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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Gunnthra: I burn for you my love. Sigurd: I do as well. Together: Let us bring a cold hell to Arvis and Surtr!!!
  2. Well I never said it applied to everyone, what I stated was my opinion. Just as what you state is your's. Most statements in this thread are subjective, including your's. Including what you said. I guess what we all say has little merit. Also the 'whole point', well that is as subjective as it gets. Some people like to reclass powerful/favorite characters into different classes and just ignore weaker statted characters completely. As for the whole 'freedom' argument. The more freedom, the harder it is to balance characters and the harder it is to make them distinct gameplay wise. Anyways the general problem with this argument is a large amount of people like free reclassing, and a large amount of people don't. One side is not going to convince the other. It is like one person likes hamburgers and the other person likes hot dogs. There is that third group that is flexible and wants reclassing but very restricted. How restricted? I guess that is the conversation that can be had.
  3. Yeah I have Shigure too, so I'm not particularly interested in him being on this next legendary banner. Trying to get a legendary hero is pretty hard cause of the color sharing, the good thing though is you get multiple opportunities to pull for them. I am also not a fan in general of non legendary banners having color sharing. The good news, pulling on those gives you a higher chance of a focus unit, the bad news even if you pull a focus unit it could not be the one you want. Miciah is a possibility, after all we got Zelgius on the last banner.
  4. Not a fan of reclassing. I do like class promote options, limited to fit the character's personality. I like the idea that perhaps two units that start in the same class can promote to different ones cause of their personality and what is important to them. This isn't a typical SRPG, or JRPG or whatever. I don't think that is a good argument. Fire Emblem is a series with each game having a large cast of characters all of which are individual personalities, characters, in addition to their stats and skills. Just making a log power lifter Effie into a troubadour is absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense, even if she is close with Elise. Which brings back what others have said, the supports can often reflect what motivates the said character/personality it doesn't match up. It also hurts replay value more than helps it. Yeah you can use that x powerful character more times, but you also ignore other characters. Sometimes characters because of their class and skill set are worth using, even if their stats aren't top tier. Through playing with these lesser characters, you learn more about them through supports and such.
  5. Well legendary Ephraim will be on the next legendary banner, maybe this time you can get him! I think Shigure will also be there. Harder to tell when Exalted Chrom will return. The edited 5 star pool is so much better, so off focus pity breakers are good to great. I think everyone is going to be happier from now on, also some really good fodder will be more easily available thanks to the 4-5 star demoted to 3-4 stars.
  6. Funny, I love this series! However Valdibar is pure perfection in Leon's eyes, so I wonder what this 'dream' Valdibar would look like?
  7. Lol I remember those days. Like when Urusula dropped. Hard? Just use Hector. .....but what if you don't have Hector? I think anyways these maps can be easy or difficult depending on what units you have. Some maps are generally more difficult, like the fallen Takumi one and F Grima. This bound hero battle was really easy with my flying team, just with a slight modification of putting Cherche in there instead of Minerva for the brave axe no damage kills. The only thing to worry about was the wyvern with guidance, just be aware of what units he can bring.
  8. Lunatic was easy with element teams. Water: Ayra, Dierdre, PA Olivia, Fjorm Earth: L!Ike, Miciah, Cherche, Valter Wind: Gunnthra+3, B Lyn+2, Sigurd, Camus Fire: Elincia, Tana, Minerva, Flyzura I didn't complete infernal Legion the first time, so I still got to do that. Pretty brutal when you are surrounded by 4 Legions N, W, E and S.
  9. @Cute Chao You hit the jackpot! Congrats! For myself, well since the twitter announcement over a month ago, I've been saving my orbs with Thracia in mind. I couldn't help but drop 110 orbs on reds in the legendary banner, cause Halloween Nowi seems like the most fun unit to use in the game cause of her mobility (even if I am disgusted by her portrayal) plus I wanted a second hone fliers unit to build another flier team. Zelgius is an alt, but at least he is the an S+ tier monster. So I was thinking, spend on reds til I get one of them, 2/3 chance. As long as it isn't Ike. Got Ike. Well surely it couldn't happen again what are the odds? Got another Ike! I stopped. 110 orbs later. At least I got to give warding breath to my Nowi, and another warding breath saved for the future. After the Feh Channel broadcast I was so upset with the double alt Thracia banner, I decided to not wait and go for Spring Kagero in the Spring banner. I did get her in 20 orbs, +atk/-hp, so I was very happy about that. Then the thracia banner dropped, well there aren't going to be any alt free banners anymore so I decided I'll pull all reds. Hey either new S+ tier mixed phase Reinhardt or the Lord of Thracia Leif! 5% chance to get either. Well I got pity broken 3 times by off focus reds. Got my 3rd Young Tiki, whom I merged. Got my first Male Morgan +spd/-def and my first Katarina +spd/-HP. 66 orbs used. Good rate, but 3 pity breakers is the most I'll go. Just like 3 off focus pity breakers on the Winter Envoy banner when I wanted just one of those glorious armors. However sometimes it isn't destined to be. Hopefully it isn't too long til Leif is on another banner.
