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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. I freepulled a 5* Red on the legendary banner that I didn't have. It was Nanna. I'm not even actively going for Veronica or Embla and I'm still mad.
  2. My Ascended DSH loot: F!Ninian (+Def/-Spd) Asc!Ishtar (+Def/-Spd) B!Eliwood (4* Special) (+Atk/-Res) F!Ninian (+Spd/-Def) Asc!Mareeta (Spark) (Neutral) Asc!Ishtar (+Atk/-Spd) Game didn't want to give me any Vital Astras Asc!Mareetas, but this is haul is far from bad for my purposes. This isn't something I planned to do while in hardcore orb saving mode for December's Merrybilis rerun, but I couldn't turn down F!Ninian merges; every one I get now is one I don't have to get in January.
  3. Brig. Boss: H!L'Arachel solo. I had immense trouble trying to solo this until I realized the Spendthrift Red Bow couldn't oneshot her. Maybe I was projecting Midori onto him... J & N: Olivia solo. She's doing her level best to prove Silvia obsolete. Robin: Silvia solo. Unfortunately for Olivia, clearing an Abyssal GHB has proven that Michigan J. Fuck is timeless. I'll be honest, I'm not sure I'll even do Ashera or M!Byleth, and even if I did I doubt I'll be arsed to record them. In addition to them having the misfortune of going live at the same time Pokemon Scarlet/Violet launched, I already didn't like these maps the first time around, so my motivation is almost zero.
  4. That bat is the real boss of the map and you can't convince me otherwise. Decided to give Olivia's GFR kit a try. It works better than expected, as from what I gather, all that DR is the reason why Arval didn't take a shot at her when they had the chance. Instead I had more trouble with the Blue Cavalier shutting off Olivia's healing with Fatal Smoke, but she recovered enough HP beforehand to get things done. Arval's Oath leapfrog right in front of Olivia was funny though - it's as if he knew what was coming and asked Olivia to be gentle. (She was not gentle.) Instead, most of my time was spent figure out how to tank the damn Green Bat. I couldn't figure out why Olivia, a Def-based Red, could not tank a Green, and Larum being built for Spd wasn't able to double her. It took me longer than it should've to finally check the bat's skillset and realize she had effective 88 Spd at best, meaning Olivia's Spd-based DR just didn't exist to her. Instead I had to get crafty with Merrybilis positioning to lower her Atk enough.
  5. I did miss Asc!Hilda somehow, my bad. I fixed it at some point after your posted. I've also added Asc!Eir and increased the Floret count to 11.
  6. Grima has more alts than Robin does now. What a world. I am rather upset at the precedent of Rearmed and Ascended sharing banners but only getting a single spark. I thought IntSys would be alternating Rearmed and Ascended every month like sane people, but this is gonna cause some serious problems for people aiming for both -- like me, who will be spamming Colorless orbs and has had the questionable fortune of being pitybroken by Asc!Florina several times in the same banner.
  7. Limstella: Midori solo. She strapped on Vantage and put on a clinic. (Shockingly, Limstella themselves was not Vantage'd.) M & M: Larum & B!Larum. I can do duos of the same person too! Narcian: Caineghis solo. Like many others, I just parked him in the mountain path and watched everything die around him. Dagr: I imagine this is why Sothis' refine was mediocre: Sirius+ on its own is insane enough as it is. I'd wager Sothis could true solo this map at high investment. Sigurd: Like hell am I playing around L!Sigurd's movement gimmick. A max-investment Phina might've been able to eat the whole map alive if it weren't for the dumb Lance fridge and maybe the Dazzling Troubadour.
  8. So who else forgot the old rotating GHBs had Abyssal difficulty? Some of those cramped-ass maps are gonna be interesting with a Limited barracks...
  9. Halloween banner was looking very sketchy for a while, until I finally struck gold on the 40th orb. Gatekeeper (+Res/-HP) Caineghis (4* Special) (+Res/-HP) H!Naga (4*) (+Atk/-Spd) HF!Corrin (+HP/-Spd) So that's Olivia's Atk/Spd Finish secured. Now I need to figure out what I'm sparking. Either Duo!Duma to feed Distant Ferocity to Phina, or another HF!Corrin to feed Dragon's Wrath 4 to L!Ninian.
  10. obligatory @Landmaster tag I'm continuing to hold out hope that one day one of my Dancers other than Azura will have a Resplendent.
  11. I think IntSys is severely undervaluing Flame Gunbai. Halloween Nils has the Res version of it as a free unit; I'd have expected this to be on Naga. Oh well, far be it for me to complain. It's not like I needed an excuse to build another dancer. I found it. It's apparently from a JP-only Fates DLC.
  12. Nils being the TT Unit makes me happy, because I don't have to spend Orbs for him. HF!Corrin having Dragon's Wrath 4 makes me unhappy, because I wasted so many Orbs trying and failing to roll a Flame Muspell, only for it to show up in the seasonal banner right after the previous seasonal. This also may have screwed us out of getting Dragon Wall 4. HF!Corrin having Atk/Spd Finish 4 makes me upset, because inheritors can't eat both that and Dragon's Wrath 4 at the same time. Duo!Duma having Distant Ferocity makes me... actually I don't know what to feel about that one. All I know is that Phina has been wanting that derivative of Distant Counter for a very long time. Anyway, I have a question: just what is that trailer music? I've been looking all over for it and I don't think it's in the game yet, despite the last two Halloween banners having used it.
