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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. great owly fowly it's all gone to shit Veronica is weaker vs. Edeltina. Edgelord is weaker vs. Ninjamilla. The rest are in Same.
  2. Go stand in the corner and suck my true damage, you hyper-inflated fuck. That was ridiculous. For having such average base stats, Robin gets so much Speed from all the stat swings that I can't proc any Spd-based skills on him, and his sheer resistance to damage with Seal Atk 4 is absurd; I was encountering issues tanking and killing him as early as Hard difficulty. I quickly reasoned that I was going to have to trap him and chip away with Finish skills on Infernal and Abyssal. It didn't help that I had to sabotage my builds because of all the enemies that couldn't be countered normally. NCD on Olivia, NFU and Joint Drive Def on H!Nils, Vantage on Larum, Distant Counter on Balldigan... I was especially sad about Balldigan because I'd just kitted him out with Arcane Qiang and wanted to flex his titanic Def stat, but he desperately needed to run crowd control on all the ranged enemies trying to nuke H!Nils and Larum from orbit.
  3. I was completely willing to ignore him until I saw he had Atk Seal 4. Of all the units to debut it, why a Legendary? (Un)fortunately, this isn't actually the case. [Grand Strategy] turns that feature off as long as it's active. Those debuffs aren't going anywhere.
  4. Cervantes was soloed with Deathea, and Hapi & Constance were soloed with Ganglöt. I... probably won't be doing the rest. I'm still having too much fun with Engage, I've already got enough Divine Codes for two more entire rows, and Thorr & Eitri and Byleth aren't the sort of maps I can do fun clears on. My motivation for them is pretty much zero.
  5. Lucia disabling Specials is extremely goddamn rude when Special Spiral 4 is the primary means of countering Damage Reduction. Meanwhile, said Damage Reduction is one of the few things she doesn't turn off, and she has a T4 version of it. Did a Tellius fan at IntSys decide to cause problems on purpose today?
  6. So both Holy Pressure and Poetic Justice are inheritable. I didn't think much of this as first because Holy Pressure has an awkward cooldown count on a weapon class that has almost no acceleration... but then remembered that Staff Armors exist and I'm now considering grabbing it for my V!Lissa.
  7. Having just watched someone science with it, I can confirm that Requiem Dance goes off after Fomortiis' Nightmare. If B!Marianne wasn't already invaluable for Galeforce teams in AR, she would be now.
  8. Me, playing Engage: "Nope, not gettin' outta this chair." Me, suddenly looking at two FEH bosses at once: "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO" Both the Rapier and the Arcane Éljúðnir proved their weight in gold here. I was not expecting Phina to shave off 3/4th's of Fomortiis' HP on Player Phase, so getting rid of him was as simple as letting Olivia tank him once and then running him over. I found Gotoh to be far more of a pain, and that rude-ass Lance Flier with Firesweep wasn't far behind. I had to keep the upper-left corner clear so Olivia had somewhere to flee to when she finally couldn't take any more. Fun Fact #1: I almost had this map cleared with Merrybilis having Atk Smoke 4 instead of Atk/Def Rein. The reason it failed? Gotoh survived with 1 HP. It was fortunately an easy fix aside from the Lance Flier going wacky. Fun Fact #2: For the curious, Phina can actually oneshot Abyssal Fomortiis. All she needed was Atk+6 and a Def-6 on Fomo, both of which Merrybilis can supply. The only reason this didn't feature in the clear was because of - you guessed it - the Lance Flier.
  9. I will take this opportunity to also plug Phina/Y!Marth with Special Spiral 4 as a fantastic option to deal with Fomortiis, because he doesn't negate Anti-Armor and all of his scary effects only work on his Enemy Phase. Re-reading the skill, it does seem geared to ignore anyone who has already acted and will pick the next-best target. Fun fact: Galeforce procs after the checks of skills like this, so Galeforce procs occurring when bashing into Fomo won't be meddled with if that was your concern. Also, after-combat effects typically fail if the unit dies unless it's explicitly stated otherwise (like L!Sigurd's extra movement). e: I thought we were getting a big hulking Demon King lumbering around the castle we could put frilly accessories on, only to find that he still has Lyon as his base form. This is criminal.
  10. Holst: Mininerva solo. Had to get creative by flying over a river to limit the enemies that could hit me. Managed to survive Holst's pre-charge with an Aether proc. Surtr & Muspell: Young Lyon, Halloween L'Arachel, Halloween Myrrh. A Young Lyon solo was attempted, but there's just no way he can punch out Surtr. Michalis: Halloween Nils solo. I am become heals. L!Fae: Skipped! If IntSys wanted me to do this map, they should not have released it on the same day that Engage launched.
  11. Fáfnir is rolling in his grave. (Apologies again for the quiet video, I still haven't found better recording software.) This was probably the hardest and the stupidest solo I've ever done. Several hours were spent figuring out how to meticulously dismantle the numerous counters to Olivia's kit (the Troubadour with Melancholy, the Steam Sword with Fatal Smoke, the Bow Cavalier with Rally Up Atk+ and a Def Ruse, all the passive Def debuffers...). One wrong move and Olivia would be a goner, but the ending where she ended up being literally invincible to Ótr made it all worth it.
  12. Today I will cause problems on purpose.
  13. Gullveig potentially getting slated for a Brave alt before we learn literally anything about her is as hilarious as it is concerning.
