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Cain Magnus

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Everything posted by Cain Magnus

  1. I've always mixed up raised and rose so many times. Thanks.
  2. I've only known you for a short time, so I picked V-Raven. (That and I've always wondered what Raven would look like if FE7 had 3rd tier promotions.)
  3. Do you like cookies? What do you like most out of FE?
  4. Heh, thanks! All right. I do intend to re-write the Prologue after it was critiqued (Whenever I gain writing time), so I won't disappoint you.
  5. Yep, the its and it's aren't typos there. Thanks for pointing those out. And as for the sword, I suppose I did go a little overboard on explaining the details a little too soon...XD Well, I was trying to pass off the point that he felt a little embarrassed to himself regarding the message, though it seems I'm not too good at pulling that off. :P Yeah, though just for now until when or if ever the real Commandant returns. So the temp. commanding officer is just a filler...a very long one at that. XD Well, it's mostly Ian's thoughts. Though I did intend to interject the thoughts of those necessary for certain situations. But if Ian's thoughts alone would be best, I can change it. That can be changed easily then. I've taken note. :) Well, their relationship is important in events later on. But thanks. I'll steer clear from any romance after this point. (God, you should see one of my stories before this one...XD ) ...Yeah, I believe I used "excessively" in this sentence in particular quite wrong. XD I meant it as a nervous type of thing. Yep...I once again worded things incorrectly, haha. I actually meant for that sentence to describe Ian's fail at keeping his cool. Yeah, here's one of those missed typos...though I must say, that must be one of the most stupidest typos I've made all year...XD And greatly noted. Well, I mainly worded it that way for Zan because the squad already heard the mission details before Ian did. But I should have made him state so otherwise, so yeah, I'll look out for that from now on. Ironically, I was trying to avoid that. XD I'll admit that I have a nasty habit of contradicting my actions unintentionally when writing. I need to grow out of that. -- Everything else that wasn't quoted, I just took good note of it. Thanks for your input, eclipse!
  6. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=30713 All I ask is that you don't pull any punches on any constructive criticism. Go all out when judging. I'd like to think I'm tough enough to not get upset with something that is made to help me improve my skills.
  7. First off, the feedback topic is here. So, this is one of my fantasy fictional stories that was inspired by many games, etc. and was compiled into something that's similar. If you want direct examples, Star Ocean IV (Mainly this one), Tales Series, and FE were great inspirations to it. Just thought I'd give you a heads up on what type of story you'll end up reading here. I've only been writing seriously for two years now. But that doesn't mean a thing, as I still look at my works as if they could have been better, but don't really consider them either good or bad. I let the viewers decide. I'm not one to judge my works immediately, meaning I'm not the type to say "I think I did a terrible job on this" just to gain some sort of self-pity or for anyone else (No offense to anyone with that statement). But enough of that. Here are a few things to know about this story before you read: This story is written in past tense. If you happen to see any sudden switches in tense, chances are it's just a typo that kept dodging my eye when proofreading. Same goes for normal typos. Not every chapter will have a Journal entry from the main character. Only certain ones. That and the journal entries are the only parts of the story that are written in first person point of view from the main character. Though I should note that the very first entry isn't 'exactly' a true event entry. More like your quick facts to get a good idea what this story is about ahead of time. I'm not too creative on names, admittedly....so if you tend to see some familiar (Which are only about two characters) names of characters from any games (Including FE), that's just me being lazy. But it works, apparently. This has mild swearing in it and slight detailed violence within battles, but is headed to more of the PG-13 group. Every now and then, I'll probably throw in a small link to music on YouTube that fits the mood of certain parts of the story to give it a little more life. Mainly the action-detailed battles. Music will mostly be from video game soundtracks and such. If you have objections to that (Which so far on other places I posted this on, they didn't see a problem with it), please, PLEASE let me know in the feedback topic. Though the first few chapters won't have anything in it. Don't see the need. Since this story is new, I do not know if it will be completed or not. So if I suddenly stop updating it for a very long time, then I may have given up on it or placed it under temporary hiatus, as I tend to have a busy schedule. This story may seem cliche, but honestly, what isn't? XD So, without further adieu, here goes... -- Celestial Chronicles Prologue: New Hope Journal Entry 1: My time to shine - March 15th, 2055 "Finally, the day has come...I'm finally a full-fledged soldier of the Radiant Force. Heh, I bet you don't even know what I'm talking about here, huh? Not like I expect anyone to read this Journal." "The Radiant Force is the military force that has protected our dear Planet Earth for over thirty years. We have trained warriors all across the globe, equipped with the