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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Makes it an easy skip, no one worth pulling. Nils would be amazing, but I think he would be featured on the notice if he made his debut.
  2. This. Actually had hope after the no alt Genealogy banner, guess that will remain the only alt free banner this year at least for the next couple weeks. Really nice that not only will the next banner have at least one alt, it will be the headliner as well. As if we didn't have that already with Exalted Chrom over the Morgans, or Kinshi Hinoka over Shigure and Kana, or Swordhart over Leif and Nanna. Can they maybe invest into the characters making their first appearance, instead of giving all the good stuff to the alt? Like they are trying to brainwash people into loving alts cause they purposefully push the power level of them through the roof, so they can save money and time on art, assets, voice acting?
  3. Yes Gunnthra!!!! She pulls another victory!!! Though your time in heroes was short, we will never forget!
  4. Instant pull: Judgral characters, laguz/beast units Instant pass: Alts, pedo bait.
  5. Instant pull: Judgral characters, laguz/beast units Instant pass: Alts, pedo bait.
  6. I started close to launch, like within the first week, and I'm not bored at all. My barracks are good enough, but I love creating all types of different teams as well as varying wild builds and there are a lot of possibilities and niches to fill. I love trying to come up with ally supports that make some sense and also work really well together. Like the latest I did was pair up Katerina and Innes. Owl bow and Owl tome, she runs 2 of the ploys, and my Innes who is +res runs the other 2.
  7. Loose boxers are the absolute best. Roomy and comfortable. I don't like briefs at all.
  8. The power of Gunnthra!!! She actually went back and forth with Ryoma trading multipliers, so she actually has a decent base. Looks like she may will need a multiplier screwjob to beat Ike though. The power of waifus in these guantlets is incredible...except when it comes to Ike. I guess his awesomeness trumps everything.
  9. Thanks for the response! I did end up upgrading her to 5 star, just cause I don't have anyone else with Res tactic. I won't invest into her heavily (5 star skills, etc) but will keep her for now. I'll probably throw darting blow, which along with hone speed from Eirika plus her tome will get her to 44spd. With hone attack plus her tome she will hit at 54 atk, if in range of Groom marth 57atk, 47spd (drive spd 2 seal) Def tactic on Eirika (or maybe Nino) will give her 29 def, while Eirika or Nino giving drive defense could get her to 32 if in range. Moonbow probably.
  10. This is what I've been thinking since I saw the calendar. I'd advise people, well at least FTP ones, to wait til we know what it is. If it is CYL2 you may regret having too few or no orbs. CYL1 was a monstrous banner with incredibly powerful unique units. Urvan, Steady breath on Brave Ike. Our first mounted archer and top tier hero in Brave Lyn. Up there for best offensive cav sword in the game and at that time considered far and away the best. Lancina's crazy drive combat buff possibilities very novel for back then. Finally the introduction of uninheritable unique skills (Sacae blessing, Beorc Blessing). I don't think we will get BST powercreep, but I think the CYL2 heroes are going to make a huge splash and one of the highest priority banners to pull on of the year in terms of unique units/skills and power level.
  11. Well they put Ryoma as a sword wielding kinshi rider, which is complete fantasy and not possible in his game. So they can make Julia a dragon riding green tome user or whatever else they want.
  12. How viable is +Def/-HP? With Ivaldi and Def tactic, or Fortify cavalry buffs she would have 29 def. Put on distant defense and she can have 35 def, and of course you can go distant defense seal to make it 41 def. It is possible to get her speed high enough with hone cavalry buffs to not get doubled by many enemies and with QR3 she can double back. I ask this cause I have her at 4 star with these IV, and am considering promoting her to 5 star. However if this defense dream is just that, and would be too hard to make efficient, I'd just wait for +Spd or +atk pull in the future.
  13. We are getting separate banners for seasonal reruns. We got last year's spring banner rerun, now we have last year's bridal banner running, and I'm sure this practice will continue in future seasonals.
  14. Since he is currently the only unit with Ardent Service+ I would not fodder him away for Drive Atk. He is also a TT unit rather than a GHB unit, so we may never get another copy. I heard about NY Azura also, well she is the best dancer hands down flier team or not. So you could always give her that weapon and she can be an awesome buffer/best dancer on non flier teams. I have her, but I am waiting til another unit that can optimally use it.
  15. Maybe alternate timeline, Julius gets the blood to wield divine Naga while Julia gets possessed by Loptous. How cool would Dark Julia and Divine Julius be!? Julia even mentions in Genealogy that it could have easily been her.
  16. Gunnthra, she is tied for highest merged unit with Amelia for me, and is my summoner supported unit. She is so underrated and overlooked, but I've loved her since I pulled my first one on her first banner. In memory of a wise, gentle soul who was an avid reader and put others before herself.
  17. So my dragons couldn't get it done this time. I used Gunnthra+3, Kagero (regular), Nowi, and Lene. Poison dagger desperation and Gunnthra quad ploy, Nowi warding breath Aether, Lene triangle adept to tank the green armor and green mage at times.
  18. Elivagar, rivers would seem to point towards water as an element. Then again they are toxin/poison, and home to Nidhogg and all manner of serpents, that doesn't indicate fire element but green color maybe? Res buff also seems to make sense for Veronica. Hector fits green and fire, I don't know if people would be cool with another Axe Hector though. I mean since they are going promoted lords, he would be Axe armor with another version of Armads. Also they released Lyn already, I think maybe they'll try to hit the other games before repeating ones. All the other choices seem very plausible. I just find it strange that we are going to be getting 3 green legendary heroes before we get our 2nd colorless. Particularly since colorless has the least variety in terms of choices for the other units. They are already repeating.
  19. I have also read about these things that later Fire Emblem borrowed/took from Tear Ring Saga/Berwick Saga which is quite a lot stuff that would show up in Tellius games and even the 3ds games. I do think the Tellius games really felt ambitious in the world it was trying to create and trying different things, they are the most enjoyable post Kaga games for me. I think FE16 is going to be a landmark game in terms of ambition. Its first console game since Radiant Dawn, so much larger budget, and FE is at an all time high in terms of profits. If they have a good team in place, everything is set to make an incredible game. Echoes is a remake, but as far as taste and character design I hope that is something they go more towards and less the otaku culture stuff.
  20. I think considering they are doing their 3rd green, while colorless still only has one plus green being the one we got last month seems to indicate that it will be Veronica.
  21. Ninjabbit attacks are deadly. I second this, heavy blade goes really well on Spring Kagero particularly if you have attack boon.
  22. 98 orbs. On that last session I pulled all 5 since the first one gave me my first 5 star. My first Winter Robin! Unfortunately -atk/+def Well so I pull the rest. What's this? My first Innes!? +res/-def. Well okay that is solid if not the best IVs Wait there's more. My first Winter Chrom! -def/+spd. Oh man c'mon, -def would be fine if it would be + in literally anything else. Well still 3 five stars in a single session which may be a record for me. Bonus along the way got my first Shigure and L'arachel. Unfortunately not great IVs so not promoting, but they have some good stuff to pass on. So now I have 2/3 reds, 2/3 blues, 1/3 colorless, 3/3 greens. So it looks like chances are really low of pulling any more new heroes. Skill fodder isn't something I can really afford to shoot for as FTP. I want Hardin a lot, but will have to wait til the next banner he shows up.
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