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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Except they do take the spots of new characters. Cavalry Eirika took a spot, Zelgius took a spot, Fallen Robin and Fallen Celica took spots, Exalted Chrom took a spot, etc. Banners are smaller now and at the same time alts are taking up those few spots as well. Exactly. Also I'm not saying selfish from Intelligence system, I am calling the people who support alts taking up spots on new hero banners selfish. I mean it is hard to argue, that wanting multiple versions of something you like before other people get even one version of what they like is selfish. As far as Japan not caring or knowing about anything Fates/Awakening. No thankfully they aren't as ignorant as western gamers. Indeed Fates/Awakening is popular cause it is new, even the Tellius games were many years ago. However 56 characters of the top 100 in CYL round 2 were not from Awakening/Fates despite how old the other games are. In addition only 1 character of the 8 CYL winners thus far has been from Awakening or Fates. Meaning that indeed many Japanese know of the older games.
  2. Most people who are fans of the series have many characters they like. Unless they've only played one game or something. I think we definitely shouldn't be rooting for alts. Such a consideration should only be argued when only the most obscure characters are left. Alts are dumb and a waste. Let's dress Corrin as bunny, then a cat, then a cow, then make her a mage, then a flier, then an armor, a dagger user. Yeah much better than adding many of the important characters that have yet to be added.
  3. Cause a lot of the people playing Heroes are doing so because they are fans of the main series. I'd be curious to find out how many pulled on the Morgans banner, and see how it compares to how many pull on the Thracia banner.
  4. You're making some grand conclusions and some assumptions. Really, people who play feh don't care about the majority of fire emblem characters? Please. Also me not pulling for Corrin is fine, cause the people who like Corrin would pull for him. That's the point. Also your extreme example isn't what I'm talking about here. Some super obscure character that only a 'miniscule' amount of people would pull for, that isn't what I'm talking about. Also there are more than enough major characters with sizable followings to add for the game to last a very long time without resorting to making it 90% alts a month. At this rate it will be a century before all the popular characters are released. Finally yes seasonals, something we get every month. That is more than enough for alts. Serious alts? What is that? Make believe stuff like Glepnir Eirika? Fine then make the new hero banners more than 3 heroes so you can fit in an alt. We are getting smaller new hero banners and they are being 1/3 to 2/3 alts. We are getting seasonals which are all alts, then the monthly legendary hero which is an alt. My opposition is incredibly soft, you'd have to be super in love to alts to be okay with getting a single new character a month.
  5. I wouldn't roll for either. For example, I'm a huge fan of Celica, but I didn't roll for Fallen Celica. I also like Ephraim and Ike a lot, but didn't roll for them on legendary banners. I even avoided pulling for Hardin just cause 2/3 of the banner was alts. Also as I said before there are many big characters left to add, I'm not speaking of the most obscure in the game, so alting this much is inexcusable IMO. My opposition isn't hard at all, I expect and welcome seasonals to be all alts. However new hero banners which now only contain 3 units, and sometimes only getting one a month, should not contain alts. Nor should legendary banners. The majority of additions since the new year have been alts, I think if you are against alts even slightly that would seem offensive. Yes he did well enough on CYL, and he is one of the more known/popular characters from Genealogy so he will be added eventually. I'm thinking though with all these alts, that many characters with decent followings won't ever be included. Like will we even ever get Pent and Loiuse? Not only are alts delaying other characters from being in the game, it may very well be eliminating them especially if it takes their niche or signature weapon.
  6. Corrin. Actually that isn't true, since he/she is maybe my most hated character in the series. However since I'm not selfish, if there was no Corrin yet in the game, I would welcome Corrin even over an alt of Lewyn if Lewyn was already in. Cause I'm not selfish, I realize different people like different characters, and everyone should get the characters they like in the game. Rather than only a few characters' fans getting a bunch of fun alts while many characters have yet to be in at all. Oh and that goes for Forseti, even though it isn't Lewyn it is still his body and personage. So even that Grima is not Robin argument doesn't matter to me. I would take hated Corrin over Forseti if Lewyn is in the game and Corrin isn't. Again cause I'm not selfish. As for themes, they could have changed the theme a bit.
  7. Rinea isn't in the game in any form right now. So even if her fallen flame form is an 'alt' of her original, her original isn't in the game at all.
  8. Celica. Cause gameplay reasons, she is one of the most diverse and fun characters to use who also happens to be a lord. Bonus that magic works in a much more interesting way in Echoes/Gaiden with all the varying ranges and such. Then her signature sword is also awesome. Story wise really like her character, except the terrible damsel in distress naive/stupid doesn't match her character trust Dumah thing which seems shoe horned to make Alm the hero. Besides that she is very likeable, attractive without any fanservice as well. Her love story of separation and reunion and separation and reunion and soforth with Alm which starts when they were little kids is one of the most compelling in the series.
