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Cain Magnus

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Posts posted by Cain Magnus

  1. Hello!

    I was wondering if any sprite resources out there have the complete rip of every portrait for the FE4 characters with the lip flaps included (for when they’re speaking dialogue). Every sprite sheet I’ve come across, including the ones found here, only have one or two of the portraits with the neutral, closed-mouth expression for each character. I’m not sure if I’m missing any sites, but I’m having a rough time finding them if a full rip exist.

  2. I think I already told you the bulk of what I wanted to. . .but I forgot about plugging the writing competition! It's currently the voting phase, but the next prompt should be up by Sunday!

    Ohh? I'm going to check that out right away. Sounds rather interesting, and might actually help me a bit. Thank you!

    whoa whoa whoa...I get back on after a couple of years and the next person I see is my boy Magnus!? I figured you go here too but that coincidence is too much man!

    (It's UP, btw)

    Anyways, welcome back as well, good to see that things haven't changed all that much, but at the same time, its still quite fresh here.

    LOL, well this was certainly a surprise. We must have been thinking the same thing when deciding to come back. Plus, now that I'm surfing through your name history, I believe I've seen you around here a couple years back, just that I didn't know you at the time, and you didn't know me. XD

  3. While I've only been gone for a couple of years, I've seen that this forum has become even more colossal than before, and with many unfamiliar faces.

    But I guess re-introductions are due? I go by Magnus just about everywhere I visit or participate on the internet. A minority of members here may remember who I am if they're still around, but regardless, I figured I'd properly re-introduce myself to the forum, as there are many who I do not know and now I feel sort of like a stranger again, even though I haven't been gone that long. I guess it's just the rapidly grown number of members here over the small course of time.

    I won't divulge into deeper details of why I just vanished. I've been through my fair share of stress with everyday life situations and my health has surprisingly dwindled more than usual for a young man such myself. I've been through many ruts and fell off with many people and forums communication-wise. None of it was due to drama, just that I've been trapped in a little ball I unwillingly made for myself for a while until I finally began to break back out of it. But enough of depressing stuff...I'll finally get into a little things about myself.

    I love gaming. I like Fire Emblem, of course. It's been a really long time since I've played FE though, so I'm quite rusty with knowledge of the games I've played. Mega Man and Tales Series are my absolute favorite games to play. I'm also a very active player of an MMO called Elsword. I have many other games I love, but I'll be here all day.

    I won't get much into other hobbies other than I am an aspiring fictional writer (and possibly dream to do something with it for my future). During my time of activeness on this forum, I posted two (incomplete) fictional stories. I'd like to say my writing skills are a little more improved than when I used to write here in the past, but I still have much to learn and I don't hold myself in very high esteem (probably never will). I look back on those incomplete stories only to cringe, but it's something I can't erase. I might come back to them one day and completely redo them, but only time will tell. I may share a new fictional story I'm working on, but considering how much I re-write chapters for it, that is another...iffy one. XD

    My apologies for the length of this intro. It went longer than I intended. Regardless, I hope to get well-acquainted, as well as re-acquainted with some who may know me. I'm a rather shy person, but I try to socialize.

  4. Battle 40: Boost 2 made this fight VERY easy. Though I began to worry as we closed in on Odd Eye, for in order to lure in the enemies behind him, you've gotta lure him out in the process. >_> Several people almost died because Boost ran wore off at the wrong time, however, Sheela saved the day by re-casting it and all Odd could do was chip damage to anyone at best. It was still a fun fight (since this is one of my faves), and it's always sad for me to see the death scene, for Odd Eye/Oddler was also one of my favorite allies/enemies. Why'd he have to die? T_T

    Also, my GOD has Slade's defense skyrocketed without me knowing. It's only five points behind Peter, so he's no longer considered a fragile unit at this point. I realized it when his level up granted him +3 in both HP (again) and defense. xD

    Bowie - LV. 25.09

    -HP: 93

    -MP: 26

    -Att: 98

    -Def: 84

    -Agi: 53

    -Inventory: Force Sword

    Sarah - LV. 46.43

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 93

    -Att: 83

    -Def: 82

    -Agi: 86

    -Inventory: Wish Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 26.41

    -HP: 84

    -MP: 52

    -Att: 99

    -Def: 74

    -Agi: 66

    -Inventory: Gisarme, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 25.69

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 92

    -Def: 62

    -Agi: 58

    -Inventory: Buster Shot, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 25.04

    -HP: 97

    -MP: 0

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 79

    -Agi: 56

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 24.88

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 79

    -Def: 66

    -Agi: 63

    -Inventory: Critical Sword

    Rick - LV. 25.35

    -HP: 89

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 87

    -Def: 87

    -Agi: 68

    -Inventory: Holy Lance

    Janet - LV. 25.34

    -HP: 79

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 79

    -Def: 58

    -Agi: 58

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon, Power Ring (E)

    Sheela - LV. 57.68

    -HP: ??

    -MP: ??

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 99

    -Agi: ??

    Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Angel Wing, Running Ring (E)

    Lemon - LV. 24.29

    -HP: 84

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 88

    -Def: 80

    -Agi: 60

    -Inventory: Battle Sword (E), Dark Sword, Evil Ring

    Battle 41: The only reason this was a little tough was because of those Demon Masters. Freeze 4 is such a pain to deal with while surrounded by other ?? Attack enemies. >_> But once those punks were out of the way, it was a breeze. However, a lot of interesting level ups happened stat-wise. But now onto King Galam, where I'm gonna use my 3 Egresses.

    Also, I hate that little glitch that happens when you have a character in their upper 50s in level...Sheela's turn would get completely skipped at random and over the years, I've yet to find out why this happens. One of the many reasons why I don't like to have a crazy high level via spamming. Some of my units almost got killed in certain instances of this fight because Sheela's turn to re-Boost 2 never came and went straight to Sarah and everyone else. Has this ever happened to anyone? It has to be a glitch for the game itself because I'm playing on my PS3 via the Ultimate Genesis Collection and this used to happen on both the emulator and when I had it downloaded on the Wii.

    Bowie - LV. 25.90

    -HP: 93

    -MP: 26

    -Att: 98

    -Def: 84

    -Agi: 53

    -Inventory: Force Sword

    Sarah - LV. 47.34

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 94

    -Att: 87

    -Def: 83

    -Agi: 87

    -Inventory: Holy Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 27.63

    -HP: 87

    -MP: 54

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 76

    -Agi: 68

    -Inventory: Gisarme, Wish Staff

    May - LV. 27.06

    -HP: 74

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 94

    -Def: 64

    -Agi: 60

    -Inventory: Great Shot, Protect Ring

    Peter - LV. 26.27

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 0

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 81

    -Agi: 57

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 25.28

    -HP: 80

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 80

    -Def: 68

    -Agi: 64

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Fairy Tear

    Rick - LV. 26.11

    -HP: 91

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 88

    -Def: 90

    -Agi: 70

    -Inventory: Holy Lance

    Janet - LV. 26.35

    -HP: 81

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 80

    -Def: 59

    -Agi: 60

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon, Power Ring (E)

    Sheela - LV. 59.77 (Lol, dem stats)

    -HP: ??

    -MP: ??

    -Att: ??

    -Def: ??

    -Agi: ??

    -Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Angel Wing, Running Ring (E)

    Lemon - LV. 25.70

    -HP: 86

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 89

    -Def: 82

    -Agi: 61

    -Inventory: Battle Sword (E), Evil Ring, Dark Sword

    Battle 42: Well...this wasn't "hard" aside from trying to avoid Galam, as the sneaky little bastard just loves to abuse his second turn movement to get into range and use his funky demon breath. Also, why does everything and it's mama here have some sort of status infliction in their attacks? If one idiot isn't putting us to sleep with it's tail, then another comes and paralyze you...let's not forget about Mr. Wannabe Grim Reaper with a Muddle effect in his normal attack...when he ALREADY HAS Muddle 2! Galam was fairly easy on the final run though. I baited him to Demon Breath Sheela so Rick and Slade could trap him in the corner. While they played ping pong with them, I sent the rest of the squad to destroy the four spawned enemies, May and Janet snipping Galam from a distance to lower his health down, and Sheela/Sarah also in a safe distance Boost 2ing/healing. Gave Slade the kill so he could get some help leveling to 32. But god, I hated those status effects. Seriously. Those were about the only grievous parts of this fight, otherwise it wasn't much of a problem and I grind here...until I made one fatal mistake that Proto warned me about, but since I was away from this draft for a stupid-long time, it slipped my mind and I forgot most of the specifics of what he told me. I don't even know why I didn't bother to look back on this thread either.

    Those four spawning enemies at the top, I completely forgot about them, as they appeared on my final grind run. However, since Galam was messing us over, I couldn't fight them and I had to Egress anyway to prevent people from dying...that, and I'd already saved when I grinded the couple of times before that, so I couldn't go back...so yeah, gold from a grand total of 12 enemies slipped away from me, which will...put a serious dent in my endgame funds. I would have been better off grinding in the other map before, for that's more funds gone But we'll see soon. Next battle during the only Egress I can use against Zeon, I'll try my best to feed Slade all of the juicy experience so he can have Raijin 3 by the time we confront Zeon. Since that'd be the strongest spell I'll have access to, it'll be a necessity for keeping him spaced out. And the only people who will be able to even fight Zeon will be Bowie, Slade, Sheela, Rick (lol no) and Peter anyway since I've gotta pawn the equipment I can before ending the draft.

