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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. This is true, it is possible but much more challenging. I think Tactics Ogre: LUCT did a good job with making your decisions alter the story, path, other characters. I like your ideas here, and I hope if they go with the main character being the focus and avatar, they implement some of these. If they do it like this I would be fine and even supportive of MC avatar.
  2. If they ever release an accessory like that I'm putting it on my Katerina for sure! So guys I already built Galeforce Basilikos Raven, but Linus was too good to just not do anything with. So I promoted him and built him like so. Basilikos+eff (haven't refined yet but will soon) Support: Reposition Special: Pavise A skill: Brazen Atk/Spd B skill: Shield Pulse 3 C skill: Drive Def 2 (adjustable) Sacred Seal: Heavy Blade So he will have Pavise charged turn 1 thanks to Shield pulse, the 5 less damage effect makes up for the loss of 5 defense/5 resistance of refine. With Heavy blade he will charge Pavise every attack afterwards. He will have 38 speed at first, which is enough to not be doubled by most units. However when he gets into Brazen range the fun really starts. He will be 65 attack and 45 speed. He won't be doubled by anything and he will double most units in the game. With such high attack he won't need to rely on specials as much (though I know high def reds will be a problem) and having pavise charged pretty much for every enemy attack in addition to the damage reduction of shield pulse will make him an incredible wall against close attacking units. He just has to avoid mages at all costs. I think I will fodder one of the other Linuses (I got all 3) to maybe Ryoma who is sitting with Defiant atk3 right now. He is +spd/-atk, not a great nature. However with Brazen atk/spd 3 he will be 45spd/54atk in that range helping making his vantage more effective.
  3. Yeah we don't know other than formations exist, how everything will work. I think the thing about all of unit type looking the same to be expected though, it would be too much work and game likely couldn't handle every single soilder unit having a different face and body/build. I think what might be better is as some suggested, helmets, and for magic characters maybe cloaks/hoods...something that covers the face. Well Total War is huge, I think they will crank up the numbers as much as they can without causing slowdowns and such. I am hoping the game gets more depth than previous games but I do want battles to move fast as well. Oh other thought on the manaketes. Maybe the adult manakete is embracing that sword so tenderly cause she is Tiki grown up and that is the Falchion that Marth wielded so long ago. The child manakete might then be her daughter or perhaps a flashback of her thinking to her early days.
  4. This is what I hope as well. The problem with making the main character the avatar, a representation of the player, is you are forced into making them a Mary Sue who can get it on with every man or woman in the game. Cause hey we all want to be gods. Being an avatar, well they have to make him 1. Super powerful, possibly the best unit in the game or close to it. 2. Able to marry every unit in the game. 3. Be worshipped by everyone else in the game and be flawless. The most well written characters, including main ones, are flawed and realistic. Not prim perfect beings. Once you make the main character an avatar, well people are too fragile and have too large an ego to accept the avatar as anything less than a god. So we get the Fates/Corrin situation.
  5. I commented in the Three houses thread, but I am almost hyper excited about it. I think Heroes making so much money is a big reason, that they can be so ambitious and really reach for the stars. As much as I like every game in the main series (even if I say bad stuff about this or that game or character), the point of new entries isn't just more of the same but expanding on the past as well as adding new elements.
  6. Well with Julius he has more than enough res especially with the builds he often runs, however being doubled by everything really sucks. Having 31 speed, well that is workable with buffs/skills/support to at least make it so he isn't doubled by many units. This increases is most vulnerable stat, defense immensely. With Michalis I wasn't thinking too hard on that, though similarly in a flier team Michalis with hone and super boon speed he gets 36spd again a good stat to not be doubled by many units. It isn't about BST but increasing survivability. However Michalis and his special procing usually wants to be doubled, so then maybe -spd/+atk or +def would be better. I wasn't thinking about BST bins at all, just what stat spreads would work best for the unit.