latest technological weapons and armor. They say around 2020, some ancient equipment and large celestial ships were excavated from underground sites across the globe. This equipment was then analyzed and researched day-in and day-out. The process of experimenting with this ancient technology was very tedious...but over time, we were able to use the data collected from the ancient technology and create our own." "Today, it's practically normal to see air ships flying through the skies. Land ships and bus systems still operate for those who are uneasy with traveling airborne, but they are slowly becoming obsolete." "So I bet you're wondering with all this technology, why do we need the Radiant Force? Well, sometime around the year 2022, some strange out of space life-forms attacked our planet. Earth barely held off the attack and yet they still believed they were all right. But soon months later, the attacks on Earth became frequent to the point where armies were wiped out flawlessly. Then they came up with the idea of using our new technology to build weaponry. That is when Sigurd Magnius, the Commandant of the Radiant Force lead our people to victory with our new found power...and you want to know something? I'm the lucky little bastard that is his son." "But around the time I was ten years old, my father disappeared on an outer space mission. But when he went missing, he left the Radiant Force with these very words on a video recorded message: 'Though I may be gone, the Radiant Force will remain glorious. Do not fear because your commandant is absent. It is exactly at times like these where our forces must stand even stronger than before, surpassing all limitations. Radiant Force does not fail. Protect our planet for those you love. It matters not your strength...it's the heart that counts!'" "...That message was from nine years ago and father has never shown up since. I respect my father. Everyone looks up to him like a role model. My older brother, Cain and I are both very proud of being our father's children. But Cain always was a prodigy...he became a soldier of the Radiant Force at the age of 15. That was around the time after father disappeared...and I was still a trainee at the time. But Cain and I made a promise to each other that when we both are in the Radiant Force together, we'll set out into the great big galaxy together to find our father. Other search teams are unable to find his whereabouts, but I know Cain and I can do it!" "That's why I'm so happy today. I'm finally a soldier, but they say that I must go on a mission to test my skill. I won't be able to see Cain until after that mission. But I wonder if my brother has time for me now...he's already jumped up to the position of Captain. But I don't have time to worry about that for now. I have a long day ahead of me...!" End of Entry - Ian Magnius -- The burning sun shined brightly in the clouds. It was a beautiful sight for the main headquarters of the Radiant Force, which was stationed in the very center of the capital city, Belmont. Due to it's size, Belmont is considered the largest and most beautiful city in the world. People would come all over just for sight seeing and tourism purposes. If it wasn't for the latest technology, this city would have still looked like a small village. Those were considered ancient times now. The steady pace of everyday life made Belmont a very busy city. On the very roof of the Radiant Force's HQ stood a somewhat tall, young light-brown skinned man staring at the sun. A gentle breeze passed through as it made the man's clothing flow with the wind. As the wind blew a side of the dark blue battle cloak he wore, a lone sword was seen sheathed in its scabbard, as his left hand gripped the center. The young modern day swordsman was thinking very deeply about the day that was prepared for him. His mind was trailing off as his gaze at the skies were allowing him to build up quite a train of thoughts. But those collective thoughts were soon after disturbed when the wireless earpiece in his left ear buzzed, like a call was coming through. The earpiece was small enough to be mistaken for an MP3 player earphone as it fitted perfectly on the inside of his ear. "Ian of Blade Squadron! Temporary Commandant Zan requires your presence in the briefing room. Do not be late." a very feminine, yet strict voice said. "...Yes, ma'am. Understood." Ian replied before cutting the link as his finger slipped from the comm. link. This was Ian's big moment he was waiting for. Although it would have been better if he received orders from the real Commandant, he was at least satisfied that he could finally put his skills up to the test. "Well, looks like it's time to go...Shouldn't be hanging out here thinking so much for too long now." Ian clenched both fist, feeling a little anxious...but he wanted to be as strong as his older brother, Cain and his father...and the first step to that goal was to shake off all feelings of anxiety as he approached the door that led below into the HQ. -- On the way to the briefing room, Ian passed through the very large lounge where soldiers socialize and rest up after missions while having cooked meals prepared for them, as well as entertainment like video games and television. He took a moment to gaze upon the liveliness of the lounge from the upper area he stood from. He'd only recently joined Radiant Force, so none of the people in this lounge, or rather no one in Radiant Force besides his brother even knew him...just that he was a new recruit. So it was difficult to find friends, despite being the Commandant's son. Not like it mattered to him anyway. He figured he was merely wasting time here, so he decided to walk on over towards the hallway