    Bowie - LV. 28.43

    -HP: 99

    -MP: 26 (...I give up)

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 92

    -Agi: 57

    -Inventory: Force Sword

    Sarah - LV. 50.05

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 99

    -Att: 92

    -Def: 87

    -Agi: 93

    -Inventory: Holy Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 29.73

    -HP: 92

    -MP: 58

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 80

    -Agi: 72

    -Inventory: Gisarme, Wish Staff, Fairy Tear (x2)

    May - LV. 28.68

    -HP: 75

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 95

    -Def: 65

    -Agi: 61

    -Inventory: Great Shot, Protect Ring

    Peter - LV. 28.49

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 0

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 86

    -Agi: 61

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 27.45

    -HP: 84

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 71

    -Agi: 67

    -Inventory: Critical Sword

    Rick - LV. 27.80

    -HP: 93

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 89

    -Def: 92

    -Agi: 72

    -Inventory: Holy Lance

    Janet - LV. 28.12

    -HP: 85

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 62

    -Agi: 62

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon, Power Ring (E)

    Sheela - LV. 67.78

    -HP: ??

    -MP: ??

    -Att: ??

    -Def: ??

    -Agi: ??

    -Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Angel Wing, Running Ring (E)

    Lemon - LV. 28.43

    -HP: 93

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 92

    -Def: 88

    -Agi: 64

    -Inventory: Battle Sword (E), Evil Ring, Dark Sword

    Battle 43: Well, this was pretty fun. I managed to get Slade to Level 32 at the nick of time before confronting Zeon, but the important thing was I got it before fighting him. Since everyone except Slade and Rick were stripped of their weaponry, I was forced to group the able fighters together and take out the enemies slowly, as I needed to conserve Sarah's MP for Zeon. Sheela has a crapton, so I didn't really care for rationalizing hers too much, plus I had a more important task for her.

    Following the defeat of the other devils, we confronted Zeon. All the useless peeps remained at starting point while Slade, Sheela and Peter were the main attackers on Zeon. Sheela casted Boost 1 on all three of them (herself included) while Sarah was left out, since she was in the corner waiting for people to get hurt and heal. Sheela attacked Zeon directly with fist-fu (since her Brass Knuckles are gone, she still has the highest ?? attack), Peter gave him a haircut by striking from behind, and Slade Raijin 3'd about three times (each damaging between 70-80). Since Peter was going to die (even though it didn't matter to save him anyway. Just didn't want to expose Sarah to heal him up close to Zeon), I allowed him to retreat while Zeon's HP dropped to around 80. Sheela Blast 4'd him and Slade went in for the final hit, ending this draft in style.

    Final Gold: 560,046

    I feel like stat listing for the final bout is a bit pointless, so let's move onto my final thoughts.

    I...obviously set myself up to drop my endgame funds. Since I got rather jumbled by the rules by the time I used my mithril , it was too late to turn back. I heavily regretted getting Rick that Holy Lance, as that and the Gisarme was a big drop in 20,000 gold alone...not to mention I likely missed over 12,000 gold for those extra spawned enemies in Galam's re-fights when I should have remembered what Proto told me. I also got unlucky and didn't get a Counter Sword drop from Odd Eye, as I'm pretty sure I've found every item and sold everything I could. But I never intended to win, as I just wanted another chance to play SFII with a different spin to it for a chance. And I even picked up AI pattern manipulations and other tricks along the way! Still don't like Janet though

    This was a VERY fun draft. If you don't already know (chances are you don't), I'm fairly new to draft challenges in general, as I've only done one FE7 draft during my entire time here, and out of that and this one, I had the most fun! This was still a fairly new experience for me and I'm glad I've taken part in this, so thank you, Elieson! My apologies for finishing this draft soooooo late. I've had numerous life problems/work stacked upon me that I just didn't have time to dedicate to this like I wanted to. But what's important is that I've finally finished and that's what matters. I WILL do the optional boss battle, but I have no need to draft that here. It'll likely be just a Slade/Sheela duo for the most part anyways with Bowie sneaking in kills every once in a while. Now I'll do what Proto did below with a character analysis bit.

    1. Sheela: I know you're thinking, "NOT SARAH?!" and I'll say, "hold yer horses. I'm getting to that part". While Sheela came in EXTREMELY late, I will not forget how much of a boon she was for our party's endgame. As you know, I've drafted a VERY fragile team, the only reliable tanks being Rick, Peter and Bowie. Her Boost 1 and 2 really helped us in a pinch, as I feared endgame would be a nightmare for my team. The defense and agility boosts came really handy and even helped us just brush through most of these battles with little worries. Before we had her, we had to pass around that freakin' Protect Ring, which was laughably annoying and risky for May, yet amusing. She was kinda like our Mama Bear, getting us out of a pinch when we couldn't handle it and keeping us protected. She was quite essential to the final battle, as I had the choice to either let both she and Sarah heal, or end the battle a lot quicker by having her punch Zeon in the face a few times to soften him up.

    2. Sarah: NOW here she is. She's been a boon since the beginning. Healing when needed and when it was just Bowie and Slade fending for themselves in the beginning, she made things a HELL of a lot easier. Let's not forget to mention how early she promoted and Heal 3 was like a blessing to all of my units in the Kraken battle to where it wasn't as hard as I thought it would have been. I could sit here all day and talk about the many times she's saved us from a pinch, but I'll save both you and I some time.

    3. Slade: Sure, Peter's a tank, but this guy turned into a walking killing machine as I expected. Not only did his partial terrain ignore help in MANY battles, but by the time he promoted, he was our only reliable magic user (as we couldn't count on Bowie to use Bolt without wasting that pathetic MP of his). Let's not forget to mention that by ninja promotion, his defense problems slowly resolved themselves, hence allowing him to fight up close like I needed him to when MP ran out. Having more powerful Bolt 2 and 3 (Raijin) so early was like heaven shining down on us, and several boss fights were quick work with this ninja around. A constant help from beginning to end and he deserves this spot more than anyone else.

    4. Peter: Rising Phoenix! This bird's auto rez was the main reason why we suffered no deaths in the Zalbard fight. I've prevented him from dying other than that, so I can't say I relied on his self-revive much this run. Regardless, Peter obviously was our main physical damage dealer of the team and he has to be high up for it. He was our tank from beginning of Parmecia to Grans Island (where stuff started finally destroying him to near death with ease), and his fire resistance came in REAL handy. Props to Peter. While he wasn't in MY top 3, he deserved the honor of being right behind the third.

    5. May: While she's definitely one of my favorite characters, she landed in the "middle" in terms of usefulness for the team. Her fragility was a problem from when I got her to the end. She practically NEEDED that Protect Ring and the milk I gave her. Otherwise, she'd be Janet 2.0. Regardless, May was still VERY useful when she promoted. While her defense is horrid, her attack power and range was a great asset in battles where it became a little tight. She was especially useful against flying enemies who took extra damage from arrows. Even if she wasn't as useful as the top dogs, her attack power endgame was still one of the best and I made great use of it.

    6. Bowie: Well, not only were we forced to rely on him from the very beginning, Bowie wasn't too bad. As the main character, you'd expect balanced stats all around and he was our second best in defense for tanky goodness. The only thing that puts him under May was his lack of range, and you already know what I'm going to say...I mean, what's the point of giving him stuff like Bolt if he doesn't have the MP to USE it AND have MP left over for an Egress? You have to be extremely lucky (or save state abuse) to even be that fortunate with Bolt 3 and 4 (the latter, I didn't even bother grinding EXP for him to have). At the very least, he was one of our hard hitters and he kinda deserves the below average spot for the team.

    7. Lemon: ...If ONLY you were here sooner, Lemon! If you came a little earlier, you'd at least be number five, above May. By the time Lemon arrived, we were basically set and battles weren't difficult anymore thanks to Mama Sheela. He's such a great endgame unit though. Baron is a marvelous class and it does pay off to have a free Baron (without using a Warrior's Pride). Nonetheless, he was another awesome tank, as well as a good offensive unit for Odd Eye and beyond. I made the right choice to give the Battle Sword to him, as he made the best use of it (if only we got a Counter Sword...curse you, Odd Eye.)

    8. Rick: The most Rick was good for was his unrivaled defense (comparing to everyone on MY team). That's mainly it. The only reason I gave him that Holy Lance was because I needed him to fight back efficiently at the end...but that was a horrible mistake on my end. Even WITH it, his attack power barely surpassed Luke's. He was a major help when we got him, but he was mostly used as bait from mid to endgame.

    9. Luke: ...Well, at least his flight utility came in handy. Otherwise, Luke was pretty bad in all areas while doing kinda "meh" offense-wise. He couldn't even fight in the front lines because most of his turns consisted of either taking risks and just staying back to prevent him from dying (hence missing a lot of experience). While he had one of the best speed ratings of the team, that's not even HELPFUL in this game for weak units. Going first only helps speed up his demise!

    Dead last. Janet: ....Do I REALLY have to? Please don't make me give her an analysis!