  14. Time's Pulse 4 has me wondering if it runs its after-combat check before, simultaneously with, or after Special Spiral. I know from unfortunate firsthand experience (as in an SS fodder was wasted for this) that Spendthrift Bow's check procs after Special Spiral to ensure the Special always gets uncharged, so it wouldn't surprise me if IntSys did something similar here to prevent people from making 3CD/4CD Special spam builds. I'd very much like SS and TP4 to synergize though. Sanaki with Glacies ready every combat or Phina Vantage-spamming Draconic Aura sounds hilarious.
  15. Remember to vote for Young Tiki this time, friends: Also, Elimine and Ullr not being on the poll is criminal.
  16. Almost pulling off a swag kill only to be thwarted by an enemy's clutch Inf. Null Follow feels real bad. This took me a bit, partly because the map was hell for my dancers, partly because I was between phones (and will be looking for better recording software in the near future, because this came out awfully quiet). There were many, many instances of my strats failing because of a single enemy being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and frustratingly that enemy wasn't Shez.
  17. As expected, my birthday/Christmas luck has expired. Beyond Control (rerun): Yarne (4* Special) (+Res/-Def) B!Lucina (4* Special) (+Atk/-Def) Green Olwen (4* Special) (+Atk/-Res) Sue (4* Special) (+Res/-Def) Nyx (+Def/-Atk) Zelgius (4* Special) (+Atk/-Def) F!Ninian #5 (Spark) (Neutral) Not sure what to think about all the 4* Specials, but I sure as hell didn't get what I was actually aiming for. Fallen Ninian is not being +10'd this go-round.
  18. Boy have I got a long list of bullshit for y'all. Seiðr and More: Winter Dreamland (Revival): Gods Renewed: Before y'all grab your torches and pitchforks and try to expose me as a spawn of Satan even though you wouldn't be wrong, know that this luck is coming at the expense of my New Year: ω Special Heroes ticket pulls. I've only been sniping Colorless and have somehow managed to pull two 5* NY!Lyres when the only thing I want from it is NY!Plumeria -- it's been over two years now and I still don't have even one copy of her because the colorshare unit won't leave me alone!
  19. Shez has only been in the game for three months. She's a Blue Dagger despite very clearly wielding the Asura's twin swords. Also despite wielding the Asura's twin swords, she has no form of Close Counter, and in fact has her PRF skill hogging the slot. Because her PRF skill specifically says "weapon types", she might actually not be effective against Sothis, who neutralizes effective damage against her dragonstone. ...Alright, I'll ask. Did IntSys hit the eggnog early this year?
  20. Jeralt: Nifl, Múspell, Ymir, Merrybilis. Getting real tired of these maps that demand you initiate and facetank literally everything. Also, Jeralt can fuck right off with that guaranteed Panic just by existing. Decided to hit-and-run with Ymir and let Merrybilis dance her out of range. L & D: Midori and Candycorn. Once again, fuck these forced-initiation-facetank maps. A Candycorn solo was attempted, but she really needed the healing from Finish to survive. Ursula: Edgelord solo. Next. Ullr: Looks like everything's on fire! I wonder how that happened? I remembered Ullr being fairly hard, so I decided not to screw around and attempt to nuke the map with L!Lilina. Unfortunately, I forgot something very important about her weapon and did not realize it ever since Cuteria existed: her built-in Hardy Bearing turns off Harmo-Desperation for herself. So much for my Forblaze machinegun dreams. This resulted in this clear taking longer than it should've. Micaiah: She's definitely the praying type. I felt like taking Black Noel for a spin. The PoR/RD barracks selection also gave me an excuse to try out my Forma Rafiel. Good proof of concept, though I definitely need to hoard merges and flowers for him in the future. I'm... not sure why I randomly decided to let the herons hug Micaiah in the end.
  21. I wasn't gonna pull hard on Holiday Handoff because I need to finish Merrybilis in a few days, but I couldn't say no to a new dancer, so I went for one spark. W!Black Knight (+Atk/-Spd) W!Dorothea (+Def/-Atk) W!Dorothea (+Res/-Atk) Asc!Fjorm (+Def/-HP) W!Annette (4*) (+Def/-Spd) W!Black Knight (+Res/-Atk) Harmo!Cordelia (Spark) (Neutral) With the exception of needing to spend trait fruits, to say it went well would be a dramatic understatement. I'm not even bothering with the extra sparks.
  22. Can't speak for Asugi, but I've seen some rage that we don't have Mozu yet. Also, I just read all those names and only now realized they're all anagrams. God fucking damnit.
  23. I admit to tunnel-visioning as soon as I saw Special Spiral 4. Phina is injecting that shit straight into her veins immediately, but if I manage to pull a second ReOphelia I might consider doing a Sanaki build with that and the tome.
  24. Who's Elm? It's simultaneously refreshing and frustrating to have a hard LHB again (even if it's only frustrating because I had to spend several hours on it I would've preferred to put towards Pokémon Scarlet). I tried manipulating things to tank Embla or Veronica for a while before finally giving up on that strategy; F!Ninian and Merrybilis can take the Special, but not the follow-up which does a hefty chunk of damage on its own. Thankfully for me, Merrybilis having a Broadleaf Fan means she can give as good as she gets; she can oneshot Veronica with the raw Broadleaf effect (though Olivia took her out here), and Lethality lets her obliterate Embla. Most of the map was spent frantically trying to kill everyone else while Embla zipped around the map unpredictably (she couldn't seem to decide whether she was going after F!Ninian or Larum), and the strat was nearly ruined at the last minute because of the Flash Troubadour and the rude-ass Blue Fáfnir with Lunge dropping someone in of Embla's range. It took me longer than it should've to realize that F!Ninian could just eat the Troubadour, which lead to the shocking reveal that Olivia could oneround the Fáfnir. Also, fuck the Axe Knight in particular. So many early strats ruined because of his Assault Troop.
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