that led to the briefing room. He was happy that he was able to make it in, but his mind trailed off again as he strolled through, causing him to not pay attention to what's in front of him. A very light-brown skinned female with purple hair in a long ponytail was reading a book, which she seemed completely sucked into it, just like Ian was in his thoughts. After a few more moments, the two accidentally bumped into each other, causing Ian to fall backwards on his back and the young woman fell on her side, dropping her book right next to Ian's leg in the process. "Oww..." Ian rubbed his forehead, trying to see what just happened. The female was regaining her balance after getting knocked down, while Ian was trying the same. He was lucky that they didn't have their heads collide, as that would have been way worse. He was in a daze for only a few seconds, but felt a bit dizzy. "Goodness...are you all right? I'm sorry. I wasn't paying even the slightest attention." She said as she held out her hand, which had a silk white-colored and soft glove covered around it and the other. After gripping her hand, he slowly lifted himself to his feet. After taking his first glance, he realized that it was just one the female officers, though he had no clue as to what squad she was apart of without having to stare for an extended period of time. "...I'm fine. Thanks. Sorry about that." He said before trying to walk past her to avoid any sort of conversation. Ian could see her staring at him from the corner of his eyes. He didn't know if she was mad or anything, but he tried to focus on hurrying over to the briefing room. "You...you're from Blade Squadron? I've never seen you before...You must be that new guy!" the girl shouted out to him. At first, Ian became a little defensive when he first heard her talk out to him, just out of mere reaction. But then he wondered how she knew his info on the squad he was assigned to. Though he realized it must have been because of the symbol of a sword going through the Radiant Force emblem embedded in the shoulder area of his dark blue jacket-like battle cloak. He finally decided to confront her again to avoid showing horrible manners. He saw the same symbol of his squad on her jacket as well. That explained a lot. "Yeah. The name's Ian..." The girl nodded her head and held out her hand again for a shake. "Nice to finally meet you. I'm Cecilla. I never knew I'd bump into you like this...and so early!" "It's a pleasure..." Ian accepted the handshake, but he still felt a little defensive. He did well hiding it, fortunately. He was at least able to look her in the eyes this time without trying to rush out, though her last words puzzled. "Wait...what do you mean by 'early'?" "Oh. Lieutenant Gelma decided to send me to find you." Cecilla picked her book bac up from the floor before continuing. "She said something about having a feeling you'll be late, as the briefing had just ended." "...Seriously? Is she TRYING to start me off with a bad impression to the force by telling people something like that?" Ian commented to himself. Ian felt annoyed, but he couldn't argue to himself about it regarding this situation. It was indeed confirmed that he was late upon hearing the news. Not wanting to involve Cecilla within his own affairs, he simply took the info without mentioning anything. "I see. Thanks for telling me. I'd better get going...see ya." He twisted around to turn the corner nearby with a sprint. He hated to cut the conversation short, but he didn't know how much longer the lieutenant or the temporary Commandant were waiting. "Uh...bye?" Cecilla slightly waved, seemingly thrown off guard, but casually walked off in the opposite direction. -- Now that he finally arrived at the end of the huge hallways, Ian took a very deep breath as he leaned on one of the walls to catch his breath. After opening his eyes, he saw that he was in front of the door that has "Briefing Room" above it. This was the place. "Phew...finally." Ian sighed with relief as he stepped in front of the door, having it automatically opened from both sides. When inside, he saw a very large table and a blonde-haired man sitting at the very end of the table. The room itself was nothing special. Only the essential equipment to hold their meetings, formulating battle strategies, etc. Before Ian could take another step, a short, yet neatly combed down green-haired female with glasses holding a clipboard approached the swordsman of Blade Squadron, once again sporting the common female officer's look, though having a rather different design. She began to get closer within talking range. "Hey! I plainly stated to be here immediately! What took you so long?!" "...Geez, Gelma. You aren't making this easier..." Ian said to himself. Ian paused for a bit. Within being in the presence of the Commandant, he had to mind all manners here...as well as to Gelma. "...Apologies, ma'am. I was on the roof." "Well, who the hell told you to go that far up when you know the temporary Commandant was going to call for your first assignment? Your other squad members left already, as it was a short briefing." She had a point. Ian then rubbed the back of his head again out of shame. He let his trailing thoughts control his priorities. But then the deep voice of the replacement Commandant sounded and echoed across the room to interrupt the little scene that unfolded. "Lieutenant...stand down. Act appropriately while on duty. It's the boy's first time, so I'm taking it from here." "...Yes, Commandant. I apologize." Gelma took steps back towards the wall to allow Ian to walk closer to the Commandant. Before approaching, Ian took a quick glimpse at Gelma before he passed by. He wanted to say something, but now