    *sigh* Fine...

    Janet sucked. Period. It's partially my fault for misunderstanding the promotional bonuses between Brass Gunner and Sniper, but this chick did nothing but look pretty for her boyfriend...that wasn't around. Horrid stats all around and her biggest issue was that attack of hers. She went several battles in a row of level ups lacking attack and that was just embarrassing. Not to mention two hits from anything from when I got her to end could kill her (and if anything got lucky and double attacked her, 1RKO). Even with increased damage to enemies weak to arrows, May was the main one making better use of that skill. I even went out of my way to fix her attack endgame, yet it was STILL the worst of the team. Was kind of half tempted to use her as throwaway bait in the Zeon battle, but that would have been too cruel and unnecessary.

    Again, thanks for the draft, guys. See y'all on the flip side!

  5. Yeah, this is just so inconvenient...sooner or later, YouTube's going to be ruined 100% based on all the really bad additions/removals thus far. If only there was an alternate site just like the old YT that most people could migrate to (though it'd be hard for those with tons of subscribers), we could escape Google+ since they're not going anywhere. >_>

  6. Battle 36: Despite the insanely long process of using all Egress here and Boost 1 Spamming for Sheela, the fight itself wasn't as tough as I thought it'd be. Since everything minus the flowers were all nice and spread out, all I had to do was wait for a few turns at the top to get rid of the enemies that'll approach you regardless. After that, I moved the entire party downwards and to the right to take out the main line of flowers. I found this route easier because you can lure and kill the Mist Demon and Bow Rider with general ease. After stomping on the flowers, it was basically an entire lure and kill battle. And with Boost 2, taking hits was a cake walk.

    Also, Slade gained +3 HP twice! I knew his HP growth was high, but not up there (or even higher) than Bowie's growth. His Def has also been shooting up tremondously with +2 per level. He's not exactly ultra fragile anymore like May, so he'll be able to stay in the frontlines more efficiently than before. But after battle, I've done some equipment swapping and gave Luke his new sword from the Executioner. Decided to give Sheela the Running Ring so she can get to just about anyone to Boost them.

    Bowie - LV. 24.02

    -HP: 91

    -MP: 25

    -Att: 83

    -Def: 82

    -Agi: 50 (Looks like you'll need another Quick Chicken)

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Heat Axe

    Sarah - LV. 42.02

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 86

    -Att: 78

    -Def: 76

    -Agi: 80

    -Inventory: Wish Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 25.01

    -HP: 81

    -MP: 50

    -Att: 85

    -Def: 71

    -Agi: 64

    -Inventory: Great Sword (E), Buster Sword, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 24.06

    -HP: 70

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 87

    -Def: 61

    -Agi: 57

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 24.26

    -HP: 95

    -MP: 0

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 77

    -Agi: 55

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 24.17

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 82

    -Def: 66

    -Agi: 63

    -Inventory: Battle Sword

    Rick - LV. 24.33

    -HP: 87

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 78

    -Def: 80

    -Agi: 66

    -Inventory: Chrome Lance

    Janet - LV. 23.51

    -HP: 76

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66 (...Seriously?)

    -Def: 56

    -Agi: 56

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Power Ring (E)

    Sheela - LV. 50.05

    -HP: ??

    -MP: ??

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 91

    -Agi: 97

    -Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Running Ring (E), Angel Wing

    Battle 37: Since we've gained so much experience from the Prism Flowers, this battle was a cake walk. Not a single bit of it was difficult. Red Baron was sort of making me scared there by using the Dark Sword twice, but luckily that failed both times (which were aimed for Bowie and Sheela). Oh, and guess what? Janet finally gained a point in Attack! Isn't that pathetic great? I went on ahead and gave her the leftover Power Water in the inventory. Speaking of with, I'm only using two Mithril. One for Rick, who would suck for the rest of the game with that Chrome Lance, and Slade, who'd be left behind in Attack as well with the leftover weapons in stock. While it costed me 10,000 gold, I was able to pawn the crapload of swords Slade had in his inventory for the amount of gold spent, plus more. So in the end, it doesn't hurt me that much. Though since I've Mithril'd, these two will keep their weapons at endgame since I'm pawning everything else.

    Since Janet and the healers were the only ones who leveled up here, I won't bother with listing the stats...so onto the next battle!

    Battle 38: It was pretty easy up until we got to Geshp, who's cheap with his Freeze 4, plus two moves per turn. Luke ended up dying in the process, but no matter how I looked at it, there was no way to keep anyone from dying since Geshp and the other three enemies were mobbed up. To lure out one would mean luring in them ALL. So we were forced to go on the offensive and take out all the lesser enemies first since Geshp has too much HP to take out in one turn. Admittedly, if it wasn't for Boost 2, a couple of more would have died too. So yeah, that's 440 gold down the drain for reviving Luke. Hopefully no one else will die anymore. >_>

    Also, LEMON GET! Now my team's 100% complete. Though for him to catch up to everyone, he'll have to kill just about everything in sight in the next battle. Also gave May the new Buster Shot and Janet the Nazca Cannon. Now everyone has enough Attack to damage everything pretty well on their own. One again, only the healers leveled up this time, so no need to show stats.

    Battle 39: This was a little unnecessarily difficult due to trying to give Lemon every kill to catch up, which he did. Since I had to take my time and lure everything in, I had to damage, but not kill. That landed some hits on just about everyone, but thank goodness for Sheela's ?? MP, as we had some healing to go around. But now that everything's set, I've done some more equipment swapping and another inventory sweep after gaining the Force Sword, so now it's time to finally face Odd Eye, my absolute favorite battle of the game!

    Bowie - LV. 24.41

    -HP: 91

    -MP: 25

    -Att: 97

    -Def: 82

    -Agi: 52

    -Inventory: Force Sword, Healing Water

    Sarah - LV. 45.48

    -HP: ??

    -MP: 91

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 80

    -Agi: 84

    -Inventory: Wish Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 25.38

    -HP: 81

    -MP: 50

    -Att: 98

    -Def: 71

    -Agi: 64

    -Inventory: Gisarme, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 25.22

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 92

    -Def: 62

    -Agi: 58

    -Inventory: Buster Shot, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 24.85

    -HP: 95

    -MP: 0

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 77

    -Agi: 55

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 24.62

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 79

    -Def: 66

    -Agi: 63

    -Inventory: Critical Sword

    Rick - LV. 24.76

    -HP: 87

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 86

    -Def: 85

    -Agi: 66

    -Inventory: Holy Lance

    Janet - LV. 24.63

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 79

    -Def: 57

    -Agi: 57

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon, Power Ring (E)

    Sheela - LV. 55.15

    -HP: ??

    -MP: ??

    -Att: ??

    -Def: 97

    -Agi: ??

    Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Angel Wing, Running Ring (E)

    Lemon - LV. 23.39

    -HP: 81

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 87

    -Def: 77

    -Agi: 59

    -Inventory: Battle Sword (E), Dark Sword, Evil Ring

    Current Gold: 359,467

    Mithril: 15 (2 used)

  7. Really, not much has changed about me. Only being here for about two years, I still haven't made many posts here throughout my time registered and I still only know a handful of peeps here. I'm surprised some of you even remember I exist since I'm told my quietness makes me pretty forgettable. XD But I'm naturally a shy guy who stays away from big crowds so when I joined, I was acting my usual, but wasn't really all that nervous. Since I've been to forums/online communities before joining here, I was partly calm and used to it when I made my introductory topic.

    I am trying to make an effort in being more active with posting instead of lurking though...

  8. Battle 31: This wasn't too bad. Since the only new devils here are the Necromancer and Devil Soldier, this was a piece of cake. It was a little on the slow side due to waiting for the Great Orc and Dark Knight to come down from the top as they took their sweet time. Since I have a very fragile party, I have to keep everyone grouped up. It is at least shown that once they're all together, they can destroy everything that comes in their path. We even took out the Devil Soldier in one turn with his stupid 48 Def. =P

    Too bad Janet's going to be left behind at this rate with her 60 Att. By the time Jaro comes around and I take his Lance, she's gonna get the Power Ring...but even that probably won't help her. I'll definitely have to sacrifice one of my Mithril later on for her to help with Geshp and beyond. That HP growth of hers would be useful. While May's stronger, at least Janet can take a couple more hits.


    Bowie - LV. 14.08

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 22 (Damn it, boi. Get -something- before you have Bolt 3. No more bright honey either.)

    -Att: 73

    -Def: 56

    -Agi: 40

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Healing Seed

    Sarah - LV. 25.43

    -HP: 76

    -MP: 60

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 52

    -Agi: 55

    -Inventory: Indra Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 14.57

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 30

    -Att: 72

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Buster Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 14.34

    -HP: 51

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 69

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E), Healing Seed

    Peter - LV. 14.05

    -HP: 68

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 78

    -Def: 56

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 13.30

    -HP: 56

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 65

    -Def: 45

    -Agi: 47

    -Inventory: Great Sword

    Rick - LV. 14.01

    -HP: 67

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 68

    -Def: 57

    -Agi: 47

    -Inventory: Javelin, Power Ring (E)

    Janet - LV. 13.44

    -HP: 58

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 42

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Battle 32: This...was pretty tough. Those Cerberus and THREE Devil Soldiers all so close made it so hard to keep everyone alive. Bowie actually died and resulted in a game over due to bad placement on my end, so I had to reset and do this over again. >_> But once I found a working strategy, it wasn't too tough anymore. Even managed to keep Jaro alive and he didn't snag any kills either. He was actually helpful in chipping. Sarah was at work with healing, so I wasn't risking Heal 1 spam when I really needed Heal 3 here. She at least drained her MP to 6, though she did use about three Heal 3 spells.

