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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. The thing I'm wondering is whether or not it does apply the effect to teammates that have Dance on or not. The distinction isn't noted in Snap's description, so on one hand I'm hopeful, but on the other hand IntSys hasn't been as good with distinctions in skill descriptions as they used to be. I'll patiently wait for science to be done before I pull, because nothing else on the banner interests me unless I want to spark the Harmonic. At any rate, I still reserve the right to feel attacked. Is this the first time a skill has actively excluded Dancers? You have no idea how much I'm dreading the Arcane dagger.
  2. What is this prejudice against my people.
  3. No no, the amount of Fallen Byleths is correct... ...I just had two Crumbs so I could duplicate the Ass.
  4. New Heroes & Rearmed Chrom: #5: Galzus (+Res/-HP) (1 Summon Charge) #11: Midori (4★ Special) (+HP/-Spd) #15: Ingrid (+Def/-HP) (2 Summon Charges) #32: Anankos (+Atk/-HP) #36: Julian (4★ Special) (+HP/-Def) Spark #1: Fallen Chrom (Neutral) #50: Nyx (+Def/-HP) (3 Summon Charges!) #56: Fallen Byleth (+Atk/-Res) (Summon Charge expended) #61: Galzus (Neutral) (1 Summon Charge) #79: Fallen Chrom (+Atk/-Spd) Spark #2: Fallen Maria (Neutral) Pity Rate: 3.00% (81 Pulls) Orbs spent: 323 Get in losers, we're going devouring. (Don't worry, Phina has the Devourer in her pocket too since Crumb is my Distant Ass storage.)
  5. Get in losers, we're going devouring. It's not equipped, but yes, Phina has the Arcane Devourer too since Crumb is my Distant Ass storage.
  6. You'd better fucking believe my Silvia is mugging Risen Chrom for that sword. I never thought I'd be happy to ditch Flashing Blade 4. Distant A/S Solo... I should be happy about this one because it's food for Phina and now Silvia too, but I can't help but be grumpy because I just gave Phina my only Distant Ferocity not that long ago.
  7. Thanks for the Alarm Atk/Spd! I'm going to murder you with it now. Poor Nerþuz had the misfortune of appearing before me as a Blue unit, which means L!Ninian comes off the bench with her fancy new toys. It can't be overstated how great it is for her to use other B skills while retaining Canto functionality, filling a niche as the only dancer with access to Alarm while also hitting hard enough for it to matter. (She didn't use Dragon's Dance here on account of being the primary aggressor, but that time will come.) This map feels pretty reliant on Nerþuz having the chance to rush you with Galeforce, with the rest of the enemies being annoyances to force you into her range. Aside from Nerþuz herself and the hella rude Red Cavalier with Keen Rauðrwolf to shit on your Green Cavalry, all the enemies are pretty weak compared to past Abyssal maps and just crumpled before L!Ninian and Olivia. If you've developed ways to deal with Bats, this map is pretty easy compared to most Abyssals.
  8. Update is out and results are in on Alarm Atk/Spd's inheritance restrictions: it's 1-range Cavalry only. Other Rouse users like Infantry and 2-range Cavs need not apply, this new toy is for melee Cavs alone. Not as limiting as I expected, but still pretty limiting. If your unit preference isn't hit-and-run Cavs, you're not gonna get much use out of this one. Dance-Canto shenanigans are also a moot point since all Cavalry Dancers except for L!Ninian are ranged. ...L!Ninian, you say...
  9. New Heroes & Rearmed Ingrid: #1: Wolf (Neutral) (1 Summon Charge) #6: Rhea (+Res/-HP) #10: Nephenee (4★ Special) (+Def/-Spd) #12: Sylvain (4★) (+Def/-HP) #13: B!Seliph (+Res/-Def) (2 Summon Charges) #20: Felix (+Def/-Atk) #29: Micaiah (4★ Special) (+Atk/-HP) #30: Yuri (+HP/-Def) (3 Summon Charges) Spark: ReIngrid (Neutral) #45: ReIngrid (+HP/-Spd) Pity Rate: 3.00% (49 Pulls) Estimated Orbs spent: 172 ...I expect to be struck by lightning or something the next time I leave my apartment.
  10. And the story has proceeded to throw those memes back in the window with shining Christmas lights attached. Kvasir turns out be Gullveig as a child. If anything, this makes it more likely, though it does leave the trouble with Heiðr up in the air. Also, this is Chapter 2 instead of Chapter 1. We're not done going back in time yet.