wasn't the best time. Especially within the presence of someone else. Ian could feel the nervousness build, but he managed to walk straightly towards the other side of the briefing room where Commandant Zan is sitting. He took this chance to get used to the commanding officer's appearance. The short and greased up blonde hair was the most noticeable trait other than his crimson red eyes. They were quite ominous to stare into at first...they felt eerie. "Ian Magnius...we finally meet." said the Commandant. "...But you do realize that you missed the scheduled briefing for your squad? I know it's your first time, but you should remember to place orders above anything else. Understood?" "...Understood, sir." Ian didn't know what else to say as he finally approached completely. Talking to a high-ranked officer like this already was very strange and awkward, but he had a good reason as to why. So he just spoke what came to mind. "It's a poor excuse for an apology, sir...but it won't happen again. I promise." "Good. Remember it well, son of Sigurd. I have high expectations of you because of your training records, but that doesn't mean I'm going to grant you leniency. But I DO grant new recruits the chance to redeem themselves, so you are forgiven for this little incident." With a nod, Ian merely stood there...still unaware of what was to come, since he missed the briefing. He became silent out of mere precaution. "...You and your brother stared off the same though. Exactly the same, ironically. I'm quite sure you aware of this by now, but he's reached the ranking of Captain of his own squad. So hopefully you won't disappoint me, Blader Magnius. I can kick you out of the force just as easily as I can to a Squad Captain, so best be careful." Ian remained silent for a moment, but still acknowledging the words of the Commandant with the proper stance and nods. Even though it's his brother, he felt quite inferior to him. Cain was always better at things than Ian was, such as wielding a sword, great at games, and everything else they've enjoyed together. "But enough. It's about time we've gotten down to your first assignment, since you missed the briefing. I would have allowed your captain to brief you, but it's better for you to hear it now, so that when you head over to him, you already know what to do." Zan spoke. "...Luckily for you, this mission is just a simple investigation with possible force needed to be used. I try to fit new recruits in one of their squad's easier missions to test and examine their skill. Prepare yourself for the details." "...Yes, sir!" The Commandant smirked before opening a folder and pulling out some documents before speaking out loud. "Repeating exactly what I told your squad...intelligence division informed us that our space station and moon base have been acting strangely. All communications have been knocked off from the moon base itself and we are unable to contact them. Before the disturbance, they say some suspicious activity was spotted on the Moon behind the base stationed there." Zan explained. "Officials came to a conclusion that this strange activity is the source of the problem. Blade Squadron will depart for the Radiant Force's space station within the hour to investigate what the hell's going on up there. Then travel to moonbase to quell this 'suspicious activity' the space station is reluctant to elaborate on further other than giving vague details. Do you understand and accept this D rank mission, Blader Magnius?" "...Yes, sir! It's a duty of a soldier to accept any given task...nor do they have the right to refuse a superior officer." Ian said in the appropriate and formal way of speaking to a superior. "Good to hear. Now then...head over to the Hangar immediately. As I always say to all new recruits, show me what you can do and do not fail my expectations." "Understood!" Ian saluted one more time before he walked off. When he passed by Gelma, who surprisingly didn't have anything to say, he exited the automatic door. Though he realized her follow right after him. Arriving outside with Gelma beside him, he waited for the door to shut completely and began walking away. "...So, how's it feel to be the lieutenant of the entire Radiant Force?" He said, speaking to her more casually. "It's what I aimed for, so of course it feels great." She said after crossing her arms. "...We may know each other outside the force, but you still should speak to me formally within military bounds. It'll get you in trouble, kid." "...Don't worry worry, 'ma'am'. I won't forget it. I did well with it while with the Commandant though...right?" "You were okay, I guess." Gelma stopped walking. "But you're lucky newbies gain second chances upon their first screw up...I just didn't expect for you to screw up so soon though." "Gee...sorry, lieutenant. I had hesitations, that's all" "Hesitations? I never knew you hesitated about things..." Gelma then suddenly placed her hand on Ian's shoulder as she gave off a more serious tone. "Either way, be careful out there, Ian. I gave your father my word...and I'm not holding you back any longer, so don't disappoint me either, kiddo." "...Right." Ian finally took off to meet up his squad. He at least remembered the hanger was just a few halls from the briefing room. The first talk with temporary officer of command was very tough and awkward for Ian, but he felt a lot better to get things off his chest. He knew that the more military experience and more talking with his superiors, he'd get used to it and act like his usual, calm and collected self. Walking through the hallways once more, he thought about his future...and his quest to find his father along the way. But this was, of course only the beginning...
