3 blue, and 2/3 green. So really I can efficiently spend orbs pulling everything but greens (the orb that shows up the least anyways). Should 5 green orbs show up (very rare) and it pity breaks me. Well even if it isn't Hector I can get steady breath, or a merge for my favorite unit in the game, Myrrh. I really really want Winter Tharja and Leif. Please Vanguard Ike don't ruin my day like you did in Hero rises and on legendary banners where I keep pulling you even though it is a 1/3 chance. Blues, legendary Ephraim okay I could use a fire hero and F Morgan is a okay. Lyn I have already but maybe I get one with better IVs and merge or she has a nice bond skill as well, still hoping I get the other two. Colorless LA Roy would be awesome, F Grima would be great too. Just please no Elise. I don't have Wrathful staff fodder or Dazzling staff fodder to give so she wouldn't be able to do much. Wait about this legendary Hector doesn't he just power creep regular Hector? Is this like what RD Ike did to regular PoR Ike? Legendary Hector prevents enemy doubles, and doubles himself...so there you go the omni breaker niche of the first Hector. This new Hector will likely have higher BST and better stats as well.
  12. I'd rather have Naga itself, now that would be awesome. However if they are representing FE4 with green, Lewyn would be best....though he would fit wind. What about Idunn? We have Fruit of Idunn...okay not really but it looks similar, was it a subtle hint perhaps? Besides which she would represent Binding blade a game that hasn't had a legendary hero yet. Oh my CYL story. I spent more orbs on that banner than any other in history, 300ish. I got no focus units. NONE. I got a bunch of pity breakers, most of them very good, but no focus units. It was bittersweet, at that time I wanted all of them so bad. I picked Lyn. The girl who introduced me to the series, the first character you see in the first Fire Emblem game released outside Japan. She was also the only one that was a new unit type, Bow Cavalry. I eventually got Brave Ike (off focus on Winter Envoy) and Lancina on the January legendary banner. I never have gotten Brave Roy though.
  13. - I merged my extra Lenes to make her +2. I can't ever see safeguard sword being better than slaying edge, I could have given firestorm dances to PA Olivia and PA Inigo who have somewhat worse versions but whatever. - I do use gamepress/gamepedia a lot, not to copy builds but to just check out what people do. Sometimes there are things I never thought of and such. As far as the tier lists, I admittedly use it a bit in deciding if to promote units for 20k feathers. I also may pull for units who are S+ tier just cause they are that strong. - Boobs. They are a natural part of the female body I don't think it is something people should shame regardless of size. I think Fire Emblem females come in all sizes in that regard, so it isn't like there are only giant chested women or small chested women. In fact many of them seem medium size. -Legendary hero prediction. I think it could be Hrid, it could also be Hector with Wolf Beil (maybe on a horse for some crazy nonsensical reason), could also be Lewyn for Judgral representation, or it could be Veronica.
  14. God. Gacha itch, against better judgement I rolled for Summer Tana. First red orb, got another Lene (my 3rd). I decided to keep pulling despite that, after 70 orbs got pity broken by +HP/-res Leo. Man does rolling for reds on banners suck, I've easily had more off focus 5 stars on that color than any other. I had -atk/+res Leo. Well I thought at least this Leo might be better. It was +HP/-res. So even worse, or about the same. I just merged it onto my original. With refine the second is better, but I'm not going to give him one, unless I pull a +atk or something sometime later. Good news is pulled my first Ares, 4 star though, it was +spd/-def, so I foddered him for brazen atk/def 3 to Lyn. I'm probably not going to pull for Summer Tana anymore, even after the legendary banner comes and goes and after we know the other summer banner.
  15. Well sometimes you don't get what you wanted but you get something even more special? Banners that have color sharing with 2 units (or 3 like legendary) that I want are my favorite. Cause I am happy with either. I was pulling reds for Swordhart or Siegbert. 28 orbs total. Was pity broken by another M Morgan, 2nd time pity broken by him (1st time was on World of Thracia banner, Morgan my lad you are in the wrong world!). Anyways there was a blue orb there too so pulled and got my first Olwen! As someone who doesn't have Reinhardt (never pulled 5 star, and though I pulled many 4 star versions never got a single +atk version so never promoted/built), this was welcome. However what really excited me was when I checked her IVs (+spd/-res)! Quad Dire Thunder build, a long time dream of mine. However I never pulled for Olwen cause what are the chances of pulling +spd, plus if it isn't then she is just a worse Reinhardt doing her single attack with much lower atk than him. So this is awesome. Anyways besides that, this is why I'm so worried about pulling for Summer Tana and reds in general. The chance for off focus pity breakers is so so high, and there are quite a few bad ones. The summer banner is really rough also since if you build up your pity % and no reds show up, well since there are focus units on every other color it will be really hard to avoid breaking the rate.
