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Some Jerk

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Everything posted by Some Jerk

  1. My pre-Spark luck was so bad I got no focus units and was pitybroke by a Nifl mid-way and a Flavia right on the 40th orb. But then the instant I went back in I got a +Res/-HP Ninian (whom my Spark has now been merged into). I really shouldn't complain, but I feel like Lilith has (perhaps reasonably) actively screwed with the summoning so I would not be able to feed her to Ninian (and Larum, should I pull a second).
  2. I am becoming increasingly upset at the amount of people I've had to remind that Bonus Doubler is an Infantry-locked skill and cannot be inherited by Thea. Note: Kaden's refine is mistranslated. It grants Def/Res+2 and Guard to the ally within 2 spaces, not to himself. e: I'm also getting upset at how many people I've had to remind that Pegasus Flight runs its stat check before combat, and not when Thea is swimming in in-combat buffs.
  3. We have acquired datamines. Banner Unit stats: Muarim:
  4. Dragons with an advertisable Player Phase aren't a common trend right now, true, but there are a few. The noteworthy ones, somewhat ironically given Fallen Ninian's movement boost, are Nifl and Muspell, since one is a speed demon that spreads Anti-Counter and the other is an OKHO machine that spreads Fatal Smoke. I want to say Fallen Lilith also counts, but that may or may not be relevant depending on where her Support Partner is.
  5. >me, seeing no Atk/Def Hold: Oh yes, skip! >me, seeing a fallen dancer: oh no- Fallen!Lilith: Regular Lilith with a different coat of paint. She's be re-tuned to be able to fight solo, getting NFU as a buff just for starting the turn near her ally, and her All+5 is now tied to an HP threshold. Highly optimized kit that makes it easy to get the crucial first hit for her gimmick, but she might be too reliant on Spd Smoke 4's Dodge to run any alternative builds. Fallen!Ninian: Good lord, it's Triandra and L!Azura wrapped up into one. The Atk/Res and Guard swings are already a powerful combo, but that extra movement for danced dragons is the kicker, especially since nothing states it doesn't work on Nifl or Muspell. She could also make a vicious magic tank if you feel like building her that way. Gustav: Man, who needs Spd anyway? Vanilla Glitnir was already scary in practice (though we never got to use it...), but it's fallen off since Book III, so now we get this holy shit contraption. Like Fallen!Lilith he comes with pretty much everything he could want, but he'll have trouble getting in for the first hit depending on the map, and he'll probably explode horribly to magic. Fallen!Rhea: What we all expected Seiros to be. She probably won't be doubling anything, but she'll also be taking fuck-all for damage from anything that doesn't match her Res; even ignoring her DR, Young!Innes and Tine will have a hell of a time getting through those Def/Res stats and Anti-Follow Up. Lethality stocks continue to rise... Ninian > Rhea > Lilith > Gustav. Obviously I'm obligated to grab Ninian because she's a dancer, but it is interesting for someone to be better than the actual headliner of the banner, and I've been in need of a dedicated Restank that isn't just Leanne.
  6. ...I was wondering why there were no posts. Turns out there's another thread that was made at the exact same time this thread was. Welp.
  7. ...I've been in the other thread this whole time and thought Medeus was madly unpopular here for some reason. Then I realized both threads were made at exactly 11:06 PM EST. Anyway, his banner was a total monkey's paw. What I wanted: Mirabilis merges, one Elimine, and one Medeus. What I got: multiple Altinas, Elimine is +Def/-HP, and Medeus was sparked. As for where that Medeus is going, I have plans for his Canto Control, because Gatekeeper is rapidly approaching +10...