  7. BLOWN AWAY! This trailer is the most exciting since Path of Radiance, and the most ambitious game since Thracia. So many sourpusses, but bear in mind that the game is still nearly a year away. I want them to take as long as they need, even if they have to delay the game further so they can realize their ambitious and make this the best game it can possibly be. With the church playing an important part, the trailer starts with the fire emblem main theme but played on organ, pretty fitting. Then we get a map, and wow the world looks huge. So many territories/countries. The look of the game is more mature than the 3ds titles, and the characters we see generally look a little older. This is looking like it will be a very serious game storywise. As VincentASM analysis shows and we can see in trailer, the bow user is able to counter from close range, something that was in Echoes. That may possibly mean that bows can also have extended range (over 2) as well, like Echoes. This adds a lot more depth and makes bow users actually stand out something they don't often do in the other games. The avatar. Unfortunately it seems there is one. However he seems like a teacher/tactician, rather than the focus of the story. I have no problem with avatar like in Blazing sword, who is addressed by other characters and such but is in the background rather than the focus. The mooks. I am shocked people are complaining about this, cause this is the best part of the trailer. Formations which likely have advantage/disadvantage based on enemy type and formation, just adds so much depth. Besides simple battle bonuses it may allow to alter your character's positioning along with its troops, perhaps you can even split a character's troop to flank the enemy while some of them engage from the front. It just opens up so much and can really revolutionize the Fire emblem formula. It also adds much needed scale. When controlling various princes/kings it is silly that they are a little band of 20-30 units, fighting off other nations armies and such. The battles here look much more like what large scale war would be. Also, we see troops at different heights at times. This could lead to once again like Radiant Dawn, bonuses for attacking from higher ground something that was abandoned in 3ds games. This is something that can add more. I also hope we get advantage for attacking from behind or side as opposed to front. Combat arts from Echoes make a return as well. The anime cutscenes look great, and I like the general art style which I'm sure will be a lot more polished on final release. We may yet get full voice acting, just cause we don't hear it here doesn't mean it isn't happening. There will be more free roaming, and I think that is great for exploring castles/towns and such so you get that immersion that you get from JRPGs and such. The Adult manakete fondly and lovingly holding that Falchion looking sword next to her, perhaps it is the fang of her mother which is why she seems so moved. The child manakete sleeping at the end makes me think of Young Tiki. One last thing it isn't fair to compare the visuals of an SRPG to that of an adventure game like Breath of the Wild. It is much more demanding to have to animate dozens of characters onscreen than a single character and some monsters. It isn't possible power wise, regardless of how much money IS has to work with. This game doesn't look 'cheap' or 'low budget' at all, quite the opposite. They made hundreds of millions from FE Heroes, and it looks like a good chunk of that is going to this.
  8. Seems like a very reasonable request. Nothing makes me happier either. However the only alt free banner thus far was the Genealogy one which dropped in May. At that rate the next one would be October? Maybe. So 2 alt free banners the whole year.
  9. Oh then for Julius I would like +spd/-res. Valentine Eliwood, guess +atk/-HP or +spd/-HP . Michalis +spd/-res.
  10. I agree that this GHB was super easy, I just rolled out my fun Ishtar/Julius/Fae/Lene team and it beat all modes without any problem.
  11. Hector on the shattered fangs banner. Brave Ike, Celica, and Young Tiki (2) are other note worthy ones. Amelia , Gray, Saber (2), Katarina, Jaffar, Takumi, and Minerva are other 5 star locked units I've pulled off focus.
  12. These special hero banners will likely be spectacular, then again what seasonal banner hasn't been this year? Anyways especially this time since it looks like we wont be getting a new hero banner for a really long time, end of July at earliest. Pretty disappointed as those are my fav type of banner, though that has been quite tarnished with all the alts, still we are going to be waiting forever to get to the next part of the story as well. Oh yeah Kaze getting added to the pull, it is true that it doesn't mean other reward units will be added. However let's hope, some of them could be much better with access to IVs. Maybe Julius with a superboon in Def? LA Eliwood with a superboon in speed or attack? Michaelis with a superboon in attack or defense? and so on.