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fYxCrugJj_o He earnestly believes he can do it. Gotta give the kid some credit for sticking to his beliefs, at least...
  9. Chapter 18: (4:36) Beaten in 5 turns. The fastest victory so far on this playthrough. Had to use Matthew here for stealing-only.
  10. Chapter 17x: (Skip to 4:45) Well, since that stupid pirate was in Hector's way, I didn't catch the 5 turn to talk to Fargus...at least I got 4 starts for it anyway and all of the items. I was also taking a chance and taking them all on in one big mob. But thanks to dumb luck, no one died after so many near death experiences at least half of my units deployed suffered. Ah, well...I'm not complaining, since it's all good.
  11. Chapter 17: (2:19 for battle) Received my four stars back in tactics. I forgot my turn count, but it was way below 17, that's for sure. Now I finally got Raven. I had no idea in Hector mode that he actually comes at you as you get closer...that certainly was a surprise. o_O Port of Badon is coming right up. It's almost done uploading.
  12. The character portrait in your personal photo looks amazingly done! :)

  13. Chapter 16: (7:05 for the battle) Managed to catch it at exactly 10 turns, because I tried to level Eliwood up some more. Had some pretty nice level ups for everyone as well.
  14. Chapter 15: (2:42 for map battle) For those who skipped: Tactics: * * * * Survival: * * * * * Funds: * * * * * EXP...... * * * * * Combat. * * * * * Even though I've never played this chapter before, it was pretty straightforward.
  15. As far is it goes in my town, racism has significantly declined, yet greatly increased sadly... We had a few clubs like that when I was still in school. Not exactly the same, but similar to all of which you state. Heck, even my school itself was really prejudice. All of things there just made me feel like punching the nearest wall. That and everyone just seemed like it was perfectly normal (I'll refrain from going into deeper detail about the school thing). It's true that nowadays, people don't show their true faces to the world. It's that simple fact that I can barely trust people I don't know as it is. On the subject of racism, you know what hurts me the most? My family. I'll be short, yet brief with this as I don't want to change the subject. When my dad and I went to visit my grandmother, she showed us a mailed photo of my aunt (Who lives in another state) together with her new spouse, who was Caucasian. Then she made some racial comment saying "Why they always want to be with these white people?" and I'm saying to myself, "Why the hell does that even matter...how is that relevant to anything about this nice picture...?" Then my dad's disgusting me with nodding his head, agreeing with her and saying things like "Why be together with different race while you have all these sistas and brothas out here?" I, myself and African American...but I don't give a crap about falling in love with someone who isn't my own race. If my family has a problem with that, I'm done with them... ...but enough of that mini-rant. So I don't blame you for feeling this way towards racism. If anything, I agree with you wholeheartedly. It's something that will always bother me...I'm pretty sure others suffer ten times worse than I do though.
  16. Lost to PKL 1-3 in Mid, 0-3 in Low.
  17. I saw this video a few hours ago. This is now one of my favorite FE videos.
  18. Chapter 14: 5:11 is where you can see my current ranks. Just in case you 'only' want to see the map battle (Which starts at 6:02): Tactics: * * * (wat o_O) Survival: * * * * * Funds: * * * * * EXP: * * * * * Combat: * * * * * Dunno how Tactics dropped by two whole stars, as I've completed every chapter under the required turns for 5 stars. Anyway, I pretty much bomb rushed this chapter, due to it not being difficult at all. So now on after this chapter, everyone I've selected should be good on their own after this chapter. I'm going to test it out in Talons Alight (I believe that's Hector's extra chapter's name) and only deploy only the units that are supposed to be trained seriously...everyone I have so far anyway. Also...lol, good job on the level up, Erk.
  19. How did I miss this? I was in the chat when discussions were first made. I blame work... XD This looks so fun. >.>
  20. Chapter 13x: (3:03 for battle) Allowed Hector to stay in the area around the center to protect Merlinus, seeing as he's about three levels higher than everyone else other than Oswin and Marcus. Decided to let Rebecca, Eliwood, and Lowen get more combat. Pretty quick chapter, as well as getting that 5000 Gold in the top right side.
  21. Chapter 13: (Around 2:48 is where the battle begin) I wasn't paying too much attention to my turn count, but I'm pretty sure I made it for 5 starts in tactics again. I still have 18 uses on the Killing Edge, so I'll give that to Raven when he arrives.
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