    ...and this fight proved to me how Luke and Janet's usefulness is declining heavily (not like I didn't see this coming). All Janet was good for was hurting the Pegasus Knights with their extra damage to arrows, and Luke...could barely do more than 12-15 damage to stuff even with Skreech's Great Sword. I gave the Power Ring to Janet and now she's on par with Luke. But at this point, these two will just be back-up support when we need them until Bowie can cough up that Critical Sword (Since we get a Battle Sword soon) and some Mithril for Janet.


    Bowie - LV. 15.36

    -HP: 73

    -MP: 23

    -Att: 74

    -Def: 58

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Healing Seed

    Sarah - LV. 26.67

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 61

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 56

    -Inventory: Indra Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 15.59

    -HP: 59

    -MP: 32

    -Att: 73

    -Def: 51

    -Agi: 46

    -Inventory: Buster Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 15.67

    -HP: 53

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 70

    -Def: 51

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E), Healing Seed

    Peter - LV. 15.07

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 58

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 14.40

    -HP: 58

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 47

    -Agi: 48

    -Inventory: Great Sword

    Rick - LV. 15.06

    -HP: 69

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 69

    -Def: 59

    -Agi: 49 (What's with all the nines? XD)

    -Inventory: Chrome Lance, Javelin

    Janet - LV. 14.53

    -HP: 60

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 44

    -Agi: 45

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring, Power Ring (E)

    Battle 33: Arrrrgh...this one was worse, despite it being one of my favorite battles in the game. Janet...died. Yeeeeah, don't ask. Everything on steroids when it comes to Att didn't help. Even my only three tanks (Bowie, Peter and Rick) were sustaining HEAVY damage, especially when the Mud Men would come in and screw everything up. 95 Att, 51 def + My team = Nightmare at this point. I was at desperation point when we closed in on the Shaman. No time being picky with experience (besides draining Sarah's MP), so I just killed everything in our path with whoever was available. Thank god I did, otherwise more than Janet would have died...thankfully the next map is very wide and I can use lure tactics more properly without enemies being so stupidly close to each other.

    And hey, one more battle before I get Sheela!


    Bowie - LV. 16.47

    -HP: 75

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 75

    -Def: 61

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Mage Staff

    Sarah - LV. 28.20

    -HP: 82

    -MP: 64

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 57

    -Agi: 59

    -Inventory: Indra Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 16.37

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 34

    -Att: 74

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 48

    -Inventory: Buster Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 16.70

    -HP: 55

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 71

    -Def: 52

    -Agi: 46

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 15.81

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 58

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 15.54

    -HP: 60

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 67

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 50

    -Inventory: Great Sword

    Rick - LV. 15.95

    -HP: 69

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 69

    -Def: 59

    -Agi: 49

    -Inventory: Chrome Lance (E), Javelin

    Janet - LV. 15.29

    -HP: 62

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 45

    -Agi: 47

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring, Power Ring (E)

    Battle 34: This was pretty easy. The big field really helped with lure and kill tactics and Sarah even had a chunck of MP once we killed everything, sitting still and allowing her to Heal 1 spam to her heart's content. Since Bowie has the highest HP and defense minus Sarah, I used him as bait for Cameela to attack. We crowded her (since if she had another turn, Bowie would die) and May managed to snag the last kill before her other turn was able to come around. Sold Sarah's old Indra Staff, as well as the other new additions to the force's equipment.

    By the way, I've underestimated Luke. Giving him the stronger swords work WELL in our benefit. 68 Att isn't as bad as I thought, and when we get the Battle Sword, he could make even further use of that flying ability other than Peter. Janet's...kinda a lost cause at this point. If I knew that the BG promotional gains were directed towards the growth rates, I would have used that Silver Tank....but I did say I was going to own up to that mistake and just make the best of her.

    But hey...SHEELA GET! Finally, the last of my favorite units (who on this playthrough, it's only her, Slade and May). Gonna feed her those two Brave Apples so she can jump to 17 to be already caught up...and get her closer to having Boost 2. All that's left is Lemon. =)


    Bowie - LV. 17.24

    -HP: 77

    -MP: 23

    -Att: 76

    -Def: 63

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Running Pimento, Angel Wing, Sky Orb

    Sarah - LV. 29.92

    -HP: 84

    -MP: 65

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 58

    -Agi: 60

    -Inventory: Wish Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 17.52

    -HP: 63

    -MP: 36

    -Att: 75

    -Def: 55

    -Agi: 49

    -Inventory: Buster Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 17.78

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 72

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 47

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 16.79

    -HP: 62

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 68

    -Def: 51

    -Agi: 51

    -Inventory: Great Sword

    Rick - LV. 16.92

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 70

    -Def: 62

    -Agi: 51

    -Inventory: Chrome Lance (E), Javelin

    Janet - LV. 16.64

    -HP: 64

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 48

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Power Ring (E), Running Ring

    Battle 35: ...You know what? This was the hardest fight I've had in a while. Oh yeah, sure, the field's enormous...but with all those Devils lined up in party formation and all having 90+ Att was a total nightmare, including all that terrain getting in the way. Sheela picked a good time to join the party, as unlike most of you all who drafted rather durable units, the majority of mine are fragile to the very end...so endgame's going to be really tough for me. Though I expected this from the beginning, so I'm not complaining. That's what makes this fun and challenging. But one thing I forgot was the enormous experience Sheela gains from spamming Boost on her maximum number of targets. I had to use it strategically in the beginning, giving my fragile peeps some stone wall defense. Most who approached only dealt 1 damage, which was sweet. But then the Mist Demons attacked....

    I HATE these things. My most hated enemy in this entire game. Not only do the game throw an enemy at you with ?? Att so early, but the punk's AI is crazy smart when it comes to Muddle 2. Couldn't do much for those who got dazed, for I just had to murder the demons as fast as possible (thankfully Peter didn't get Muddled...that would have been BAD). Then here comes the MUD MEN. Once it started to get real bad, I was forced to literally run away to the far right as I noticed nearly EVERYONE near death. Under pressure, my plan was to lure the Bow Rider away from the Mud Men and the Chaos Wizard, units that would take a while in catching up (since everyone in my party with the exception of Bowie and Sarah now has MOV 7+) and trap him in the corner while I sent a main force to destroy the rest of the enemies. I barracaded the Rider with Sarah (who only had 2 MP left), Janet, Luke, and Rick. After he was safely trapped, Bowie, Slade, May, Peter and Sheela took out the enemies below with ease. Afterwards, I Boost 1 spammed away the rest of Sheela's MP for the 25 EXP per use. She netted a nice bit of levels in the process (and it was very long since I had to wait until the spell wore off every time), since it only costs 2 MP. Then we finally finished off the trapped Bow Rider.

    At this point, Sheela's gonna have to be my Juggernaut for the coming final battles. Having her around sure does take a load off. But now...the Prism Flowers are next. I'll have to use my Egresses there since it's obvious that there are more enemies to snatch gold from compared to the Red Baron Battle, and I think the Prism Flowers give more EXP. I need to do another inventory sweep soon too.


    Bowie - LV. 18.03

    -HP: 79

    -MP: 23

    -Att: 77

    -Def: 66

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Heat Axe

    Sarah - LV. 31.21

    -HP: 87

    -MP: 68

    -Att: 62

    -Def: 61

    -Agi: 63

    -Inventory: Wish Staff, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 18.53

    -HP: 65

    -MP: 38

    -Att: 76

    -Def: 57

    -Agi: 51

    -Inventory: Buster Sword, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 18.64

    -HP: 58

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 81

    -Def: 55

    -Agi: 48

    -Inventory: Nazca Cannon (E), Protect Ring (E), Assault Shell

    Peter - LV. 18.17

    -HP: 78

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 88

    -Def: 64

    -Agi: 47

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 17.57

    -HP: 64

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 69

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 52

    -Inventory: Great Sword

    Rick - LV. 17.73

    -HP: 73

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 71

    -Def: 64

    -Agi: 52

    -Inventory: Chrome Lance (E), Javelin

    Janet - LV. 17.32

    -HP: 66

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66 (....)

    -Def: 47

    -Agi: 49

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Power Ring (E), Running Ring

    Sheela - LV. 22.58

    -HP: 68

    -MP: 56

    -Att: 75

    -Def: 51

    -Agi: 51

    -Inventory: Brass Knuckles, Angel Wing

    Current Gold: 190,667

    Mithril: 15

  9. Same as Jedi, actually. While I like 'em both, Zero's the man. The same man (bot) that got me interested in swords as a kid, hah. I do love how his character is portrayed over Proto though. They both are sort of the loner-types (though Proto Man has more focus on that theme), but Zero had a bit of more depth going on there. Huge character change from his usual fiery and confident self after X4 to just a man who just wants to get the job done and nothing else while giving others the cold shoulder...then eventually starts to fall back on how he used to be around X8-Command Mission. (Not stating anything heavy about his history out of respect for those who haven't played all the X games)

    But his quiet nature is something glued to his personality though, which I really like. It's really shown in the Zero series, despite losing his memory. He still retained his personality.