  8. I saved the maidens! ...But why are they still shooting at me? You'd think I'd bring Leanne to this magicfest, but due to real life things sucking up my energy for the day I was too lazy to change the team, and I really wanted to try out Larum's shiny new (thematically appropriate!) Spd/Def Tempo. I'll probably do another clear with Leanne when I'm not feeling so drained. As for this clear, it was painfully obvious that Larum was going to be the one killing Medeus, since no one else on the team could so much as scratch him without Flashing Blade 4. The other dragons on the map were less blessed, Silvia mowing through most of them like her usual murder-hurricane self. Puddle handled the two annoying starting enemies no problem, but tapered off as the map went on. Merrybilis tanking shenanigans would've been nice, but she's unfortunately more weighted towards Def than Res, so she once again ran full support. Addendum: Leanne made tanking the map easier for sure, but the hoops I went through to make her able to tank Medeus himself prevented me from getting at his healers, so I ended up killing him with Larum anyway. Oh well.
  9. Hoo boy, they've opened Pandora's Box. Also, showing off Canto Control (which is Mikoto's anti-Canto refine as an inheritable C Skill) means we get a sneak peak at Medeus' stats: HP: 40 Atk: 44 Spd: 18 Def: 38 Res: 43 BST: 183 He is a very beefy boi. Unfortunately Canto Control being inheritable means I will be sacrificing him to Gatekeeper at the first opportunity.
  10. It could just be me wanting a regular map to be as simple as "throw Grima at it", but I'm beginning to dislike this growing pattern of using Save Armors to prevent you from ignoring the gimmick. First Asc!Ishtar, now this? Grima was able to tank Hilda on Lunatic, but I actually had to play her game for Infernal and bait her away from the Lance Knight, which was a chore because it involved shoving Titania into places she really didn't want to be. But of course, the map folded after Hilda was gone.
  11. Hoo boy, where do I even start with this one? Tine: Y!Innes but magical. Merging a 5★-exclusive is a much heavier investment than merging a TT reward, but the Anti-DR gimmick is powerful and Res is a much easier stat to target. She's worth a consideration if physical DR tanks are a consistent problem for you. Arthur: A blatant Gronnvulture delivery service, and a botched one at that. Being able to inherit Gronnvulture+, Atk/Spd Ideal 4, and Spd/Res Menace all in one go would've been fantastic, but this falls flat because Threat. Spd/Res 2 didn't exist before this (in fact, it was the only double Threaten that had yet to be added). Scáthach: Look what they did to our boy! Poor Scáthach got fucking flattened by the demote hammer. There is nothing good to say about him other than bringing Spirited Sword (and that's really reaching). Asc!Ishtar: And I thought Asc!Mareeta was underwhelming; at least she had a cool skill fodder. Asc!Ishtar is just regular Ishtar with her PRF updated to version 2.0, with the rest of her skills being a standard infantry mage kit. Tine > Asc!Ishtar > Arthur > Scáthach. I know I said this about the previous New Heroes banner, but I mean it about this one: I'm not sparking for the floret. The Forging Bonds stands to be good, but unit-wise this banner is one of the lamest we've had for a while. Only Tine vaguely interests me, and that's because I haven't merged Y!Innes enough to care about Anti-DR units in my teams. Honestly, that sums up this banner perfectly. The girls are at least workable even if they're boring, but the men are a total write-off.
  12. WOW does this map suck without Midori. I wanted to do a gimmick clear, but Bector couldn't even solo Infernal because of the sheer amount of "fuck Blue in particular" that included the boss. So I just decided to save myself the grief and stomp Edelgard into the ground with superbuffed Bector and Nino.
  13. Yen'Fay: Ashnard solo. Some clever Trace movement was required to work around the magic enemies, but once they were gone there were no problems. Ike & Julia: Caeda and Mininerva duo. Both of the major enemies being Red meant I couldn't solo. Mae & Boey: F!Grima solo. I was challenged to do it without Dragon Wall; all this did was add an extra turn to the Auto-Battle because the Cleric lived from a single point of Def (and couldn't do any damage in return). Bramimond gets a special mention because of something incredibly stupid I did: an Abyssal solo with Young Lyon! I didn't think it'd work, but it turns out the Cleric is a beautiful dumbass.