  10. Finn as a TT reward is very disappointing. Now free units are great and all, everyone gets a copy and all that, however there are substantial downsides. They are stuck with neutral boon/bane, limited merge potential, and finally they are rarely made very powerful. If Finn was a banner unit he would have likely had a PRF version of brave lance, maybe something like what the new Reinhardt has or maybe something like Amiti. Instead he is a decent statted but generic lance cavalier. Leif is solid and may be stronger than it seems, however the Light brand in Heroes seems to not represent the Thracia version at all even if it is a decently powerful effect. What is unfortunate is just how much in the shadow of the new Reinhardt he is. They both share a color, everyone is going to say I spend a million orbs for Reinhardt but instead I got x amount of useless leaves. Reinhardt just so obviously looks like a super powerful unit. With his native deathblow and an attack boon, he is sword cherche on a horse hitting for 55x2, or 61x2 with hone. He can be built into a very powerful player phase unit, but then since his brave sword has the same effect on enemy phase and he has good defense and solid res he can be built into a terrifying enemy phase unit as well. Distant counter, QR, distant defense seal, fortify and hone cav buffs. This is the debut of a main game lord and he is an afterthought, the star is the new Reinhardt. I think that is the worst part about this banner.
  11. It is funny how Trump cries 'witch hunt' about anything negative relating to or said about him. What is even funnier is how many of his supporters blindly believe him. I guess this is how dictators are born, essentially brainwashing the people to only believe what you say and ignore everything else. I hope the sleazebag goes down soon. It's already a huge embarrassment and black mark in US history.
  12. Was it the reason stated why those conversations were cut?
  13. His stats look good, wish he was slightly faster, but good res and solid attack. That animation is awesome.
  14. The rarity drop is the biggest surprise and I think a change everyone can enjoy. Aether, Wings of Mercy, TA, threaten defense, threaten attack, and renewal will all be much easier to get as fodder. Also some really strong units dropped so people wanting to use feathers for merges for powerhouses like Nowi, Effie, etc can much more easily gather extra copies. The Tempest trial improvements seem very welcome. Free Finn and Saias is great, though of course with that downside all free units have. Stuck to neutral IVs, and limited merges. Hopefully they are impressive additions. The new mode looks interesting, and they said they will be constantly taking feedback and trying to improve it. So this seems like it will be a permanent and major part of the game from now on. Finally, looks like we are never getting an alt free banner again. Very disheartened by this.
  15. Yup plus 3 extra might over Brave sword+ in addition to being player and enemy phase guaranteed double attacks. Olwen has a PRF version of a blade tome. Man this is disappointing, was saving my orbs for this. Nanna is a healer, but no earth sword, no staff equivalent of earth sword. Leif's weapon looks decent I guess, maybe stat wise he is a monster but doesn't seem special. 2 Alts on the banner, and even if I want Leif he shares a color with alt Reinhardt. Maybe I should just summon on the spring banner finally, but I'll wait for the stats just in case one of them is 'must have'.
  16. Oh yeah or even a teaser with real footage or at least art concepts and such would just set the world on fire. People have been waiting for Switch news forever. The other single thing that would get me really excited, is the long awaited announcement of beast units/laguz. I can imagine Feh saying "In the next update, beasts have invaded! We will be adding 10 beast units in the 3 and 4 star pool, and more will come in future banners look forward to it!"
  17. Go Kagero! It would be unfortunate if next hour kagero is weaker, cause then with the multiplier they overtake Lucina and Lucina gets the easy multiplier win final hour. Correct me if I'm wrong, but team Lucina has had more multipliers than Kagero and likely if this was pre multiplier Kagero would have this in the bag.
  18. This is really a thorough and detailed statement, and one I agree with. The fault isn't with the mechanic but how it is executed. There should be more ways for the player to manipulate it, this would add a further layer of strategy. I am all for adding more layers if it is done right.