  10. Hah, I was going to make a topic on this if no one else wasn't when an AIM friend sent me this yesterday. Thanks! XD

    Being a hardcore Mega Man fan, I'm really happy for this. Given how the funding process is only two days in and it's already about halfway to the desired amount of 2.5 mil, all the planned content will likely turn to reality (unless there's a funding freeze before October. Hope I didn't just jinx it...). I really want to play something like this on my PS3. With the creator himself in the lead, this is bound to be an awesome project and I'm going to be keeping up with it. If I wasn't so freakin' broke, I'd support directly. >_>

  11. Battle 26: This fight was long only because I was trying to use up all of Sarah's MP. When I Heal 1 spam, I make sure it's safe before wasting the MP on fully healed characters and making sure she has enough to heal during emergencies. Most of the time, I just wait until the end of the battle and allow the last enemy to keep attacking someone while she heals them until she's bled dry. But despite all the Dark Soldiers and their 46 Def, it wasn't much of a problem with my team murdering stuff now. Janet's just about caught up now, so I don't have to worry about feeding her kills that much anymore. And since the next battle I still have my two Egresses, it's now Zalbard training time!

    And to properly prepare for the training, I've undergone the weapon and equipment changes I stated in the last log, as well as sold old equipment and that Black Ring the Bishop dropped last battle. Also made use of the two Bright Honeys I found and gave them both to Bowie and Slade. With this, I can probably cast two Raijins on Zalbard for 20x2 damage on him, assuming Slade hits level 14 by then. Sarah has Blast 4 now, but if I'm gonna hit Zalbard with that, she's gonna have to be properly shielded...for if she dies, that'd be a pricey church revival considering she'll be level 20+ by then...Bowie will probably lag a bit in Attack with that Achilles Sword back on, but that's what the Power Ring is for. And he only has three more battles to deal with it, for I'll have the Critical Sword by then. 60 Attack is still impressive at this point anyway.


    Bowie - LV. 9.54

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 21

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 45

    -Agi: 34

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Power Ring (E)

    Sarah - LV. 16.26

    -HP: 60

    -MP: 50

    -Att: 42

    -Def: 40

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 10.05

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 22

    -Att: 64

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 38

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 9.85

    -HP: 40

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 64

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 36

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 9.49

    -HP: 56

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 9.24

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 40

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 9.43

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 59

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Javelin

    Janet - LV. 8.47

    -HP: 48

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 35

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Battle 27: Wyverns...yay. Poison is so annoying when grinding because it means Sarah has to stop healing just to cure it. But hey, at least it isn't paralysis... >_> Since this was my training spot for my two rationed Egresses, everyone save Luke and Janet reached level 11+! Gave May the Cheerful Bread found in Pacalon. Speaking of the Janet, she just REFUSES to get attack during level ups. Happens to May rarely, but you don't see her not gaining any Attack consecutively. So yes...Janet's still at 58 Attack. Most she'll be useful for in the Zalbard fight is sniping aerial enemies...which is only Harpy Queens as far as I recall. At least Bowie gained Bolt 2 and Slade's two levels away from Raijin. I'm aiming for killing Zalbard in one round when we elminate every other threat, since Blast 4 deals around 30-35 damage? Either way, this battle is done. On to the worms!


    Bowie - LV. 11.05

    -HP: 65

    -MP: 22

    -Att: 62

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 37 (Whoa, boi. You might need ANOTHER Quick Chicken since Peter's got that Quick Ring)

    -Inventory: Achillies Sword, Power Ring (E)

    Sarah - LV. 20.16

    -HP: 67

    -MP: 55

    -Att: 44

    -Def: 45

    -Agi: 50

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 12.25

    -HP: 53

    -MP: 26

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 45

    -Agi: 40

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 11.21

    -HP: 47

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 66

    -Def: 44

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 11.00

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 71

    -Def: 50

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 10.90

    -HP: 51

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 59

    -Def: 40

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 11.03

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 50

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Javelin

    Janet - LV. 10.91

    -HP: 52

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Battle 28: This was a pretty annoying fight, mostly because of the distant Wyverns. The worms weren't so bad, just had to lure them in and kill. But I wasted several turns to position everyone just right so those Wyverns can be in range for anyone to whack them...as well as avoiding having my units smashed together so they wouldn't be caught in Blaze 3 by the Lesser Demons (Wizard too). It was tedious, but not difficult to say the least. It was also annoying for them to make the Wizard the enemy boss here, for that meant leaving a Blaze 3 opponent alive until I cleared the rest of the map. >_>

    But this is nothing compared to the next upcoming battles. Slade's just about guaranteed to have Raijin before Zalbard so now all that's left to do is to smash my way through the next map and allow the true battle to begin.


    Bowie - LV. 11.59

    -HP: 65

    -MP: 22

    -Att: 62

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Power Ring (E)

    Sarah - LV. 21.48

    -HP: 69

    -MP: 56

    -Att: 45

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 51

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 13.02

    -HP: 55

    -MP: 28

    -Att: 67

    -Def: 47

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 12.03

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 67

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 11.38

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 71

    -Def: 50

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 11.31

    -HP: 53

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 42

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 11.59

    -HP: 61

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 50

    -Agi: 43

    -Inventory: Javelin

    Janet - LV. 11.21

    -HP: 54

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 59

    -Def: 39

    -Agi: 40

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Battle 29: Yeah, I wasn't expecting much of this battle. Thanks to the enemy AI being kind of stupid here, we were able to clear the map before defeating the Dark Knight with general ease. And Slade finally gained Raijin at the last minute. All right, Zalbard...I'm coming for ya!


    Bowie - LV. 12.32

    -HP: 67

    -MP: 22

    -Att: 63

    -Def: 51

    -Agi: 38

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Power Ring (E), Healing Seed

    Sarah - LV. 22.74

    -HP: 71

    -MP: 57

    -Att: 46

    -Def: 48

    -Agi: 52

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 14.12

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 30

    -Att: 68

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 12.85

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 67

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E), Healing Seed

    Peter - LV. 12.52

    -HP: 63

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 73

    -Def: 52

    -Agi: 40

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 12.02

    -HP: 55

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 44

    -Agi: 45

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 12.56

    -HP: 63

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 62

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Javelin

    Janet - LV. 12.09

    -HP: 56

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Battle 30: Peter, thank you. It's all thanks to you and your sacrifice that no one else died. And since you are immortal, I don't have to worry about ya. Yes...Zalbard killed Peter, but it's only because we had to get rid of that Master Monk before we even approached him. Won't mention the battle with the other devils below, as we blew straight through them without a problem. But Zalbard...I spent a whole three rounds just thinking on how to either lure that Monk away, or just fight it out and take some sacrifices, which I was heavily against. But my simple little mistake that caused Zalbard to run over on his second turn and Bolt 2 a few people actually worked in my favor.

    I sent Peter past Zalbard and depended on his high attack to damage the Monk twice, while I purposely damaged Zalbard a bit to send the monk running over to Heal 4 him. I knew Zal's AI was going to try and take out Peter with his last remaining health and while he wasted his two turns on killing Peter, Sarah attacked him with Blast 4, Slade casted Raijin to kill the Monk and dealt exactly 20 damage to Zalbard in the process, then my meele fighters ganged up on him to try and finish him in one round, which we succeeded, Bowie netting the final blow. That was quite the showdown there...but finally, that's one of the hardest battles on this playthrough concluded. It's a shame that the map itself was easy as fudge, but the boss's overwhelming power (at this point anyway) compensates for it.

    Anyway, after battle I gave Bowie the Critical Sword and gave the Power Ring back to Rick. I'll probably give the Power Water we'll find to Janet since she has the tendency of not gaining Attack. But for now, she's fine. Would give it to Luke but with Skreech on the way, I'm jacking his Great Sword.


    Bowie - LV. 13.88

    -HP: 69

    -MP: 22

    -Att: 72

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Critical Sword, Achilles Sword, Healing Seed

    Sarah - LV. 23.97

    -HP: 73

    -MP: 58

    -Att: 46

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 53

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Healing Rain, Fairy Powder (x2)

    Slade - LV. 14.43

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 30

    -Att: 68

    -Def: 49

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Fairy Tear

    May - LV. 13.29

    -HP: 50

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 68

    -Def: 47

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 13.43

    -HP: 65

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 75

    -Def: 54

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 12.44

    -HP: 55

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 44

    -Agi: 45

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 12.95

    -HP: 63

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 67

    -Def: 53

    -Agi: 44

    -Inventory: Javelin, Power Ring (E)

    Janet - LV. 12.75

    -HP: 56

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 60

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 42

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring

    Current Gold: 133,564

    Mithril: 13

  12. Battle 22: Hey, this wasn't as hard as I had imagined. If anything, this was the most fun battle so far! It was common sense not to go charging right into their ranks, for they'd annihilated us if we did. But it's thanks to this draft that I realized a pattern in the Chessboard's AI (Hard Mode's that is). In the beginning, most of them will huddle up in the left corner and pretty much taunt you to come at them while they're all together. So I sent everyone to the left and lured the moving Pawns and Rooks in first, having Bowie zap them with Bolt 1 while everyone picked them apart. Then I noticed another Pawn and a knight beginning to move from the right side where as previously, they stood completely still. We moved down a bit to prevent the King from coming down and lured those two in to kill. I then finally realized there was a pattern set up to where certain pieces will move after certain ones are killed (AKA the ones sent at you).

