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Posts posted by Aere

  1. Really?

    "A mistake"?

    I made one in SSBU that ended up revealing my true role and if the town should have lynched me there and then.

    Fakeclaiming is a shitty idea for a town if they're unless like doc and are about to be lynched. Mafia get a hell of a lot more out of it than town. And I'm willing to believe you just messed up your fakeclaim.

    If you're honestly jumping on the fact that I made a mistake concerning the name of one of the few female Mafia players here, you cannot be calling me scum. And I'm not fakeclaiming, so...

  2. Keeping your thoughts on one person at a time isn't the problem. But you tend to "tunnel" to the exclusion of everyone else. You even admitted that you were voting Manix because "he was the only one you were focusing on" and not "because you wanted to aggressively lynch him". This looks bad.

    I also admitted it looked bad.

    It wasn't just Helios. When eclipse brought up that the hammer didn't necessarily clear you, you seemed to get a little defensive at her too.

    If I was defensive (which I don't remember being tbh), it was probably because I was irritated nobody was listening to the fact that I said, multiple times, that the hammer didn't matter.

  3. Still don't like Aere too much. On D1, I thought he was tunneling a bit too much. I didn't like his vote on Manix, and I didn't like his explanation that he was tunneling because "he hadn't been paying attention to the rest of the game". It feels like Aere focuses on one person for a long time, practically to the exclusion of everyone else, until he finds someone else to go after. Also, I feel like he was being a bit too defensive trying to explain his hammer vote on Elieson.

    I prefer to keep my thoughts on one person at a time (insert remark about playstyle here), but how was my response to the Elie hammer defensive? All I did was ask Helios to clarify his thoughts on my hammer, and explain how scummy it would have been if I didn't hammer.

  4. Helios, that reason for me is, honestly, stupid. There was no way in hell I would force a NL, which would have made me look terrible today. Considering the remarks at Elie's play beforehand, I think it would have been scummy for anybody in my position to have acted differently. Which links to Weapons, but we've somewhat addressed that.

  5. What if I said I changed my mind?

    I know I am not clear because of my role, but the fact that in order to have back and forth pms with anyone, they have to know my name, is pretty shitty for scum/third party. Also, this role is generally useless for scum.

    I feel like at least someone who is doubting my alignment based on speculative bullshit about my role is probably scum.

    You would have had a very sudden, unexplained change, then. Which would have been good to explain with your NL idea, but now is also ok.

    Why is doubting your alignment based on your role scummy? Maybe you could call it wrong or acting stupid, but scum?

  6. Because I guess you missed my vote on Shinori, Shinori. Because of the 4 questions he asked... I explained that earlier. Not gonna vote him until I reread and see if he answered my questions.

    However, I'm sorta wary of Weapons. While his claim has apparently gone through, that role could be scum, too. His NL vote on Elie, especially after his earlygame of arguing/voting him, also looked weird. Maybe he was early bussing Elie?

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