  11. Hans: Silvia solo. Michigan J. Fuck's still got it, especially with access to the newfangled Petalfall Blade. (Now where's the fucking tophat accessory!?) C & A: Cuteria, Harmo!Sonya, Duma, L!Alm. This map was a fucker, so I decided not to mess around with it. Nanna: Merrybilis, Ninja!Laevatein. This was going to be a Ninja!Laevatein solo that I cribbed off of someone else, but she was short 1 HP, 1 Atk, and 1 Def. Needs some merges. Lloyd: Midori solo. The doctor has staged an intervention for his drug addiction. Medeus: Larum, B!Larum, G!Roy, Cuteria. Surprise wedding theme! This was going to be recorded, but... I cleared it in one attempt so I couldn't remember the order of operations. All I know is that the Larums fucking slaughtered everything.
  12. Holy skip, Batman! Yeah, this banner is pretty meh. About the only notable point is that Felix is bringing Godlike Reflexes and Atk/Spd Finish out of seasonal hell. I'll be sparking ReIngrid though, because that entire kit is good eatin' for Bridal Larum.
  13. That is not the duo I expected. I will not be rolling. The Mark idea is cute and that Duo Skill is insane, but my priorities lie elsewhere and nothing on the banner interests me.
  14. Another Lyn could mean another source of Godlike Reflexes, which would be appreciated. On the other hand... ...There's a non-zero chance of a Ninian/Nils duo and my wallet isn't ready for it.
  15. GAME OVER RETURN OF SILVIA (Ha ha ha ha ha!) Masquerade Quan (Masquan?) makes his debut here! With the exception of Atk/Def Menace, I happened to have everything he would ever need, so I built him on a whim a couple days ago. It turned out to be a prophetic choice, because a Blue Bow with Deadeye and loaded on Atk naturally blows L!Yuri all the way to the next continent. The real challenge of the map was lining up the Deadeye proc, which was heavily complicated by Yuri being a bastard-and-a-half with Foul Play, but after an hour of trial-and-error I found a pattern that worked. There were no nasty minion surprises other than the Sword Fighters and the über Blue Mage, so I was allowed to go crazy with Player Phase units. Puddle only took part in one battle, but it worked out because that Lance Knight needed to get out of Masquan's way. D!Neph went on a rampage with her Whitecap Bow, now that she also has a passable build (and will be looking to add Atk/Spd Hexblade to her repertoire in the future). Silvia returns because Galeforce with Dance is a timeless combo; I badly wanted to use Petalfall Blade or Florid Cane, but those caused the Blue Mage to avoid her when I wanted it to chase her, so Old Faithful it is.
  16. Man, he's like vanilla Yuri except misplacing most of the things that make vanilla Yuri a monster. His movement gimmicks being taken off the weapon and put on a PRF C slot really hurts his build options; no Time's Pulse access means he can't chain the stronger Specials, and he doesn't have in-built Desperation to ensure he gets the kill before being hit back -- and with those glassy defenses, he does not want to be hit back. If L!Yuri doesn't kill with the first hit and isn't blocking counterattacks with Windsweep/Watersweep, any good tank will turn around and smash him into the floor. A 3 MOV unit with such high Atk is hardly bad, but if you're expecting a dedicated tankbuster like vanilla Yuri, you might be disappointed.
  17. Back on my bullshit. Matthis: For some reason I misremembered him as a Sword Cav. When I realized I was wrong, Black Knoel crushed him. Basilio & Flavia: This one was frustrating until I realized that I'd probably never be getting rid of my Gotoh, so I gave him Close Foil and he then solved the map handily. Elimine: Young Lyon continues to be an underrated tank. For a moment I thought I wouldn't be able to clear because he couldn't kill the Res-inflated Axe Knight due to color disadvantage, but eventually I realized he was receiving buffs from Elimine. Once she died, the Knight followed. Xander: Auto-battled. Being old GHBs is suffering. Caeda: I wasted a couple hours on this because I stubbornly insisted on using Dist. Counter (D). This was a stupid decision because the mages are not a threat and could be used as batteries for charging Aether for the enemies that did matter. Once I slotted in some more stats, Halloween Nils destroyed the map in one attempt.
  18. If the villainess that half the fanbase shamelessly horny-voted into winning CYL ends up being our future daughter, my sides are going to leave the solar system and possibly pass through the next galaxy over.
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