    Using this to my advantage, I kept my units close, but enough to prevent the King from trying anything funny. Before I realized it, all that was left were the Queens, the two Bishops and one Pawn. I was kind of stomped at first and was hesitant on going up there, as they could have magic'd us to death. But then I moved everyone to the far right just to see if anymore will come at us...and I was right. If you position a unit at the right distance and out of the King's path, a Bishop will come after you if you're near it and afterwards all the rest of the pieces save the King will try their luck. After we brutally annihilated them (Thanks to May for using her Protect Ring), we all ganged up on the King. Slade finished him off with a Katon 1 since his royal highness wanted to have a Blaze 2 battle. XD

    So this wasn't really too hard at all when I learned to manipulate the AI's patterns. And while Luke wasn't too useful here with his low attack, he came in handy for chip damage. Was even able to set up a kill for him so he could level up.


    Bowie - LV. 6.15

    -HP: 55

    -MP: 17

    -Att: 55

    -Def: 39

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Dry Stone

    Sarah - LV. 11.63

    -HP: 51

    -MP: 44

    -Att: 30

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 34

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 6.85

    -HP: 41

    -MP: 10

    -Att: 54

    -Def: 34

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 6.15

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 53

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 5.97

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 37

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 5.04

    -HP: 42

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 45

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Rick - LV. 5.81

    -HP: 48

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 51

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Steel Lance, Power Ring (E)

    Battle 23: With the Rats and Ooze having rather low defense, the team was able to tear them all apart...aside from Willard. 62 Att at this point is just plain murder, especially when he gets Heavy hits. Those drop Peter from full to near death. >_> But now that everyone's in the 50s in attack aside from Luke, damage output is pretty decent. I don't see everyone huddling up just to kill one enemy anymore. xD Sarah couldn't get much Heal 1 out though thanks to Willard and his crazy tough attack power. Had to rely on Heal 3 to keep us alive rather than spamming.


    Bowie - LV. 7.47

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 17

    -Att: 56

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Dry Stone

    Sarah - LV. 12.37

    -HP: 53

    -MP: 46

    -Att: 30

    -Def: 34

    -Agi: 36

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 7.57

    -HP: 43

    -MP: 12

    -Att: 55

    -Def: 36

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 7.40

    -HP: 37

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 54

    -Def: 39

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 7.07

    -HP: 51

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 6.34

    -HP: 44

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 46

    -Def: 33

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Rick - LV. 6.97

    -HP: 50

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 52

    -Def: 40

    -Agi: 36

    -Inventory: Steel Lance, Power Ring (E)

    Battle 24: Odd. Before battle, I saved my game and re-purchased the Silver Tank just to see the promotional bonuses, but unfortunately not a single stat was raised. So I reloaded and went with Sniper for Janet. At least with the tank gone again, I can afford a new weapon or two if I was willing to sacrifice 3000 gold. xD But soon, I'm gonna have to sacrifice some gold for newer weapons at this point. Whenever enemies start to get higher than 40 Def, Luke (and Janet possibly) will be nearly useless with just the current equipment they have now. That, and I have too many sword users...at least when Lemon comes along, I'll have access to Mithril and can just give him the Battle Sword you get before the fight against him. Overall, weapons are a tough problem for my team right now with gold...unless I pawn all my rings.

    But I was mostly letting Janet kill all the Skeleton Soldiers here and allowed her to finish off another additional enemy. Curse her for not get a point in attack on her first level up though. >_> At least she'll be a little more surviving compared to May since she gets +2 HP all the time...but May will still need that Protect Ring. Slade kinda hogged some kills by double attacking more than usual, forcing Rick and Peter from not advancing much in experience. Luke's expected since...ya know, he's being so useless right now. Might just sacrifice Slade getting a new sword and let Luke get a Buster Sword just so he can make use of that flying utility...or just give him the Power Ring whenever I can jack Higgins's Javelin. >_>


    Bowie - LV. 8.32

    -HP: 59

    -MP: 18

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 43

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water

    Sarah - LV. 13.60

    -HP: 54

    -MP: 47

    -Att: 40

    -Def: 35

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Power Stick (Jacked from Karna), Healing Rain, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 8.86

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 14

    -Att: 56

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 34

    -Inventory: Steel Sword, Blizzard

    May - LV. 8.18

    -HP: 38

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 55

    -Def: 40

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 7.81

    -HP: 51

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 61

    -Def: 41

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 7.42

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 47

    -Def: 35

    -Agi: 38

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Rick - LV. 7.92

    -HP: 52

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 53

    -Def: 42

    -Agi: 37

    -Inventory: Steel lance, Power Ring (E)

    Janet - LV. 4.12

    -HP: 41

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 47

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Running Ring (E), Medical Herb (x2)

    Battle 25: Before battle, I went on ahead and did an inventory sweep of stuff I didn't need and of value so I can get gold for a couple of new weapons. Bought a Buster Sword (sold Luke's Steel) and an Assault Shell for Janet (sold her Steel Arrow) since May already took Rohde's. Now everyone can reliably deal damage! Will later give Bowie's Broad to Slade when Rick gives up his Power Ring after taking Higgins's weapon, which I'll give the ring to Bowie so he can re-equip the Achilles Sword and Luke can keep the Buster since he desperately needs it.

    But thank god this is the last cave battle! Despite hating these, it was a fairly easy battle. Not much of a challenge and allowed Janet to kill more Skeletons and other kills we've set up for her. Everyone's getting so tough now and with having my weapons situation nearly solved after next battle, I can concentrate on just breezing on through and preparing for the Zalbard fight when the time comes.


    Bowie - LV. 8.61

    -HP: 59

    -MP: 18

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 43

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Fairy Tear

    Sarah - LV. 15.01

    -HP: 58

    -MP: 49

    -Att: 41

    -Def: 38

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Power Stick, Fairy Powder, Healing Rain

    Slade - LV. 9.57

    -HP: 47

    -MP: 16

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 39

    -Agi: 36

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 8.82

    -HP: 38

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 63

    -Def: 40

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 8.89

    -HP: 54

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 64

    -Def: 44

    -Agi: 36

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 8.15

    -HP: 47

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 58

    -Def: 37

    -Agi: 39

    -Inventory: Buster Sword

    Rick - LV. 9.11

    -HP: 57

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 54

    -Def: 46

    -Agi: 41

    -Inventory: Steel Lance, Power Ring (E)

    Janet - LV. 6.92

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 57

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 35

    -Inventory: Assault Shell, Running Ring (E)

    Current Gold: 81,590

    Mithril: 11

  13. Ah crap! I must have missed the BG promotional bonuses when I last read Elieson's post on the others...I wish I read your post before continuing though, as I already pawned the tank and got much further. I could buy it back, but I think I'll be fine with Sniper. My main concern of this entire playthrough was the chessboard and Janet comes after that...so I'll just take my mistake.


    Battle 17: Went on ahead and decided to give May the Power Water. I'll just jack Elric's bow when we get him after the next set of battles. Also hit a switch and gave her the Power Ring, since Luke has a Steel Sword now (sold the Middle Sword). Finally, I decided to give the Protect Milk to May over Slade and Luke. I'm giving Birdman the Protect Ring whenever I acquire it and Slade will be fine in the long run since his HP will begin to have +2 upon leveling up soon. This should last them all pretty well until the Chessboard, so I don't have to worry too much about buying stuff anymore until afterwards. Plus, other team members will come in and I'll just take their stuff. xD

    But onto the battle, I forgot to unequip the Quick Ring from Peter, but considering how my units are beginning to gain +2 Agility, I think I'll keep it on him so he can keep up with everyone (With it equipped, he's right behind Luke). But this was an extremely easy fight. I made sure to take out the Soul Sowers before they could even attack, as I was not taking the risk of getting stunned at all. I don't even remember if paralysis wears off after a while like sleep does. By the way, everyone's been getting weird, yet beneficial levels...and May got a weirdest one of them all. +2 HP, +2 Def (What o_O ?), +2 Agility...yet no attack. Would have been perfect if she at least got ONE point in attack but...yeah, that doesn't matter. I'm not complaining. She needs the defense considering she is my most fragile attack unit next to Luke. Weird that Slade didn't get a point in attack either, but also got a 2 in defense.


