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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Being a DLC character is relevant cause they are add ons that most people forget compared to the non DLC ones. As for evidence. Well we are all pulling stuff out of our ass, you are claiming that there is no difference between Japan only FE characters from the main game and Cipher characters in terms of potential. Can't ask for evidence if you can't provide any yourself.
  2. Yes this 2nd statement is what I believe. Create worlds of chaos. Complete disorder, war. No ruler, no law, completely unpredictable. She is the Joker, except sane.
  3. As DLC characters. In Awakening Leif, Seliph Roy and Katarina from Japan only Fire Emblems are in the game as DLC not to mention many more from those games appear as enemies in the bonus maps. Oh and at the time of release Gaiden was still Japan only, Celica and Alm are DLC characters as well. Response has generally been favorable to characters from Japan only games in banners, cause at least they are from the main series. Cause perhaps these games will reach the US shores some day as Echoes remakes. Cause they are also playable translation patches for the game. On the other hand, Cipher is a card game and if you don't know Japanese you have no way of experiencing it in any form.
  4. I don't think they are implying any such thing. Loki flirts with everyone. She is being a good villain using every asset she has at her disposal. She looks down on everyone else and just plays with these inferior beings for kicks. Not just for kicks though. Regardless of if they are into Loki or not, it throws off their focus and concentration. Either through lusting after her, or through annoying them and angering them. The real Loki, what her personality is really like, her real goals, her real appearance even. Well that is all shrouded in mystery. By the time it is found out, likely it will be too late. She is a villain other villains should aspire to.
  5. I was not. My point is that Leif, Nanna, Finn are all characters in the much better known and better selling FE4 Genealogy of the Holy War. So can't really use the argument that Thracia is just as obscure as Cipher for that. Also Thracia is part of the main series. Cipher is a spinoff like Warriors. It would be much less warmly received. A card game exclusive character only in Japan on a banner? Probably. I'm glad they haven't tarnished my favorite game of the series with alts. I mean we'll see if the trend continues. Hopefully this dark period of history of alts invading new hero banners is finished.
  6. I was talking about my re allocating some stat points but keeping him infantry mage with same BST idea. That way he isn't an armor, doesn't have access to insane armor skills, much lower BST, but at the same time if they did it like I suggested he could still be a good mixed tank and make great use of his tome. Also the dragon weakness is pretty serious, any falchion user will make minced meat of him, while W! Tharja just destroys them with ease. Too bad he can't have dragon buffs, just the bad part of being a dragon.
  7. Note all the Thracia characters added are in Genealogy also, other than Olwen/Reinhardt. So really Olwen/Reinhardt are the only Thracia exclusive characters. Also Cipher is also unknown to global audience, but probably much more so than Thracia. Most FE fans know about the games that didn't release in US even if they've never played them. Those games are part of the main series. Cipher original heroes would be a hard sell to anyone who isn't familiar with them, which would be most outside Japan. Now if they do what I suggest and release Cipher globally, either as is or in a digital version, that would be a different story.
  8. Well then I'd prefer they don't have final boss characters as GHB. Rather have minor characters from games, or minor bosses. Also he wouldn't be Halloween Henry his BST would still be what it is currently making him not a great choice for arena like Henry is. Nor would he be able to have that high speed along with great mixed bulk naturally, Julius needs help from teammates. Fallen M Robin isn't an armor either, but they made him one anyways so they can make his power through the roof. I feel Julius is shafted here, when you look at Fallen Robin and Hardin. Now I want an alt version that is an armor with great mixed bulk that is summonable.
  9. Well I don't view these as actual people either, but like you I have my preferences as far as how characters are portrayed. For me the most important thing is that it is true to how the character is in their source game or games. Ah you had to bring up Lloyd. I think we can all agree that his Heroes art work is terrible. I wonder if they made a digital version of Fire Emblem Cipher could it compete with Hearthstone, Gwent, etc. It certainly has a huge name behind it, and the art is at the very least up to their levels, IMO better.
  10. Look they missed the boat making him infantry instead of armor, so they have a lot less stat points to work with. However what if his Tome provided +3 def instead of +3 res, then they took away 5 res and put into def. Now he has with his tome effective defense of 30 and effective res of 36. With atk ploy 3, 35 def, 41 res. Now that seems like pretty good mixed bulk, now he wouldn't be as insane in tanking blue mages but he can now tank physical hits much better. Especially with drive speed support so he doesn't get doubled. Speaking of mirror stance, F morgan is likely to be in the upcoming stance banner. I want Mirror stance 2 on my Julius, but I will need to pull 2 F Morgans, since I want to keep one cause flying mage and to ally support with M Morgan.
  11. Well at least you don't get extra special cooldown charges....oh wait. You also can do that ridiculous thing with putting QR in seal slot allowing doubling on both phases without speed mattering. Hardin's best build has Warding breath in the A slot. So he gets extra special charges on both enemy phase and player phase, and he doubles on both enemy phase and player phase. On top of having 175BST and a legendary weapon. Well we were talking about doing final bosses justice with Julius, well they certainly did with Emperor Hardin.
  12. Woah wait a minute. Now I agree with Ishtar, though it has grown on me, the little face portrait by the stats definitely still looks off. However Ayra is one of the most gorgeous in the game, and Ayra is very edgy in Genealogy. Why no English version of Cipher? Yes I have seen some of the arts and it is like the best of the entire series. However that is cause it is a paper card game and the artist has a ton more freedom. In terms of positioning, pose, space, background, etc.