  13. Yeah I generally prefer hone/fortify for everything except armor, fliers and horses strength is their mobility and goad teams well makes that very awkward. Anyways, I only have NY Azura as my only hone flier. Never pulled Hinoka, or Halloween Nowi. God that skill is so rare, I would love to make more flier teams. Optimizing armors is the ultimate whale emblem, however just running any sort of basic flying emblem is the most expensive of the emblem squads. Armors have all their buffs on 3/4 star units, same with horses. Flyers has the best buff 5 star locked and only on one unit in the regular summoning pool. Hopefully sometime in the future it changes.
  14. Wow thanks for the calculations and explanation. I do have BB Ninian, but I don't have WF Hinoka. My only other ranged flier is Spring Kagero. So +spd is better, I guess that was also what the gamepedia and gamepress say also. With triple goad she would have +16atk/+20spd (Ninian weapon) though so speed would be at 52, is that not enough? Or is it more cause it makes her too reliant on having all her teammates in range. I've never run a goad flier team.
  15. Hey question for those who use Camilla and her refine. I have pulled several of them recently, one of them being +atk/-HP which is supposedly one of her best natures. Is she worth the 20k feathers to promote to 5 stars. Is the refine worth the 200 dew as well. I have NY Azura, Myrrh, Cherche, Minerva as my green fliers fully built. Michealis is also sitting there halfway built. Camilla seems very different than these others, and the thought of a cavalier/flier combo team is exciting, though I don't know if it really works in practice.
  16. Free summon saw a blue orb pulled it....smoke!, but another 4 star cordelia. 2 red orbs, even with A tiki unfortunate color share with Y tiki who I want more merges for I decided to pull them. I got another Celica! Bad nature, so won't replace my current one. However now Julius gets DD3. It feels really good to complete units.
  17. Well after seeing Flying Nino's broken spread, I had to pull for her. Have no flying green mages either. Well unfortunately 2 pity breakers off focus ended that dream. 140 orbs. First pity breaker=+spd/-def Shiro. Speed is a good boon, defense is a bad bane. There were no green orbs, I pulled blue to avoid pity breaker by Karla or Legault. However fate was against me. Still first Shiro and he isn't a bad unit. 2nd pity breaker=+atk/-def Hector. Ah well it doesn't get better than this as far as off focus pity breakers of a unit I already have. I can replace my +spd/-def with this one, and fodder that one to Myrrh who finally gets Distant Counter and is complete. I pulled the rest of the orbs since there were 2 red and 2 colorless, which got me a 3rd 5 star! Legault +atk/-res! Supposedly his best nature, or 2nd to +spd/-res so this is really good. My first attack tactic unit so this is really nice. What motivated me to pull besides crazy flying Nino is looking at the arena bonus units for next week, I have none of them or at least none of them built/at 5 stars. Luckily I have Legault now, and I get a better Hector in addition to giving DC to Myrrh. So things didn't work out so bad.
  18. I think this is all gacha games. I think the majority of big spenders are males, and waifu hunters. Which is why seasonals bring in so much money besides crazy classes and such. Bunny Kagero in that outfit? Summer Corrin with her swimsuit exploding when damaged? Meanwhile Canas is a dude with a monocle. Spending a lot of money on him requires you played Blazing sword and liked his character. Karla has no such requirement. She is just a super hot Ayra look alike with an exotic eastern themed outfit. Cha ching. Oh yeah especially when they see that insane stat spread to top it off. So Karla, top tier red sword. Canas, forgettable red mage that does nothing interesting or unique.
  19. In all seriousness I am seeing a lot of people on reddit asking "Should I sacrifice Hardin to unit x for bold fighter"? Which I have trouble understanding. Hardin is an S+ tier unit, up there with the best in the game, and he has bold fighter. Sacking only copy? Do people sacrifice their only LA Hector for distant counter or their only Fallen M! Robin for ward dragon or Vengeful fighter? I guess some do. Winter Lissa is likely on the next legendary banner so their is hope. Personally though I would only fodder her if I get multiples, she is real good too and art is top notch. Plus I want to complete christmas emblem, just need her and W! Tharja.