  14. A curveball has been thrown: there's two Legendary/Mythic Limited Hero Battles this month. Yen'Fay (FE9/10) Ike & Julia (FE1/3) Bramimond (FE8) Mae & Boey (Awakening) Edelgard (FE7)
  15. My autobattle team also had trouble with him too, albeit for a slightly stupider reason: Muspell kept spawning on his map -- on the same space every time too. I'd keep coming back to the "choose your next team" screen wondering what went wrong, and it would always be Y!Ike and Muspell as the only enemies alive.
  16. Too bad I'm foddering Mia once I get her. Larum wants that Spd/Def Tempo -- it's great for her build and fits the Dancer theme. ...The problem is that the game is definitely punishing me for riffing on Distant Dart now, because I've somehow pulled another Y!Ike with a trash nature (+Def/-Spd). This is my tenth summon. I should be overjoyed, but it feels life is giving me lemons when I'm trying to make orange juice!
  17. Apologies for the thread necromancy, but there seems to be a new problem cropping up on emulators as of the latest FEH version update: This problem doesn't seem to be happening on proper phones, so it looks like there's been another Google SafetyNet update expressly designed to fuck with emulators.
  18. Welp, I've now been punished for my disparaging comments towards Distant Dart, as in my prayers for sniping a quick Y!Mia, I instead got a Y!Ike (+Res/-HP) in four pulls. No idea what I'm doing with the glaringly obvious Distant Dart fodder, but I do know I'm snapping off the fingers of this monkey's paw and throwing it out the nearest window.
  19. You probably shouldn't hog all your team's Spd for yourself. ...I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I'm no more bored with FEH than usual and much more bored with PSO2 lately, yet I grinded to the new level cap in PSO2 less than four hours after it updated. What even is my procrastination. Anyway, not a whole lot to say on this one. I saw people having issues with the Axe Fighter, so I made it my mission to kill him immediately. I was once again prepared to do tanking things with Merrybilis, and once again my team proves to be too murder-happy for that to be necessary; I thought I'd have to gank Nanna at the end, not expecting Puddle to just kill her in one hit before Miracle even charged.
  20. Am I the only one who thinks Distant Dart is being overhyped? I feel like dedicated Spd-tanks are already stacking plenty, so the extra 5 Spd won't do much in the way of DR, and units that want to double you will probably still do it anyway with all the Player Phase Spd options. I think I might prefer Distant Pressure over it just so I have something for Player Phase, though that could just be me misconstruing "becomes a better speedtank on EP" for "the unit now does one task and one task only", and skills that lean towards only one end of the versatility spectrum aggravate me.
  21. Good lord, what a skippable banner. Only thing that possibly interests me is Spd/Def Tempo to give to Larum, and knowing my luck it's probably restricted from Ranged. The difference with Distant Pressure is that its Spd buff works on both Phases. Distant Dart's boost is only on Enemy Phase.
  22. RIP the dancer refine dream. Definitely have an eye on Tibarn. He was a menace for quite a while after he was introduced, though it remains to be seen if IntSys will lean into his original gimmick or his Galeforce alternative more (since Pirate Tibarn does the latter already). I want to say Aversa is another scary one, but IntSys flip-flops heavily on what free units get.
  23. Nanna: "I'm here to end the Damage Reduction meta!" B!Hector and A!Idunn: "This is the sound of me caring." S!Maria: 🙂 L!Caeda and Phina: "What meta?" Yeah, this one's dead on arrival. That's not to say a Sword Cavalier with a pinch of Ullr and B!Alm is bad, in fact it's pretty good by Canto nuke standards, but Nanna really should've been Green if she wanted to shake up the metagame the way that IntSys clearly intended. Unfortunately, she's the one who was destined to bring the EarthLands Sword to the game, so an axe was out of the question. Also, yet another Atk/Spd Push 4 fodder. She could've at least had Surge Sparrow to make pulling her more appealing. Miracle doesn't even work with her kit because she shouldn't be getting hit back!
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