  13. Ah no! I tried infernal for my last lance, and I took a camp, but tried to get the other two and instead lost the one camp I lost. Defense tiles, bricks to break, narrow passages, and the enemies were ridiculous. If I just kept that one camp I captured I would have gotten tier 24, instead missed it by a sliver. 2 sacred coins down the drain.
  14. If you want Julius to tank you have to work at it. Firstly a big thing is how slow he is meaning he has to take 2 hits by many units without help. If you want him to take anything that hits his pitiful defense stat you have to help him out here, I think that is the most important thing. So Speed tactic, okay now he is at 33 speed, then drive speed....well that is 36 speed. If you really wanted to go out you could have all 3 teammates drive speeding him so he is at 42 speed. Now he won't be doubled by anything. Can he survive just a single hit? Yes. If you give him Distant Defence. Then he with the tome effect he is now at 28 def, if he got a ploy off it is 33 def. If you go double distant defense, you can get that to 39 def. He will take that hit, then attack back (in a tactics team he will have +6 attack from something, maybe +3 attack from an ally with drive atk seal, and +2 atk with S ally support ally nearby, bringing him to 60 atk X 2, with one of the shots possibly being Iceberg. So its possible to make him to a deadly all around tank, but note the amount of work one must put in for that to happen and team set up and all that. You can really do this with a lot of characters though, however cause of Julius's tome I think it makes it a bit easier to pull off.
  15. I think in general pretty girls in Heroes are many times pandering when they needn't be, and sometimes doesn't fit the character at all. This is often especially seen in the level 40 confession, but sometimes in other lines. I guess this is something that gacha games have to have, and besides OP top tier units or units with new skills something that draws tons of whales.
  16. I agree that Atk/Spd would be much better cause healers want it, since they are so limited in their A options. Flier Formation is exciting though, love that skill and I can put it on my NY Azura so she can fly and dance like she was meant to. Speed smoke is actually great too and should make double smoking easier.
  17. I mean looking at Fallen Robin yes very underwhelming as a final boss. If only he was an armor mage (maybe armor dragon mage?) then he could have much more defense and thus greater mixed bulk and that tome would be bonkers. Cause his weapon is so cool I did 5 star him and ally support him with Ishtar which is a lot of fun. I made a really cool team with a +HP Fae (55 HP!) running infantry pulse in C slot and Panic ploy seal. This means Ishtar doesn't have to run Quickened pulse, she can have moonbow (double moonbow if they survive) ready and put attack+3 (mine is currently +2) in that slot instead. Lene has firestorm dance and drive speed in C slot as well as drive attack seal. The pulse allows her to run Luna instead of Moonbow and TA3, should help her low attack deal with greens at least. Julius will proc Iceberg first time he is attacked even if he isn't doubled thanks to pulse. Julius has rally def/res so my team can beef that up when needed. Anyways it obviously doesn't score well but works great. However I love Genealogy it is my favorite game in the series. So that is a big reason I splurged the 20k feathers to promote him. I will make him do work and do it well. However favoritism aside, he is a good free unit and I think a bit underrated. He isn't an exceptional unit however, though his art and voice acting certainly are.
  18. Young Tiki. Got her on a free summon in one of the voting gauntlets...I think, and then got her 2 more times as off focus pity breakers. Others like 2 off focus Sabers. Some strange luck with legendary banners, 1/3 chance on color and keep pulling the same unit. 4 Gunnthras, 3 of them in one legendary banner alone. 3 Jakobs in the last legendary banner.
  19. OMG, ARES DROP!!! Okay old news here apparently. However the capitals is to indicate my excitement. I was happy to get Ishtar and got 2 Lene, but I also really wanted Ares. I never expected he would drop to 4 star! I want all the Genealogy characters and at 5 star, but now I can wait for optimal IVs Ares and promote the perfect one! Not to mention brazen atk/def 3 at 4 stars? FINALLY, an A skill that is easily accessible that will go great on my +def Lyn, my god she will be atk 51/def 37 with all the perks of her refined Sol Katti!
  20. I saw them. I don't think we are allowed to discuss this issue anymore, but let's just say it is far from completely innocent. Marth looks to be a great axe cav, the weapon is great though I wish he got a PRF version. Nice skills too. Without relying on outside buffs or other skills he will be 35atk/35spd thanks to his weapon. Someone on reddit caught that the blue flower on him is the same as Bridal Caeda has in her bouquet.
  21. God Loki looks great, why couldn't we get her as a bride? Map looks great.
  22. Anything but an infantry sword please. They have options for red hero promoted that is not that, so please use it. The first red was infantry sword in V!Ike, let's not make the second that as well. If it is Laegjarn that would be beyond awesome.
  23. Thanks! I updated my friend list and someone had adult tiki+8 so I used that in rival domains. The legendary hero is going to be either a red bow user or a red dragon. We just got a green bow user, so a red bow user like Alm would make sense (he gets it on promotion). We also don't have any red dragons still besides the Y and A tiki. Maybe we will get legendary Tiki, or better yet Naga or something.
  24. JJ Watt is such a class act and an exceptional individual. I think everyone is tired of these shootings and the president and Congress say "It's a big tragedy, our prayers for the families, etc etc yadda yadda yadda" Regular civilians we can say that. However they are the ones that can actually pass bills and make it less likely for these things to happen in the future. That they don't is pretty much the same as saying "Those kids that died don't matter, and more will die in the future and we don't care". What's the total count at of victims of school shootings?
  25. The 2nd part of my post though is that I don't think Cordelia is comparable. She is a great infantry archer but there are many of those.
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