  20. Book 2 started out so promising and the trailer was so hype. Still I think more happened in this book than people realize. 1. Veronica joins with Surtr 2. Alfonse's brilliant tactical prowess is put on display 3. Gunnthra dies 4. We realize through Helbindi how savage Muspell is and how difficult it is to make a living. 5. We see Veronica truly care for another person with the deepening of her relationship with Xander. She tells Xander to stop fighting Surtr cause she doesn't want him to die or hurt anymore. 6. Activating the flames of Muspell causes one to lose themselves. So we know Surtr was likely not originally as we see him now. 7. We learn that Alfonse has a father who he doesn't get along well with. The writing is still not so great but I think it is better than book 1. It should honestly be much better and more detailed though. I hope it continues to improve, and they invest more time into it.
  21. @Oz ♠ That is absolutely the most adorable signature I have ever seen anywhere! Katarina cat in the hat with a fire flower in hand, now these are the alt costumes that we should be getting!
  22. While having good luck on this legendary banner I did not get the unit I wanted most Hardin. This made me regret not pulling for him on fallen heroes just cause I was so against Fallen Robin, Fallen Celica. I will have to wait for the next regular banner he arrives and hope he doesn't color share to have as good a chance as there was on fallen heroes. What is a man if he doesn't learn from his mistakes? I have no flying tome users. Though I have Flying Azura, Bridal Ninian is the only flying tome dancer in the game and I've always liked the character of Ninian ever since playing FE7. So I decided not to let the Sanaki fiasco stop me from pulling for Ninian. 40 orbs later, she arrived. +HP/-def. Needless to say I am very happy.
  23. FE7, my first Fire Emblem, can't help but feel for the characters from the game. As in love, one may find that perfect greater love later, but there is always something special about the first. Legault, Attack tactics coming to 4 star pool? Yes! Then we will have Def tactic seal, Res tactic thanks to L'arachel and Atk tactic. If willing to spend 20k feathers it will be something that will be accessible to most. The cleaner is such a lame name for his weapon, always painful to hear how much better the Japanese translation is. Most people won't know that the lame name isn't the fault of the creators but the localization team. Legault was 'the cleaner' but why would an inheritable weapon be called the cleaner? Anyways dagger units are hard to stand out, we've had some ones with great stat lines and such released recently but still they are a rare sight. Karla is going to be like Mia and Ayra, just some monster unit with great offensive statline. I guess being a hot Ayra look alike gets her in? I love FE4, but while Sword demon Karel was somewhat memorable cause of his personality, legendary reputation and such...Karla the sister was just very weak and I don't think many people used her plus many may have not even recruited her. I assume she is to draw younger players not familiar with FE7, sexy swordmaster who doesn't like that? Flying Nino. So we get the regular Nino sprite on a pegasus. As adorable as she is, even if they were going with a Nino alt it would have been much better to get the 'on the run' adult Nino of Binding Blade. That would have been an interesting alt at least and would make sense too. Better no alt at all though, FE7 is one of the most popular games and there were certainly other units they could have chosen. Canas should have been on the banner, the monocle wearing scholar is one of the most popular from that game and stood out being the only dark mage playable. Instead he is a free unit which might doom him to mediocrity. Still upset about Finn personally. Linus, hope he comes better than his brother Lloyd. This banner despite being FE7, probably will do one full pull only. Legault is almost for sure going to 4 star, I have Ayra and quite a few other strong sword infantry, and of course my dislike of alts is well documented so flying Nino is a pass.
  24. I had pondered pulling on the stance banner for some time now, it is my birthday so I decided is there such a thing as birthday luck? Well 21 orbs later, I pulled Zelgius +atk/-def!
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