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Posts posted by Space1255

  1. I made an attempt at making Xiahou Dun from Dynasty Warriors 8, the facial hair was pretty wack to do and i almost completely forgot to do it lmao

    FEH Xiahou Dun Sprite.png


    Editing this post so i don't flood this page, but also took a stab at Wang Ben / Ou Hon from Kingdom today

    Wang Ben Sprite.png

  2. Back in black. Been playing a lot of different games lately (namely Valkyria Chronicles and Starbound), getting my ass handed to me by college, and reached level 11 in a D&D campaign I'm in. A lot of good stuff, a lot of okay-ish stuff, and all stuff y'all can use for your own stuff so long as I get credit in some way. 
    Also made an assortment of sprites in my free time also for D&D, to revisit old stuff I made a long while back, test out certain color schemes and armor patterns, and generally just to pass time when I should have been studying.
    All of this stuff was made over the last few months (since like late 2018 December), my most recent works being the scythe, the top-left ornate jousting lance, and the guy holding the lance.
    Edit: It isn't until I stare at this a moment AFTER I post it when I realize that literally all of them share shoes with another, it's like Ryo's same face syndrome but more damaging to the pride. :,^)

  3. (I probably posted this in the wrong subforum, looking at the actual posts here. Whoops, I'll crosspost it to the FEH sprite megathread)

    Hi. I decided to grow a pair and share these. TL;DR I'm planning on solely using them for D&D online, but if I have enough free time, I might make more stuff for kicks, maybe some diorama or something. But for now, here you go, have these things. 


  4. 1 hour ago, peevthesheev said:

    So does no one know how to delete all of your attachments? I can't upload any new sprites until I figure it out

    I have a temporary workaround, I think. Basically, you need to use BBCode tags, using the following code:

    Starts with img in square brackets, the link in between them, then finish with /img in square brackets. this code thing doens't like [img] stuff :/

    An example would be the following:


    I'm not sure if it'll take up attachment space since it isn't technically used as an attachment, but if I'm wrong, I'll just delete this post.


    Edit: Just confirmed that BBCode is compatible with this forum and does not take up attachment space.

  5. If I ended up actually doing requests full-time, I'll probably never get anything done because I'll feel like everything I make won't be good enough for the person whose request I'm taking, but if you want to put me down, go for it. I'm game at this point.

  6. 3 hours ago, NoahStratos said:

    First time requesting sprites actually... I don't know what else to put before my requests since I'm having a hard time doing stuff here and elsewhere currently.

    Requesting 4 custom-made weapon sprites in the FEH style and design elements with matching weapon effects and animation sprites. These weapons are all from Terraria.
    I have also requested pics of existing FE characters with these weapons; they aren't really big priorities but it wouldn't hurt to do them.
    (all linked sprites were borrowed from the Terraria wiki)

    North Pole

      Reveal hidden contents

    Criminally underrated weapon type in Terraria, not so much in Fire Emblem. The North Pole will have the most sprites associated with it due to the two unique projectile the spear fires when used. Highly similar to Siegmund, so try to base the North Pole's lance sprite with Ephraim's lance.
    For the chosen unit to hold this weapon: Fjorm

    That's all I have to request currently, need to take a relaxing break for a while.

    I'll start on your North Pole lance. Give me a few.

    Edit: I got the lance done. Is this what you wanted, or is there something I should change with it?

    Request Terraria North Pole.png

  7. 14 hours ago, peevthesheev said:

    I guess Young Wrys was quite the scoundrel

    The worst kind. He was one of the worst gang lords in his church school. It started all innocent, wanting to go around helping people with daily tasks and practicing his healing magic, but all of that went downhill with his first vulnerary. It started small, nothing too bad happening, and he felt normal. But as time went on, he got more and more dependent on them, spending upwards to thousands on one to get that single buzz needed to feel normal. He resorted to dealing other tonics and elixirs to people within his school, getting violent with those who didn't pay in full. People started vanishing from school one at a time, until only a handful remained: His most loyal customers. He eventually got over his vulnerary addiction, but it was soon replaced by the addiction of power, of control. The inquisition ultimately caught up with him and put him on a prison island in Talys, where he would spend the rest of his days up until he met Marth. From there, he vowed to change his ways, and went down in history as the world's greatest Res tank.


    Edit: I made a good samaritan listening to a totally heroic theme, and his name is totally an anagram of justice and not a literal translation of "Lord of Demons" using google translate to fuel my weeb boner.

    Shade Paladin Akuma Nomo but with his full armor.png

  8. On 5/5/2018 at 2:06 PM, bottlegnomes said:

    The boots being more armor-y seems a bit off and seeing Niles with a gun is strange, but overall it seems like they look fine to me. The boots thing may very well just be me.