    Bowie - LV. 2.17

    -HP: 47

    -MP: 15

    -Att: 48

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 26

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword

    Sarah - LV. 2.66

    -HP: 33

    -MP: 34

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 21

    -Agi: 24

    -Inventory: Short Rod

    Slade - LV. 2.24

    -HP: 33

    -MP: 2

    -Att: 50

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 2.02

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 44

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow, Power Ring

    Peter - LV. 1.48

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 49

    -Def: 28

    -Agi: 28

    -Inventory: Quick Ring

    Luke - LV. 1.34

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 41

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Battle 18: Yeah...I wish Bowie had a little more defense before this battle (Way to get a +3 defense level RIGHT after this fight, man). Taros was a pain mainly because Sarah's MP was dangerously low and I was afraid of her running out. I was planning on getting healing items, but I figured I'd try to ration my gold for whenever dire times call for new gear (Like getting Luke a new sword). Kind of unfair that Bowie's the only one that gets to whack Taros...and his Hard Mode AI's programmed to specifically target Bowie when he's in range...making target switching pointless and potentially killing people. Other than the big guy, this was a piece of cake.

    Also, Ricky GET! Finally, a more reliable person in defense and enemy luring.


    Bowie - LV. 3.13

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 15

    -Att: 49

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Healing Water

    Sarah - LV. 3.69

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 35

    -Att: 27

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Short Rod

    Slade - LV. 2.47 (No level up)

    May - LV. 2.11 (No level up)

    Peter - LV. 2.37

    -HP: 38

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 51

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 29

    -Inventory: Quick Ring

    Luke - LV. 2.06

    -HP: 37

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 42

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Battle 19: Even though the terrain was slowing us down a bit, it wasn't much of a problem since we needed to keep our distance anyway. With trying to level Rick, I had to be as careful as possible. Thankfully the Dark Madams were stupid and decided to attack instead of using their Freeze spell. Those Soul Sowers once again were taken out immediately to prevent paralysis. That's a nasty thing to have. I think this is the last battle against them, so hooray! Rick also netted two levels, promoting at level 21 instead. While just one level above, that's pretty good.


    Bowie - LV. 3.29

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 15

    -Att: 49

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Healing Water, Dry Stone

    Sarah - LV. 4.43

    -HP: 37

    -MP: 36

    -Att: 27

    -Def: 24

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 3.42

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 4

    -Att: 51

    -Def: 28

    -Agi: 29

    -Inventory: Steel Sword, Shining Ball

    May - LV. 3.19

    -HP: 33

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 45

    -Def: 29

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow, Power Ring, Running Pimento

    Peter - LV. 2.83

    -HP: 38

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 51

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 29

    -Inventory: Quick Ring

    Luke - LV. 2.38

    -HP: 37

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 42

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Rick - LV. 1.00

    -HP: 39

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 42

    -Def: 30

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Steel Lance

    Battle 20: I.FREAKIN.HATE.HARPIES.NOW! So far, this has been the most tedious battle, simply because these Harpies are just too damn strong. Not to mention it takes my hardest hitters to gang up on them just to kill "one". This is the first battle I've actually had to restart about a few times simply because I made bad moves. I mean, everyone had an opportunity to die at at least once (lucky May, they avoided her like crazy as if she had the Fire Emblem "Shade" skill on or something) But the only way to explain how horrid this went is just straight up telling you everything that happened...

    Of course, the most obvious reason for this fight being so hard is my team's fragility. Buuut...even Peter and Bowie could get killed in 2-3 hits by these things. Bowie actually died once...and the dude has 49 HP. Honestly, if Rick wasn't here, I don't know how I would have won this. He, Bowie and Peter have the highest HP and Defense, allowing me another unit to absorb damage. I basically stood there on my final attempt, letting the harpies come at us one by one. Even then, that was tough, since their AI, unlike the rest of the enemies so far, is pretty freakin' smart. They've literally locked onto either the weakest unit or someone who was near death and set it up so another nearby enemy would finish them.

    It also didn't help that those High Priests kept healing EVERYTHING. But the harpies were so annoying that I couldn't spare another person leaving their position just to kill them while giving those harpies openings their smart AI would have obviously taken advantage of. The fighting was so brutal, I forgot the other enemy types were even there. By the time I eliminated the final harpy, it was battle over and I was like "What? It's...over? IT'S OVER!!". This wasn't even supposed to be one of the hard ones either...I just can't wait to see how the Chessboard works out.

    ...Anyway, after battle, I claimed Elric's bow and got back to the nearest town to sell the Wooden Arrow and some more rare items I found that I won't need (promotion items mostly). Also, since May now has the highest attack with the ring on, I gave it Rick. I'll be having him and Luke alternate between using it when the situation demands. I'll also be actually using the Power Ring, since everyone except Peter is doing less and less damage since I can't buy new weapons too often (though if it cracks, thanks for Cravan glitch). Luckily, I'll be grinding in the next battle with my 3 Egresses to both get some gold and catch Luke and Rick up. Due to their low attack at the moment, they've mostly been chipping...and I couldn't set up kills for them in this battle since you know...slaughter fest was taking place. Hopefully with the grinding, I can prepare my defensive units to lead the frontlines during the Chessboard.


    Bowie - LV. 3.66 (No level up)

    Sarah - LV. 5.38

    -HP: 39

    -MP: 38

    -Att: 27

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 3.94 (No level up)

    May - LV. 3.59

    -HP: 33

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 50

    -Def: 29

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Running Pimento

    Peter - LV. 3.59

    -HP: 40

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 53

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 30

    -Inventory: Quick Ring

    Luke - LV. 2.85 (No level up)

    Rick - LV. 2.83

    -HP: 42

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 48

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 32

    -Inventory: Steel Lance, Power Ring

    Battle 21: Another desert battle...but at least there are only two harpies and they were quite far enough to get rid of them easily by luring them in with Peter. The Skeleton Soldiers were kind of being tortured for experience since there are only two and I could only kill one to Egress for the grinding part to use my rationed Egresses I have yet to use. But with all this grinding and such, I hope it's enough to take on the Chess Battle. With Rick being closer to everyone's attack thanks to the Power Sto--er, I mean Power Ring, He'll be in the frontlines in that battle, since his defense has surpassed Peter's now. That Protect Ring's going on one of them though or let Slade equip it since he's one of my hard hitters (or I might just use it in battle). But, let's do this...the fight I've been dreading since I've started this draft...


    Bowie - LV. 5.28

    -HP: 53

    -MP: 16

    -Att: 54

    -Def: 36

    -Agi: 30

    -Inventory: Broad Sword, Healing Water, Dry Stone

    Sarah - LV. 10.30

    -HP: 49

    -MP: 43

    -Att: 30

    -Def: 31

    -Agi: 33

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Fairy Powder

    Slade - LV. 5.55

    -HP: 39

    -MP: 8

    -Att: 53

    -Def: 32

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 5.22

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 52

    -Def: 37

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Steel Arrow, Protect Ring (E)

    Peter - LV. 4.73

    -HP: 42

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 55

    -Def: 34

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Quick Ring (E)

    Luke - LV. 4.76

    -HP: 41

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 44

    -Def: 31

    -Agi: 34

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Rick - LV. 4.97

    -HP: 46

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 50

    -Def: 36

    -Agi: 34

    -Inventory: Steel lance, Power Ring (E)

    Current Gold: 62,369

    Mithril: 11

  14. Battle 13: Man, was this a long and tedious battle (it's still one of my favorites in the beginning though). Considering my team isn't exactly tanky at this point, they were taking some major hits from everything that's not a Hobgoblin. Those enemies were even dishing out some heavy hits! Of course, the most difficult part was during the middle of battle where all the enemies at the bottom began to mob up and head straight towards us. Since no one can't handle themselves on their own yet, I also mobbed my team up and lured the enemies to where Luke's unconscious body was. I was also using him as a blockade so they couldn't get Sarah as easy. But once the enemies finally made it up, we ganged up on them all as quick as possible, eliminating the strongest threats first (the two Zombies) before they could inflict any damage.

    And now I have another addition to the force: Luke! (Whose gonna suck pretty bad for now until he gets another sword) I've also sold that Silver Tank we've acquired from the cave, as I will be going Sniper for Janet. With the extra cash, I'll probably buy a couple of weapons later on for those who won't be able to find any (Like Luke). Sarah's a no no since she's gonna be a healing bot after promotion...and May...well, if I wait it out even longer, she won't get another bow until I snatch Elric's.

    Bowie - LV. 17.14

    -HP: 40

    -MP: 13

    -Att: 35

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 22

    -Inventory: Short Sword, Power Ring

    Sarah - LV. 17.72

    -HP: 28

    -MP: 30

    -Att: 23

    -Def: 18

    -Agi: 20

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Healing Seed

    Slade - LV. 16.98

    -HP: 27

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 32

    -Def: 21

    -Agi: 21

    -Inventory: Short Knife

    May - LV. 16.99

    -HP: 24

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 30

    -Def: 18

    -Agi: 24

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow, Quick Ring

    Peter - LV. 16.37

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 41

    -Def: 24

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Battle 14: Deserts...UGH! This was slower than the last battle...and frustrating on Luke's end, as I said he's sucking and I've been setting up kills for him while still maintaining levels throughout the entire party for the upcoming Kraken fight. It's definite that Sarah's gonna promote. Bowie and Slade (May possibly as well) will make it too since I've been keeping my melee fighters close together, but with Slade in the lead for them (I need him to wield swords ASAP). Peter's only lagging badly behind because I've been using his high attack power to just deal damage for everyone to swoop in and kill the enemy. Pretty sure he won't promote before Kraken, sadly (If only Luke wasn't here, this would be different...). But now that I know how to go about it in the next fight, everyone save Luke and Peter should promote by then. Might let Luke sit back a bit (But still prepare him for Kraken) in the next fight to make sure of it. Also, I gave the Steel Sword to Bowie (sold the Short Sword) and gave the Power Ring to May temporarily so she can keep up with Slade and Bowie's attacking power and gave Slade the Quick Ring in return. Gonna switch all this back around after the next fight.