  16. In general I don't feel this banner is much of power creep. I mean Noire seems a decent unit, infantry rush is an interesting skill. However Summer Xander was a solid unit when he came out, and infantry pulse at that time was a much more interesting skill. Summer Innes is a fast axe flying axe user which is new, but there are already several powerful flying axes. Summer Cordelia, well we have tons of lance cavalry, she's fast but otherwise not extraordinary. Summer Tana is awesome, but Summer Nowi came out last October and we've had flying mages since the first spring banner. I think this banner is more trying to get people to pull based on the waifu/husbando aspect than how strong/interesting the units are. I've never pulled for waifu/husbando personally. Like Summer Tiki is my personal favorite when it comes to such things, but I've never pulled for her cause well she isn't very special gameplay wise. Maybe I'm too old for this kind of thing, but an attractive outfit/woman is more frosting on the cake it is never the cake. The Japanese titles, well it makes sense for what Noire said during the paralogue seeming to indicate heat exhaustion. Also interesting, well the first 2. Knight paragon in a bathing suit is well not too creative even if accurate.
  17. I did the free summon with full pull, didn't get anything noteworthy. Except Legault 4 star (he was demoted!), having Atk Tactic at 4 star is great. I gave it to my Miciah who is S supporting V!Ike on my Earth boost tactic team. Helps Cherche a lot whose a part of that team as well. Red mage flyer, well I don't have one of those. I didn't have a green mage flyer so I pulled for flying Nino last banner, didn't get her though. I like Tana a lot, better than Nino as a character so why am I not pulling for her? Well Legendary banner coming up, and this summer banner will be going awhile and overlaps with the other summer banner. Gacha itch is strong but seems wise to wait here. The other thing with Nino, is generally I'm much more willing to pull for green focus units cause every green pity breaker is a godsend. While there are still some pretty awful red pity breakers and that would feel like the worst to spend 100, 200 orbs and get pity broken by Luke or whatever.
  18. I mean this is the real reason. We could argue forever about if a girl of Noire's stature has the strength to be able to pull a middle ages or renaissance bow meant to kill people and possibly pierce light armor while twisting her body like that and able to aim and balance. However why does Catria twist like that while sitting on a pegasus? It is the same thing, they want to show in a flat drawing the nice tush and rack of the hot girl. An earlier thing that was mentioned in this thread, 3 girls and 1 guy? It is the same reason we have so many alts, $$$. Besides majority male playerbase, the majority of big spenders are likely people who waifu hunt. Why was Camilla on the Hoshiden banner? You see that rack? Why was Tharja in a bikini as an armor, why has she been so prettied up in Heroes? Well lot of guys are into yandere I guess. I know there are plenty of guys that will spend hundreds, thousands to +10 their 5 star seasonal waifu. However how many women would go that far for a guy in a gacha game? I am for 50/50 split, I am also for no non seasonal alts, but this isn't about being fair. It is what brings in the most dough. I expect 3 girls, 1 guy for the 2nd banner. Maybe even 4 girls, I wouldn't be surprised.
  19. Have you ever shot a bow? Stability is important, not just for balance but also for accurate aim. Even on horseback one can clutch/straddle the horse as they push their body upright and then fire the bow.
  20. That is very practical for soccer, but not for drawing a bow. It requires arm muscles, back muscles, chest muscles, shoulder, and stability. It isn't at all reasonable to move in one direction twist hard and the other way and be able to aim and shoot a bow. Even in modern times one wants a bow with 40-50 pound draw to hunt, in middle ages that figure was much higher for most bows used in war. Between Lyn 3 and Lyn 4 was a huge gap. Anyways to the original comment, I don't think a seasonal Ike would offend anyone particularly if he wasn't infantry.