    Yeah. I just threw it together to get a general idea of what it all looks like alongside with the gun, and I should probably change the boots. Still, time to start flooding this topic with a lot of guns. Thanks for the input.


    Edit: Doing another posing test. May end up using this guy as my mannequin for poses I'm unsure of

    Sword-Gun Trite.png

  9. Made a thief based on another character used for my bootleg dnd escapades. Still slightly dissatisfied with the outcome, but at least I didn't make her the spray-on-tan version of her I made the first time around. Posting original sprite for comparison.


    Edit: I just realized I use something from Barst for pretty much everything.

    Redesigned Astra.png


  10. Made two more bois, both remakes of characters I previously made for my pitiful attempt at being a FE-styled D&D DM. Posting the earliest iteration of them both to show a comparison between them. Going to put a little bio for both of them in the spoiler below:


    Leif (green boi) - A mercenary hailing from a forested kingdom called Oaksentag, he was meant to be a serious character with fairly decent starting stats. However, as the campaign went on, he missed, a lot. He eventually became more or less of a joke between my players (and myself) due to how often he missed, his controller always having him uncontrollably bawl whenever he misses, the same thing happening to the enemy should their own attack miss.

    He uses Innes's head, and for his older version, Chrom's torso and pauldron, and Lon'Qu's arms and legs. His modern version uses Laslow's torso, pauldron, and shoes, someone else's legs, Lon'Qu's arms, and Chrom's scabbard Also has a hidden pouch from Gordin under his hand on his hip. Both versions have a recolored Awakening Falchion, the handle (hidden by his hand) recolored to be brown to match his color scheme.

    Hercules (now black boi) - A former general from a wealthy kingdom called Yamigi. He has a younger sister, Amelia, who has severe separation anxiety and started fighting with him. Just like his design suggests, he is an absolute tank. His most recent variant (before that campaign also went to shit with my inability to balance encounters fairly against a bunch of people with highly varied stats) had a weapon that let him attack with his DEF, making him a fairly formidable DPS tank. 

    He uses Barst's head, and for his old and new version alike, shares the generic armor knight's armoring and boots, and Barst's torso for the belt. His older version uses Draug's pants and arms, and is depicted with a Slaying Axe, his shield also being from the Generic Lance Armor. His current version has Arden's shield pasted vertically on itself to form the phalanx-esque shield he is depicted with, also taking Arden's waist armor. His legs have been swapped out for Barst's waist and legs recolored grey, and is now depicted with a recolored version of Basilikos as well. 


    Redesigned Leif.png

    Redesigned Hercules.png

    Leif v2.png


  11. 1 minute ago, SoulWeaver said:

    You're fine, I was mostly joking. If you ever have spare time and want to practice on something, though, the requests don't have a shelf life and keep forever! We'd also love to see any fun little sprites you make and don't mind sharing - Peev's been putting his random works on here, and if Apples ever shows up again it'll probably be with one or two things he made.

    Alright. I'll probably end up just using this place to dump my sprites, then, and probably will give it a try. Thanks.

  12. 3 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    That's pretty good! Did you make it yourself or have someone else do it?
    If you did it yourself we may have to make you a spriter on the spot but no pressure

    I made it myself, and I don't think I'll be able to handle official stuff with this thread because I may need to provide more sprites for a D&D campaign I'm going to be partaking in.

  13. wPKBt0B.png

    Just gonna put this here. A lil' OC of mine that's a blatant ripoff of FE: Fates' Takumi, but I'm still proud of the outcome nonetheless. The bow is a Hunter's Bow from another game called Unison League [ http://unisonleague.wikia.com/wiki/Hunter's_Bow_(Gear) ], and the feathers are from the Native Headdress from the same game [ http://unisonleague.wikia.com/wiki/Native_Headdress_(Gear) ].



    On 4/13/2018 at 11:31 PM, Luankachu said:

    So... recently I started learning how to use photoshop and I figured trying to edit FE Heroes sprites would be a good way of practicing, so I tried to edit Masked Marth to have an Askran color scheme. It's not as good as I hoped, but maybe it's decent for a first attempt. Any feedback and tips on how to improve are appreciated.


    If you really want to get precise with a second attempt, I would use a lasso tool and go into HSL editing, set saturation to none on some parts and increae the Lightness to a decent bit (my normal maximum for getting something white is +25, and that's for extreme cases) (set hue to a yellowish color for other parts), and then increase the contrast a lot so any outlines aren't annoying as hell to look at, and maybe decrease the darkness of it so the outlines pop out more, and that should be a good start to a second attempt.

    Otherwise, you did a really good job with it.

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