  13. Since they added a new dancer, I was obligated to get her. I went only for the spark because I need to save some orbs for the Merrybilis rerun — those last four merges won't pay for themselves. Cavalry!Chrom (4* Special) (+HP/-Atk) Innes (4* Special) (+HP/-Spd) Lethe (4* Special) (+Atk/-Spd) Asc!Florina (+HP/-Atk) Ylgr (4* Special) (+Spd/-Def) Hubert (4* Special) (+Atk/-HP) L!Ninian (+Def/-Atk) Mila (+Spd/-HP) L!Ninian (Spark) (Neutral) Admittedly I was thinking of sparking another Asc!Florina for the +5, but I decided L!Ninian would be more worthwhile. (Also, I didn't want the spark to log my interest; I've been getting off-bannered by her frequently, and I'd rather IntSys not spoil my fun by turning on the desire sensor.)
  14. Ninian isn't the only mild-mannered dancer who can wake up and choose violence. I was all ready to stomp into this map with my meta dancers and Puddle's fancy new skills she inherited from Monica, only for Olivia to charge in and wreak havoc like some kind of hellspawn. I thought I was going to have to OKHO L!Ninian with the Flame Gunbai (and Olivia came damn close, missing it by only 4 HP), but even without the proper Atk-dropping Bulwark she damn near soloed the whole map.
  15. It's occurred to me that Legendary Ninian might actually be a really strong use case for Dragon's Wrath 4, since she's got the statline for both it and Spd Smoke 4 to become a DR tank, and it would also boost her Arena score. The real question is, what's better in practice, DW4 or Trace? With Wrath she'd put out some serious pain while also not being counterable, but Canto on a Cavalry Dancer enables some real obnoxious movement bullshit.
  16. Ninian woke up and chose violence. Only difference from her Fallen alt is that it's controlled violence. Relatedly, I don't think I'm looking forward to that Legendary Hero Battle. That Dance-Debuff-Sweep combo is going to be a titanic monkey wrench to play around.
  17. Come drown your sorrows with me, I'll buy. They're seriously dropping this on me when my orbs are zeroed out from Rearmed Lif, and I already bought non-sale orb packs this month. September was fucking loaded and brutal.
  18. Oi Firesweep twit, stop harassing the audience! All the fancy shit I've given Olivia, and she still did better with her Flame Gunbai build. She does have Arcane Éljúðnir, but Flame Gunbai's extra stat swings were needed to punch through Múspell's Dragon Wall.
  19. Hoo boy, have I got some bullshit for y'all. ---------- Muarim: Olivia solo (video!). The inception of Flame Gunbai+ and a friend twisting my arm to build the game's first dancer. I was expecting her to suck. I was incorrect. And then the Rearmed Lif banner happened... I'm starting to wonder if my friend may be some sort of prophet. Leif & Altena: B!Hector solo. Shoved him all the way up to the top-left corner of the map so he could tank without getting overwhelmed. Silvia & Erinys: Duma and Rudolf duo. Forgot how awful this map was. Dividing tanking roles between a melee and a Far Saver was the only reason these two worked. Seiros: Eldigan is a harem protagonist. As you might expect from someone whose best units are from Jugdral, this wasn't hard. Less expected was that I actually had four dancers ready to go for it thanks to the magic of Formas. Claude: "Beat the desert heat with my WinterCool Hand Fans! No need to rush, I brought enough for everyone!" And here's the bullshit I promised: Merrybilis soloing Abyssal L!Claude's super-effective ass. I honestly did not think this work, but what ultimately broke the map open was inheriting Sabotage Def (along with a belated realization that this is why Summer Lilina has it in her base kit along with Broadleaf Fan). This is exactly the sort of thing I wanted Merrybilis to do, so I'm immensely pleased with this clear. A shame that I had to lose a FM!Morgan for it, but L!Julia's remix means I still have Atk/Res Menaces in reserve.
  20. I am already getting horrible, horrible ideas for Arcane Éljúðnir. My only gripe is that they're debuting Rearmed Heroes along with an Ascended Hero on the same banner. I appreciate that they're giving us two Sparks for it, but dear god my Orbs... Hall of Forms revival is interesting, especially since the first rerun is one where we already had Forma Souls. Are we finally going to solve the mystery of if Formas can be merged into Formas?
  21. New set of Limited Heroes Battles started today. Awakening vs Muarim The Blazing Blade vs Leif & Altena Geneaology/Thracia 776 vs Seiros Shadows of Valentia vs Erinys & Silvia Heroes vs Claude
  22. So I lied earlier about skipping Bite of Flame, as I decided that some of my units might really want some Flame Gunbais. So against my better judgment, I went for the spark and ended up with a good haul: Flame Rinkah x3 Flame Tana (+Atk/-HP) Takumi (4* Special) (+HP/-Atk) Flame Lyn (Spark) (Neutral) I'm still rather sore about the inheritance restrictions of Godlike Reflexes, but I'm more likely to find a use for it than Dragon's Wrath 4 since my only frequently-used dragons are better off with Dragon Wall -- F!Grima might have an argument, but Fallen Ninian ain't doing shit with it with less than 50 Atk. Unfortunately, this choice has left me empty on orbs at a very inopportune moment. Phina's weekly revival landed right between Bite of Flame and New Heroes, after my old orb stash has been spent and before I can stockpile a new stash for getting the next Ascendant Floret. With my luck drained by Flame Tana, I doubt my Phina is leaving this week beyond the +3 she started at. I don't think the timing could've been worse if IntSys planned it...
  23. Dove back into the Thief banner after making sure I'd be skipping Bite of Flame, and finally got the dang Duo!Nina to feed to Merrybilis. My December crisis has been averted.
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