  9. Dierdre had one of the worst lives. Forget the ending, the rape, her beloved killed, being tortured and murdered by her own son. All before that she lived as a cursed individual secluded in the spirit forest forbidden with communicating with others. Yeah Finn had it really bad, I mean he is a squire seeing his first real combat in the events of 1st generation, then becomes caretaker of his lord's kids at a young age. Then the whole thing with Lachesis and her unfaithfulness. What about Tailtiyu? All the torture/mind break. Then there is Altenna, being raised by the murderer of her parents, obeying him unknowingly attacking and killing even though it goes against her heart. Though encouraged by Arione. Until she finds out the truth, used for her ability to wield Gae Bolg. That would be really tough to deal with. For Awakening. What about Nah, who is a hated half breed without royal blood or servants or whatever, growing up in that same apocalyptic future? Then talking about breeds and prejudice, of course the mount of Ashnard. That is a tragic fate. However we are now going way off lords.
  10. If they were going to introduce Grima it should have been in his final dragon form, not in Robin's body. For anyone not familiar with the histories of the origin games, Fallen Robin just looks like another Robin alt. If dragon form is impossible we should have gotten Medeus, since he has a human form. Then instead of Celica we should have had Rinea. Medeus, Rinea, Hardin. Now that would have been a banner. Trillion times better. As much as I wanted Hardin I had to on principle not summon on that banner cause I don't want to support alts, and nothing is worse than them appearing on new heroes banners.
  11. King of the Hill was one of a kind, loved that show and have probably seen every episode. Simpsons first 9 seasons is among the greatest works of art produced in the 20th century, and my favorite show all time, animated or otherwise. Rick and Morty and Bojack Horseman are my favorite current running animated shows, both offer something new and different and are incredibly deep.
  12. Armors. They are low movement, which hurts. Okay fine, surely they are the bestest in terms of defending a point? Not necessarily, not only are their armor slaying/effective weapons, they always get doubled cause of their terrible speed, they usually have terrible res making it easy for mages to make short work of them as well. What are they going to do flee from an approaching mage? Ha, too bad, they can't move fast enough. They usually have good power, but without being able to double they may fail to kill beefier attackers. Archers have at least been good in some games, usually thanks to insane stats/weapons/skills. However I think Echoes really captured how to make them something better than mages who attack def stat but can't counter up close.
  13. Leif. Above poster explained it well. His sister isn't considered a lord, but man her story is gut wrenching as well.
  14. I think this is the correct answer. The power of waifu is a force that is nearly unstoppable, I guess only Ike can stand up to it, however if the waifu appeal is weak then in that case non Ike men can triumph.
  15. 1. On Fallen Robin, I very much consider him an alt. It is the physical body, the voice of Robin who just happens to be possessed by Grima. It is designed to appeal to Robin fans. I don't consider this any different than Fallen Celica who is now under control of Duma. I certainly don't consider it the same as adding a brand new character, like say Rinea who would fit the theme. 2. The first year of the game was a good balance. We had new hero banners, most of which had more than 3 heroes and which were actually all new characters. Then we had frequent seasonals which was your place for the alt lovers. Now the game has been just for the alt lovers, with 1 new character a month vs 5,6 or more alts. It is ridiculous. I can suck up a 50/50 split, but when we are getting many times more alts than new characters that seems not only really greedy it also just pretty much shows they hardly care at all about people who want new characters. 3. I prioritize gameplay as well. Winter tharja was who I wanted to win the hero rises, not cause she is my favorite character (I don't dislike her, though the bikini is ridiculous), cause of what she brought to the table as being the only armor red mage and such a powerhouse on top of that. However I don't feel any of that is relevant to wanting new hero banners to not have alts. They can introduce new characters with those new skills/abilities and make them as powerful as they like. 4. Also another thing I've played every game so I have tons of characters I like. I think it is very selfish to want many versions of a favorite character over introducing the first version of a character that is other peoples favorites. Since Lewyn came up, he's my favorite. However I would never want an alt of him outside of seasonals after he gets in, cause it is a slap in the face to every other character who has yet to get into the game. 5. I have sent feedback, however generally what will determine this is orbs/money spent. Considering whales make up 95% of the game's revenue, that means that really it is on them and what they spend on.