  19. 2nd gen definitely needs a lot more fleshing out. A lot of the characters are somewhat forgettable other than what they may bring to the story gameplay wise. Oifeye and Shannon were developed in the 1st gen so don't need as much, though it would be nice to get more (especially Shannon) development in 1st gen of them. Altena has one of the most screwed up tragic upbringings, so with that and her various conversations with Arione and Trabant she is developed fairly well. Julia also. However many of the others need more work. The 1st gen, I think we could get more from Noish, we hardly get anything. With Alec we get he is the smooth talking flirtatious type and likes to tease Arden, but with Noish he looks cool but we get pretty much nothing. Sylvia's damaged past, and connection to Claude could be expanded on as well as it seems interesting from what is given.
  20. I'd agree. Sigurd starts a god, and ends a god. He is the lord needed to capture/seize, but unlike other lords which usually start as mere foot soilders, he starts on a mount. Mounted units have canto in FE4 which is another great advantage. Great stats, the powerful holy blood bonuses, oh and if that wasn't enough he gets a silver sword handed to him at the end of the very first chapter (Prologue). He has pursuit and good speed, so he doubles near everything in a game where doubling is actually special. No need to mention Tyrfing. Oh and leadership stars are a thing in FE4 too, meaning he boosts all the units around him as well.
  21. Honestly other than the disappointing battle animations, Path of Radiance is almost perfect. It does not require a remake. Perhaps remaster in HD, make the battle animations like the 3ds games, get an elite orchestra to do the soundtrack, add some more of those super HQ cut scenes and some more story expansion perhaps. Radiant dawn on the other hand. This such an ambitious Fire Emblem, more so than any other since FE5 IMO. I think it was rushed though, the parts are uneven, the balance has issues as well. I think a remake could help this game which is good as is, but could be a master work that stands among the greatest games ever. I think the Japan only games, which are also much older, of course benefit the most from remakes and should get them first. However down the line I'd love a Radiant dawn remake, and an HD remaster release of Path of Radiance.
  22. That's fine, I am aware of the ignore function. However shouldn't I be then able to bash Fates all I want? Can I go into Fates threads and just bash everything about it, and say how much better it would be if it was completely changed in every way? Why should I have to tone it down? That's all I'm saying. Anyways I welcome constructive discussion to improve the game. There should be a lot more events and stuff to do on the big maps, and enemy placement, more enemy strategic offensives, and other stuff. To preserve the big feel while cutting down on dead time.
  23. I'm not the one that started this, and I wasn't addressing you in particular. It is fine if people don't like big maps, but acting like it is objectively garbage because of it and there is no way big maps could work and thus should be scrapped is far more offensive than anything I have said about fates. I mean how many times have I called Fates an unplayable piece of crap and stated it as fact? Cause that has been said repeatedly by others in this thread and similar threads about FE4. Also I fail to understand why people are interested in remaking a game they dislike so much.
  24. Love feh, always liked owls, and she is a big fluffy owl with a heart of gold. I think the voice actress talks very slowly, but I assume since people are watching it live, so it is clear and everyone can keep up and understand. I hope she gets a much bigger and better cake in this channel to make up for the one Effie stole! Effie, c'mon, those empty calories aren't going to help you build more muscle! These channel announcements are always exciting, but I don't want to start trying to predict all these tantalizing things cause it is setting up for disappointment. A bunch of new heroes added to 3*, 4*? I don't know how feasible that is considering all the work (art, voice acting, animations) it takes to do each character. In addition to all the balance considerations. I think it is much more than other gacha games. Beast units is the #1 thing I want to see added to the game, but I don't know if we are going to get them so soon. I think Thracia, Hero fest 4 are a given. Some other stuff will be announced, and it will be big cause we don't get these channel announcements often. However tough to say what it will be.
  25. Pretty much this. Plus for many of these critics, it seems they hate FE4 and want to warp and twist it into some completely different abomination (a clone of Fates or whatever) just so they can enjoy it even if it is nothing like the original game. Also I'm all about gameplay not just in Fire Emblem but games in general. The big maps, multiple castles, multiple armies, are a big part of why I and many others love FE4 or even have it as their favorite. Obviously it isn't perfect and there are many improvements that can be done. However saying do away with the big maps, is like saying do away with the split route in FE Gaiden. It is one of the key defining features of the game and one of the biggest reasons for its popularity. A lot of the characters are balanced on pursuit as a skill. So simply removing this and making doubles work like other games would completely break certain characters (like Lewyn) while making others go from usable to abysmally weak (like Alec). Also making skills arts like Echoes would also screw up the balance. Being able to activate Astra every battle? Or Big Shield? Or whatever.
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