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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. Sonia: H!L'Arachel solo. Catch + Menace + Trace is fucking powerful, though she needed Miracle to survive the precharged Glacies. H & B: F!Grima solo. Only source of difficulty was the Cavalry with Ruse, but they weren't enough to stop the Fell Dragon. Orson: B!Hector solo. Not as easy as it might sound! The Sword Fighter with Fatal Smoke was a huge pain in the neck, and killing him in one hit required some lateral thinking. L & R: Ares solo. Took advantage of enemy positioning to slip in into a spot where he could tank the Lance Dragon and nothing else (because Raigh stupidly rallies the Lance Dragon blocking his path), then destroyed everything with Vantage. Altina: ...A project for tomorrow. A surprise COVID booster shot yesterday leaves me in the wrong headspace for dealing with one of the game's hardest Abyssal maps.
  2. Sparkable seasonal dancer? Yes. Two more sparkable things on top of that while I can keep fishing for merges? Yes please. Though while I say that, I have to admit that Mirachristmas is a touch underwhelming. Her new PRF trades the multiple stat debuffs for solely Atk debuffs in a wider area, and Whimsical Dream drops Atk yet further, and she's debuting Spd Cantrip to seriously cripple enemy offenses. Ground Orders feels a little redundant on the unit usually moving second unless she's partnered with an Armorball though. I expect to be fully overhauling her kit with Close Reversal and Atk/Def Rein, though I'm not sure what B Skill she'd like (I do have an A/D Far Trace, but it's on my only A!Laegjarn who is also +Spd/-Def). Lutesythea sounds like an unholy terror to be on the wrong side of. Desperation effect if she doesn't have enough Spd, Brave effect if she does, and 60+ Atk with a Trace either way; this is not a unit you want to tank without Damage Reduction or a TAR build. I can easily see people stapling the Blade Session seal onto her to make it easy to change her weapon's function. On the other hand, true to Lysithea being Lysithea, her defenses are paper, so having an Atk Trace confuses me too; the only reason I can imagine her not having S/R Far Trace in her base kit is because Ninjorrin supplied it not that long ago. Not much to say about Santartur, Manoela and [insert witty Christmas portmanteau of Ignatz's name that I can't figure out here]. Aside from the former bringing D/R Far Save, they seem to all have generic kits and are just showing off their inheritable Unity weapons.
  3. I will hear absolutely zero arguments that Ash was not made for this mode even though she wasn't billed for it. Panic negation and Summer Tana's super-Guidance are king in this mode, and Ash comes with both; all she's really missing is a Trace skill. I have yet to get my feet wet in this mode, but I am constructing a team that works with the "Book III or earlier" rule. L!Eliwood will be feeding buffs and Bonus Doubler to F!Grima, Phina, Nowi (thank you, Resplendent!), and Walhart, all having 60 Atk. Nowi needs a couple skills from units I have yet to HM cap, and Walhart needs a Trace (why are all the Near Traces on seasonals!?), but it looks pretty promising. I have yet to decide who will be the Captain though. I'm not sure what I'd do for a competitive non-Book III team besides dropping Ash into it, but I do know my meme team would be the dancer squad of Silvia (Galeforce/Close Call/Odd Tempest annoyer), Phina (Enemy Phase trap), Balldigan (speedtank), Puddle (all-rounder), and Larum (Windsweeper/tank destroyer). Once again not sure who will be Captain, and I can't decide between Adroit Captain or Secret Maneuver (mostly because of charging Galeforce and Lethality).
  4. Holy shit, we're finally fucking getting to Veronica's character arc! Holy shit, I can dance on fools in realtime! Holy shit, a free Atk/Spd Ideal fodder Miriel! Holy shit, we can sort by Duos, Resonants, and Dancers! ...Meh, that's not a lot of orbs for a book launch. 9/10 update. This will give me the side-project I so desperately need while waiting for these godawful FFXIV: Endwalker login queues.
  5. @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan @daisy jane Larumthality was a good investment after all. I knew I was going to need Larum and her freshly-inherited Lethality to deal with Eitri because of that damned Near Save Sword Knight, so she subbed in for Puddle this run. This had the unfortunate side effect of making the TAR Blue Mage and Spendthrift Blue Bow a lot harder to deal with, making up the majority of my difficulty, but Silvia's quad-spam and Balldigan going L&D7 gave me a backup plan. I was fully expecting to have to throw a Lethality at Thórr, but Silvia on full buffs with Thórr suffering the dagger debuffs ended up being capable of blowing through her sky-high Def. I didn't realize until after the clear that Leanne didn't need her extra movement on the last turn, so she could've moved closer to Larum for Atk Tactic. Instead Larum pointlessly ate a Pelleas for Atk/Res Oath, whoops.
  6. The goddess of war and the peerless inventor tag team us for Round 2 (apparently thanks to Loki, because of course). Lunatic Map: Infernal/Abyssal Map:
  7. Didn't make a video for this one, so there won't be a mass ping this time. Might've done it for the Valentian alts, but not the ordinary versions. I really, really wish we could solo GHB/BHB maps without having to wait for Limited versions.
  8. Oh right, these VG threads usually have polls don't they? Fixed. At least this oopsie gave me time to decide that I'm going Team Larum.