  16. I don't buy it. Those strange never before done in main series weapon/movement combinations could be done (and has been done) in seasonal banners, that is what they are there for. I don't have problem with seasonals being alts that is what they are supposed to be. However new hero banners should actually be new heroes. Legendary banner should introduce OCs, or non playable powerful characters from main games. I mean how lame is it that we only got one new hero in February (Hardin), and looks like we will get one new hero in March (Morgan)? Speaking of Pokemon, which I've never played, isn't the point to catch them all? As in all the different pokemon? With Fire Emblem heroes isn't the point to collect all the characters? New characters are more exciting additions, particularly since we usually get some story tidbits and such through them also, than old characters in different costumes. Thracia banner, thou art a beacon of light in the darkness.
  17. So you only like 5 characters in the entire series? There isn't a single character that hasn't been released that you would like to be in the game?
  18. As I've stated repeatedly I hate alts regardless of character, but Berzerker Wrys would be hard to hate on. Also funny thing, when there is a male and female version, the female version is always way more popular. However for some reason male Robin is much more popular than female Robin? Is female Robin unattractive, so she doesn't get the 'waifu' appeal?
  19. Then we the playerbase are to blame. Again which is why I don't understand why apparently the majority want a million copies of Robin, Lucina, Lyn, Ike whatever over actually having new heroes. I'm upset that IS is doing this, but if that is what makes money they don't deserve the blame. They are giving the people what they want, which is really disappointingly, alt after alt. Can someone please explain what the appeal of having so many versions of a character already in the game is? Why said person would prefer that over a new character, of which there are so many prominent important and popular ones left to add? I don't get it.
  20. It's amazing, and so awesome and generous that you are taking your time to work on this. This game is one I've wanted to play forever and am more curious about since it is a bigger departure from Fire Emblem than Tear Ring was, with hex grids and other stuff.
  21. That's the thing, myself and many players only play Heroes and haven't touched any other gacha games (and don't plan to either). So for us, seeing a bunch of alts instead of getting more new characters from the rich and huge universe of Fire Emblem is very offputting. I think we got that Thracia preview not only to satisfy fans of that game only, but to appease all the many complaining about alts taking over the game that soon a banner with all new characters will be coming. Myself, I've never understood the alt fascination. I love Eirika, do I care for a new hero alt? Nope. I love Celica, was I happy with Fallen Celica, nope. Regardless of what character one is a fan of, even your very favorite why do you need them in a million different costumes. Isn't it much more exciting to get a new character? I guess it is this whole waifu/husbando culture that over worships certain characters. So they'd rather have 100 alts more than anything else, if that is their 'waifu'.
  22. I'm surprised these haven't gotten a VC release, considering Ike is apparently the most popular character in the entire series, the general sky high positive rep of these games, and the series being an all time high in terms of mainstream awareness. This is easy money for Nintendo.
  23. I guess we'll find out in a couple days when the trailer comes out. Yeah if the legendary hero is a Robin, then at least don't make it the first colorless dragon. That makes no sense at all.
  24. In the other thread about what you liked about recent Fire Emblem games, I stated the strong positives. This is going to be some negatives (though not all). Firstly the good (some more specific stuff in that other thread, don't want to repeat here) -Fire Emblem is now mainstream. Most people who play video games will at least have heard of it, I mean it isn't Zelda or Mario level of common knowledge but it is far from obscure. -Fire Emblem Heroes bring in an absurd $300 million or so in its first year means that they can go all out in terms of budget, like Zelda team and Mario team always get to do for their big console releases. It also is a satisfying game in its own right, which gives fans something to play between releases. -Echoes may have started a separate side series to remake past games, which is exciting particularly for games that never released outside of Japan. Now the bad -Avatars need to go. First we get Robin, who at least is written well and doesn't hog all the spotlight which still shines on Chrom and Lucina. However then we get Corrin. My god, Corrin. The writing for him is a new level of horrendous I've never seen, plus he completely hogs the spotlight, and everyone worships the ground he walks on regardless of what he does. This is part of the problem of avatars, they represent the player. So firstly they have to be broken OP, secondly have access to tons of classes or uber unique classes, have to be able to marry the entire cast or close to it regardless of how absurd it is, they completely distract from the story like a plague coming from another world as well. -Sexualization of prepubescent characters. Nowi, need I say more? Okay, that you can marry Elise or some of the kids in Fates/Awakening who are super young. I'll get to fanservice in a minute, but the whole sexualization of kids is frankly disgusting and is really a bad look for the series. -Fanservice was fine in early games, also fine in Echoes (is their fanservice? Maybe when Mathilda is in prison her pose?). Fine in Awakening too, besides the kids thing. However Fates. Petting, the house invitations, ah the glorious Camilla cut scene with that enticing incest layer on top! Fanservice is fine, but better if subtle and not hit with a sledgehammer constantly. That also greatly distracts from the story and what is supposed to usually be a serious time/world.
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