  21. @Anacybele There has already been a good deal of hate towards Ike, if you remember "Hero Rises" event. Admittedly it is my most bitter memory with the game, firstly I have regular Ike+1 with Ideal IVs. Secondly Legendary Ike was the least creative alt ever, basically just a better version of regular Ike with 4CD Aether. Thirdly, we could have had Winter Tharja. Instead of another infantry sword which is a near copy of an existing infantry sword we could have had the only red armor mage in the game. The best red tome user in the game. On top of being one of the best fodder units in the game (Vengeful Fighter 3, Close Counter, Red Tome Valor 3, Candelbra). Certainly I like Ike way more as a character in general, talking main series and such, but we were talking about the only red mage armor in the game a wholly unique unit vs an infantry sword. Also a unit with much less availability, she will be split focus in this month legendary banner with 2 other units, other than that have to wait for Christmas. On the leaked units themselves. -Even if ridiculous boob butt jut pose is very doable, it makes no sense combat wise and just is to blatantly show off Noire's assets. No bow user is twisting like that (or lance user, Catria). -Noire, didn't know people dug her so much. She was one of the more interesting children in Awakening, but never came off as the summer type. Considering her shy nature she wouldn't go to the beach in a string bikini, nor does she seem like someone who would enjoy the beach in general. Anyways she might be our 2nd bow armor. -Tana. Yeah the apparent star of the banner with PRF weapon. Already said I thought it would be great if she ended up being in it. Her guidance to all units is like the greatest mobility skill ever. This is better than flier guidance or guidance. This can guide cavs, armors, fliers, infantry, everything! Great for tactics teams or any team composition. Seeing as I have no red tome flier, this looks like a must have for me. -Innes. I have quite a few axe fliers. So will have to see what his skills and such are, however probably not something I will go for. Even though I like Sacred stones. -Cordelia. This should have been Caeldori. I mean yeah looks exactly like Cordelia but would be nice to debut her and you can put her in the bikini or whatever just the same. Same waifu appeal, but new character. Cav horse, don't need those too much personally.
  22. Tana's art is one of the sexiest in the game, and it does look like it matches. She's popular in FE8 too and well liked so she could definitely sell well. We are getting CYL Ephraim, we got regular and legendary so hope the guy is Innes. Maybe then round it out with two other Sacred Stones characters. That is if it is sacred stones, it could also be mixed or maybe some other girl from another series matches. Sigurd being the guy would be pretty awesome too.
  23. I think this art style looks more serious. It doesn't particularly look beautiful or attractive, however it also seems maybe a better fit for war. Characters can be disfigured, dark, but it won't look cartoonish or silly like say Jedah or Garon. You can have young teen characters or kids, but it isn't going to be otaku wet dreams or whatever. I think Hidari is the best of all Fire Emblem when it comes to art style (even though I pointed out Jedah), beautiful practical etc. However I do like this art style cause it seems like a poor fit for the heavy fanservice we have got in Fates or get routinely in Heroes. That makes me very happy.
  24. Yeah Tactics Ogre LUCT, particularly that astounding PSP remake is just among the absolute most brilliant and incredible game experiences one can have. One of the definite must plays of not just the genre, but among all games. It is just beyond sad that the Ogre series never got many entries, and likely will never get another game. Can you imagine how Ogre Battle, the super micro managing RTS, shook the SNES at the time? Jesus. He also was doing the similar Final Fantasy Tactics series, but even that looks to have ended a long time ago. This is the thing it isn't companies, but great visionaries/individuals that make memorable games. Why so many great indie games have come out in recent years, thanks to making games being much easier due to all the tools available. Fire Emblem did have this with Shouzou Kaga a man of great ambition and vision. Teaming up with producer/genuis innovater Gunpei Yokoi (responsible for creating the game boy, virtual boy, working on Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus and Metroid) they put out the first 4 games in the series. Taking leaps in game design each time, and trying to craft memorable stories/characters as well as constantly stretch what these type of games could do. Yes these games are very old and 20-30 years from then it is easy to go, well this wasn't good or that. However this was the golden age of Fire Emblem, where the series was ambitious and trying with each entry to do more and more. Where it had clear direction. Where it wasn't concerned with oh will adding more boobs make more money, or do people like avatars or not, or whatever. It was a man and a vision of what he thought the games should be, as any great artist toils at their work to fulfill their personal ambitions and desires.
  25. Hmm considering differences in art style, the child manakete really seems like Tiki to me. Especially since one of the things we most know her for is sleeping for long periods of time, the fact they also show this as the last image makes it seem as maybe a nod to long time FE fans. Oh that does seem like a very easy and simple way to improve the look without stressing the frame rate/system too much.
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