  9. I'm very curious how the Legendary/Mythic Hero Battle is going to play out from this selection. Freyja and Triandra had the excuses of being allies and Mythics when they were grouped into the same battle, but Eitri and Thórr have neither. Anyway, not rolling. I might've reconsidered if Gatekeeper had taken that third Green spot, but I have no interest in Dagr or Thórr outside of fodder, and I'm not playing chicken with that pitybreak minefield for Eitri's sake.
  10. The alarming amount of dancers in this Voting Gauntlet is giving me a major case of choice paralysis.
  11. Tried getting some merges on Larum, Phina, and maybe Nils with that incredibly powerful yet incredibly ill-timed Voting Gauntlet banner. FM!Morgan (+HP/-Res) Zeke (+Res/-Atk) Louise (+Atk/-Res) B!Lyn (+HP/-Spd) Lene (+HP/-Res) ...All I got was a lesson in not chasing two (three?) rabbits. Cool fodder aside, this was not a good use of the Byleth Friday packs.
  12. Trailer is up, and it's Eitri and Thorr. I guess I'm eating half my hat.
  13. ...If this isn't Eitri and Fafnir, I'll eat my hat.
  14. The twitter thread about Resplendent Nowi is unsurprisingly a trash fire split in three directions: "Cool outfit!" "Why not Adult Tiki?" "Why is she still exposing so much skin!?" The funny thing about the third one is that she's showing less skin than her original outfit. The actually provocative parts of the old outfit (like the damned heart garters) are gone, yet people still cry bloody murder at her exposed belly. It makes you wonder if these people have ever been to a public beach. For real though, I'm convinced at this point that Nowi not liking shirts is a character tic that IntSys just forgot to tell us about, and that "exposed stomach" was a specific request to the artist.
  15. Thank god, I've been waiting for this one. I can finally run my L!Eliwood team without putting a dumb stat seal on Nowi. https://fehpass.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/00049002000096/
  16. This month's Hall of Forms: Bridal Tharja Summer Cordelia Halloween Nowi Dancer Inigo This was... actually way easier than I expected it to be, holy shit. Once Nowi and Tharja got their refines, they just carried the run from start to finish.
  17. ...As a dancer specialist who will unequip Dance to keep using the dancer as a regular unit, I'm not sure if I should feel attacked or not.
  18. Oh I've got better tankbusters, but my gimmick with this game is "make dancers into monsters", and Larum is the fastest dagger dancer that can get Infantry skills like Flashing Blade, Special Spiral, and Time's Pulse; in fact she was the fastest Infantry dancer period before Brave Marianne happened. When your primary choice of units is strapped for BST, you have to work with the tools you're given. Also, Larum is a favorite and a cutie and deserves to be spoiled (and already had all of the things you listed). Also she's an FE6 unit and thus gets the Harmonic buff from Cuteria, which is going to be hella fun to crack open Saveballs with. ...I somewhat doubt IntSys ever has reality in mind when designing horseback units.
  19. Dithorba: Midori solo. She didn't even go below half HP. F & P: Larum and L!Lilina duo. I attempted a Larum solo, but Forsyth's Armor March pinned her down too fast, and Python had a very rude habit of doing exact damage KOs. Solon: Edgelord auto-solo. Didn't feel like using effort on Yet Another Red Debuff Tome. R & L: Ashnard solo. The final boss got off his throne early. (Video!) Legendary Leif: You think they'd learn to bring Hardy Bearing at this point. @BoaFerox @SatsumaFSoysoy @Landmaster @Unknown Gamer11 @Maaka @GuiltyLove @Wanda @Diovani Bressan Phina is still the only Archanea dancer, so of course she rides shotgun on this team. Given what she did to the bulkier Hríd way back when, it should come as no surprise that Leif exploded on contact; the only reason Phina didn't destroy half the map again (though she still came close) is because L!Marth and L!Tiki didn't want to be upstaged by a dancer again and got those wicked refines/remixes. And of course Mininerva is a flying ball of defensive stats who doesn't care who takes potshots at her aside from the Red Mage.
  20. Whoa nelly. Lethality is way more powerful than I expected. The Edgelord is a worst case scenario +10+10 with a Def superboon. Meanwhile Larum is just +2+15 and Neutral, with her only external help being a +6 Atk buff (but I could make it non-external with a Rouse). I was concerned that Larum was too noodlearms at first, but any fears I had about Lethality being wasted on her have been safely assuaged.
  21. Hoo boy, it didn't even occur to me that Eitri and Fáfnir could debut at the same time like Freyja and Triandra did. I can totally see Eitri and Fáfnir having opposing blessings. Man though, that Green selection would destroy me if Gatekeeper is a part of it. I need to +10 Gatekeeper for the meme and I don't have Dagr, but I still need to roll some of those ninja weapons for my dancers... I don't have the orbs for this so soon after sparking A!Laegjarn!
  22. Eitri's Special art is far too memeable, and so I have made it my own. (Are there rules against animated avatars? I'm not sure how else to comprehend the lack of them on this forum.)
  23. My banner luck for A!Laegjarn was actually shockingly generous: Dieck (+Def/-Res) Leo (+Spd/-Atk) F!Kris (+Atk/-Res) A!Laegjarn (+Spd/-Def) Astrid (+Atk/-Res) Hector (+HP/-Res) Volke (Neutral) (Spark) That was just 40 pulls. I was worried when I got Dieck'd right at the start, but then I came back with the tickets and my bad luck 180'd hard.
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