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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. Whase, when are you available? I have quite a number of off days from work, as we can have our matches during any time since you are the last person I have to play.
  2. I'm nearly done with Sword of Seals (First playthrough), so I suppose I can have some sort of input on my opinion about her now that I've seen a lot of units in action. 55% HP growth isn't that bad, though it could be better. It's just decent. Same goes for strength. If the RNG is good to her, her strength shouldn't even matter with all that skill (Which is one of the most essential stats in this game in particular) and speed especially. Really dodgy as well. But as a result, she's fragile as paper. 10% Defense and 15% Resistance growths are the toughest to grow out of (Unless you were blessed like I was)...and dear god...I don't want to imagine how much damage she'll take from horse-killing weapons. Most likely instant death if they can take out several other mounts in 1-2 whacks. But she can benefit from a Dracoshield, being one of the main candidates who desperately need them. While I'm not too big on mounts, being a casual player, it's a large boon for her. It's helps out several times and gives Sue a better chance at actually staying good and constantly gaining levels to hopefully improve some of her weak areas before you get your first bolt. I also don't really care about the bow-lock (And swords upon promotion) as penalties to hurt her usefulness, as there is always a way around something if you use it more strategically. Sue gets a 6.5 for me, but I'll up it to 7.5/10 for personal bias.
  3. SF bros. foreva! Lol, but that's actually a very accurate impression of me. I'm not all that much of a social person and just plain self-composed.
  4. Most likely Star Man. I didn't really like his design and he had one of the most simple attack patterns ever. Have you played MM9-10 and completed the "Mr. Perfect" challenge?
  5. Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  6. Hmm...now that's a tough one. I'd have to go with Sniper Joes though. They are fun to play around with. XD Favorite armor for MMX?
  7. Yay, another Mega Man fan! Favorite stage in any MM game?
  8. Ah, okay. Sharing her is cool. =) Hmm...is Ryu Hayabusa already claimed (Which chances are, he is)? If not, I'll claim him.
  9. Ilyana, much similar to Narshen's way. In both games, it's been proven that I baby her the most out of everyone, regardless of me decreasing my chances on spending time babying in FE generally. Ilyana is usually always an exception for me.
  10. Awesome. Congrats! It's nice to see that there are some accepting people in this world. I wish you luck for the future.
  11. Yay! I'll probably do a lot of shifting between Ike, Tana, and Ilyana.
  12. I still feel as though I didn't deserved those wins. Lag screwed both of our attacks up big time. =(
  13. Ah, okay. If Tuesday is good, it may be better.

  14. Hey, PKL. Do you to have time more friendlies in Brawl tomorrow or Tuesday?

  15. Found out that tomorrow and Tuesday are my off days, so whoever I haven't played yet, leave me a PM whenever you gain the free time. Regarding my SD, Luffy, I agree with PKL. Even though that match in particular was laggy, I can actually control my chances of SDing way better because the input lag and frame speed allows me to see ahead of time if I'm about to fall. So that counts as a legit win on your part because of my inability to react i time. Plus, you did hit me before I SD'd, so according to the game's rules, it wasn't a SD since I wasn't at 0%.
  16. I have done an edit in the story thread. It is rewritten for the most part. A lot was kept in, but a significant amount was changed, so it needs a re-read.
  17. Well, I can see that I only made this worse. >_> I'll just end it all now. Sorry, everyone. Any mod/admin that reads this, I'd like to request a lock. EDIT: Never mind. I think we're good.
  18. All right, guys. Keep it cool, all right? I tried to stay out of it because I'm not a mod and that I hoped it would subside eventually, but I must step in as the creator of the topic. Soul, when I made this topic, I didn't intend to get too deep in every intricate detail, because I assumed when typing up the OP that it was already self-explanatory and to avoid debates such as this one, because they generally have the potential to become a flame war. Debates on the matter of why one would choose the other is acceptable because it's more relevant to the topic at hand. So please, I ask in a non-jerkish way that you (and everyone else) to just put it all behind and return to the topic. I'd hate to request a lock, even though I may be over-exaggerating the matter.
  19. Ah, I see. All right then. As for this tourney, I most likely won't be free any time for the remainder of the week. My job has me working all the way 'til Sunday (That day itself as well), so next week, please PM me for those I still haven't played. If we play on one of my off days, then I can probably have this wrapped up quicker...but only at your convenience.
  20. Happy Birthday!

  21. This was a Christmas gift drawing of Guy Cecil and Judith from a friend of mine that is my desktop. She didn't color it because she has a really tight schedule, but I still love it regardless.
  22. And LOL at your new avatar. You googled that?

  23. Nice. I play the game on PS2. Right now, I'm working on a Guy solo. And yeah. I won't go into all the boring details, but Guy personally is vastly superior in both strength and speed (Having the best strength second to Anise and the fastest character to use) than everyone else, hence being more balanced and slightly easier to use than Luke. He's my fave Tales character in general.

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