    Bowie - LV. 18.13

    -HP: 42

    -MP: 13

    -Att: 42

    -Def: 23

    -Agi: 23

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    Sarah - LV. 18.91

    -HP: 29

    -MP: 31

    -Att: 24

    -Def: 18

    -Agi: 21

    -Inventory: Short Rod

    Slade - LV. 18.24

    -HP: 29

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 36

    -Def: 23

    -Agi: 28

    -Inventory: Short Knife, Quick Ring

    May - LV. 18.18

    -HP: 27

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 38

    -Def: 20

    -Agi: 21

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow, Power Ring

    Peter - LV. 17.57

    -HP: 32

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 43

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 20

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Luke - LV. 16.48

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 29

    -Def: 21

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Middle Sword

    Battle 15: This was both a fun and frustrating fight. The frustrating part being jumping four people up to two levels when the experience is tight with Luke and Peter still behind. Thankfully they throw a bunch of Gargoyles and stuff that give chucks of exp even after level 20. As such, I was right in assuming everyone except Luke and Peter (who came close) would hit 20. Sarah, I was getting a little afraid. Just when she spent all her MP, she only had 95 exp, meaning I had to gain 5 by fighting with her.....yeah, Short Rod. At the very end when Bowie, Slade and May hit 20, I had all four surround the last Arrow Launcher and allowed Sarah to keep dealing one damage until she hit 20. Close one. Allowed Peter to finish it off so he could be closer to promotion. At least at the end of Kraken, Peter will likely hit level 21. I'll try to get Luke up to 20 there too, since I've given him the Power Ring after this battle. I've also given Peter the Quick Ring so he could be faster during the next fight.

    Bowie - LV. 20.18

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 14

    -Att: 44

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Steel Sword, Wooden Panel, Power Water

    Sarah - 20.01

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 33

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 20

    -Agi: 23

    -Inventory: Short Rod

    Slade - LV. 20.20

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 39

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 26

    -Inventory: Short Knife

    May - LV. 20.04

    -HP: 29

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 35

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 23

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow

    Peter - LV. 19.48

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 47

    -Def: 27

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Quick Ring

    Luke - LV. 17.52 (God, he's behind)

    -HP: 32

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 35

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 27

    -Inventory: Middle Sword, Power Ring

    Battle 16: Heh. This wasn't hard at all. Before battle, I gave Slade the Steel Sword (sold his knife) and Bowie the Achilles Sword. With Sarah promoted, it was great to be healed with 18 HP whenever the legs and arms would get lucky hits on my team. Of course, since everyone was free in battle, the rest of the undrafted were annihilated by the legs and arms (Jaha was a survivor until the head finished him XD). But after the meatshielding and luring was done, we picked the legs and arms apart one by one, even netting Peter and Luke to level 20 as expected. Slade finished the head off after all legs/arms were destroyed. At the end and when we arrived in town, I've promoted Peter and Luke. Also will make use of selling that tank since Janet will be a Sniper and will buy Luke and May a new weapon. I haven't bought anything yet to see if having a weak May until Elric is worth it in funds...unless I use the Power Water on her?

    Bowie - LV. 1.22

    -HP: 45

    -MP: 14

    -Att: 47

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 25

    -Inventory: Achilles Sword, Power Water

    Sarah - LV. 1.84

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 33

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 20

    -Agi: 23

    -Inventory: Short Rod

    Slade - LV. 1.86

    -HP: 31

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 50

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 26

    -Inventory: Steel Sword

    May - LV. 1.06

    -HP: 29

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 35

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 28

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow, Quick Ring

    Peter - LV. 1.00

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 49

    -Def: 28

    -Agi: 23

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Luke - LV. 1.00

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 38

    -Def: 25

    -Agi: 31

    -Inventory: Middle Sword, Power Ring

    Current Gold: 25,987

    Mithril: 8

  15. Battle 9: First off, I didn't buy anything while in New Granseal. The only thing that was worth getting was the Middle Sword, but with the upcoming Power Ring, I can just use that to save the 340 gold I'd spend. Plus, I can just get a Long Sword from the shop in Polca/Bedoe, which is only two battles after this one (Or just stick it out and wait for the Achilles Sword). Might do the same for Slade and let he and Bowie alternate with it to save me the trouble of buying knives when Ninja's right around the corner...but we'll see depending on if things turn dire or not. I've also used the Cheerful Bread on Slade. He needs it with that low HP.

    But onto the battle, we just breezed on through. Nothing too challenging. And since everyone was level 13 and above here, not much experience for them here...so we set up some kills for Peter. Also, BOWIE! please gimme some moar MP before ya get Bolt. Still ways to go, but sometimes he could be stubborn until the very last second with that low MP growth before promotion. xD Also, May GET!

    Bowie - LV. 14.04

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 12

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 18

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Short Sword, Healing Seed

    Sarah - LV. 14.36

    -HP: 24

    -MP: 26

    -Att: 21

    -Def: 16

    -Agi: 17

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Healing Drop, Healing Seed

    Slade - LV. 14.10

    -HP: 25

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 19

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Short Knife, Medical Herb (x2)

    Peter - LV. 11.32

    -HP: 24

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 31

    -Def: 19

    -Agi: 14

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Battle 10: The only ones leveling up here were May and Peter (and Sarah since she was healing). Was hard to get her up since a certain BIRD kept killing the weakened enemies before May could. And with only three people other than those two, it was impossible to blockade around the enemy if Peter was in range...but at least May gained two levels out of it. At the end of battle, I gave Bowie the Power Ring and finally decided to use the Power Water from Grans on Slade so he can stay in action longer before promotion. Gonna try and get him to Ninja ASAP. But considering that you can skip the Kraken fight and get the Achilles Sword before it, I think he'll make it.

    Bowie - LV. 14.09

    -HP: 35

    -MP: 12

    -Att: 31

    -Def: 18

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Short Sword, Power Ring

    Sarah - LV. 15.17

    -HP: 25

    -MP: 27

    -Att: 22

    -Def: 17

    -Agi: 18

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Healing Drop, Healing Seed

    Slade - LV. 14.14

    -HP: 25

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 29

    -Def: 19

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Short Knife, Medical Herb (x2)

    May - LV. 12.63

    -HP: 20

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 26

    -Def: 14 (God, she needs some Milk xD)

    -Agi: 15

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow

    Peter - LV. 13.58

    -HP: 27

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 35

    -Def: 21

    -Agi: 16

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Battle 11: This was a pretty annoying fight, mainly because of those Vampire Bats (thank god this is the last we see them). But this was mostly a speed run here while once again trying to let May and Peter level. Was planning on allowing Sarah to use up all her MP, for she had 6 left after battle, but then AI Peter had to try and solo the top...where as I had to hurry Slade up there before he killed the Hobgoblin...which then by that point, we killed everything. Geez...can't wait until the next battle's over then bye-bye AI Peter.

    Bowie - LV. 14.21 (No Level up)

    Sarah - LV. 15.86 (No Level up. So close though)

    Slade - LV. 14.49 (No Level up. Finally used one of those herbs though)

    May - LV. 13.81

    -HP: 21

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 27

    -Def: 15

    -Agi: 16

    Inventory: Wooden Arrow

    Peter - 14.03

    -HP: 28

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 37

    -Def: 22

    -Agi: 17

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Battle 12: FINALLY! AI Peter is gone. It was because of him that I had to just kill and keep going, regardless of who was getting the EXP out of my three melee fighters. But at least having Sarah use a healing item gave her 20 delicious EXP. And while I was getting caught up in Peter, Bowie ALMOST died...the Dark Cloud kept doubling him 'til the point where he was down to 3 HP. But in the end, I managed to kill them all (Almost thought I wasn't going to make it). Before the battle, I found the Protect Milk, but I'll hold onto it for now. Both May and Luke have some bad defense, but we don't get the Defense Ring until ways off. Might give the potion to Luke and May the ring. We'll see.

    Bowie - LV. 15.05

    -HP: 36

    -MP: 13

    -Att: 32

    -Def: 19

    -Agi: 20

    -Inventory: Short Sword, Power Ring

    Sarah - LV. 16.80

    -HP: 26

    -MP: 28

    -Att: 23

    -Def: 17

    -Agi: 19

    -Inventory: Short Rod, Healing Seed

    Slade - LV. 15.30

    -HP: 26

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 31

    -Def: 20

    -Agi: 20

    -Inventory: Short Knife, Medical Herb

    May - LV. 15.31

    -HP: 23

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 29

    -Def: 17

    -Agi: 18

    -Inventory: Wooden Arrow

    Peter - LV. 15.02

    -HP: 29

    -MP: 0

    -Att: 39

    -Def: 23

    -Agi: 18

    -Inventory: Nothing.

    Current Gold: 11,590

    Mithril: 6

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