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Posts posted by Sekusen

  1. I apologize ahead of time if this is answered or anything already, I am not really familiar at all with this forum.

    With Renown, will the amount of it update if I beat the Final Chapter again on the same file? Like.

    If I beat it the first time, and have 1000 Renown, but then grind more on that file, get to about 1500, and then beat the Final again, will my next New Game have 1500? Or do I gotta get as much Renown as I can before Final?

  2. Seems like an okay idea, really. Probably some explanation out there for it, like, "But there's no way there'd be enough enemy human units to last the player forever!" or "We can't condone mass slaughter of actual humans!"

    I'll certainly settle for it.

  3. Well, after waiting a while since my last reply to the other guy, it seems I won't be getting one.

    I don't know what happened, but I guess that puts this one into the ground nearly as soon as it took off. A shame, but oh well. I'll at least post again if anything comes up regarding it.

  4. Sorry for the late reply.

    Alright, if I recall correctly, what we need most is an artist who, if we got that far(which we hope we will, honestly) will make some animations and stuff. You follow? I suppose I might not be the best spokesperson for this, since the other is a little more knowledgeable exactly on what needs done.

    But that's what we need most, an artist to make the animations, and faces, I suppose.

  5. After introducing myself, I was redirected here upon asking where to go to discuss a fan project I'm working on. I suppose fan project is the right word. Even more so, I guess it could be considered a ROM hack, too.

    Right now, there's not much too it; me and one other guy working on it, using the GBA games as a base for it all. We're changing quite a few things though, or at least that's the plan. By the end, it may only resemble Fire Emblem in the most basic of ways, which makes me hesitant to ask about it on here.

    Anyway, I'm hoping there might be some people on here who could help. If you have questions or want to offer your help, go ahead and reply.

    Also, if this is a bad place for this thread, it can be moved or whatever.

  6. Well, uh, you can call me Sekusen. Nice to meet anyone who posts in this thread, I suppose!

    I figured, since I use serenes forest a lot for just general help when playing FE, I ought to make a profile on the forums just in case. Well, there's that, and that I am also looking for something. Where exactly would I post in hopes of recruiting for a fan project of sorts? Though I'm hesitant to call it such at this point, the way it looks in my mind. If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I'll also try not to make it the only reason I post on here or anything, as well.

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